Category: Undergraduate


*Give an example of a specific product whose value is perceived differently by the customer and the business supplier.
(Let’s try to expand beyond the ones mentioned in the textbook, although they should give you some ideas.)

*Identify these differences in value and provide an explanation of why final consumers and business suppliers might perceive them differently.

*What is meant when we say that business-to-business demand is inelastic in the short term and discontinuous in the long term? [you might find some clues in your textbook p. 11]

*Give an example of a real business/industry that illustrates this phenomenon.

Text Book: Vitale, R., Giglierano, J., & Pfoertsch, W. (2011). Business-To-Business Marketing: Analysis and Practice. Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Performance Measurement

Case Company W:  Separating Sales forecasts from Demand Planning.
Are forecasting strategies different for independent demand versus dependent demand?
How is lumpy demand forecasting different from forecasting with set lot sizes?
How do benefits from better forecasting reach the bottom line?

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

The purpose of this project is to enable students in Cities of the World to develop a critical understanding of the challenges and prospects for one city or an urban region in the world based upon an assessment of its origins, current conditions and plans for the future.  The assessment should explore what is distinct about the city/region, its origins, population size and composition, governmental structure, economic and environmental assets and institutions, as well as its built environment.  What are the current issues that shape its planning and politics? Consider its livability and what makes it a good or not-so-good place to reside, and for which groups. 

These are just some of the questions you can consider in your assessment, but you can definitely go beyond these issues based upon your interests as well as the uniqueness of the place you are examining.  You should try to get current information about conditions and these are accessible from multiple sources, such as journals, web info, books, YouTube sources, etc.  Over the semester, I will have you ask for a brief update on your research to check on progress.

Crime and Punishment

Read:  Wrongful Conviction (Links to an external site below.)  and Facts about the death penalty.  (Links to an external site below.)Check out some of the work done on some of the Innocence Project  (Links to an external site.)cases. Continue reading the course textbook.
2. Watch: Into the Abyss  (Links to an external site.)or  The Thin Blue Line (Links to an external site.)

3. Answer: What are possible reasons for a wrongful conviction? What are the effects on a wrongly convicted person and their family? Do you think the risk of wrongful conviction is an argument against the death penalty and life sentences? Why/why not?

Discuss Collaboration Considerations

1. Address the bullets below.

Answer question #1 at the end of Chapter 1 in Team Writing (p. 11).
Complete the Team Preparation Worksheet in Chapter 3 of Team Writing (p. 30).
Find 2-3 collaboration tools applications and another 2-3 web meeting applications.
2. In your initial discussion board posting, use your answer to question #1 and the completed team prep worksheet to draft the following sections for the Team Charter (do this individually for now. You will synthesize your work later.)

Broad Team Goals
Measurable Team Goals
Other Concerns
3. Find two applications you can collaborate with. such as Zoom and Google Hangouts.

4. Then, list and link to each application you found for collaborating with your teammates. Briefly discuss at least one thing you like about each and at least one thing that worries you about using each.

Please find samples provided and base your work on it, this should be very simple with the sample provided.

There is a tendency in Japan that the real law is not exactly as they are written and look. Please discuss the merits and demerits of this

Hi, I assigned you last time, if you don’t remember me you can have a look at #186123839! I loved your paper and this time is very related to the previous task! so I assigned you again:)

Basically, the topic is ‘There is a tendency in Japan that the real law is not exactly as they are written and look. Please discuss the merits and demerits of this’

I uploaded the handed out materials in the class, so it will be very helpful to write the report. Please have a look and write the report based on this! you should read and understand what the lecture’s content or flow is.



Persuasive Presentations

Please watch 3 videos below which are an effective persuasive presentations and make comment for each. Comment in general about the videos and give your overall impression.
Try to write at least 5-6 sentences (1 paragraph) for each video.


You can use these questions in help of discussing the videos:

What were your overall impressions? What makes these presentations effective? Were there elements of the presentations that could have been improved?

Were the presentations effective at holding your attention? If so, what were the elements of the presentations that were able to hold your interest.

What types of evidence did the presenters provide? Was the evidence convincing?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This week, we’re analyzing the story, Snow, Glass, Apples, by Neil Gaiman. Now, write out that analysis in three paragraphs: an introduction and two evidentiary paragraphs.

You can find the story in Files / Stories.

The paragraphs should follow a very precise form, using rhetorical patterns. Follow this form EXACTLY, sentence-for-sentence.

The first paragraph is an introduction. The introduction will do the following:

Introduce the story and make a specific assertion about the story’s theme.
In two (2) to (four) sentences, make references to how the story establishes the theme being discussed.
Make a specific assertion about how this analysis will prove a very specific reception.
Discuss how that reception will be established, by referencing two pieces of evidence.
After this, the essay will follow the usual steps for two paragraphs’ worth of analysis.

Both of the following patterns together form ONE paragraph. So you’ll need to use both patterns for both paragraphs.

This first pattern is the Paragraph Introductory Pattern. You should use this only once per paragraph.

Topic sentence — one (1) sentence. This should be a clear, unambiguous claim about what the paragraph is going to demonstrate. Resist introducing evidence in the topic sentence. Instead, focus on making a claim that requires proof.
Explicitly state now how you’re going to prove the topic sentence’s claim. This might require more than one (1) or two (2) sentences.
Next, we’ll again use the Textual Analysis Pattern for each of the two following paragraphs. But we’ll add a sentence to the top of the paragraph.

Then, introduce the scene you’re about to discuss. Do this with two (2) sentences:
The first sentence should somewhat broadly refer to the part of the story you’re going to cover.
The second sentence should focus on the particular detail(s) you’re about to address.
Now make the point you want to make by analyzing how the specific text you’re referring to demonstrates your claim. This will take four (4) or five (5) sentences.
The first sentence should establish how the text serves as an example of the point being made.
The next sentence should elaborate on the previous one by pointing to additional detail or establishing how the text relates to other excerpts from the piece. The main thing here is to elaborate — either get into more detail, or tie the excerpt to other, similar examples.
The next sentence or two (2) should tackle some kind of counterargument. In other words, how might a reader try to disagree with your claim? Try to resist that imagined disagreement by first establishing what it could be and then briefly claiming why it’s incorrect. Pointing to yet more details of the excerpt is desirable here.
Finally, wrap up your point by indicating how this point might lead to the next related idea.
Each paragraph should be from eight (8), minimum, to ten (10), maximum sentences long. When you’re finished, submit your finished work here as a link to a Google Doc.

Medical Technology

The use of health information technology (HIT) has increased dramatically over the past decade, resulting in the federal government enacting several pieces of legislation such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009. Continuing to build on your proposal for a healthcare facility from Weeks 1 and 2, you are assigned to research and discuss the following:

Discuss the financial and health benefits that can be realized by implementing an electronic health record (EHR).
Research and explain the estimated cost of implementing an EHR and the estimated cost of managing an EHR over the long run.
Discuss current security concerns surrounding HIT and the EHR.
Discuss how electronic health records can be used for decision-making and problem-solving.
Choose 1 piece of federal legislation (e.g., HIPAA, HITECH Act, Meaningful Use), and discuss the requirements that legislation imposes on the use of HIT and the EHR.
Note: You must use at least 3 scholarly references.

Request for Proposal and Compilation of Implementation Plan

Part 1: 3 pages,
Part 2: 1 -page RFP

Draft Implementation Plan and Request for Proposal (RFP)

This week, you have 2 deliverables. You will compile your plan for selection and implementation of a new EHR system based on the work that you have done in Weeks 13. You will also create a Request for Proposal (RFP) using a standard template. Continue to utilize the scenario to assist you with your plan completion.

Part 1 Task: Implementation Plan for Replacement of the EHR System

Compile the information from the IP assignments in weeks 13 into your draft plan. Remember to incorporate the following:

Introduction paragraph: What is this plan all about, what are you discussing, and why is this necessary
Components of the plan: Here you incorporate your findings from weeks 13 into 1 document
Address the readiness assessment, benefits, and potential implementation issues
The overall project plan, including organization, migration path, plan for communication to stakeholders, and change management
Recommendation of vendors
Considerations in selecting a vendor
Which vendors were researched
Which vendor was selected, and why
Part 2 Task: Request for Proposal

Now that you have selected a vendor to supply a replacement EHR system to the clinic, you must submit a request for proposal (RFP). The RFP is a valuable tool that is used to provide detailed requirements to potential vendors and gives guidelines to those vendors to follow during the bidding contract. The RFP is a solicitation to a vendor to provide information that helps you make a decision on which vendor to choose for the new EHR.

The first part of the RFP includes a cover letter to the vendor and a general description of what is being requested and what needs to be included. This is the part of the RFP that you will prepare. The second part covers the proposal that the vendor would fill out and complete to cover the following (Wager, Lee, & Glaser, 2005):

Vendor qualifications: General background of vendor, experience, number of installations, financial stability, and so forth
Proposed solutions: How the vendor believes its product meets organizational goals
General contractual requirements: Warranties, payment schedule, penalties for failure to meet schedule specified in the contract, and so forth
Pricing and support: Quote on cost of system, utilization of standardized forms, and so forth
Clinical decision and administrative support: Discuss the advantages of Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) and a Management Information Systems (MIS) on the health care information systems, especially with the EHR
Complete the first part of the RFP, which will list numerous items that Yorkshire Clinic requires for its new EHR system, such as the following:

Information about the clinic
What functionality is desired
Product description
Patient accounting and reimbursement
Utilize the format provided in the document at this link to assist you in your proposal. Use the RFP template for health information technology. This document provides information on how to write your RFP. Note: You only need to write the RFP. This template contains numerous pages after the proposal description that would be used by the potential vendor of the EHR system to whom you send the RFP. Do not complete or submit the Vendor Profile because this is what a vendor would complete and return to you for consideration.

References (2018). Request for proposal (RFP) template for health information technology. Retrieved from

Wagner, K. A., Lee, F., W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Managing health care information systems: A practical approach for healthcare executives. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.