Category: Mechanical Engineering

vehicle dynamics- modeling with matlab simulink

A bump profile has been provided, which provides a vertical displacement over time for one wheel, based on the profile shown. It is suggested that you use a quarter-car model initially, in order to familiarise yourself with this system before proceeding to the half-car model.
2.  Create a half-car model in Simscape Multibody with the given parameters, using joints which appropriately allow motion. .
3. Identify a location on the car body where the drivers head is likely to be and use this as a point from which to measure driver acceleration and displacement (use a transform and a transform sensor).
4. model output:
Driver displacement (absolute and relative to car), driver upward acceleration (absolute),
Tyre displacement (compression)
Force at suspension mounting (top)
5. Evaluate  the  sensitivity  of  the  response,  in  terms  of  acceleration  and  displacement experienced by the driver, to TWO OF THE LISTED PARAMETERS AS ALLOCATED TO YOU over the required range of speeds.
6. Investigate the sensitivity of the model to change of solution algorithm (use a single instance from your models above (i.e. one velocity, one set of parameters) and run with a range of algorithms. Consider the effect of step-size also. Be sure to look at acceleration as well as position in your analysis.
7. Develop a set of lagrangian dynamics equations for the quarter-car model, subjected to a vertical force applied to the body, and solve these using one of the matlab solvers such as ode45, comparing your results with your simscape multibody quarter-car model for one set of parameters.
8.  The following will attract extra credit:
a.    Implement a separate body to represent the driver on a suitably sprung seat and compare the effect on this separate driver with your earlier results for each scenario.
b.  Car dampers often have a different damping constant for the bump and return. Find a way to implement this logic.

Shark skin inspired low-drag microstructured surfaces in closed channel flow

Project Subject
Shark skin inspired low-drag microstructured surfaces in closed channel flow
    Create a power point that explains the project subject including;
    Introduction, methods used in journal articles you reviewed, results, discussion and conclusion.  You must include a section titled: Future perspective and recommendations – this section will reflect your thoughts.

Please use the MAIN ARTICLE I attached as main reference. You may use other articles I attached too as supportive articles. But specifically use the MAIN article

Remote Area Power Supply solar PV-Panel and water pumping)

This is two labs
-Solar PV Panels
-Solar PV Water Pumping

We supposed to visit the lab on the field but due to the circumstance “COVID-19” we have given the data and the lab manual to follow the instructions.
I have attached all required files.

Manual Working Drawing Assignment

You will notice that the assembly of the eight components involved in this system is shown on the first page and details of the majority of the individual parts is provided on the following page. For three parts there are no details provided and for which you have to make educated estimates of their dimensions knowing how they fit into the system. Specifically, parts #3,4 and 7 are not detailed individually.

For example, looking at Part 3 [Bushing]. You know it fits inside a hole in Part #2 and so you can estimate/determine the diameter of the outside cylindrical shape. Part 5 also fits inside the bushing and so the internal diameter can be determined. Two bushings fit inside a given hole length (end to end) and so the length of an individual bushing can be determined. The last part of the bushing is then the top ‘lip’ or ridge which again can be determined by how it fits within the overall system setup.

This assignment must be completed manually on copies of your own template drawing sheets.  In title blocks include, section #, student number, name, name of part, units and scale.

simple code

Write an interactive program to perform the following tasks in order:
a) Ask user to input an array size that is an integer value ranging from 10 to 20, inclusively
b) Check the validity of user input and ask the user to input again if previous value was invalid
c) Echo users valid input value on the screen
d) Assign array elements with random values (integer ranging from 0 to 100, inclusively)
e) Display array elements in their original order
f) Sort array elements from maximum to minimum
g) Display array elements in sorted order
h) Compute and display the median value of array elements
i) Compute and display the mean value of array elements
j) Compute and display the variance value of array elements
Your program needs to meet the following requirements:
Array elements are assigned with random values that do not repeat among executions
Array sorting is done in a sub-function
Computing median value is done in a sub-function
Computing mean value is done in a sub-function
Computing variance value is done in a sub-function

Note: as a common practice to check input validity when using scanf(), add a while loop right
after a call to scanf() to consume un-read characters (including the newline character n) in
the input buffer. See the following example for usage.

write it all in C language!


For this project, you will practice some of the surface modeling and rendering skills learned in lecture. It is a useful skill to be able to model objects that you find in every day life, so you are tasked with selecting, and modeling one of these objects.

Your model must:

Have reasonable size/form to your selected object by using at least one sketch picture scaled appropriately
Grading will be more lenient on complicated objects (i.e. a car) and more harsh on simple objects (i.e. an eraser)
Incorporate at least one advanced surface modeling element (surface boundary/ filled surface); More features are encouraged
Have accurate colors/textures of your object
Have at least one decal on your object (.png style decals preferred)
At least one camera set up for rendering with a background
Your model does not require:

sketches to be fully constrained
multiple components (i.e. a water bottle and its cap can be one static model, not necessarily an assembly)
To receive full credit, you must upload/submit:

A clear high resolution photo of the object you selected (most smartphone camera’s should work just fine) (10 points)
Your solidworks file (.SLDPRT) that meets all of the above requirements (30 points)
Two different final renders of your object at different views, at a resolution of 1920×1080 (16×9 aspect ratio) in .jpg file formats (10 points)


    Ask the user to input the degree of the polynomial.

    Based on the inputted degree, ask the user to input the different polynomial coefficients.

    Generate a range X of values between  100 and 100.

    Calculate polynomial P(x) for all values of range X. These results should be allocated in a vector P.
    Plot the graph of P(x) in a figure titled Graph of Polynomial.

    P(x) should be plotted in blue.
    The title should be in blue, Font Size 16, Font Weight bold.
    The x-axis should be labelled x-axis in red, Font Size 12, Font Weight bold.
    The y-axis should be labelled y-axis in red, Font Size 12, Font Weight bold.
    The figure should display major and minor grid lines.
    x-axis limits should be set between the first and final roots 2.
    y-axis limits should be set between the extrema 2.

    Find in vector P the indices for which P(x)=0 and the indices at which P(x) sign changes. Based on these indices the root will be determined.
The root must not be determined using any embedded Matlab functions such as fzero, roots, poly, polyval, etc.

    The code should return in the command window the number of roots, and the roots value sorted in ascending orders.