Category: Undergraduate


Answer the following questions, using APA-style.  Each answer should contain meaningful and intelligent responses gathered from your reading.  Using headings/subheadings.

Discussion Question #1.  Taking a step back to align this weeks readings with Chapter 7:  Over the last 2 weeks, you have been answering questions based on whether you identified back in Chapter 3 as a Coach and/or as an Interpreter.  Review Table 7.1 (Change Images and Communication Purpose) note the FOCUS of communication for both Coach and Interpreter images and determine if that still applies to you.  Now, consider the text indicates there is an issue of communicating to a level of getting buy-in (participation) to the change as opposed to a level of getting the word out (providing information) about a change.

Based on how you identified (as a Coach or as an Interpreter), are you more apt to focus on seeking buy-in or on getting the word out and why?

Discussion Question #2.  Think of an example where you or someone close to you faced a major, significant life-impacting change at work or at school.  Identify as many Reasons for Resistance (listed on pages 253 through page 260) that you can AS IT RELATES to the example you used.  Try to use all 14 Reasons for Resistance in your answer, but at a minimum, identify 3. For each of the reasons you identify, list at least one action that was or could have been taken by management to reduce the source of resistance. Table 8.4 and Table 8.5 list possible actions that could be taken.  You are welcome to think of some other possible actions that could be taken based on your own knowledge, experience or intuitions.
Use change in church organization – merging 2 conferences into 1 conference; 5 districts into 4 districts. Closing some churches with less than 20 members. This is the  scenario I dealing with now.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

* Reflect on several things that strike you in the chapter.  You may want to include an insight or an observation on the part of the author that you find interesting, thought-provoking, challenging, resonating, convicting, or even annoying and distressing. You may comment on things with which you agree or disagree.
* Your reflections need not be long, but they need to be specific enough to show that you have given the chapter a good read. A comment that reads, I like the chapter. It is interesting, does not count.
* Please indicate page numbers

Influenza Virus, Strains H7N9 and H5N1 (Bird Flu)

You must  find a news article on your chosen microbe published in the last 12 months in a main stream, media-outlet based, mass-distributed news source where the general public (even Grandma or Aunt Sally) gets their daily news. This news article will be your main reference.  You must read for understanding, then tell us about the news report in your discussion.  You must write a review of the news article contents, discuss what type of microorganism it is, and if the organism is in nature or is used in industry or research or causes disease. If it causes disease you must discuss transmission, increasing incidence, factors contributing to the spread of the organism, lab culturing, etc

E.  You may use government-based or other scholarly references only as secondary information, to explain details missing from your news article above, such as, what kind of organism it is, the gram reaction, how the organism affects us, or follow -up information not known at the time of the news release but has been provided since that time .

F.  Your  discussion should be well-written, in your own words, paraphrasing from only credible academic sources. You may not directly quote from your sources; minimum elaboration on the topic of a minimum of 300 words and maximum of 400 words.

G.  You must also cite your credible academic reference sources with parenthetical in text citations (in parentheses), and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.

Digital culture

Write an academic essay of 2000 words

The essay question is>
Should we accept surveillance capitalism as necessary evil in order for us to participate in digital society? Discuss with reference to readings and own examples. 

We are supposed to have a few academic references please also include the documents I added.

Successful Organization

Based on the scenario above, select the three functional areas that you believe to be essential to the success of the organization. For each functional area, describe the primary purpose of the area and explain how that purpose works to promote and support the organizational goals.

Based on the scenario above, use the Week 6 Assignment Template [DOCX] to develop a white paper with the following sections.

Title page.
Explain the type of organization the assessment is based on and its primary goals.
Identify the three functional areas you believe are essential to the organizational structure.
Functional Area 1.
Explain the primary purpose of the functional area of an organization and why it is essential in supporting the overall organizational structure.
Explain how the purpose of the functional area supports the organizational goals in terms of continued organizational success.
Functional Area 2.
Explain the primary purpose of the functional area of an organization and why it is essential in supporting the overall organizational structure.
Explain how the purpose of the functional area supports the organizational goals in terms of continued organizational success.
Functional Area 3.
Explain the primary purpose of the functional area of an organization and why it is essential in supporting the overall organizational structure.
Explain how the purpose of the functional area supports the organizational goals in terms of continued organizational success.
Recommended Organizational Structure.
Describe the type of organizational structure best suited for the functional areas you selected, and justify your recommendation.
Explain how your recommendation will promote continued success of organizational goals.
References page.
Your white paper should be 35 pages in length, well organized, and written in clear, succinct language. Follow current APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.

Different areas within organizations work together to achieve organizational goals. These areas are often referred to as functional areas and typically include:

Human resources.
Sales and marketing.
Information technology.
Production and operations.
Finance and accounting.
Suppose leadership in the organization where you currently work (or have worked) is considering changes to organizational structurein particular, to the functional areas it currently has. Before making any changes, the leaders have asked several managers, including you, to develop a white paper that outlines the manager’s recommendations for three functional areas that he or she believes to be essential to the success of the company. Based on the recommendations of each manager, as well as the strength of each manager’s arguments and supporting references, leadership will make final decisions.

Understanding of colours (NATS)

I have done the experiment.
I have upload all the pictures.
I everything else be written please and answer the last 3 questions into a paragraph.
I need purpose, method and conclusion done as well.
I have upload 2 powerpoint if is needed.
Please make sure everything is cited.

Digital methods

Assessment title: Digital methods project

Develop a content analysis project.

This entails developing a research question, gathering a small corpus (of texts, images, video, social media posts or other materials), developing a basic coding book and testing the coding book on the corpus.

You should write up what you have done in a 2,000 word report with an appendix.

I have attached a document with detailed instructions.

There are 2 websites that allow sources and further instructions.

I have come up with the research question> What are the effects of COVID19 on the content of instagram pages by climate deniers?

We are supposed to connect the research question to instagram accounts and if possible COVID19. However, if you come up with a better question you can of course change it.

Healthcare is a privilege

Health care is a privilege

Write an argumentative essay advocating that health care is a privilege.

Be sure to use evidence and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually less than or equal to 5 years old).

Understanding of colours (NATS)

SO the Topic of this essay is Diamond.
please make sure everything is Cited and I do need a picture of the Diamond and the citation with it. please
for this assignment there’s a program being used for plagiaris work, so please make sure everything is good.
I have upload 2 powerpoint which is about Gem stones.

language ideology

Haviland (2003) & language ideology:

For todays session, you read Haviland (2003), an analysis of how language ideologies are central to the practice of U.S. law. For this discussion post, you will analyze how language ideologies are part of the current Presidential impeachment trial unfolding in the U.S. Congress. At a fundamental level, the impeachment trial is about language: did then-President Trumps words incite a violent insurrection?

Begin by viewing this 25-minute segment of the defense teams opening argument.

Your analysis will be grounded in Havilands discussion of language ideology. To define language ideology as a concept, he cites a 1990 essay by anthropologist Alan Rumsey: shared bodies of commonsense notions about the nature of language in the world (764). And, he identifies an especially pervasive language ideology that circulates in U.S. law, the referential ideology: the notion that words are essentially vehicles for conveying referential meaning, that is, propositions that are simply true or false (766).

The question you are addressing is this: how is the referential ideology present in this performance by the defense team? Be sure to illustrate your answer with examples from the video clip.