Category: Undergraduate

Ford-Firestone Ethics Case Study

Upon reading the article, please complete the following items:

Provide a review of this article using APA formatting guidelines.  The paper should be a minimal of four pages, not including the cover page and reference page.  At least four references (including the article used for the summary) are required for this paper.

Content Requirements

1.)  Provide a summary of the case within the article

2.)  Who do you think was at fault for the tire exploding?  Please support your claim with evidence from the article and other references.

3.)  Were there any ethical violations committed from either Ford or Firestone?  Please support your claim with evidence from the article and other references.

4.)  Please apply the lessons learned from this case and apply it to a particular situation from either your past, current, or future career.

Provide a review of this article using APA formatting guidelines.  The paper should be a minimal of four pages, not including the cover page and reference page.  At least four references (including the article used for the summary) are required for this paper.

-Article is attached

Film&Theory Paper

This project will involve applying the three sociological theories (conflict theory, structural functionalism, and symbolic interactionism) to a film or TV show of your choice.

For this project, you must write a 2-3 page double-spaced analysis of a video. You need to:

Pick a film or TV Show
Provide a short summary of your film/TV show (What is the video about? Clarity is important!)
Separately, explain how conflict theory, structural functionalism, and symbolic interactionism would view/interpret your film/TV show. Thoroughly explain using sociological concepts/terms.
Which paradigm do you think is most represented in your film/TV show? Explain.
How to Submit Your Project
You will submit your work here in the CANVAS system as a Word 97-2003, .docx or other wordprocessing file (Google Docs, Open Office are also acceptable).

On the right hand Menu, you will see a SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button with a circle and a white plus sign.
Click on the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button. Then click BROWSE to look for your file on your computer.
When done, click the SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT button.
Film/TV Show Summary:  5 points (Clarity is important)
Interpretation of Conflict Theory, Structural Functionalism, and Symbolic Interactionism: 10 points (must be thorough)
Most Represented Paradigm: 5 Points (Explanation of selected paradigm: why did you select your particular paradigm? How does your paradigm explain your  video/DVD? Thoroughly explain).
Usage of sociological concepts: 5 points
The following content is partner provided


    Type of research               
    Purpose of the study                           
    Research questions/hypothesis           
    Implications for nursinginclude areas for education, research and practice
    Be sure to state how you would use this new information in your evidenced-based practice.


we can but do we dare

Research, compose, and type a scholarly paper based on the scenario provided by your faculty, and choose a conclusion scenario to discuss within the body of your paper. Reflect on lessons learned in this class about technology, privacy concerns, and legal and ethical issues and address each of these concepts in the paper. Consider the consequences of such a scenario. Do not limit your review of the literature to the nursing discipline only because other health professionals are using the technology, and you may need to apply critical thinking skills to its applications in this scenario
a. Introduction
Catches attention of the reader
States purpose of the paper
Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria)
b. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion
Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care
related to:
Patient privacy and HIPAA standards
Healthcare regulations
Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology
c. Scenario Ending and Recommendations
Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment.
Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved.
Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected
scenario ending.
Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications.
d. Advantages and Disadvantages
Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care
related to:
The advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare
Risks of technology use in healthcare
Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare.
e. Conclusion and Reflections
Summarizes what new information was learned by completing this assignment.
Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional. f. Scholarly Writing and APA Format
Paper submitted as a Microsoft Word document.
Adheres to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of:
Title page
Running head
Page numbers
Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages. Includes at least three (3) references that are:
From recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources
Cited in text appropriately
Included on an APA formatted reference page
Scholarly writing reflects:
Accurate spelling
Correct use of professional grammar
Logical organization of thoughts (mechanics)

Microsoft situation

Please use a simple English (not mother language)
Underline the most important parts
Prepare a short (1-2 pages / c. 300+ words)
Follow the instructions in the uploaded file and use only that article as a source.
The materials for the assignment are:

(1) an article from Treasury & Risk describing a specific situation confronted by MSFT, together with a report on what they did about it.  The project was successful in that it won the “GOLD Award” in last year’s competition for the Magazine’s Operational Excellence competition.

(2) An assignment sheet describing the specifics of how to compose and submit your paper on the topic  – including sample “prompting questions” to get you started.

the article is about MSFT confronting a specific risk and devising an internal strategy to control the consequences.  Your brief analysis and commentary about  the situation is solicited in the form of a short written response incorporating the “language” and “methodology”.

the second article called “Fragniere & Sullivan Estimating Risk” can also help to answer the questions. more details can be find in the file of the actual instruction.

Discussion board. Read the case study and answer the questions, explain your answers

Case Study:

Joe works across the street from your restaurant. He was initially reluctant to come into your place but with time your friendly neighbourhood spot grew on him. He regularly comes in for coffee and a croissant in the morning and or a quick lunch. He has been known to recommend your place to others and is always in your corner

His firm has just landed a new customer that will potentially mean hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to the firm. His Boss asks Joe to arrange food for a breakfast meeting with these clients and obviously he thinks of you. He makes arrangements with your staff to have coffee, tea, breakfast pastries, muesli and quiche delivered on the big day. Joe confirmed the order the morning before the big meeting and was assured that everything would be perfect the next day.

The next morning you hurried into your kitchen and went to work creating a fantastic array of breakfast items and you send them on their way. Unfortunately, the server sent to deliver and set up the event was a bit of a joker and liked to joke around with Joe when he comes in in the morning. He proceeds to tell several off-colour jokes in front of Joes boss and the new clients. In the process, he proceeds to thoroughly embarrass Joe.

1. What are Joes needs and wants when he comes in for breakfast during the week, and what where Joes needs and wants when he asked you to cater to the meeting?

2. Joes relationship with your restaurant is undoubtedly going to change. What lesson did you learn about the evolving relationships between you, your staff and your customers?

3. Based on the fact that you are essentially supplying goods and services to your clients. Do you think its safe to say that based on the high quality of the food and its presentation that Joe will overlook your staff members lapse in Judgement?

4.How has this situation affected Joes lifetime value for your restaurant?

information cycle

. How would you describe an Information Cycle in your own words to a friend?
2. List at least three (3) things that change over the course of an Information Cycle, and explain why these changes are signficant.
3. What is the most interesting or useful thing about Information Cycles?
4. Most of us get our information day-to-day from early points in the Information Circle. What are we missing when we don’t seek information from later stages in the cycle?
5. List 5 events that you’d like to examine through an Information Cycle. How do you think the Information Cycle would deepen your understanding of each event or topic?

2 pages, double spaced


To complete this assignment:

Read the assigned source in its entirety.
In the course of your essay, address the following questions utilizing the information found in the source as the foundation for your work:
Why does the author compare George W. Bush to John F. Kennedy in this article? How would you include Donald J. Trump in this comparison?
Read the following quote “In extreme circumstances, the heroic leader should even operate beyond the limits of the Constitutional government…the heroic leader must take command, for … ‘what makes short-run authoritarianism possible.'”
What is Schlesinger trying to convey here?
Thinking about the quote above, how do Presidents Kennedy, Bush, and Trump fall into the role of “heroic leader?”
The essay must be 620 words in length (minimum)
The paraphrased and directly quoted material used from the source must be cited using in-text parenthetical citations indicating the page where you found the information.
Add the word count to the end of your document.
Submit your essay to this assignment page.
Keep the following in mind while you write:

The essay must be at least 620 words in length (minimum).
Your essay should be written using information from the assigned source; this should be your only source used for the basis of your essay.
Do not use information from the chapter, outside sources, or your own opinions (unless prompted otherwise).
These assignments are exercises in gathering, utilizing, and analyzing evidence from a scholarly source that is provided.
All direct quotes and paraphrases must be cited. Use the Citing Direct Quotes & Paraphrases page for some quick tips on the differences between the two.
The paraphrased and directly quoted material used from the source must be cited using in-text parenthetical citations indicating the page where you found the information.
No author names are needed in the citation, since we are citing only one source.
A works cited page is not needed.
The individual questions asked in the assignment should not be addressed individually, but instead, they should be integrated into a single essay.
In some cases, utilizing your own opinion as a component of a question is acceptable, but only when prompted and then only in relation to the assigned question and in reaction to the assigned material.  When this prompt is given, it will be clearly stated.

Assignment 2: Legal Analysis Memorandum

Assignment 2: Legal Analysis Memorandum

For this assignment, you will submit a three-page memorandum evaluating whether Brown violated Maryland law and identifying the specific criminal law code sections.

You must use the fact pattern provided below, the Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law (see the below link to this source), and your class materials for this assignment.  All sources must be properly cited.

Structure the body of your memorandum using the IRAC method provided below:

I. Facts: Summarize the material facts as set forth in the below fact pattern.

II. Issue:  The issue is a statement of the question to be addressed in the memorandum.  Specifically, you must discuss whether Brown violated Maryland law and identify the specific criminal law code sections.

III. Rule: Cite to the applicable sections of the Criminal Law code that apply to the fact pattern.  You may also cite to your class materials and any secondary sources to identify and explain the legal standards and rules applicable to determining whether Brown violated Maryland law.

IV. Analysis: Clearly and thoroughly explain the relevant law, as it relates to the specific facts in the fact pattern provided below.

V. Conclusion: State your conclusion as to whether Brown violated Maryland law and the specific criminal law code sections.

Format Requirements

Paper must be double spaced, 11 or 12 pt font and 1margins all around.
All APA 7th edition format requirements must be followed (cover page, in text citations, reference page). Refer to APA/UMGC – learning resources found in the content page of this course.
You must have resources to support your thoughts/opinions/information.  These must be cited both in text as well as at the end of the document. Your paper should not contain direct quotes, sourced material must be paraphrased.

Link to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law:

Fact Pattern

The facts are as follows: Julio Manga and his wife are the co-owners of a residence at 123 10th St. Annapolis, MD. Jonathan Brown was at the Manga’s house on Sunday, February 10, 2018, watching the Super Bowl.  A concerned citizen contacted 911 and reported that the occupants of the home were selling drugs out of the home and were presently smoking marijuana and that one individual identified as Brown had a handgun in his waistband as he entered the residence. Based on the 911 call, Officers responded to the residence.

The Mangas’ home has a very large living room window and while walking up to the front door, officers observed through the window Mr. Brown and two other guests sitting on the couch watching television and smoking something.  They also detected a distinct odor coming from the residence and observed Mr. Brown hand a very large baggie of greenish-brown matter next to someone standing near the couch.  Based on the officers training, knowledge and experience, the particular smoking device being used and the distinct odor they detected, the officers reasonably believed the substance the occupants were smoking and contained within the large baggie was marijuana. 

Officers then knocked on the door. After hiding the drugs, Mr. Manga opened the door and granted the officers access to the home and consent to search.  When the officers came inside, they informed Mr. Brown and his friends that they had witnessed the transfer of a baggie of marijuana between Mr. Brown and another gentleman and that everyone in the room had been observed smoking marijuana through the living room window. Police then observed what looked like a handgun sandwiched between the cushions of the couch near Mr. Brown and upon further inspection discovered three additional handguns underneath the same couch.  The officers then conducted pat-downs of Mr. Brown and everyone else in the room. On Mr. Browns person, the officers recovered two digital scales and $1,541 in cash. On the person to whom Mr. Brown had handed the large baggie of greenish-brown matter, officers recovered a large baggie of marijuana.  None of the guns are properly registered and none of the occupants have valid permits to carry any firearms.

Discuss the potential charges that can be filed against Brown.

impact on school

Respond to the following questions
1.How have you positively impacted your school in your time as a student? (250 words max)
2. What challenges have you experienced during your time at the school? What have you done to over come those challenges? (250 words max)
3. What has been your favorite school memory? (100 words max)
4. What does owning your school Class Ring mean to you? Why do you feel most deserving of the Ring Scholarship? (100 words max)