Category: IEEE

IFS Suite Features

I require a table presenting most of the features of the IFS suite ERP system and a brief description of each feature.

Attached is a preview of the features for another ERP system.

So a list of the feature (in a table) and a brief description of the feature is required.

No intro, body or conclusion please

Synthesis of copper iodide thin films and characterization methods

I would like to write the second part of my thesis, and I am looking for someone writing for me who specializes in the scientific section.  citations would be added also graphics and equations. I have attached a form here if it can be followed but without plagiarism

Follow this guide, please

Synthesis of copper iodide thin films and characterization methods

2.4 Thin film characterization
2.4.1. Introduction
2.4.2 X-ray diffraction
2.4.3 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM).
2.4.4. X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
2.4.5 Atomic force microscopy (AFM)
2.4.6 Four-point probe method
2.4.7. Hall effect measurements
2.4.8. UV-visible spectroscopy
2.4.9. Photoluminescence
2.4.10 Electron energy loss spectroscopy
2.5 Conclusion

IFS Suite ERP system

Regarding IFS suite ERP system, I require a table with the following information:
1. The scalability of the system
2. How user friendly is it
3. Its deployments options and what can it be used for
4. The level of security of this system
5. Profitability outcomes from using such system
6. What is its applications and functions (such as financial management, human capital management, production etc.)
7. How customizable can it be

No intro, conclusion or body required. Only a table with information regarding the 7 criteria above.

Attached is a research regarding this system that can be helpful

An introductory paragraph regarding Enterprise Resource Planning

I am requesting a one page introductory paragraph about Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.

What is it?
When was it introduced?
A brief description about the systems
How is it beneficial in todays businesses?
Why is there multiple types of ERP systems such as the IFS suite, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Epicor 10 ERP?

I am only requesting an introductory paragraph, no conclusion or body or references

transformer protection devices

ieee refernces

The submission must include the followings: 15 pages report ( double space )

Table of Contents
Literature Review
Theory section
Case study
You can combine Theory and Simulation or simulation and Case study
Also, the report must address all learning outcomes from the course syllabus which are:

Use modern software tools and theories to design protection systems that meet specific functional requirements with consideration of safety, global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors

Discuss professional and ethical issues in the design of contemporary electric power system protection systems, including asset values, environmental compliance, and social factors

Research power system protection and safety standards

Review the abstract written and make amendments

I  am currently working on a research, and the attached file is the abstract I have written.

The research is about water leak detection in water networks and how to improve that.

Please review the abstract and make any amendments if required.

IFS Full Suite ERP

I require an informative research regarding IFS full suite ERP. The paper should include:
1. Summary about the system
2. What is the system used for and its functionality
3. Example of companies that actually use this kind of system and how it benefits them

Arc Flash

Report Must include the below:

1)    Abstract (a one-paragraph overview of your report)
2)    Introduction (background information, significance of Switchgears)
3)    Body of the report findings, discussion, resultsetc.
4)    Conclusions (summarizing what you have accomplished)
5)    References (at least 5 different sources) ” should be scientific”
6)    Appendix (miscellaneous information that supports the report)

my notes:

*References should be shared with me first.
*Please use simple grammar.
*No Plagiarism.

Software risk management

I’ve attached pdf under the name SAMPLE, I want my essay to be the as this pdf structure, please
use the following structure when writing up the report please:
1.    Research title
2.    Introduction
3.    Summary of each paper 
4.    Discussion of all the papers together [identify the weaknesses, strengths, and supportingopposing arguments]
5.    Lessons learned and future work that you suggest based on these papers findings.
6.    Conclusion

I’ve also attached 4 papers in order to summarize each of them within no more than one page and a half.

software risk management

i’ ve attached a pdf under the name SAMPLE of what i want you to do, i need the same structure for my essay.
use the following structure when writing up the report please:
1.    Research title
2.    Introduction
3.    Summary of each paper 
4.    Discussion of all the papers together [identify the weaknesses, strengths, and supportingopposing arguments]
5.    Lessons learned and future work that you suggest based on these papers findings.
6.    Conclusion

I’ve attached 4 research papers of software risk management so you can read them and summarize them.