Category: Undergraduate


1. Superbowl Pricing and demand elasticity. Please see the article.

2. Please use 3 references including the one I posted.

Take an issue from a recent news article related to material we cover in class. Provide a detailed economic analysis of the issues in order to describe and then evaluate the situation. I recommend the Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, Forbes, or The Economist. This list is not comprehensive. Certainly other news sources business and non-business alike may have something worthwhile to write about. As an example: I might choose to write about the pricing changes made by Netflix and the resulting uproar from consumers. In this case, I may choose to incorporate the following issues into my analysis: people respond to incentives, optimal decisions are made on the margin, changes in market equilibrium, price elasticity of demand, behavioral economics. My analysis might then express why economists might have been able to anticipate this outcome based on what we assume to be true about rational decision-makers.

Getting into Ultrasound school

What personal goal or achievement are you most proud of? (Share the story of the moment you reached that goal.)

-Getting into the Southeastern College Diagnostic Medical Sonography program is my personal achievement.
-Started program August 2020 (Prereqs.)
-March 2021 will begin my ultrasound journey

Long-Term Health Care Insurance

Using the topic you selected and the outline you followed in week 3 assignment. Please see the attached week 3 assignment and add more to it, please write a 7-10 page research paper using APA Format.  Your research paper must include an extensive explanation and have a thesis statement.  A thesis statement is a strong statement that you can support with evidence.  The research paper should have a abstract, literature review and discussion (body of the paper addressing the issues listed below), recommendation, a well-defined conclusion, and reference pages.  You must use at least 5 resources.

Please see the attached template for more information.

In your paper, you must address the following:

An overview of the issue
Why is this issue a concern from a health care economics perspective?
Who are the major parties involved in this issue?
Which market forces have an impact on this issue?
How is demand illustrated in this issue?
How is supply illustrated in this issue?
How has the affordable care act impacted this issue?
How are health disparities demonstrated in this issue?
How has this issue been improved in other global markets?
What is your recommendation for making improvements based on economic principles.

Short Paper on Disasters and Emergency Management

Write a 3-5 paged paper (excluding the title page and references). Your paper must include an introduction, the body in which all items below are addressed and references cited, a well-defined conclusion, and reference page. Your paper must include at least 5 scholarly references (no Wikipedia!).  References should be scholarly peer reviewed journal articles, official reports or from other reading resources. 

Each disaster follows a general pattern in its development and dividing disasters into phases is useful from both a response and research point of view. 
Examples include the following:
Winter Storm
Heat-related Disaster
Volcanic Eruption
Disease epidemic or pandemic
Nuclear event

You must address in your paper the following:
1) What issues in this disaster would make triaging of victims a challenge?
2) What Public Health issues may ensue (e.g., infectious disease outbreaks) and what can we do to mitigate the events? 
3) How can interagency cooperation and local collaboration be effectively utilized?

Hazardous materials management

This a two part Discussion

Part 1
IN 300 WORDS Identify and then discuss unique safety (not security) issues you see related to each of the five modes of transportation. It is possible to identify the same considerations for some but not all modes, they all have unique dimensions. Your submission should discuss each mode and start by identifying unique safety considerations. You then should have a separate paragraph addressing safety considerations that might apply to groups of modes, there should be no safety consideration that applies to all modes, that is beyond the scope of the topic.

Part 2
In chapter 3 (ATTACHED) starting on page 74., you are introduced to different ways of identifying hazmat generators. Define the four (4) different generators and analyze them. In addition, utilize the Internet and locate some companies in your local area that fall into these categories, with a brief introduction of the company in your post.

Nurses Active Empathetic Listening Behaviors from the Voice of the Patient

article is uploaded. please use APA format. Answer in the template provided. include references from peer reviewed article.

website you can find reference from.

Purpose of the Study:  Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the purpose of the study.  Describe what the study is about.

Research & Design:  Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the description of the type of research and the design of the study.  Include how it supports the purpose (aim or intent) of the study.

Sample:  Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the population (sample) for the study; include key characteristics, sample size, sampling technique.

Data Collection:  Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one data that was collected and how the data was collected from the study.

Data Analysis:  Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one of the data analysis/ tests performed or one method of data analysis from the study; include what you know/learned about the descriptive or statistical test or data analysis method.

Limitations:  Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one limitation reported in the study.

Findings/Discussion:  Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one of the authors’ findings/discussion reported in the study. Include one interesting detail you learned from reading the study.

Reading Research Literature:  Summarize why it is important for you to read and understand research literature.  Summarize what you learned from completing the reading research literature activity worksheet


RE: Week 7 Discussion ( Global Management)

This week youre learning some of the characteristics that will help you practice your relationship-building skills of trust, mutual respect, mindfulness, diversity and inclusion, and open communication. Discuss how you are applying at least one of these characteristics in your life right now at home, work, or school.

Remember to answer each part of the question in 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph should be 5-7 sentences with limited grammatical errors (total 10-14 sentences). Also, respond to at least 1 of your peers (at least 1-2 sentences).

Please not citations or references. Only two paragraphs with a question at the end followed by the answer.

RE: Week 8 Discussion(Business Management)

What are some of the typical challenges for HRM in international SMEs? How do they differ from challenges for larger multinational corporations? What are the strategies that HRMs can use to meet these challenges?

Please no citations or references. Only one paragraph with a question at the end followed by the answer.

RE: Week 7 Discussion ( Global Management)

Please respond to the following:

Explain how balancing the interests of global and local, occupational and functional perspectives may play out in a compensation decision scenario.

Please no citations or references. Only one paragraph with a question at the end followed by the answer.

Assignment #2

– I will post a pdf of this if this seems confusing.

This is the second part to this assignment. Last time you researched 3 articles. This time you have to research 6 articles. I will post the first assignment that you have done to avoid any confusion.

Find at least 6 original studies related to your health topic that you plan to use in your term paper and record the key terms searched so your search can be replicable.

Summarize the purpose of the 6 studies that youve selected and key findings. Remember to put these ideas into your own words and provide proper in-text citations in APA format.

If  you  are  struggling  to  summarize  your  articles,  please  review  the  journal  outline  PDF document under the files tab on canvas to help you brainstorm.Do not copy what the authors said and do not cut and paste. Use your own voice. Summary must  be  at  least  600  words.  The  studies  cannot  include  a  meta-analysis  or  a  systematic review. The studies can be quantitative or qualitative, but they must address your health.

1.  What database did you use?  __________________________________What key terms did you use? __________________________________

Study 1:

Study 2:

Study 3:

Study 4:

Study 5:

Study 6:

2.  Write the citations below. Practice with formatting the citations in APA.







Here is a useful link for APA formatting is a useful link for APA in-text citations Review Helpful
