Category: Undergraduate

Dance – Based off a movie “The Fits”

Write a short-form commentary (750 words) of The Fits. Critically examine an issue or a series of issues raised within the film. You are encouraged to engage all of your senses while viewing the movie (i.e., what is the mood of the piece, how was sound incorporated into the viewing experience, etc.), and pay particular attention to how the dance has been captured on the screen. For this assignment you need to use part of your commentary to explore the cultural content and context, message and/or impact of this movie. Remember to take notes during the film screening, or immediately after. It will help you track your insights. Do not merely rehash what a previously published review already states. You need to cite at least two sources, preferably one that is academic, rather than other film reviews or the website for film itself.
Typed, doubled-spaced, reasonable font size. References and footnotes required. Use in- text citations/footnotes, employing the Chicago reference style and a bibliography.

Thoroughly answer the following questions; 1. Discuss which biometrics method provides the best security while minimizing the potential of violating the user’s privacy rights. 2. Describe the differences between authentication and privacy and what mech

Thoroughly answer the following questions;

1. Discuss which biometrics method provides the best security while minimizing the potential of violating the user’s privacy rights.

2. Describe the differences between authentication and privacy and what mechanisms WLANs can use to ensure both.

3. Compare how 802.11a works and list the advantages and disadvantages of 802.11a over 802.11g. Because ACS is a technical group, the list should have a high level of technical detail.

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Assignment Overview
Complete a  5 to 6 page Final Course written assignment, the creation of a Trifold Brochure and a Reflection paper. For this written assignment, you will choose a disease of interest, other than diabetes and hypertension,. The disease can either address an international disease process or a disease found within the United States.
You will utilize a minimum of 6 references for this written assignment.  This references will include a variety of  biomedical research studies, scholarly peer reviewed nursing journal articles, textbook readings, and peer-reviewed Internet websites.
In June of 2018 the Health and Human Services Secretary approved the Healthy People 2030 framework which seeks to improve the health and well-being of people in the United States; this framework outlines the initiative, contribution, vision, mission and foundational principles of the past 5 decades of Healthy People: Healthy People 2030 Framework. Healthy People 2020 provides a list of health topics pertaining to the United States, and the World Health Organization (WHO) provides a list of possible international health topics. Website links for Healthy People 2020 and the WHO health topics lists are provided: Healthy People 2020 and the World Health Organization
As you write your NURS 3315 Final Course written assignment, consider the following:
Evidence-based practice, appropriate client education, and well-designed health promotion interventions which positively impact disease risk and lifestyle changes.
Effective, evidence-based interventions which requires clients to be at the center of the decision making process, and to be involved in all aspects of their health care.
Clients and/or patients require appropriate evidence-based information to make informed decisions regarding their health.
Any health information provided to a client and/or patient needs to be: based on the evidence; addressed the basic knowledge of the disease and/or disease process; an identified associated disease risk and address modifiable factors which outline possible lifestyle changes; and promoting health through health promotion interventions.
Healthy People 2020, the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO) seek to increase health promotion while offering information to promote a healthy lifestyle.  Healthy People 2020 seeks to evoke change at the national level while the United Nations and WHO seeks to impact change both globally and internationally.

Step by Step Guide:
The underlined sections of this Guide may be utilized as level headers for your paper.  Refer to your APA Manual for proper level header formatting.
Step 1 Writing Section
Introduction to Disease
Gather and review information for your chosen disease. Provide and write an overview of the self-identified disease of interest with citations for reference.
Step 2 Writing Section
Pathophysiology aspects,  lifestyle choices, risk factors, and evidence-based nursing interventions or strategies

Utilizing peer reviewed biomedical research studies, the Pearson interactive video information, peer reviewed nursing journal articles, and NURS 3315 textbook content:

Outline, describe, and discuss the associated pathology aspects such as genetics, signs & symptoms, lab findings.

Describe and discuss the resulting impact of the self-identified health topic on the specific body system or systems involved.

Identify and discuss the impact of negative lifestyle choices and risk factors associated with the disease of choice.

Locate and utilize peer reviewed nursing journal articlesto list, describe and discuss 3evidence based nursing interventions which would support and promote the health and well-being for the disease of choice.

Client Education, Discussion, and Comparison of the Evidence.

Using the same resources, list and describe important patient and/or client education or teaching points as well as a way to support and provide health promotion interventions.

Address the disease of choice, evaluate, analyze, synthesize, and discuss the findings and/or similarities, the differences and accuracy of the resulting information, and evidence found within the references utilized (peer-reviewed biomedical research studies, peer-reviewed nursing journal articles, and major peer reviewed Internet websites). Note, the Mayo Clinic website is an example of a major Internet website where multiple health topics and diseases are addressed. Student may utilize the Mayo Clinic website as one of the major websites.

Step 3 Writing Section
Conclusion: Summarize key findings

Step 4 Reflection
Write a 1 page Reflection. This is the one time the word “I” may be used. Note, the 1 page Reflection does not impact the 5 to 6 page written assignment (not included in the page count).

Reflect on the lessons learned:

The writing of the 5 to 6 page written assignment
The creation of a Trifold Brochure.
The disease selected, why this national or international disease?
What aspects of the pathophysiology stood out or were surprising for the selected disease?
Did anything stand out during the review of the peer reviewed information and evidence for your chosen disease?
What is the impact of this disease either nationally or internationally?
Were you surprised by the information found on the major Internet Website(s)?
Would you recommend these Website(s) to your patients? Why or Why not? Explain and discuss.
How do you envision incorporating the various aspects of pathophysiology into your BSN professional nurse role?

Step 5 Trifold Brochure
Utilize the information already attained to create a Trifold Brochure briefly outlining the:

Self-identified disease
Associated disease process
Associated risks
Modifiable factors
Evidence based nursing interventions
Evidence based client education, teaching and health promotion strategies.

Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior

(1)Explain why you think attitude and emotion might be particularly important for each job(see attachment)must explain why to each position!!!!. (2) Next, write two questions that, when answered by a job applicant, will help you assess how that applicant scores on that particular trait. (3) What abilities (cognitive or other abilities) must the jobholder possess for each job? 

Art and Music

Submit a brief response to the reading and narrated PPT from this week, Art and the Body: The Body as a Sign (2 parts) that responds to the following:

    What do you understand to be a key point or issue raised in the narrated PPT from this week?
    Write one question that you had about the ideas or content presented in the PPT from this week
only need 1/2 3/4 page, double spaced
here is the link to the video show in the ppt :

contrast of Iit relationships and Ithou relationships

Many ethicists contend that Jewish philosopher Martin Bubers contrast of Iit relationships and Ithou relationships is particularly relevant to the ecological and economic justice crises as well as the ideal for healthy interpersonal relationships.
After reading this week’s resources on Buber, do you agree or disagree with those assertions?  Why or why not making specific references to this and other material.

Case 1

Read Case I, pages 423-425: “Last Mile Corporation: Choosing a Development Partner”. (Case 1 is attached in the files and uploaded)
Prepare a report (i.e., essay) to address the following issues:
First, summarize the case in ONE paragraph
Then, answer the following questions:

What are the other alternatives that LastMile could look at that would create a working relationship between Midwest Technologies and LastMile?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives?

What are the objectives that LastMile would like to accomplish out of such a partnership?

What counter proposal(s) would you recommend?

Inequality in Criminal Justice System

I need a article critique on an article from Google scholar relating to my topic. The first paragraph needs to be research on the topic, problem, and any questions. The second paragraph will need to be review of the literature. The 3rd, the methods used, the 4th paragraph needs to be results and the conclusions.

Johari Window Paper

I am attaching some of my personality results for this paper. The rest based on that you can make up.

Also use the book terms. Chapters 1-6

Wood, J. T. (2016). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781285445830

Option 1: Write a Paper
For this option you are to write a 3-5 page paper outlining the four quadrants (Open, Blind, Hidden and Unknown) of your Johari Window. This paper should provide a detailed explanation of each quadrant of your window and the information you placed from your WebQuest assessments, speaking with friends/family and your self exploration.

You are to discuss the information contained within each quadrant (you should include at least 3 “pieces” of information that you learned from completing this assignment into each quadrant. This information should come from your Webquest assessments and from the conversations you have with friends/family and the like) demonstrating how it relates to how you see yourself and how others see you.

This paper should be typed and submitted to me in the discussion forum designated entitled Johari Window Assignment anytime before the due date (I would prefer that you cut and paste your paper into the body of the discussion forum).
It should include an introduction whereby you introduce yourself to your reader and detailed description of the content of your Johari Window.

Finally, the paper should include a picture of your Johari Window (this could be done in any word processing software- a simple table of your window which should indicate the size of each quadrant).

The final section of your paper should include a listing of the five WebQuest assessments you completed and the results of those assessments. The actual results should also appear in their appropriate quadrant description in your paper.

I put the time for 4 but I really need by 4:30 latest

Strategy and strategic dilemmas

Assignment guidelines attached below to be followed strictly. Will be posted on turnitin. I also attached the case study on eataly which should be used as source for the assignment. The topics are in the assignment guidelines. The TOPIC chosen has to be the one for MANAGEMENT STUDENTS.