Category: Undergraduate

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

1) What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs?
2) Name each level and state what goes in each level.

Conduct a brief research following APA style 7th edition in no more than 3 pages in a word document. Please, take into consideration that plagiarism will NOT be accepted.

Confidence Intervals

Initial Post Instructions
Textbook: Chapter 8
Minimum of 1 scholarly source

Thinking of the many variables tracked by hospitals and doctors’ offices, confidence intervals could be created for population parameters (such as means or proportions) that were calculated from many of them. Choose a topic of study in the nursing field that is tracked (or that you would like to see tracked). Discuss the variable and parameter (mean or proportion) you chose, and explain why you would use these to create an interval that captures the true value of the parameter of patients with 95% confidence.

Consider the following:

How would changing the confidence interval to 90% or 99% affect the study? Which of these values (90%, 95%, or 99%) would best suit the confidence level according to the type of study chosen? How might the study findings be presented to those in charge in an attempt to affect change at the workplace?

Assignment: Yes, Im Serious Campaign

Assignment: Yes, Im Serious Campaign
Aiding important initiatives to gain state and national attention is an important part of professional nursing advocacy. One way to ensure effective advocacy is to contact and enlist the support of those in positions of power. In this Assignment, you will be presented with a typical fill-in-the-blank letter that often comes across the desks of those in the nursing profession. You will use this template to help further the Yes, Im Serious Campaign and practice your skills in advocacy.

To prepare for this Assignment, review the following in this weeks Resources:
The Week 4 Assignment: Yes, Im Serious Campaign Word document
The readings for this week, gleaning facts that would further your cause
To complete the Assignment:
Read through and fill out the designated parts of the “Yes, I’m Serious” Campaign letter.
Include relevant facts and opinions based on the Resources and your professional experiences.
Include at least one scholarly reference within your letter.
Note: The Yes, Im Serious Campaign is fictional, and letters should not be mailed.

Reflecting on Johns Gospel

I dont have all the reuired materials for this assignment if you could just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!

In your weekly course journal, you will reflect on prompts and consider what it may look like to reflect a Christian worldview within John. Keep in mind that this is an opportunity to reflect on your growth and understanding and perhaps consider course concepts a bit differently than you have before.

In 2 double-spaced pages, consider Johns Gospel from a biblical perspective. Choose 2 “threads” of integrating a Christian worldview to write about from the list of options below. Clearly identify which 2 threads you have chosen. Be sure to explain what your chosen threads might look like in theory and practice. Try to use all threads by the end of the course.

Biblical Integration “Threads” (choose 2):

God-Worshiping: The Christian worldview understands that worshiping God is about celebrating who God is, what God has done and is doing, and what God has created. Christians see worship as a way of life.
Idolatry-Discerning: The Christian worldview understands that when other “things” are more important to us than our relationship with God, they become idols. Christians are challenged to identify, understand, and discern the idols of our time and to then respond prophetically.
Earth-Keeping: Christians respond to God’s call to be stewards of all of creation.
Beauty-Creating: The Christian worldview celebrates God as the #1 Creator and understands that when we create things we show that we are made in God’s image. We offer praise to God by creating beautiful things. Our creativity makes God smile!
Justice-Seeking: Christians act as agents of change by identifying and responding to injustices.
Creation-Enjoying: The Christian worldview celebrates God’s beautiful creation.
Servant-Working: The Christian worldview works actively to heal brokenness and bring joy.
Community-Building: Christians should be active pursuers and builders of communal shalom.
Image-Reflecting: Christians bear the image of God in their daily lives. All humans are image reflectors.
Order-Discovering: Christians find harmony and order in God’s creation.

John 1321

I dont have all the required materials for this assignment if you can just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!

Next, we will explore John 1321.

Read and watch the following resources in order to better understand the second portion of John’s Gospel:

John 1321
Strauss, Four Portraits, One Jesus, pages 386393
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Lamb of God (Links to an external site.)”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “I Am Sayings (Links to an external site.)”
Green, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, “Farewell Discourse (Links to an external site.)”

Begin by reviewing all that you have learned from John’s Gospel in these last 2 weeks.

Then, create a Fab 5 list of the concepts that you believe are the most important from John’s Gospel. You may follow a simple list structure for each Fab 5. Summarize the concepts in your own words. You need to have 23 sentences per item describing the concept and why it is valuable.

Hypothetical Interview with John

I dont have all the required materials for this assignment if you can just do your best it would be greatly appreciated!!!

The purpose of this assignment series is to identify the particular and distinctive contributions of John’s Gospel. To accomplish this, you will create an imaginary interview with John, and while some of the questions are provided below, you will provide what you think their answers would be according to John.

Below are the questions you must ask John:

What motivated you to write your Gospel?
What credentials do you have in writing this Gospel?
Since Matthew, Luke, and John also wrote Gospels, what do you offer in your Gospel as a distinctive contribution?
What do you hope that readers of your Gospel especially understand and apply after reading your Gospel?
In 10 words or less, explain your portrait of Christ. In other words, state what one learns about Jesus in your Gospel in a way that that is especially unique to your Gospel.
Ensure you have answered the questions above. Then create an additional 5 questions and answer them according to what you believe John would have said.

Current Events as They Relate to Johns Gospel

I dont have all the reqired materials for this assignment if you could just do your best it would be greatly appreciated.

As Christians, we have a responsibility to view the world and its circumstances the way Jesus would. There is much in our society and the world as a whole that can sharpen our minds and our philosophies when it comes to this discipline. Applying the Gospel to what is happening around you is important in developing your biblical worldview.

Begin by finding a reputable article about a current event that has occurred in the past year that displays similarity and disparity with John’s Gospel, its narrations, themes or purpose. Read the article and consider how it connects to what we have been learning in John’s Gospel.

Then, in a 1- to 2-page, double-spaced reaction, complete the following:

Provide the link to your article.
Write a brief paragraph summary of the story in your own words.
Share how you think this article displays similarity or disparity with John’s Gospel.
Describe how this article fits or diverges from what we have been learning in the class.
Draw a biblical connection to your article. This can be in the form of specific Scripture in John, or 1 of its narrations, themes, or purpose.

PechaKucha Presentation: Final

Your presentation using the PechaKucha approach will be uploaded here. Be sure to closely follow the instructions provided in PechaKucha Presentation: Introduction and upload your PowerPoint Show as an attachment in your initial discussion post here.

To create your presentation in PowerPoint, follow the guidelines below. (These instructions relate to PowerPoint 2016. You may need to search the internet for instructions specific to your version of PowerPoint.) In addition, you can watch this brief how-to video.

Open PowerPoint and begin a new presentation.
With your first slide selected, click the Transitions tab.
Under Advance Slide on the right-hand side, check After and enter 20 seconds in the box.
Click Apply to All and then create 19 more slides.
Now you may add your pictures to each slide.
Now, to add audio to the presentation, complete the following steps.

Click the Insert tab and then click Audio. If given the option, choose Record Audio.
Click the red record button to record your audio for each slidenote that each should be close to but still under 20 seconds in length.
Click the square stop button to stop recording.
Click OK.
Next, select the audio icon that is now on the slide and click the Playback tab.
Under Start, choose Automatically and check the Hide During Show box.
After you have recorded and set up all audio and pictures for each slide, click File and Save As.
After choosing where to save (if you have not done so already), go to Save as type and choose PowerPoint Show.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Using the course materials provided in weeks 1 and 3 lessons, please write a 500-word minimum essay that addresses all aspects of the following topic?

1. Define and describe the field of anthropology and what some of their research interests are.

2. Define culture and some if its characteristics.

3. Using the film “The Cobra Gypsies” provide at least three examples of their culture and at least two ways their culture has been influenced by Western societies.

Unit 4 Assignment

After reading the material for the week, create an educational flyer for patients at a 10-physician outpatient clinic. The information should explain the clinics patient portal. Be sure to cover what it is, how to register for it, and the features of the portal. List the benefits of using the portal. The goal is to convince consumers of the value of using the portal and increase usage. The flyer should be one full page, and only one page.