Category: Computer science and IT assignments


Write a program that reads an integer (greater than 0) from the console and flips the digits of the number, using the arithmetic operators // and %, while only printing out the even digits in the flipped order. Make sure that your program works for any number of digits.

Write a program that takes the size of a file (in bytes) as input from the user and converts it to the nearest whole number binary prefix (B for byte, KB for kilobyte, MB for megabyte, GB for gigabyte), rounded down. Any file sizes greater than 1024 GB should just be converted to GB. Remember that there are 2^10 bytes in a kilobyte (not 1000), 2^20 bytes in a megabyte, and 2^30 bytes in a gigabyte.

Ap Computer Science A project

You run a vehicle rental agency. You rent three makes of cars: Ferrari, Chevy and VW, and three kinds of trucks: a pickup, a dump truck and a semi.
The interesting characteristic of cars is their max speed in mph (Ferrari – 200, Chevy – 100, VW – 75).  All cars have a maximum carrying capacity of 0.5 cubic yards.
For trucks it is their carrying capacity in cubic yards that varies (pickup – 4, dump truck – 10, semi – 30).  All trucks have a maximum speed of 55 mph. 
An important aspect of all vehicles is their operating cost per mile (for gas, oil, etc):
Ferrari: $1.00
Chevy: $.25
VW:  $.10
pickup: $.12
dump truck: $.80
semi: $1.50

All vehicles also have an insurance cost. For trucks it is simply $0.01 per cubic yard of actual cargo per mile traveled. For cars it varies with vehicle type, as follows:
Ferrari: maximum speed * miles-traveled / 1000
Chevy: 0.05 * miles-traveled
VW: 10% of total operating cost

You are to write an automated rental program. The customer will enter how much cargo she needs to carry (in cubic yards), the distance she needs to go (in miles), and how much time she has to get there (in hours). The program will present a list of suitable vehicles.
For each valid vehicle found for the given input, the program will display
the specific vehicle type
total operating cost for the trip
total insurance cost for the trip
total cost for the trip
estimated trip duration
capacity (trucks only)
speed (cars only)

The program will inform the user if there are no suitable vehicles.

The user interface will be up to you.  It should be user friendly.
Your program should maintain an array of vehicles that is populated with one of each type of car and truck.  Your program should service multiple users; i.e., when finished with one user, it should request input for the next.
All users should be accommodated from the same array of vehicles; assume there is an infinite supply of all vehicle types.
Your vehicles should have a method that returns, as a string, all information pertaining to a trip.  Your program should loop through the array of vehicles and, for each one valid for the trip, print the information returned by the method.
Use good OOP design. Use good programming technique and style, including constants instead of literals.

Turn In
The first step is your design.  You must draw a picture of your programs design, using good OOP principles.  Each class should include the fields, methods and constants, and whether it is concrete or abstract.
The second step is to implement the design.  Please zip your .java files

Demonstrating the Gap

create a diagram for a better approach for compliance, based on one of the following frameworks: PCI, HIPAA, NIST, or any other accepted framework.

Ideally, the network will be an Enterprise class consisting of 1000+ clients for various corporate departments, with 50-100 servers providing typical network services. The network infrastructure will be using Layer 3 switches and layered routing to provide separation of subnets.

Your diagram, at a minimum, should include the following secure network design elements: Firewalls, IDS/IPS, DMZ, Vlans, Border and Gateway routers, private IP addressing, Isolated Server Subnets, Network Access Control, and VPN concentrator.

Binary code

This is the first of 13 weeks of assignments. These weeks will have 3-4 assignments per week. I would like to have all 13 weeks done for me. And I am willing to pay about 1k to be able to get it. Attached are the first 3 assignments

Decrypt RSA

The file s81170-cipher.bin contains data encrypted using the ARIA-128-CBC method.

First decrypt data in the file s81170-cipheredkey.bin. They were encrypted with RSA and can be decrypted with the function RSA_private_decrypt (). Optimal asymmetric encryption padding was used. You must therefore specify RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING as a parameter. You can work with the function PEM_read_PrivateKey () from the file rsakey.pem.

Now decrypt the data in the file s81170-cipher.bin. The type of the ARIA-128-CBC procedure is returned by the EVP_aria_128_cbc () function in libcrypto. Using the key parameter (key, possibly initialization vector, in this sequence), you have decrypted in the last step. The length of the required parameters can be determined from the type with the functions EVP_CIPHER_key_length () and EVP_CIPHER_iv_length ().

Encrypt the plain text with the cipher CAST5-CFB, the type of which returns the function EVP_cast5_cfb64 (). Using the key parameters (key, possibly initialization vector, in this sequence), the in immediate sequence in the file s81170-key.bin existing.
Save the encrypted data in a file called s81170-result.bin.

Please limit yourself to a source code file s81170.c

Web design for a local restaurant

You are required to design a customized software for your client, who happens
to own a restaurant at a
tourist place. Due to the shortage of manpower the owner wants to automate some
processes. The client
wants  to  have  a  computerized  display  on  the  entrance  for  booking of 
tables.  Using  the  same,  customer
should be able to check for vacant tables and select tables too for booking.
The restaurant has 10: 2-seater
tables; 5: 4-seater tables and 2: 10-seater tables. Apart from that customer
should be able to place order for
food and should be able to see the bill when done. The client also wants to
update items, their prices and
the table status as per the need. The new system should be able to generate
various types of reports as the
final outcome. After interview you have understood the requirements and done
the feasibility study before
proposing the new system.

Natural Language

You are asked to complete 4 Jupyter notebooks which are provided with these guidelines:
a3 1.ipynb
a3 2.ipynb
a3 3.ipynb
a3 4.ipynb
A separate notebook has been provided for each question since the questions are independent of each other and so that the notebooks load and run faster. The questions are based on activities that you have already completedinlabs,mainlyduringweeks8-11ofthemodule(althoughearlier material may also be relevant). Any code you have developed during the labs can be submitted as part of your answers to the questions in the assignment. To score highly on this assignment you will need to demonstrate that you:
understand the theory and your code;
can write and document high quality python code;
can develop code further to solve related problems;
can carry out experiments and display results in a coherent way;
can analyse and interpret results; and can draw conclusions and understand limitations of the technology.
can design and build prototype systems combining off-the-shelf technologies into a practical language processing system
For this report you should submit 4 Jupyter notebooks containing all of your answers to all of the questions (or 3 Jupyter notebooks for questions 1-3 and a pdf document for question 4). You may import from standard libraries and the sussex nltk resources which you have been provided with. If you wish to import any other code, it must be included in the zip le with your Jupyter notebooks. It must be possible for the assessors to run your Jupyter notebooks.

Hashtable implementation

Need the project to be done in intellij or eclipse so it will work for the lecturerer that will asses this. The assesment is to impliment a hash table so it works with the included tests. Only need it to reach around 40-50 % 60% if the one that does this finds it easy. All files included with assignment and project files. I will do the report myself. So would need the project filesd by the 15 th if possible. Price can be discussed as i do not know normal pricing

Tree viewer associated with an algebraic expression

  In C++: Starting from an algebraic expression, the tree associated with this algebraic expression will be created, and then it will be graphically represented, with different options, on the computer screen. You are not allowed using STL such as stack,queue etc. and for graphics you can use Processing,WinBGIm,SFML,SDL.
  Also the expression can have these Trigonometric functions and others :

Java GUI music player

Code already made
GUI needed
use JLayer
Play songs
Stop pause resume songs
Display album with album image, playlists and songs
Generate UML diagram

(Songs and album images are provided)

Need to be according the marking scheme