Category: Strayer Writing Standards

Conflicting Viewpoint Essay

This assignment is in 2 parts. part 1 is a prewriting essay that doesn’t have a page limit requirement, so it can be as short as 1 page. part 2 is the full paper that uses the prewriting from part 1. Part 2 is 3-4 pages minimum. The articles that are needed for this assignment can be accessed via the hyperlink in the word document that I attached with the assignment details. I also attached a copy of the strayer writing standards with is writing format required for this assignment. Let me know if you need any more information.

Conflicting Viewpoint

This assignment is in 2 parts. part 1 is a prewriting essay that doesn’t have a page limit requirement, so it can be as short as 1 page. part 2 is the full paper that uses the prewriting from part 1. Part 2 is 3-4 pages minimum. The articles that are needed for this assignment can be accessed via the hyperlink in the word document that I attached with the assignment details. I also attached a copy of the strayer writing standards with is writing format required for this assignment. Let me know if you need anymore information.

Workplace Ehics

Workplace Ethics
This assignment will give you the opportunity to choose an article and then write about the ethical implications and the impact of the events that are described. Read and reflect on one of the following articles.

Oil Industry-

Toy Maker:

Write a paper in which you:

1. Analyze the following questions associated with your chosen article, and discuss them using concepts you learned in this course.
A. What ideals, effects, and consequences are at stake?
B. Have any moral rights been violated?
C. What would a Utilitarian recommend?
D. What would a Kantian recommend?

2. Explain your rationale for each of your answers for your chosen article, with supporting evidence.

Competencies For Risk Managers

The is assignment is 3-4 pages in which i have to create a risk matrix and discuss 3 skills that team members need in order to be effective in identifying and managing risks.  There are Mini cases that have to be read to complete this assignment. Attached are the mini cases that are required to be read, the details of the assignment, and a copy of Strayer writing standards. All references/resources have to be cited in text and a work cited page added to the paper.

Competencies For Risk Managers

The is assignment is 3-4 pages in which i have to discuss the challenges of Risk Managers and the skills needed to be a Risk manager. There are Mini cases that have to be read to complete this assignment. Attached are the mini cases that are required to be read, the details of the assignment, and a copy of Strayer writing standards. All references/resources have to be cited in text and a work cited page added to the paper.

There are question at the end of each mini case, disregard those questions. Those questions do not have to be answered and are not a part of the assignment.

Improving Correctional Facilities

Assignment 2: Improving Corrections Facilities
Due Week 6 and worth 200 points

Go to the Department of Corrections website for your state, and research two of your states correctional facilities. Next, use the Internet and Strayer University Online Library ( to research the budgetary constraints that correctional officials must adhere to in order to operate correctional facilities.

Write a 3-to 5-page paper in which you:

Identify and discuss at least two diversion programs and determine whether the diversion programs are only beneficial to offenders charged with misdemeanors and non-violent felonies or whether they are also beneficial to offenders charged with felonies and violent crimes. Discuss whether or not the two correctional facilities that you researched would benefit from diversion programs. Provide a rationale for your response.
Discuss the pros and cons of privatized correctional facilities and discuss whether or not privatized correctional facilities are better alternatives for reaching the goal of preparing inmates for reentry into society. Support your position with one example from within the last three years to support your position of the better correctional facility alternative. 
Correctional officials are tasked with maintaining public safety with reduced resources while maintaining effective operations. The targets of cost reductions typically include the following:  staffing, inmate medical and mental health services, and inmate/offender supervision. With this in mind, recommend a cost reduction strategy to reduce cost while maintaining public safety and effective operations (i.e. targeted reductions, business practice changes, the use of new technology, reduction in inmate population, or community supervision). Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least four peer-reviewed sources. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

In this sppech i chose to speak about architectral design.

this assignment is an outline that will be used to deliver a 1 to 2 minute speech . The topic that i chose to use for this assignment is highlighted in bold red. I’ve attached the assignment details, the outline template and a copy of strayer writing standards.

Analysis on the Effects of Population Growth

Imagine you have been hired as a consultant for the United Nations. You have been asked to write an analysis on how global population growth has caused the following problem and how it affects a developing country of your choosing:

A growing global population that consumes natural resources is partially to blame for the release of greenhouse gases since human consumption patterns lead to deforestation, soil erosion, and farming (overturned dirt releases CO2). However, the critical issue is the burning of fossil fuels (hydrocarbons) such as coal oil and natural gas to produce energy that is used for things like electricity production, and vehicle, heating, and cooking fuels.

The U.N. has asked that you choose a developing country from the World Bank Classifications for Developing Countries list.

The U.N. has also given you the following guidelines.

The U.N. has asked that your paper contain three sections. It has asked that each section be one page (or approximately 300 words) in length and answer specific questions, identified in the outline below. It also asks that you use examples from your developing country when answering the questions.

Provide an introduction of half a page minimum that addresses points points 15 below:

Explain the problem the U.N. has asked you to address in your own words.
Identify the three sections your paper will cover.
Identify the developing country you will consider.
Telly the U.N. which causes of greenhouse gases you will explore.
Provide a one-sentence statement of your solutions at the end of your introduction paragraph.
Section I. Background
What are greenhouse gases?
How do greenhouse gases contribute to global warming?
Section II. How Emissions Causes Problems for the Developing World
Which countries produce the most greenhouse gases?
What are the economic challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
What are the security challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
What are the political challenges of these emissions (include examples from your chosen country)?
Section III. Causes and Solutions of Greenhouse Gases
Name two causes of greenhouse gases.
What are potential solutions to address each of the causes you identified?
What is the relationship between population control and greenhouse gases?
Provide a conclusion of half a page minimum that includes a summary of your findings that the United Nations can use to inform future policy decisions.
Success Tips
In answering each question, use examples from your developing country to illustrate your points.
The U.N. needs facts and objective analysis on which to base future policy decisions. Avoid personal opinion and make sure your answers are based on information you find through research.
Formatting Requirements
Make sure your paper consists of 46 pages (1,200 words minimum, not including the cover page, reference page, and quoted material if any).
Create headings for each section of your paper as follows:
Section I. Background.
Section II. How Emissions Causes Problems for the Developing World.
Section III. Causes and Solutions for Greenhouse Gases.
Use and cite at least five credible sources in your research. A list of potential resources is available below.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Potential Resources
Opinion: The Pernicious Climate DictumDon’t Mention Population.
The Five Mass Extinctions That Have Swept Our Planet.
Does Population Growth Impact Climate Change?
A Very Grim Forecast.

Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity

Creativity and innovation are essential to an organization’s success, and both should be infused into every aspect of a business. Companies with creative and innovative employees keep up with industry changes and have a competitive advantage. Human resources (HR) can foster a creative culture.

For this assignment, assume the role of HR manager. The HR director has requested a business report that details the ideal organizational culture, qualities and characteristics of the employees, and leadership attributes for cultivating a culture of creativity and innovation.

Choose one of the following:

Option 1: Imagine you are creating a new and innovative company in the technology or pet industry.
Option 2: Use a company from the technology or pet industry that interests you.
Write a 35 page business report in which you:

Identify which option you chose and indicate the products and/or services the company provides.
Describe the ideal qualities and characteristics of the company employees in terms of creating a creative and innovative culture.
Describe the ideal background and experience needed for company leaders to foster a culture of creativity and innovation.
Identify the two most important leadership qualities and characteristics the employees should have to be effective leaders.
Discuss the ideal organizational culture and how it would foster creativity and innovation among employees.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Employee Rewards and Recognition

Employee Rewards and Recognition

As an HR manager in a large healthcare organization, you have developed a new reward and recognition program designed to help increase employee motivation and job satisfaction in a specific hospital department of your choice. You may choose a clinical or nonclinical department.

Based on the course readings and a minimum of four appropriate sources of research, create a  three page executive summary suitable for presentation to senior leadership on employee motivation that includes the following:

    Determine which department is best suited for the reward and recognition program.
    Identify a specific goal the employees must work on to be eligible for recognition or to receive the award.
        Examples include reducing errors, increasing customer/patient satisfaction, or reducing costs.
    Research a specific motivation theory and determine why this method would be the most practical and effective for this program.
        Examples are the expectancy theory, equity theory, goal-setting theory, Management by Objectives (MBO), or the four-prong model of intrinsic motivation.
    Explain why the selected theory would be the most practical and effective for the rewards and recognition program.
    Recommend 23 types of rewards and/or recognition that would the most effective in motivating the employees to achieve the goals.
    Create a communication tool for eligible employees announcing the program, rules, and awards.
        Examples: Email, newsletter, internal Facebook post.
    Go to the Strayer Online Library and locate at least four quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not quality as academic resources.

Strayer Writing Standards

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different from other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

    Citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.