Category: Undergraduate

Learning & action paper

The Learning & Action paper should be about a 50/50 split, with
50% covering descriptions and reflections on key concepts covered and learned that
ring true for the student, and 50% covering a specific action plan on how the
learnings will be used by the student.

These are the course sections:

Your Definition of Leadership Options Menu: Forum   
In your own words, what is your definition of leadership?  Why do you think your article is an example of good, ethical leadership?  Be sure to attach a copy of your article to your thread in PDF format.

Moral Reasoning Options Menu: Forum   
Select an issue facing leadership now. Take a stand on what you feel should be the solution, and explain your reasoning and approach behind it. Is your stand based on utilitarian concepts, individual or moral rights, or justice and fairness? What level of moral reasoning?

What is a “mensch”? Options Menu: Forum   
Research and answer the questions:  What is a mensch?  What are the characteristics?  What are the behaviors?  How does it relate to leadership?  Cite your sources.

Gratitude & Resilience Options Menu: Forum   
How important is gratitude?  How does a mensch practice gratitude?  How is a mensch resilient?  How did White show resilience?

Compassion & Relationships Options Menu: Forum   
How and in what situations is a mensch compassionate?  How does a mensch build relationships?

Callings Options Menu: Forum   
Research and answer the question:  How can work be a calling?  How does this relate to a mensch?  What is YOUR calling?


You will write a review of the book, summarizing key concepts and evaluating
the concepts and book based on prior readings, personal preferences and
comparisons. The review should be written in APA format.

The book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey

palestinian society and politics

Part A (75%):
Read carefully and answer all the questions.
Do not write more than two pages per answer. Subsequent pages will not be read. Three questions worth 25 points each = 75 points.
Part B (40%):
Read carefully! Define and explain each of the terms. Please do not write more than 10 lines for each term. Five questions worth 5 points each = 25 points.
Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced, standard margins (2.54 cm / 1 inch).
You do not have to cite any texts, but if you do whether you quote them directly or summarize them you must include references. You may use any referencing style.
Answer in English only. Submit in PDF or Word.
i attached the assignment below where the questions are ,

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In Oncology Clinic, bloodstream infection outbreak was reported and you were appointed to investigate the outbreak.
Describe in detail the steps you will follow to investigate this outbreak.

    Word limit: 700 750 words (2-3 page)
    Font should be 12 Times New Roman
    Headings should be Bold
    Color should be Black
    Line spacing should be 1.5

Solar-energy Systems – SEO Webarticle

We are a young start-up. What we require is some creative article for our website’s blog. It is accessible on: Show us what can you do and we might form a beneficial cooperation. Try writing something similar that is on our web page. We just want to bring the topic of solar-energy to the customer as interesting as possible and get the correct website traffic.

Chapter 4 – Essay 2

Discuss one of the following statements regarding what you have learned about the criteria of causation and threats to causal inference validity. What cause-and-effect relationships implied? What are some alternative explanations?
a. Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.
b. Capital punishment prevents murder.
c. Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to the use of other drugs.

Formatting: Two pages; You must cite the textbook, and provide information about the assignment from it.


All the instructions on how to make the ppt are in the link that is attached below. I have attached the photos for chapter 5. please remember that the textbook is a secondary source, kindly use the additional readings links for exegesis and talk about one topic only

I have also attached an example ppt. Kindly note that this is an example only, do not recreate this but hopefully, this helps make instructions clearer

Patriotism and Homeland

i need an annotated bibliography for the following sources
annotation must be in a minimum of 150 words, not including the citation
annotation must include at least one effective quotation
must follow the latest MLA style of formatting and documentation.
provide your working thesis statement at the top of your paper
working thesis: Patriotism to ones homeland in the twenty first-first century comes in various forms and yields different results depending on its support from the citizens and societies.

Gangl, Katharina, Benno Torgler, and Erich Kirchler. “Patriotism’s impact on cooperation with the state: an experimental study on tax compliance.” Political Psychology 37.6 (2016): 867-881. Accessed 26 Jan 2021.
Ouyang, Kang. “Integration of the Patriotism and the Homeland of Mankind.” The Chinese National Spirit. Springer, Singapore, 2017. 173-204. Accessed 23 Jan 2021.
Rakhimjonovich, Abdurakhmonov Farhod, and Abdurakhmanova Zuxra Erkinovna. “THE SENSE OF PATRIOTISM AS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE FORMATION OF NATIONAL UNITY.” Journal of Critical Reviews 7.5 (2020): 993-996. Accessed 23 Jan 2021.
Sifuma, Maureen W. Determinants of National patriotism in Kenya: a case of Nairobi county. Diss. University of Nairobi, 2015. Accessed 21 Jan 2021.
Younge, Gary. Patriotism needn’t be negative but it has to be honest. The Guardian, 3 Jan 2020. Accessed 24 Jan 2021.


Examine how the Anticipatory Mode of Documentary Filmmaking is used in the Waters of Death episode of Life After People. Explain why you believe this mode is or is not effective in moving people to action in this documentary program.
Thesis statement in opening paragraph.
Conclusion demonstrates proof of thesis.

Archaeology of Shamanism

Book Review (20%) review of three recent research (post 1990) papers on archaeology of China, five to six pages, double spaced. The content of these three papers should be related to each other and serve as the basis of your research paper. It must be properly referenced after the journal Antiquity.