Category: Undergraduate

Objectivity and Bias and the Social History and Cultural History Approaches

For this discussion please read the following:  “What is Ethnohistory?” and Suny – “Back and Beyond: Reversing the Cultural Turn?” –> both of these pieces will give you an excellent introduction to the emergence of the New Cultural History.  Then, turn to the example of the New Cultural History as used by a historian –> Clendinnen: “Yucatec Maya Women and the Spanish Conquest – Role and Ritual in Historical Reconstruction”. Also review the link in the Week 4 introduction to the Pittock Mansion (in Portland, Oregon) to see an example of the Social History approach used in a museum setting.

As many of you are starting to realize, getting at the historical experiences of non-elites is essential for a fuller understanding of the historical past.  This week we look at a new approach that sought to illustrate the historical experience of the “common person” – the Cultural History approach (but keep in mind that you can also use the Cultural History approach to look at elites).

As you think about these approaches, consider the following questions; address them in your initial post this week:

1. What is the Cultural History approach about?  Look to Suny and “What is Ethnohistory?”. How does the inclusion of anthropological approaches help the historian understand “culture” better? (look to his discussion if Clifford Geertz). What sort of historical topics would the Cultural History approach help us better understand?

2. According to Suny, what are some of the challenges of this approach?

3. How did Inga Clendinnen use the Cultural History approach in her examination of Mayan women?What did the Cultural History approach explain that more materialist/structural approaches might have missed in an examination of Mayan women? Note:  one thing you should think about with her piece is how can she talk about the experiences of Mayan women during the colonial period, when they themselves did not leave much in terms of primary sources about their lives?  This addresses earlier concerns many of you had about the scarcity of sources left by non-elites – what are the sources Clendinnen uses, and how does she “read” these sources to understand the historical experience of Mayan women?  As you read this piece, look closely at the footnotes -where do her sources come from?

4. What is the Social History approach about and how is it different from the Cultural History approach? How is it used by the curators at the Pittock Mansion to show visitors what the material conditions of life were like for the wealthy in Portland in the late 1800s?

Post your initial post here. Then come back and respond to at least two more of your peers’ initial posts along with any questions addressed to you. Please ask lots of questions in this discussion, especially if things remain fuzzy for you.

Certification May Be Needed in Your Career as a Finance Major


In co-operation with the instructor, you will conduct research to find out what kinds of professional certification may be needed in your career.

First, you will conduct research using the internet and resources available in your major such as professors, your advisor, and written materials.

You should do this research as a team, though, with instructor approval, you may work individually. Your team must be made up with other students from your college only (business, engineering, law, or information technology). Teams should be no more than five students. Ideally, you should work with students who have the same major and specialization as you.

In your research, you must find the answers to the following questions. To prepare for your presentation, you should put that information related to each question on its own slide.

1. Is there a professional certification that will be required for your career?

2. If there is no required certification, is there any other form of certification, training,

or lifelong learning that may be optional but highly beneficial?

3. What are the trends in the types of certification / licensure required for your career?

4. At what point in your career will it be required? (Before you begin, before you

advance past the first couple of years, before you advance to a senior or supervisory position?)

1 of 3


5. What kinds of institutions will be involved? (Your employer, professional schools or institutes, colleges or universities, government agencies, etc.) Describe this organization in detail and the types of certification it offers.

6. Explain clearly and succinctly the requirements for one or more certifications, including a) education requirements, b) character requirement, c) work experience, d) exam, e) whether any of the above requirements may be waived, and if so, in what cases.

7. Explain all the steps required for professional certification, including a) deciding which certification or training you will choose, b) eligibility determination, c) exams involved if any, d) preparing for the exam, e) taking the exam, and f) any further steps before receiving the certificate.

8. Be sure to consider in which country or countries you hope to work. Certification requirements may be different, and you may have to re-do part or all of them if you move to a different country.

9. Is there anything you can do now to prepare yourself / to streamline the process? x Be sure to consider unique requirements of your career path.

Make use of the following resources:

The internet

Resources available in your major, such as:

Any written and/or library materials


Summarize the information above in your own words. Pretend you were explaining the information to an English-speaking friend. Explain it clearly and step-by-step.

Length guideline: Your presentation should be at least 5, minimum to 12 minutes, maximum.

Content: Your first slide must include all the names and student numbers of your team. You also must have a slide that previews your material. Finally, your last slide must consist of a bibliography (which is a works cited page or a list of resources), including any interviews you did. Consult the internet or the instructor for guidelines for how to cite interviews, if necessary. Your bibliography should contain at least three sources minimum.


Social Identity Reflection Paper
Assignment Overview:
All of us have multiple identities that are steeped in different cultures. Remember, culture is not bound to a particular place in the world. Each individual is the sum of different types of culture, thus multicultural. The purpose of this assignment is to help us think ourselves as multicultural individuals. Because this is a new class, I do not have a sample to show, however, you will find instructions below that will guide you.
Pick at least three identity elements from the table on page 2. In a well-written, thoughtful, and reflective paper (no more than 3 pages), discuss how your chosen identity elements both strengthen and complicate your leadership practice. In other words, how do these parts of your identity impact how you practice leadership and are perceived as a leader? This paper will be enhanced by discussing your particular experiences around your identity elements and giving detail and context. Be aware that this assignment, while simple, requires a lot of emotional and intellectual labor because you do not necessarily think of yourself in this way on a daily basis (maybe you might). You must also include concepts from readings and course content from Weeks 1 to 5 to help you frame your discussion and analysis. As such, a reference page and in-text citations in APA format are required. Check the Resources folder for APA information. If you have questions about the assignment, post them in the Q&A Forum in the D2L Discussion area.

Tales of empowerment

How do the Grimm Brothers Little Red Cap, Angela Carters The Company of Wolves, And Tanith Lees Wolfland function as differing tales of empowerment? You may take into consideration Charles Perraults Little Red Riding Hood as well, but this is not required. Who (or what) is empowered in each tale? How?

Your essay must include a discussion of the titles, the first sentences, and the final sentences of all three tales!

In developing your analysis, you may wish to consider some (or all) of the following:

Pedagogical agenda of each tale
Structure and tone of each tale
Language of each tale
Gender roles in each tale
The role of nature in each tale

Essay length: 1500-1750 words total: approximately 5 pages, typed, double-spaced, 11- or 12-point font, margins 1.25 inches (300-350 words per page, 1500-1750 words total). Do not use wide margins, large headers, or large font to fill up space! We will look at word counts, rather than number of pages, to determine essay length.

Reducing 24 hour duty to 3 hour work shifts

    Task:  You write a report that does the following:
o    defines a problem persuasively and accurately
o    proposes a solution or solutions to the problem or issue
o    presents that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation
    Components of the report: 
o    title page
o    letter to the decision maker (this can be a business letter OR a memo)
o    executive summary
o    table of contents
o    introduction
o    body of the report to include headings and subheadings
o        conclusion stated as a recommendation for implementation of the solution
o    References page, with references listed in APA format
o    Any appendix (or appendices if there are multiples)

The report must incorporate the results of your own primary research. When integrating primary research, you must explain the method(s) you used to gather that research and insert a copy in your reports appendices of any collection instrument you used.  For example, if you interviewed some people for the report, you would put the list of interview questions you asked in the appendix.  If you arranged for a group of people to take a survey, you would put the survey in the appendix.
The complete report should also cite at least seven secondary sources. At least three of these secondary sources should come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.
Students who cannot conduct primary research for safety or other valid reasons are required to provide TEN secondary sources. Of these FOUR should be from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals.
As noted above, your primary and secondary sources will be integrated into the paper to explain the problem, to provide evidence of the problem, and to support the solution. 
Please note that, if you interview people for your research, you must cite the interviews in your paper.  In the paper, you cannot simply write that you spoke with employees.  A URL that shows how to cite an interview in APA citation style is provided in the list of components for the report. 

Your report might benefit from graphics.  As mentioned above, pictures of your workplace or community situation might help illustrate the problem you are trying to address.  Graphs, tables, or charts might help show trends that will persuade your decision-maker that the problem exists. 
Please do not incorporate a graphic for the sake of incorporating a graphic.  Include a graphic only if it helps communicate a message in your report.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

    According to the study, Understanding differences in sexting behaviours across gender, relationship status, and sexual identity, and the role of expectancies in sexting, what is expectancy theory? Answer this question by defining and fully explaining what expectancy theory is. Additionally, what did the study reveal about expectancy factors for sending and receiving sexts?
    What is mobile intimacy? What did the study Mobile Phones or Pepper Spray? reveal about how people think of the mobile phone?
    According to the study, The socio-sexual circuit: How porn moves among us, what is the socio-sexual circuit? ? Answer this question by defining and fully explaining what the socio-sexual circuit is. Additionally, state and fully explain the nodes that make up the socio-sexual circuit.

Define How Behavior Impacts outcomes

This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcome:

MT302M1-1: Describe the impact of individual behavior on business outcomes.

Read the Scenario and respond to the checklist items in a 23- page paper:

Scenario: The following four employees have different attitudes towards their jobs and different levels of job satisfaction which impacts their behavior on the job. You are the HR Director who is becoming concerned regarding the behavior of some employees at work. Read the following background information on each of the four employees and address all the checklist items.

Employee #1: Social media marketing administrator: He experiences cognitive dissonance every time his boss tells him to expand on the results from test results in the lab when posting to various social media sites to promote the instruments the company makes to other businesses. He is frequently late to work and his boss gave him several warnings as a result.

Employee #2: Engineer: She is in a highly visible job that creates a lot of stress and works 12-hour days. The company often expects her to fly out at a moments notice to other production facilities around the world to address various problems. This creates more stress for her and her family. She is loyal, but feels depressed by the constant work. She is starting to not contribute ideas and or embrace new initiatives at work.

Employee #3: Customer service representative: This representative works the 12 p.m.8 a.m. shift. He does what is required but complains in the employee breakroom about the offices and work conditions when he is on break. The other employees tend to agree with him when he complains. The customer service supervisor has lately noted an increase in department call-in sick days by this employee and others in the department.

Employee #4: Quality control administrator: She is the sole Asian in the organization, feels isolated and as though she is just there as a placeholder versus really making a recognized difference in the organization. The company promotes itself as a diverse organization which she knows is not true. She feels as if everyone expects her to fail, since not many people engage with her including her boss on any regular basis.


The four employees have different attitudes and levels of job satisfaction.

Describe the attitudes and job satisfaction of each of the four employees.
Categorize and explain the responses the employees have to dissatisfaction based on the reading.
Explain how the above attitudes and job satisfaction for each employee impacts the organization in terms of profit, employee turnover, and affecting other employee attitudes.
Include at least 2 scholarly* citations with accompanying references regarding attitudes and job satisfaction and the impact on the organization that support your responses to the checklist item above.
Explain what each of the managers of the four employees can do to change the employees attitudes for the better (referencing at least one of Mintzbergs managerial roles to explain your response).
Submit your 23 page APA formatted and citation styled paper with additional title and reference pages to the Dropbox.
*Scholarly sources have been put through a peer-review by experts to ascertain that the content is original and proves any statements or claims with viable research, etc. Select Peer Reviewed where it says Limit to: once you are in the Purdue Global Library (see Academic Tools area of the course).

Access the rubric

Disclaimer: The organization and characters depicted in this exercise are fictional. Any resemblance to real organizations or individuals is purely coincidental.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Address all the checklist items in a Microsoft Word document.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources. Your sources and content should follow proper APA format and style. Your paper should include an additional title page and it should be double spaced, in Times New Roman 12-point font, with correct citations, Standard English with no spelling or punctuation errors, and correct references (on last additional page.)
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.


Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.

For more information on Universitys Plagiarism policy, refer to the current University Catalog.

interpersonal communication

Answer first question using words and ideas from text.

this is the text: Wood, J. T. (2016). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285445830

CH. 6

Q 6.3. Describe an experience where someone was displaying poor listening skills when you were trying to communicate an important message and explain what kind of listening was occurring (listening for information or listening for support).  Describe the behaviors of this person using terms from Chapter 6 of your textbook.  Do you think they were displaying any of the barriers to effective listening?  Were they displaying any non-listening behaviors?  How did this persons ineffective listening behavior make you feel?  What was your reaction to their behavior?

Discrimination in Healthcare

In this discussion, you get to be the lawyer. Choose one of the three case scenarios below to discuss. Then pick a side. Decide whether you want to represent the employee alleging discrimination or the hospital defending the claim.

Case 1: Read The Case of Janet K. and Epilepsy found on p. 177 of the textbook. Assume for the purposes of this question that Janet did not die of a brain tumor but has consulted an attorney to see what her rights are and what her options might be for bringing a claim against the hospital.
Case 2: A management position has opened up due to a recent retirement in the medical staff office at the local hospital where you work. You and your pregnant coworker Melissa are talking about it at lunch one day. Melissa is very excited because she has been told several times by different senior managers that the next management position available would be hers.
The next day, however, it is announced that a male coworker with less experience, education, and time on the job was offered the position. Melissa feels very strongly that it is because she is pregnant and going on maternity leave in two months. Melissa has an impeccable performance record throughout her employment at the hospital, and other than two weeks of doctor-ordered bed rest for gestational diabetes, she has not missed a day of work during her pregnancy. She has consulted an attorney to see what her rights are and whether there is any action that can be taken against the hospital.
Case 3: An individual who is undergoing gender reassignment/gender affirming surgery was traveling and became acutely ill. The patient sought immediate care in a different city with new healthcare providers. Unfortunately, the providers and facility had little experience or training related to transgender patients. The patient had emergency surgery, and while in the recovery room, the patient needed to use the restroom. The staff did not want to assist the patient to the restroom due to their fear of caring for a transgender patient. The patient could hear the staff arguing about whose responsibility it was to help the patient, who was heavily medicated and unable to walk to the restroom. The patient overheard the staff calling an administrator and asking what they should do. Unable to wait any longer to go to the restroom, the patient became incontinent and was extremely embarrassed about the entire situation. The patient has sought an attorney to determine whether there is any action that can be taken against the hospital.
Next, write a one-page letter to the other side arguing why your client is right. Set out the facts, the specific law or laws supporting your clients position, and what your client wants to resolve the situation (for example, a request for a formal investigation, the offer of a promotion, or dropping the claim).

In your responses to your peers, reply to at least one classmate who represented the other side in your scenario, explaining why your client has the stronger case. Remember to stick to the facts as presented and to avoid making assumptions or generalizations. All sources, including course materials, must be cited according to the most recent APA style.

Your letter should use at least one scholarly or professional source other than the textbook. All sources, including course materials, must be cited according to APA style.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

Assignment Communication Messages

In 300-500 words, briefly outline the key messages you hope to convey in your communications plan. How will you word them, according to the nature of your target demographics? How will your message vary from paid media advertisements, to news placements through a media relations campaign? (Tip: you may want to review the Communication Appeals and Tactics lecture in Week 3)