Category: Undergraduate

community assessment (swot)

Students will complete a Community/SWOT assessment on a community/entity of their choice. Instead of writing a paper, students will complete a SWOT table and give a 5 minute presentation summarizing key findings and insights.

This assignment will be graded based on the rubric provided below (list of questions with assigned point value).  The information reflected in the rubric needs to be expressed in the student’s presentation and the SWOT table collectively.  In other words, students can give details regarding their interviews in the presentation (and then are not obligated to provide this information in the SWOT table).

The rubric is attached (see below).

In order to make a SWOT table, please see the following links for examples.  Please design a SWOT table in a Word document and upload this in addition to your video presentation.

WRIters choice

The blog post will most likely be a response to the readings, to one of the videos or songs. Or, it could perhaps be a response to the last class discussion. The goal is to read, view, or listen to this content and think about what they mean and how they relate to the theme of the course. What did you think about the arguments? Did you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Did something in the pieces surprise you? Or was there something you did not understand? Did you have something you found in the text that you wanted to discuss further? All of this is fair game. You can also bring in material that was not in the readings and resources from current events or social media if you think it enriches the blog by relating to the question of Black Religion.

Also Note to get some vocabulary from the reading and explain them in your own words.

Olupona, Jacob K. African religions: a very short introduction. Vol. 377. Oxford University Press, 2014. 72-88

H. U. Beier, “The egungun cult among the Yorubas” Prsence Africaine,  fvrier-mai 1958, No. 18/19 (fvrier-mai 1958), pp. 33-36 (Fela Kuti – Coffin For Head of State


Due  Feb 9th
Directions:  Search credible websites for clinical practice guidelines or recommendations from a professional organization on evidence-based practices related to the subject you selected for your PICOT question.

You can use Credible website:, (,  Joanna Briggs Institute ( Or

PICOT Question provided: In teen and adult obesity studies(P), how do the psychological factors (I) compared to health related quality of life(C) affect diagnosis, prognosis(O), and treatment within the general adult US population(T)?

Please write in body of paper: 
    In the first sentence, state the purpose of guidelines and cite the source in APA format.
    Then describe the developers (authors’ credentials or organizations who wrote it) and why you think this is a credible source or developer. Note: National Guideline Clearinghouse is the publisher, not the developer.
    Conclude with how relevant their guidelines or recommendations are to your PICOT.
    List the complete reference at the bottom.


Go to this link:
Download and read the free excerpt (Chapter 17) from my book, VisuaLeadership: The Passion/Skill Matrix: Do What You Love, And Love What You Do.
Attached is a copy of my Passion/Skill Matrix worksheet if they would like to fill it out for themselves after reading the chapter. 
Watch my TEDx Talk, The Power of Visual Thinking, which can be found on the home page of my website.
Come prepared with any comments or questions!

Global Health

This semester in Global Health you will choose one country on which to focus most of your writing assignments. The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to help you identify appropriate information sources about the country youll be exploring for your upcoming assignments. The annotated bibliography assignment is an individual assignment, and should include 10 sources. These 10 sources should include peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as reports from governmental agencies (e.g. CDC, your countrys ministry of health), UN agencies (e.g. WHO, UNICEF), and nongovernmental/nonprofit organizations (e.g. Gates Foundation, Marie Stopes International). These 10 sources must include 3 peer-reviewed journal articles and 2 government documents (e.g. guidelines, reports, statistical summaries, etc.). These sources should NOT include encyclopedia entries (e.g. Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia), or online forums (e.g. Reddit, Expat Focus).
For each source in your annotated bibliography, please include:

1) A reference, formatted for an APA-style bibliography
2) A brief paragraph (3-5 sentences) describing the source and how you anticipate it being helpful for your health disparities and healthcare system assignments.

*You do not have to use all the sources you identify in your papersthe purpose of this assignment is to help you get a picture of what information is out there (or not out there!). If you struggle to find 10 credible sources related to your country, you may want to consider changing countries before your first paper is due.
*The resources provided in the Writing and Formatting References folder will help you create APA-style references

metaparadigm concepts of nursing

To explore the metaparadigm concepts of nursing (i.e., nursing, person, environment, and health) from your personal perspective and explore personal and professional values.

Address all of the questions/criteria below and the other items outlined in the Grading Rubric to ensure your assignment meets all the criteria for this assignment.

Provide a brief, general discussion of your personal philosophy of nursing (such as its purpose, relevance and/or importance) and the purpose of the paper. Content must be paraphrased. Never copy/paste from a source even if you give credit.
Personal Philosophy
Thoroughly describe each major concept in the metaparadigm (i.e., nursing, person, environment, and health) as they are incorporated within your own personal philosophy. You may use a nursing theorist from your book or other source as a guide.

Provide a brief and concise, clinical example of how each concept in the personal philosophy is demonstrated within your own nursing practice, i.e., how do you incorporate your beliefs about nursing, health, environment, and person into your nursing practice on a routine basis? For example, if you believe the person is composed of body/mind/spirit, describe the exact ways you apply that belief in your care.
Values Clarification
Using the ‘Values Clarification Exercise’ on page 155 of the 7th edition of the Friberg text, select your top 3 values of importance to you and discuss how they affect your interactions with clients.

Provisions and Impact
Discuss at least two of the provisions in the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements you think you could improve at incorporating into your practice.

Explain the impact this improvement would have on your practice.
Logical closure to the full scope of ideas presented by reemphasizing the main points of the paper and/or providing suggestions. Content must be paraphrased. Never copy/paste from a source even if you give credit. This should not be an editorial commentary on nursing but rather a summation of the main points of the paper.
Philosophy/Values Rubric to understand the expectations for this assignment.

The paper should be 3-5 pages in length (excluding the title page and references). Do not exceed the page limit. Content exceeding the 5 page limit will not be graded.  Any references should been within the last 5 years for evidence based practice

Students must use the APA book as a guide when writing.

healthcare law and ethiccs

You will need to develop an information sheet that explains the similarities and differences between laws and ethics, and the impact of unethical practices on healthcare. An information sheet provides brief and clear information on the required subject. Often, bullet points are utilized in an information sheet; however, since employees will be expected to know and understand the material thoroughly, your information sheet should be more detailed and offer supporting evidence, including a reference list.
The information sheet should give your employees enough information to understand the differences and similarities between ethics and laws, the impact of unethical practices on healthcare, and the importance of professional ethics.
Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone in your information sheet. Remember, you are writing this information sheet for your co-workers; however, the CEO and the Board of Directors may attend.
Be creative, and make your information sheet fun, yet still clearly organized.

Info sheet includes a balanced, in-depth discussion on the differences and similarities between ethics and laws, along with ample supporting evidence.
Info sheet includes an in-depth discussion of the impact of unethical practices on healthcare, along with ample supporting evidence.
Info sheet uses audience-specific language and tone throughout, and organization is clear and consistent.

levels of prevention

Conduct research to address the following concerns. You can use the CDC website to find information that will help you complete the assignment, but you should include at least one other source.
Provide at least one paragraph for each question:

1.Diabetes is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Your program wants to understand the disease in terms of three levels of prevention so that they can develop programs and services that reduce morbidity and mortality from diabetes. Please provide an outline of three levels of prevention for diabetes with examples.
2.Lyme disease cases occur very frequently in many areas of New England. Your family and friends want to know about the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of Lyme disease. How would you describe the disease in terms of three levels of prevention?
3. Influenza is a disease that affects many Americans. As an epidemiologist, you are asked to review the three levels of prevention for influenza in front of your city council. How would you go about doing it? Please list a few prevention measures for each level.
Your paper should:
be 1-2 pages in length.
properly cite research sources.
be free of spelling and grammar errors.

Proposal and Preliminary Annotated Bibliography

The two main foci of this class are (a) the study of sound and aurality as a social,
technological and aesthetic practice, and (b) the relationship between these aural practices
and related or associated visual media. With this in mind, this paper should engage some
aspect of either of these questions. Ideally, your paper will draw on some problem, issue or
insight from class that has sparked your attention. To help you along this path I offer some
general questions and ideas. These are only suggested topics, so feel free to develop one
on your own or in conjunction with me. If you’d like my help developing a topic, please
see me in person during office hours.
Instructions for Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
Your proposal should provide a brief outline of the topic your paper will be exploring. It
should clearly identify and explain the primary research question animating your
investigation, as well as provide a justification for why this question is relevant within the
context of this course. The annotated bibliography should have 2 scholarly sources, none
of which are assigned as course readings (you can use course readings and/or nonscholarly as sources for your final paper, but NOT for the proposal). Each bibliographic
entry should provide (1) a properly formatted bibliographic entry, (2) a brief summary of
the source, and (2) a brief description of how it is appropriate to your chosen research
Suggested Research Topics
1) Explore the history of a particular form of creative aural practice and explore its
connection to related visual practices. For e.g.
– phonography or DJ-ing as a cultural form
– acoustic architecture
– sound poetry
– the development of multi-channel audio installations
– sound design for film, video, gaming, theater, television, etc.
2) Explore the work and ideas of a particular sound artist, discussing and
contextualizing their work historically and theoretically.
3) What are some intersections between sound (or visual) art as a “high” cultural
practice and related or similar applications in the realm of popular culture? For
example, how might you relate the radiophonic work of John Cage to that of
Scanner? Are there grounds to compare the Dadaist collage art of John Heartfield
and the music of Negativland? Can we compare the music videos of Director X to
experimental film or videomakers?
4) Compare the sound practice of a given communication medium in two or more
cultural, social or historical contexts. For e.g.,
– How does the approach/treatment/practice of sound in Indian cinema differ from
American (or Chinese, Italian, or French, etc.) cinema?
– How does sound of contemporary theater differ from the theater of Shakespeare’s

Accomplish week 5

Write a 500-1000 word description of one of the following items or of a piece of equipment used in your field. In a note preceding the description, specify your audience and indicate the type of description (general or particular) you are writing. Include appropriate graphics, and be sure to cite their sources correctly if you did not create them.
A.)GPS device
B.)MP3 player
C.)waste electrical and electronic equipment
D.)automobile jack
E)Bluetooth technology