Category: Computer science and IT assignments

Simple Python Game Project

This is Grade 10 work only. (class ICS2O, Canada)
Negotiations on price may be allowed depending on the work you offer!
Only need minimum 60% of this done.
These are the instructions I was given
rubric: (proposal/worklog not needed)

I had an idea for a crossyroad/frogger style 2d top down game
I only require a few levels (or random generation system)
Mainly just need the basic code, you don’t need to make it look great.
External assets (e.g. images) are allowed

Simple Python Game Project

This is Grade 10 work only. (class ICS2O, Canada)
Negotiations on price may be allowed depending on the work you offer!
Only need minimum 60% of this done.
These are the instructions I was given
rubric: (proposal/worklog not needed)

I had an idea for a crossyroad/frogger style 2d top down game
I only require a few levels (or random generation system)
Mainly just need the basic code, you don’t need to make it look great.
External assets (e.g. images) are allowed

Simple Python Game Project

This is Grade 10 work only. (class ICS2O, Canada)
Negotiations on price may be allowed depending on the work you offer!
Only need minimum 60% of this done.
These are the instructions I was given
rubric: (proposal/worklog not needed)

I had an idea for a crossyroad/frogger style 2d top down game
I only require a few levels (or random generation system)
Mainly just need the basic code, you don’t need to make it look great.
External assets (e.g. images) are allowed

Simple Python Game Project

This is Grade 10 work only. (class ICS2O, Canada)
Negotiations on price may be allowed depending on the work you offer!
Only need minimum 60% of this done.
These are the instructions I was given
rubric: (proposal/worklog not needed)

I had an idea for a crossyroad/frogger style 2d top down game
I only require a few levels (or random generation system)
Mainly just need the basic code, you don’t need to make it look great.
External assets (e.g. images) are allowed

Simple Python Game Project

This is Grade 10 work only. (class ICS2O, Canada)
Negotiations on price may be allowed depending on the work you offer!
Only need minimum 60% of this done.
These are the instructions I was given
rubric: (proposal/worklog not needed)

I had an idea for a crossyroad/frogger style 2d top down game
I only require a few levels (or random generation system)
Mainly just need the basic code, you don’t need to make it look great.
External assets (e.g. images) are allowed

Postgre SQL Video Store Assignemnt

You are a database consultant with Ace Software, Inc., and have been assigned to develop a database for the Johnson Video Store in town. The owners have been keeping their records of videos and DVDs purchased from distributors and rented to customers in stacks of invoices and piles of rental forms for years. They have finally decided to automate their record keeping with a relational database.

You sit down with the owners to discuss their business and watch their operation for about a week. You discover quickly that a video and a DVD are both copies of a movie kept in a separate plastic case that is rented out. They have several copies of each movie they rent; therefore, there are several videos and DVDs for each movie title. You learn that in their inventory they have several thousand videos and DVDs, which they get wholesale from about a half dozen distributors. The video and DVD prices for them are based on the quantity of their shipment and the past business they have done with each company.

The price of a DVD for a movie might be different from the price of a video for the same movie, even from the same distributor. Each distributor provides different types of movies (e.g., suspense, horror, mystery, comedy, etc.). A single distributor may provide several different types of movies in both video and DVD format. It is possible to obtain the same movie from multiple distributors and at different wholesale prices.

Each video and DVD has a unique identification number that The owners assign in their inventory, in addition to the distributor’s serial number for the item. Each movie also has a unique identification number. The owners assign in addition to the title and any movie IDs the distributors use in their electronic catalogs. Distributors provide electronic catalogs to the owners, and the information from these catalogs must be included in the database.

The owners need to record when a video or DVD is rented, when a video or DVD is returned, and all customer charges such as late and damaged fees, failure to rewind fees, and taxes. They need a report of which videos are returned late because there are standard and late charges. On occasion, there are discount prices for specific movies or types of movies. Customers want to rent movies based on actors or actresses, running length, type of movie, rating, year released, the director, and the Academy Awards won (by the movie, the actors, the actresses and/or the directors). Customers also want to know how many videos they have rented in the last month, year, and so forth. The owners need to keep only basic information on customers in their database, such as name, address, telephone numbers, etc.

There must be no limit to the number of video and/or DVD copies of a movie that the owners can have in their inventory. Video/DVD ID numbers, movie ID numbers, and distributor ID numbers for videos, DVDs, and movies are all different. Also, each movie must be able to have an unlimited number of actors, actresses, directors, and Academy Awards (i.e., Oscars). Other types of awards (e.g., Golden Globe, People’s Choice, etc.) are not of interest for this application. The rental of equipment, sale of videos, DVDs, popcorn, etc., is not to be kept in the database.

1. Draw an ERD utilizing a software of your choice.

2. Develop metadata from the ERD and document in an Excel spreadsheet.

3. Using PostgreSQL, develop and execute an SQL script file of DDL SQL to create the database tables in the metadata document.

4.Using PostgreSQL, develop and execute an SQL script file of DML SQL INSERT statements to populate the tables using SQL INSERT statements for at least 5 rows of data per table.

5.Using PostgreSQL develop and execute an SQL script file to:

      – Show the contents of all tables

      – Retrieve all of the customers’ names, account numbers, and addresses (street and zip code only), sorted by account number

      – Retrieve all of the DVDs rented in the last 30 days and sort in chronological rental date order

      -Update a customer name to change their maiden names to married names. You can choose which row to update.  Make sure that you use the primary key column in your WHERE clause to affect only a specific row.

      – Delete a specific customer from the database. You can choose which row to delete.  Make sure that you use the primary key column in your WHERE clause to affect only a specific row.

The metadata should be submitted in an Excel spreadsheet.  All other outputs for the database design, SQL code, and SQL results should be submitted in a single Word file in order, by step, and clearly labeled. The Word file should also have a preface describing the database lifecycle steps and methodologies and a conclusion section containing lessons learned from this project.

Abalone Board Game

I have to do a project at Computer Science for the end of the module and I am stuck.. I have to implement a game called Abalone(more like sumo with balls), which can be played between 2-4 Players and also the option to play vs a Computer(The AI doesn’t need to be perfect, can also choose random places, I do not care that much for the AI).

I have several slides with the rules fully explained, there are also rules on the internet, but for the record I will attach the visual of the board(which needs to be a hexagon), so you can get a better idea. I will also attach a PDF with rules(brief).

For example, for movement:
L-> Move marble(s) left if possible
UL-> Move marble(s) up left if possible
UR-> Move marble(s) up right if possible
R-> Move marble(s) right if possible
DR-> Move marble(s) down right if possible
DL-> Move marble(s) down left if possible

The game doesn’t need to be perfect, input and output will be the Console, so no GUI, but I want for instance in a game if I want to move:
-> 1 marble I type:
C3 DL which moves the marble(Down Left), now the marble being at the position D3
-> for 2 marbles(which are in a column):
A5 B6 UR, which means the column of marbles is moved up right and are now(B6 C7) and so on..

If you check the board coordinates I think you get what I mean.
On the slides I would provide, there is also a Class Diagaram indicating what classes should be use and I will also give a zip file with my TicTacToe project which has the same structure, so it can be easy to implement after seeing that.

I want a working solution so whenever I type the marbles and the moves, the board to be updated accordingly, always checking if marbles are out of bound, if the game is finished etc..

Rogue like game

This shouldn’t take too long i think if it does take longer i will increase payment
This is my a level project worth 20% of my grade it consists of making a top down 2d dungeon crawler with these requirements made in unity:
1. player movements with mouse aiming
2. random dungeon generator with a boss room
3. a mini-map
4. health bar and ability meter
5. a dash ability that can damage enemies and a ability system.
6. Easily Gun system and coins to buy guns, guns that shoot with different stats ie more spread faster and stronger etc etc
7. inventory to store those guns
8. enemies that shoot back and chase you
9. a boss room with a simple boss
10. shop room
11. floor system and the abilities to move up floors
12. power ups that make u faster dash further etc etc
13. score system
14. score system stored from highest to lowest
15. 3 different bosses
not needed stuff i want to do myself if u want to help explaining or starting or doing it will pay more for these requirements so i get the a *:
1. time system that makes the game harder as it goes
2. if u wanna help start the neat ai for the boss
3. Make it multiplayer for 2 players with a database score system to save each players score
4. Outside shop for accessories ie glow, change in color etc etc
5. Code commented on, all new high level code must be commented with what it does, any repeated code could be commented with with a reference to any other reoccurring code
6. new abilities like time freeze or slow down time
7. animations and sound effects #NOT NEEDED AT ALL JUST SOMETHING TO SPICE IT UP

Code must be sophisticated and in object oriented 
Look at this YouTube video for reference i think it fully captures what i want to do:

Rogue like

This is my a level project worth 20% of my grade it consists of making a topdown 2d dungeon crawler with these requirements made in unity:
1. player movements with mouse aiming
2. random dungeon generator with a boss room
3. a minimap
4. health bar and ability meter
5. a dash ability that can damage enemies and a ability system.
6. Easily Gun system and coins to buy guns, guns that shoot with different stats ie more spread faster and stronger etc etc
7. inventory to store those guns
8. enemies that shoot back and chase you
9. a boss room with a simple boss
10. shop room
11. floor system and the abilities to move up floors
12. power ups that make u faster dash further etc etc
13. score system
14. score system sotred from highest to lowest
15. 3 different bosses
not needed stuff i want to do myself if u want to help explaining or starting or doing it will pay more for these requirements so i get the a *:
1. time system that makes the game harder as it goes
2. if u wanna help start the neat ai for the boss
3. make it multiplayer and store
4. outside shop for accessories ie glow, change in color etc etc
5. coded commented on with all new high level code must be commented, any repeated code could be commented with with a reference
6. new abilities like time freeze or slow down time
7. animations and sound effects #NOT NEEDED AT ALL JUST SOMETHING TO SPICE IT UP

Python Program very low level (Year 11)

It’s literally a small python assignment for UK AQA GCSE computing project.


RLE to ascii
Display ASCII art

The code shouldn’t be crazy sophisticated and should include what each variable does with the use of a # as I need to do a write-up of it afterward.