Category: Computer science and IT assignments

C Coding Project


Write a program that manages a small list of students in a university:
Student struct should contains the flowing data members (/subdata elements):
fname, lname, birthYear (ex. 1990), gpa (ex. 3.68).
Max number of characters for fname and lname is 20.
User should be prompted with a menu of options to choose from (use switch statement):
0: Exit, 1: Load data from the file, 2:  Print all students’ information, 3: Generate report based on GPA , 4: Add student 5: Update the file.
The above line should be printed out for the user as the menu with each option in one line. The menu should be presented to the user each time that the user wants to choose a new option.
Option 1: “students.csv” with students’ information has been provided, download and place the file in your project/program directory (folder). This option needs to read the information from the file and populate an array of structures (passed to it from the main).
Option 2: this function should be called after the load data, to print all the students’ information out (each student in one line) to test the successful load of data.
Option 3: this option will first ask for a gpa (prompt), and then writes out the students’ information (only fname, lname and gpa)  with a gpa higher than the given threshold to a file named “report.csv”
Option 4: will add a student to the array by asking the information from the user. Don’t forget to prompt for the inputs and Check for the right values to be entered for gpa and age (less than 100 greater than 18). Each time user selects this option, he/she has the ability to only add one student’s information. Make sure if the user enters characters (a b c…) instead of a number for age and gpa your program will detect the wrong input and won’t crash.
Option 5: Since we may have new students, this function should update the file  “students.csv” with new student(s)’ information. to reduce the complexity for you, you can consider overwriting the file with all the information you have in array. Just write the whole updated array of struct to the same file. Check if it works right by opening the file after write is finished! ( check to see if new students are added and you can run the program again to read the uploaded file)

For functions requiring to work with a file, open the file in the main before the call, send the pointer of the file to the function, and finally don’t forget to close the file after you returned back (this will help you when you want to update the file)
Since we may add students to the array of struct, you can consider max size of 100 students, BUT still use dynamic memory allocation for the array of struct! (you don’t need to count number of the lines for creating exactly the same sized array)
You should upload 5 files: main.c, studentInfo.h and studentInfo.c, ” students.csv” and “report.csv” to
Add a couple of students with option 4 and then update the file with option 5.
Please test your code to be able to open the new updated “students.csv” file.
The “report.csv” should be generated for gpa of 3.0
The functions should be named as below:
loadData(), printAll(), genReport(), addStudent(), updateFile()
consider proper parameters, arguments, and return types/values for each function
Include only required header files!
Plagiarism will be done by Please do not copy the code from anyone, both students will get a grade of zero and will be reported.

Following the style (indentations, etc.) 5 points
Functions with proper declaration, prototype, call in right file/place and following the provided guideline (name, right return and arguments)
loadData() 10 points
printAll() 5 points
genReport() 10 points
addStudent() 10 points
updateFile() 10 points

Create a reaction program

var startScreen = new Text(“Welcome to a speed game! Click space to see the rules “, “13pt New Times Roman”);
    var rulesPart1 = new Text(“The goal of the game is to click on every number from least to ” , “11pt New Times Roman”);
    var rulesPart2 = new Text(“greatest with your mouse. You will have the time it took to” , “11pt New Times Roman”);
    var rulesPart3 = new Text(“complete the game at the top left corner if you decide that” , “11pt New Times Roman”);
    var rulesPart4 = new Text(” you want to beat your previous score, please tap” , “11pt New Times Roman”);
    var rulesPart5 = new Text(“the F button to start the game” , “11pt New Times Roman”);
    var nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];
function start(){
    startScreen.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 – startScreen.getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
    //set rules for how they lose/finish
    //start the speedGame

function titleScreen(e){
    if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
    rulesPart1.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 – rulesPart1.getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2 – 40);
    rulesPart2.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 – rulesPart2.getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2 – 20);
    rulesPart3.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 – rulesPart3.getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2 );
    rulesPart4.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 – rulesPart4.getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2 + 20);
    rulesPart5.setPosition(getWidth() / 2 – rulesPart5.getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2 + 40);
    } else if (e.keyCode == Keyboard.letter(‘F’)){


function speedGame(e){
    /*delay and make user tap a button to create image where user needs to move around with
    keysticks and press space by number order*/

function disappearNum(e){

function makeRandNum(){
    for(var i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
        var curNumbers = new Text(nums[i]);
        var pastNumbers = new Text(nums[i] – 1);
        curNumbers.setPosition (Randomizer.nextInt(0 + curNumbers.getWidth(), getWidth() – curNumbers.getWidth()) , Randomizer.nextInt(0 + curNumbers.getHeight(), getHeight() – curNumbers.getHeight()));
        pastNumbers.setPosition (Randomizer.nextInt(0 + pastNumbers.getWidth(), getWidth() – pastNumbers.getWidth()) , Randomizer.nextInt(0 + pastNumbers.getHeight(), getHeight() – pastNumbers.getHeight()) );
        curNumbers.getX() != pastNumbers.getX()
        curNumbers.getY() != pastNumbers.getY()

This is the code that I have so far, however feel free to correct anything if needed. I want to have the user go through the numbers from least to greatest and click them, making them disappear. There should be a timer that will end once they make all the numbers disappear. In addition, I would like an end screen along and please make sure the numbers 1-20 don’t overlap. I am willing to pay more if the code is done soon and all the functions work properly (this is a project for CodeHs)

java data structures

i have an assignment this Tuesday on 6 pm GMT
its is supposed to be done in pairs but I’m a foreigner in the class and don’t know anybody that I can work with. please help .
P.S linked lists stacks queues trees
contact me for more info

java : linked lists stacks queues trees

it would take 1 hour does te time work for you
i have an assignment this Tuesday on 6 pm GMT
its is supposed to be done in pairs but I’m a foreigner in the class and don’t know anybody that I can work with. please help .
P.S linked lists stacks queues trees
contact me for more info

C++ coding

in C++
please see the attachments to check the main instruction for this assignment.

some q/a to help it from an instructor

Operator overloading Q/A

Q: This is from the lecture but I don’t really understand what’s going on here:
Date d4;
d4 = d1;

A: Here we can do direct assignment if we overloaded the assignment operator for the Date

Q: Assignment or copy constructor?


Date d1;

Date d2 = d1;//this is a copy constructor. The same as if I said:

Date d2(d1);

//this is assignment:

Date d1, d2;


d1 = d2;

Q: “But what do I add? Days? Months? Years? There is some ambiguity here. Not to overload. “

Wouldn’t it do all of them?

A: If I have:

Date d;


d = d + 5;
Is it clear what do I add to that date d?

Q: Why is that istream and ostream?

A: in one case you enable the direct input to the Date, in other case you enable direct output. So you can:

Date d;

cin>>d; //to read in directly to the d.

cout<<d; //to print directly from the d.

Fix two specific methods in this assignment

Basically, this was done by another expert who took on way too many assignments and decided to return null on a couple of functions, effectively allowing the program to compile but not actually doing anything; thus, I ended up failing a lot of test cases.

The two functions I need fixed are public E element() and public E peek() in

I am also attaching the log text file for the test cases that were failed. Just focus on the assertion errors for element() and peek(), I’m only allowed to fix those particular methods because they’re responsible for so many of the test cases.

Reference the txt file; I’m attaching all the classes (there are 3) for your reference but mainly you’ll be working with PriorityTree

You’re just rewriting two functions within a class so please don’t charge too much

Create a program in C showing the time difference between accessing data in a sequential file and accessing data in a random-access file

Create a program in C showing the time difference between accessing data in a sequential file and accessing data in a random-access file.
1) Use the information of minutiae (with random data) (source code and explanation in the details file).
2) Create millions of records.
3) Compute execution time using the proper instructions in C.
Create a report showing the time difference of writing millions of records, reading all the records, and accessing to 10,000 random records.

java problem

i am a first year engineering student , i have an assignment in the cs course that will be uploaded 3:00 pm sharp and should be submitted befor 3:30 pm (i am from egypt so this timing is according to egypt) so it should be solved in less than half an hour and submitted

Packet Tracer simulationand modelling tool to build and test a small data network Assignment 2

Submission for this assignment should be in the form of
A working prototype (using Packet Tracer).
A formal report.
You are expected to make use of appropriate structure including headings, paragraphs, subsections and illustrations. All work must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard Referencing System

Need merit in this assignment

scuba chat

I have to make a code for the scuba chat. I have the template for the code and I only need to make a code which control the packets on the physical layer by adding on the template.
The code has to satisty at least 2 requirements out of 4(segmentation and reassembly, medium access control, multi-hop broadcasting, reliable data transfer) to pass the assignment.
In the description, it says that I have to make a simple interface but don’t think about that.