Category: Computer science and IT assignments

Password Breaker

Attached will be the rubric my task I have chosen is:

I am writing a python program to access my schools linux server using python. logging on as myself then executing  ypcat passwrd | awk -F “:” ‘print $1’ > users_on.txt  . Everything must be in in one py file.
My train of though it using python to access Putty, log in as my self run the command above to get the users then use a password breaker that I will provide (that I think I made effectively ) to try all 8 (maybe 9) digit numerical passwords if successful increase a counter by 1 and save that username and password to a file.

Python Code from docstrings

This homework is a series of functions related to data structures.

Here are all the function headers and docstrings for the ten assigned functions: P7: Data StructuresPreview the document.

The rubric for this homework is a bit different than usual–it is binary. You will get either full credit or zero for each function. You will get full credit if and only if your function has the exact docstring as in, follows any explicit instructions in the comment, the print function is not called, and the doctests for that function work without errors (see Worksheet 13: Doctests for a description of how to run doctests–it is NOT sufficient to just run these tests informally yourself).

Python Code from docstrings

This homework is a series of functions related to data structures.

Here are all the function headers and docstrings for the ten assigned functions: P7: Data StructuresPreview the document.

The rubric for this homework is a bit different than usual–it is binary. You will get either full credit or zero for each function. You will get full credit if and only if your function has the exact docstring as in, follows any explicit instructions in the comment, the print function is not called, and the doctests for that function work without errors (see Worksheet 13: Doctests for a description of how to run doctests–it is NOT sufficient to just run these tests informally yourself).

Python Code from docstrings

This homework is a series of functions related to data structures.

Here are all the function headers and docstrings for the ten assigned functions: P7: Data StructuresPreview the document.

The rubric for this homework is a bit different than usual–it is binary. You will get either full credit or zero for each function. You will get full credit if and only if your function has the exact docstring as in, follows any explicit instructions in the comment, the print function is not called, and the doctests for that function work without errors (see Worksheet 13: Doctests for a description of how to run doctests–it is NOT sufficient to just run these tests informally yourself).

Python Code from docstrings

This homework is a series of functions related to data structures.

Here are all the function headers and docstrings for the ten assigned functions: P7: Data StructuresPreview the document.

The rubric for this homework is a bit different than usual–it is binary. You will get either full credit or zero for each function. You will get full credit if and only if your function has the exact docstring as in, follows any explicit instructions in the comment, the print function is not called, and the doctests for that function work without errors (see Worksheet 13: Doctests for a description of how to run doctests–it is NOT sufficient to just run these tests informally yourself).

Python Code from docstrings

This homework is a series of functions related to data structures.

Here are all the function headers and docstrings for the ten assigned functions: P7: Data StructuresPreview the document.

The rubric for this homework is a bit different than usual–it is binary. You will get either full credit or zero for each function. You will get full credit if and only if your function has the exact docstring as in, follows any explicit instructions in the comment, the print function is not called, and the doctests for that function work without errors (see Worksheet 13: Doctests for a description of how to run doctests–it is NOT sufficient to just run these tests informally yourself).

Python Code from docstrings

This homework is a series of functions related to data structures.

Here are all the function headers and docstrings for the ten assigned functions: P7: Data StructuresPreview the document.

The rubric for this homework is a bit different than usual–it is binary. You will get either full credit or zero for each function. You will get full credit if and only if your function has the exact docstring as in, follows any explicit instructions in the comment, the print function is not called, and the doctests for that function work without errors (see Worksheet 13: Doctests for a description of how to run doctests–it is NOT sufficient to just run these tests informally yourself).

Maze Data Structure

I have attached the .zip file that contains all the info you should need to complete the project (declaration, functions needed, instructions, etc.). You must create a maze using C++, then use recursion to solve the maze and print the output. Just be sure to use the functions included in maze.h!

Ch 14 JavaFX Basics – Poker

Poker #1
For this program, refer to programming exercise 14.3, on page 586 in your textbook. Instead of 3 cards, you should deal a full poker hand of 5. Note: your program should not allow a given card to be dealt twice in the same hand. The image files you need to use should have been downloaded alongside this word file.

For this program, simply submit the java, UML, and readme files in a compressed folder. 

Network Defense System

It is essential to have a basic understanding of network defense topologies in order to properly comprehend the defensive strategies deployed by companies to protect their information assets.
Use the Cisco Packet Tracer application to create a network diagram that makes use of the following devices listed below, which belong to Company X. The diagram should illustrate your knowledge of network defense by placing network assets in their proper location, so as to ensure their protection. Include, within the diagram, any small office/home office (SOHO) solutions that will be used to protect either the infrastructure or end-user devices.
Within the diagram make sure to include at a minimum:
10 mobile devices (phones/laptops/tablets)
Five desktop/stationary computers
Two servers (file/email)
One printer
One router/firewall
One WAN/gateway connection
One switch
One corresponding backup/replication asset for disaster recovery (local or remote storage/server)
Note: Any IP addresses used should be labeled next to the corresponding device.
Then, create a report outlining the abilities of the network topology in reference to securing network devices and other information assets used by Company X. Make sure to address the following within the report:
A detailed explanation of the topology design addressing the “why” and “how” of the topology defenses solution and design, specifically threat models, motivations (such as insider threat), and ideologies
Network defense solution list (i.e., software/hardware used to protect information assets)
Encryption policies used by the network and end-users
Disaster plan recovery, including restoration plans
When completing the report for this assignment, refer to the “Report Template.”
APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a basic scoring guide, provided by your instructor. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to LopeWrite.