Category: IEEE

Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery

Kindly follow the headings below:

1) Introduction: overview of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery

2) Impact of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery (Comparison of drug delivery with and without Nanotechnology) + Advantages and Disadvantages

3) Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery for CANCER treatment

4) Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery for two other diseases (Please specify)

5) Conclusion: Summary of the whole writing.


Forensically Investigating IoT Related Crimes

Forensically Investigating IoT Related Crimes

Our research project is about how digital forensics science plays an important role in investigating and acquiring evidence that will help in resolving the cyber crimes which are related to Iot.

The paper will have an introduction which will give a brief glance of what is digital forensics and what is cybercrimes, it will also address different methods used in forensically conducting an investigation, it will also give examples of how digital forensics helped to identify suspects based on their various activities according their malicious intent of some. The paper should include some examples of the cybercrimes in IoT and their solution.

Also, the paper will include a literature review part, where we will be critically analyzing existing literature in when it comes to digital forensics methods in relation to IoT and discuss how our approach will differ or build upon the previous work. Furthermore, we will have methodology part, this part we will determine what is the best methodology that we think is  feasible or relevant based on our readings in the literature review when it comes to digital forensics and IoT.

Additionally, forensics tools and software for IoT, here we should mention different tools of IoT forensics with their screenshots. The tools should be mentioned with its use and benefits that it can provide any investigator who investigates IoT crimes.

Lastly, we will have a conclusion part where we will summarize the key aspects of the research, expected results, potential future work and overall opinion on the research.

The research SHOULD include figures and statistics of processes, methodologies and investigation applications. It should be from 2000 to 2500 words maximum. The references should not be less than 9.

1-Abstract [also need to add keywords for the research, important terms not known to common readers]

Introduce digital forensics, IoT and cybercrimes.
Outline the importance of digital forensics science in resolving IoT cybercrimes in today’s date.
Address methods used to forensically sound investigate IoT cybercrimes.
Give examples of real-life IoT cybercrimes that digital forensics have helped to find evidences to solve.

3-Literature Review
Describe the most relevant prior work and their key insights.
Critically analyzing existing literature in cybercrimes related to IoT and digital forensics.
Detailed discussion on pros and cons of each methods found.

Based on the readings, describe the best method found for forensically investigating IoT cybercrimes.
Discussion why this particular methodology in particular was select over the rest
Discuss how your approach will differ or build on previous methodologies.

5-Expermintal procedures
Detailed description of what you are trying to accomplish.
Specify tools you will be using in investigation IoT cybercrimes.
Explain the proper procedures in a step by step fashion which are done in investigating IoT cybercrimes to beginning to end
Predict future results using a given scenario

Summarize the key aspects of the research
Imply potential future work
Opinion on the research carried out

7-Refereces page
Please provide 9 or more references no less.

Grading will be based on the following:
Content depth and analysis [60%] | Content organization [10%] | Language accuracy[10%] | Presentation[15%] | Language accuracy[5%]

Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics

I need a research paper on “Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics” and the research paper has to be based on the research “A study of the fractional-order mathematical model of diabetes and its resulting complications”, which is attached to this submission. Also, I don’t mind if you use other sources as long as the main one is the one mentioned earlier.

Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics

I need a research paper on “Fractional Differential Equations in Biomathematics” and the research paper has to be based on the research “A study of the fractional-order mathematical model of diabetes and its resulting complications”, which is attached to this submission. Also, I don’t mind if you use other sources as long as the main one is the one mentioned earlier.

Using drones for food delivery services

I will need two parts of an assignment written. The topic should be about drones being used for food delivery services. The report should be discussing the science and technology behind this process. The first part is a literature review where the research has to be made about the topic. It shouldn’t be more than a 1000 words. The sources used in the literature review should be based on journal articles. The second part is the technical description which should be no more than 750 words. The referencing used should be IEEE. (PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PDF ATTACHED)

speech enhancement

I am doing a dissertation on Speech Enhancement using LSTM Recurrent neural netowrks.
A large portion of this is background writing on the characteristics of speech and speech enhancement. I will take care of the the artificial intelligence bit, I just want the speech processing and other background bits taken care of.

below is a outline of what i need:

1. Charactistics of speech
– how speech is created (doesnt need to be incredibly detailed)
– charactistics of a speech signal
– how we percieve speech

2. speech enhancement
– cocktail party problem
– speech enhancement algorithms (why some are good and bad)

WEP, WPA, WPA2 and WPA3 wireless security protocols

This is survey research project for exploring the technical side of all WPA technology. It is a thorough description of each type and their application, their drawbacks from a deep technical stance and proposing a solution that will address the problems of the older models of WPA with WPA3 being the solution to all the problems. The entire report should be written from a technical and expert point of view and not general references and term but dive deep into the explanations and descriptions.
You need to explain the features and the attacks against these protocols in your research paper


Project Survey
1. Abstract.

2. Introduction
    Discuss the background and motivation of your work. (What inspired the writing of this document, raising awareness with indepth knowledge)
    Summarize the research problem. (All WPAs of all types are prone to attacks, dont mention WPA3 which only be mentioned in section 6 as the solution to all problems)
    Summarize the proposed solution/approach to the problem. (Describe how WPA3 is fixing issues from other WPAs how this technology can be implemented on a corporate and global scale)

3. Problem statement
    what is the problem, why it is important to solve it -motivation-, what are the related security challenges/issues and how they are related to the studied topic?

4. Requirements
    Identify and present what the requirements should the solution fulfill
o    which functionalities it provides; i.e. characteristics of each WPA and their application of use for different scenarios 
o    What properties the system should have to differentiate each one from the other 

5. State-of-the-Art (should be different from background)
    Discuss research previously written by other writers related to problem described in section 3
    Classify, organize/categorize the different solutions
    Compare and show advantages and disadvantages of their findings
o    Analyze the solutions using the requirements: which requirements do they meet and which ones they dont from a security perspective on a personal, corporate and global level for each of the points mentions in section 5

6. Research challenges
If you want to design a system that solves the problem you described and meet all the requirements you identified, what will be the challenges that you have to solve? The optimum solution is WPA3
    Identify the challenges (open issues) related to the solution
    Categorize these challenges
    Give a detailed description of each challenge: explain what is the challenge, why it is difficult to solve, etc.

7. Roadmap and hints
    in which order may the challenges be addressed (search for known security flaws in the WPA3 and how are the negative effects e.g. 1)WPA is not backwards compatible from what I understand. WPA3 is it’s own new standard and any client device you have needs to be upgraded to also support WPA3, 2)The researchers found that even with WPA3, an attacker within range of a victim can still recover the password to the Wi-Fi network.
    give hints about how to solve each (most) of the identified issues

8. Conclusions
    Summarize the conclusions of your work. Future work is optional.

9. References
    List all the citations referenced in your paper minimum of 20-30. You will lose 1 points for each missing or dangling reference (i.e., the reference not cited in the main text).
    Use IEEE format, and present the references in order [1], then [2], etc.;
o    The first reference to be referenced in the paper is [1], the second to be referenced is [2], etc.
o    Total of exactly 12 references are required for this is report

o Format, respect of outline, quality of English
o The paper should have single spaced line with the font size 11 Times New Roman.


NOTE: paper structure, presentation, and writing style will be taken into consideration.
    You must use an IEEE format for your paper

Some References

Mobile applications security; i.e. securing the applications running on mobile phones
[1].        D. He, S. Chan and M. Guizani, “Mobile application security: malware threats and defenses,” in IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 138-144, February 2015


Residential grid-connected Solar (PV) System

I have written my thesis paper excluding results and conclusion. I need it to be proofread, check grammar. If there is any grammar mistakes, please correct it. If there is any sentence need to be rewritten please feel free to do that. If there is recommendations please provide it. it it my last year project, and it worth a lot of mark so please spend time on it as much as possible. English is my second language therefore there is definitely lot of mistakes.

Air Ionizer

In this case study exercise, students are asked to research on the followings
1.The nature and working principles of air ionizers
2.The applications of air ionizers in indoor environment and protection for human exposure
3.The effectiveness of air ionizers and corresponding evaluation methodologies
4.The side effect of air ionizers
5.The performance of ionizers comparing to traditional filter type air purifiers
6.Comment on how commercial ionizers shall be applied and claimed upon their performance.

Air Ionizer

In this case study exercise, students are asked to research on the followings
1.The nature and working principles of air ionizers
2.The applications of air ionizers in indoor environment and protection for human exposure
3.The effectiveness of air ionizers and corresponding evaluation methodologies
4.The side effect of air ionizers
5.The performance of ionizers comparing to traditional filter type air purifiers
6.Comment on how commercial ionizers shall be applied and claimed upon their performance.