Category: Undergraduate

Short Discussion

DQ4 Chapter 21 | Demographics
1313 unread replies.1313 replies.
For this discussion forum, you will be looking at how areas in the US are becoming increasingly diverse.  Brookings Institution does research on the changing population, using US Census and other data.  Go to the following site and look at the interactive maps there. (Links to an external site.)

After you have looked at the maps, consider a ‘trend or pattern’ that emerges from the data.

Post Covid-19 Norming

DQ 3 Chapter 3 | Post Covid-19 Norming
1818 unread replies.1818 replies.
I know that some people are sort of “Covid – over it” at this point in time, but not Sociologists – who study and attempt to understand not only people’s behavior and attitudes, but how the norms of our society are established and how they change.  As folks in my field look at society and hear people make reference to what will become the new normal, we think of a new normal in terms of social norms and how social norms might change.

I would like you to keep thinking like a Sociologist now and focus on norms (norms are the rules of society that we learn through instructions from the adults who rear and influence us [families, friends, teachers, etc.]).  These norms help us know how to be, how to act, and what is expected of us.  As we get a bit older, we are likely to find others who we consider role models – who emulate other norms for us.  In other words, we continue to be influenced by others as we grow and mature, and try to keep our behavior within the limits of expectations that will generally keep us from being really disapproved of.

Here is the question I want you to ponder here – looking at norms and norm changes that will be part of the new normal.  What norms are likely to change, based on what is likely to be at least the year-long (maybe longer) experience that we are having during this time of Covid-19. ( 9/1/2020 – I added an article from the NYT  ” Were All Socially Awkward Now” – that addresses this issue.)

I have wondered about many aspects of life that are affected by social distancing (Are touching and hugging as part of greetings gone?) and virtual communications, but also norms around appearance.  We have seen ‘famous’ people on zoom conversations go back to natural hair color, little or no make-up, and generally appearance that is far less than perfect.  Will that last when we can go out as freely as we once did – or will we ever again be able to go out with the freedom we have pre-Covid-19?  Perhaps perfection will not be so much a goal in the future (or is that too much to hope)?

What ‘norms’ do you think will change, or do you think nothing will be different when we get to the end of this era of Covid-19?

digitalisation of banking industry in the near future.

This is master course that aims to introduce the concept of Management Information Systems (IS) to postgraduate students. It provides an overview on the role of IS in transforming business processes, supporting decision-making, facilitating strategy implementation, and enabling enterprise integration

The author in the attached paper has anticipated the digitalization of banking industry in the near future. Based on reading this piece

1-To what extend would you agree with his claim?

2-To what extend would you expect that your relevant sector would be digital?
(I work in Panda retail company , Savola Group , Saudi Arabia)-(they create Panda click)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Research Topic : Gadgets (Smartphone and Tablet) Impact on Kids

Introduction:  The introduction should give an overview of what your report is going to be about and should also include the following

    The research question
    The thesis or claim
    Your reasons to support your claim (These are your main points, which you have to address in the body of the report. Each main point should be addressed in a body paragraph and should include evidence from the research that you have already conducted. This is where our work on the annotated bibliography is going to be beneficial.)  List the relevance of the research to you and the strategy/context that you will use. Refer to your writing plan and to the Components of An Argument in Choosing & Using Sources (152-154).

The Body of the Research Paper:

    Address each main point from your introduction in a topic sentence. Each key point should be addressed in a body paragraph and should include evidence from the research that you have already conducted. This is where your work on the annotated bibliography is going to be beneficial.)
    The opponents counterargument
    Acknowledgement of the counterargument
    Providing a response to the opponents counterargument: Refuting and providing alternative solutions.

Review the thesis and the main points and provide your final insights/comments about your thesis and main points. Bear in mind that this is your conclusion, which means you are concluding and not generating new ideas.
Style and Format:

    Font: Times New Roman
    Font Size: 12
    Line Spacing: Double
    Do not bold, italicize, or underline the title of your paper.
    Word count:  1500 – 2000 words including references, but not including the biblography.
    Include the Works Cited page if you are using the MLA style or References if you are using the APA style

Prepare for Primary Research


-“Primary Research” section of the Project #1 Assignment Prompt.

Technical Communication, Chapter 6, Researching Your Subject (pay specific attention to Conducting Primary Research>Questionnaires)
Driscoll’s “Introduction to Primary Research.”
Assignment Overview

In this response, each individual student will work on conducting primary research for your collaborative technology research report. Do this as soon as possible (asap)! You must have survey results for Due Date #6. 

To do this, you will
Individually answer the questions below.
Draft 3 possible questionnaire questions.
Discuss what information your questions are trying to gather.
Answer Questions | Develop Questionnaire Questions

Identify what you are trying to learn (what are your research questions?). Remember, for Project #1 you are focusing on the collaborative tool(s) of a specific field/profession/discipline. What do you already know about collaborative tools used? What do you want to learn or confirm?
Identify participants and data collection and management methods.
Who will you send the questionnaire to? Identify the people or positions that might be both willing to complete the survey and provide the information you’re looking for to answer your research question.
What program will be used to create the questionnaire? Identify two(2) possible programs to create and send out your questionnaire.
Where will the questionnaire data be stored? Analyzed? Discuss whether or not you’ll do this directly in the questionnaire tool, how you will make sure the whole group can access and analyze the data?
How will you send out the survey? Discuss whether how you’ll get your questionnaire to your participants.
When will you stop collecting responses? Discuss how long the survey will be live before you stop accepting responses.
Develop 3-5 possible questionnaire questions.
Your questions should be specific to your research question and the topic of collaborative technology in the selected profession. Make sure each question is focusing on one topic.

Initial post includes:
a research question
the who, what, where, when, and how of your questionnaire
3-5 questionnaire questions–introduction-to-primary-research

Secondary Research on Collaborative Tools

Use the Secondary Research handout to find resources about collaborative communication technologies in the professional culture you chose for Project #1. While searching, consider using search terms like “communicating/working/ researching/writing” “technology/technologies/apps/programs” in __<enter field/profession/discipline>__.

**Activities 1 and 2 in the Secondary Research handout should be completed after you’ve spoken with your group members so you can select a style guide and search terms** This means you will need to reach out to your group to discuss these decisions.

Remember that a collaborative tool is any technology that is being used to aid in collaboration. For example, in this class, we’re using Google Drive, and in the last assignment, you looked up project management apps and video conferencing programs. These are all examples of collaborative tools. Some professions/fields might call these types of applications or programs by another name, so you might need to do some digging on what terms will work best for your search.


Descriptive Statistics and Probability

Show your work and explain your process for determining the solution for each of these problems on a word document with the solution given below the problem.
If Excel was used, please indicate that as well on the word document.
A word document and/or the Excel Workbook (if used) should be submitted to the Dropbox with labels on the worksheets to indicate which problem is being evaluated.
All answers should be clearly indicated.
Written explanation, reasoning, and rationale should use complete sentences.
Summarize data with frequency distribution tables. 
Create a frequency distribution table from the data selected.
Write a sentence for each of three findings based on the frequency distribution table in terms of the variable chosen.
Visualize numeric variables through histograms. 
Using your frequency information construct a histogram (for continuous variables) or bar chart (for discrete variables). Make sure to title your chart appropriately.
Based on this visual representation, does the data appear to be left skewed, right skewed, or symmetrical. Explain your rationale for the choice.
Calculate measures of central tendency. 
Determine the mean, median, mode, and midrange for the data.
Determine if the data selected is left skewed, right skewed or symmetrical.  Explain the rationale for choosing which way the data is skewed.
Interpret data with descriptive statistics.
Calculate Q1, Q2, and Q3.  Explain the the significance for each measure found.  In terms these results, explain the meaning of the interquartile range.
Calculate the standard deviation for your data.  Describe the range of values that are within 3 sigma of the mean and the impact it has on the likelihood of a value being in that range in terms of the variable chosen.

Market Research

Part 2: Identify a Marketing Research Problem

Marketing research is the process of gathering and interpreting data for use in developing, implementing, and monitoring an organization’s marketing plans. Its key elements are the product or service, its price, its placement or the channels in which it is distributed, its promotion, the tangible elements at the point of contact, and the processes and people involved in making the exchange or delivering the service. In this regard, marketing research is used by marketers and managers to make key marketing decisions.

There are many different types of organizations that conduct marketing research. In this Discussion, you will explore the impact marketing research has on marketing decision-making in relation to different types of organizations. You will demonstrate a comprehensive understanding and expert-level usage of interpersonal skills to embody a professional demeanor using all of the following skills: communication skills, problem solving, decision-making, listening skills, negotiation, and assertiveness. Execute the following requirements in a PowerPoint presentation, and ensure you convey your audio and visuals in a professional manner using appropriate communication and presentation skills.
Identify one organization from the following categories:
Producers of Products and Services (e.g., Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Disney, etc.)
Advertising Agencies (e.g., MEC, McCann WorldGroup, etc.)
Marketing Research Companies (e.g., Nielsen Company, Arbitron, etc.)
Conduct research and discuss how the organization uses marketing research.
Write about research for the company selected in each category. (Three companies three types of market research used)
Explain the type of marketing research the organization produces or needs (see pages 10 and 11 in your textbook).
Part 2 should be in an audio/visual Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your paper should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
Your paper must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
A separate page at the end of your paper should contain a list of references, in APA 6th edition format. Use your textbook, the Library, and the Internet for research.
Be sure to use in-text citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA 6th edition citation style. For additional help with expository writing style, persuasive writing style, PowerPoint, and APA 6th edition formatting, please visit the Writing Center, accessed through the Academic Success Center within the Academic Tools area of the course. (Your paper should include a title page, be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font, include correct citations, use Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and list correct references on the reference page.)

Business Problem

Part 1: Propose a Marketing Research Study

Business owners and managers often identify problems they need help to resolve. In such situations, additional information typically is needed to make a decision or to solve a problem. One solution is a marketing research study based on a scientific research process. In this Assessment, you are on a quest to identify and develop a problem statement for a marketing research study.

Using the Random Scenario Generator (RSG), you will select an industry, business problem, and geographic market in which you will select a single business entity. You will be prompted to select 1 of the 3 options for each of the variables. Once you have selected from each variable category, the resulting scenario is to be the basis for your work on this Assessment. Each students scenario will be documented.

You will compose an expository paper to identify necessary information about the business problem, develop a marketing research problem statement, and propose research questions for your RSG industry by completing the following steps:

Step 1. Identify and Clarify Information Needs: You can learn a lot about a company by engaging in several different activities to define an existing problem (see pages 3234 in the textbook), including:

Conduct secondary research about your chosen organization to identify any existing problems the organization may be experiencing.
Visit the organization’s social media pages and websites to identify a problem the organization may be experiencing.
If possible, contact the organization and ask them what problems they may be experiencing related to the RSG situation.
Step 2. Situation Analysis: Once you have identified a marketing-oriented problem to research for your chosen organization, conduct a situation analysis (SWOT and/or PESTLE analysis) to critically analyze the internal and external marketing environment of your chosen organization in order to understand the complete marketing problem situation.

Step 3. Diagnose the Marketing Problem: Define the problem in a concise purpose statement. Determine the consequences of not addressing certain issues by considering the urgency or immediacy of the issue. Diagnose the marketing problem to identify the root cause and differentiate it from the symptoms of a marketing problem.

Step 4. Develop the Marketing Research Problem: Discuss the organization you chose and explain the industry in which they operate, the markets they serve, and the problem you identified and would like to study.

Step 5. Support with Research: Conduct a brief literature review using secondary research resources to uncover relevant theories related to the research problem under study. Synthesize a minimum of three peer-reviewed research resources in your writing.

Step 6. Research Questions: Formulate a minimum of three probing research questions. Interpret the problem definition and purpose of the study to aid in the formulation of the research questions. Explain how interpreting problem definition stimulates critical thinking.

anne Phillips view

In “Must Feminists Give Up on Liberal Democracy?” Anne Phillips writes that “while liberal democracy has signally failed to deliver on its promises to women, it does not help to address these failings in terms of giving up on liberal democracy.” Do you agree or disagree with Phillips’ view? By drawing on the academic literature we have been studying in this course, please take a position on Anne Phillips’ views. Make sure your answers are informed by and engage with the relevant course material. The average length of your original post should be around 400 words.