Category: Undergraduate

ted talk

Creativity is an important attitude that can impact an individual’s ability to think critically. After listening to the TED Talk by Ken Robinson, what do you think? Do schools kill creativity? Provide your conclusion to this question and support it with at least two reasons.


The Graduate (Nichols, 1967)

General Instructions: For this week’s discussion, select a moment from The Graduate that utilizes cinematographic techniques in meaningful ways. Your goal is to explain how cinematographic techniques contribute to the mood/tone/meaning of your chosen moment. Be sure to avoid scenes that are covered, in-depth, in the lecture. Write 200+ words.
The Basics: tell us when the scene takes place in the film, and very briefly (one sentence) state what is happening.
The Techniques: IDENTIFY *all* of the cinematographic properties evident in the scene/moment. Only use technique terms from the book.
The Meanings: Explain what this scene achieves in terms of meaning generation. Identify how some or all of the cinematographic techniques contribute to the meanings generated in your chosen moment/scene.
The Meanings and The Bigger Picture: Explain, to the best of your ability, how the meanings generated in the scene/moment link up with broader themes or take-aways from the film overall.
Suggestions: The readings, lectures, and supplementary clips are vital to completing this discussion assignment effectively. The book and lecture, in specific, demonstrate how to analyze techniques for meaning generation. [For reference: cinematographic techniques include: lens choice, focal properties, framing, hue, scale, depth of field, onscreen and offscreen space, speed of motion, camera distance, angle, height, level, movement, and optical point-of-view.] Your post should contain several terms from the chapter.
At Least One Screenshot/Clip Required. Reminder: intentionally collecting and embedding screenshots is a requirement for this class. You are expected to collect YOUR OWN SCREENSHOTS. Its very obvious when students grab ones from another student’s post (!) or Google images (I know, tempting); the point is for you work with intent, to collect screenshots from the specific moment you are writing about. If you’d like to head back to the screenshot/video embedding sandbox, please do! 


The Patient Protection & Affordable Care ACT has been the health care law for the past ten years. The previous administration wanted to repeal and replace the law. However, they could not come up with a new health plan. The Biden administration is planning  to expand the ACA and have apublic option.

AFFORDABLE CARE ACT EXPLAINED: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

Explain how the new healthcare delivery systems and healthcare technology should impact a new healthcare law decision. Discuss how these new technologies, which improve patient quality care and life longevity, should be covered in a new health care insurance law.  (300 to 400 words)

Answering Exercises for Chapter 3

I need someone to help me answering the Exercises for Chapter 3
Just these questions for chapter 3
depending on the book’s explanation, and the uploaded data.

This exercise utilizes the data set schools-a.sav, which can be downloaded from this website:

1.    You are interested in investigating if being above or below the median income (medloinc) impacts ACT means (act94) for schools. Complete the necessary steps to examine univariate grouped data in order to respond to the questions below. Although deletions and/or transformations may be implied from your examination, all steps will examine original variables.

a.    How many participants have missing values for medloinc and act94?

b.    Is there a severe split in frequencies between groups?

c.    What are the cutoff values for outliers in each group?

d.    Which outlying cases should be deleted for each group?

e.    Analyzing histograms, normal Q-Q plots, and tests of normality, what is your conclusion regard-ing normality? If a transformation is necessary, which one would you use?

f.    Do the results from Levenes test for equal variances indicate homogeneity of variance? Explain.

2.    Examination of the variable of scienc93 indicates a substantial to severe positively skewed distribu-tion. Transform this variable using the two most appropriate methods. After examining the distribu-tions for these transformed variables, which produced the better alteration?

3.    You are interested in studying predictors (math94me, loinc93, and read94me) of the percentage grad-uating in 1994 (grad94).

a.    Examine univariate normality for each variable. What are your conclusions about the distribu-tions? What transformations should be conducted?

b.    After making the necessary transformations, examine multivariate outliers using Mahalanobis dis-tance. Which cases should be deleted?
c.    After deleting the multivariate outliers, examine multivariate normality and linearity by creating a Scatterplot Matrix.

Covid 19 Life/Death

The Covid 19 has put healthcare workers in an uncomfortable position when it comes to life or death of their patients. This essay will need to include at least three topics below.

Different DNR statuses


How healthcare workers can cope with loss (include resources)

Empathy and the healthcare worker

Italy’s who lives/who dies option

How family members of Covid 19 patients can cope (include resources)

When to call the code

This essay will take the place of one of your assessments within this course. You can use any resources available. You will graded based on the rubric attached.

Abrahamic Religions

1. According to the mainstream of each of our Abrahamic religions starting in reverse order with Islam, then Christianity and Judaism, what is the vision of a true believers heavenly reward?

2. Graphically illustrate each view somewhere and somehow in your Discussion Board response. [Searching Google “images” might be a good starting point for this.]

3. How are all three different from what you personally believe will occur after death? For example, Mormons have very specific teachings about what happens in the after-life..


After reading chapter 5 answer the following questions in your
Discussion Question #1.  What words would you use to describe the positive and negative dimensions of your organizations culture, or an organization with which you are familiar?  How can you explain the negative aspects of that organizational culture? Why have those dimensions developed in that way? What factors are causing, supporting, or reinforcing those dimensions?

Use the book i in upload and chapter to answer the questions in the discussion, Cite references.

Business Law – “Lawsuit” or “ADR”

Case Study: Frederick is a student at Central Fictional State University (CFSU), and he has a great idea for a new business invention. Frederick’s invention and the business that he plans to found based on it will absolutely revolutionize the market and will make him very rich. He decides to share his idea with a few trusted professors, and he even uses the idea in a research project for one of his classes.

While Frederick is at home over summer break, he discovers, much to his dismay, that his professors have stolen his idea and have opened a business marketing his new invention. Frederick immediately seeks the advice of the local lawyer who has a reputation for being a “scorched-earth” litigator. He advises Frederick that he should sue those professors for everything they’ve got.” Frederick, however, is not sure if he should file an aggressive lawsuit, or if there is a better way to proceed. 

Frederick knows that your business recently completed mediation to settle a lawsuit filed by one of your suppliers. He comes to you for advice on how to proceed. What is your answer to Frederick? In your response, consider whether the decision to file suit or to proceed through some form of alternative dispute resolution is affected by the previous relationship with the professors (can/should you sue a friend, how will the decision impact an ongoing relationship, etc.).  Also, what role could Fredericks faith play in his decision?

Refer to the Assignment Instructions folder of the course for general directions and grading rubrics for Discussion Boards, including requirements for word length, scholarly sources, and integration of a Biblical worldview.

Use the words “Lawsuit” or “ADR” (Alternative Dispute Resolution) in the subject line of your thread to reflect your conclusion. Do not use attachments, as these are cumbersome and inhibit the discussion process.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

From reading the AHNA website, as you hear terms “Holistic Care, Holism”, “Integrative Care”, “Functional Medicine”.  Answer these questions.
Which of these terms/words resonate with you? Explain.
Which of the terms/words would you like to learn more about? Explain.
Which of the terms/word make you uncomfortable?  Explain.
If you were to describe yourself now or as your practice develops, which terms would you like to use?  Explain.
Make sure to use at least 1 reference to support your statements.

Convergence – Divergence The academic discussion on the effects of globalization has been dominated in the last decades by the controversy between the convergence and divergence thesis. However new developments on globalization theory put into question t

Convergence – Divergence

The academic discussion on the effects of globalization has been dominated in the last decades by the controversy between the convergence and divergence thesis. However new developments on globalization theory put into question the fruitfulness of keeping on analysing this two thesis as an absolute dichotomy. As an example, Gupta and Wang (2003)* discuss two further possibilities (crossvergence and transvergence):

To bridge the differences between Convergence and Divergence schools, Ralston, Gustafson, Cheung, and Terpstra (1993) propose a middle ground using the term ‘crossvergence’ defined as a value set that was “in between” the values supported by the East and the West. Crossvergence suggests that the Asian organizations would develop a “hybrid” model blending the best elements of both their domestic and imported ideas (Abo, 1994).
While crossvergence offers a powerful perspective to integrate the twin forces of technological capability (associated with convergence) and cultural embeddedness (associated with divergence), it is not the only alternative. Sometimes the managers must integrate global models with their societal and organizational culture. In these situations, a distinct approach, that we term as ‘transvergence’, is needed. Transvergence may be defined as a formative change in the strategic modalities of an organization’s business through a creative reinterpretation and reapplication of indigenous culture and emergent market and technological opportunities (Gupta / Wang 2003: 69)

1. Discuss the extent to which a renewal of the divergence-convergence dispute becomes necessary against the backdrop of new developments on globalization theory (Globalization, McDonaldization, Glocalization, Grobalization).

2. On the basis of the result of the former discussion, examine the potential of alternative thesis like crossvergence and transvergence and what could be consequences for developing a new international management approach beyond the culture free culture bound opposition.

You don’t have to follow or answer these questions but it has to be along the line of cultural theories and comparing them.