Category: Computer science and IT assignments

Web Crawler

Need to design a web crawler using C language, the specifications for this assignment is in that project 1 web crawler pdf. There’s two additional documents for starting tips.
My tutor said the sort of http libraries that you shouldn’t use are  libcurl.  (as an exception, you can use the  HTML  parser  htmltidy.c from libcurl.)
Also they said client.c could be a good starting point, most of them actually use that file to modify to make it work as a crawler.

Java Assignment

Please dont use hashmaps for the data structure

No scene builder or java fxml, ONLY JavaFX should be used for the GUI components for adding customer and viewing seats and displaying empty seats.

Please have Name validations to prevent the entering of numbers, special characters, spaces and trailing spaces.

The two locations of travel are Colombo to Badulla. When the travel locations are selected they need to go back and forth. Eg: Customer can travel from Colombo to Badulla or Badulla to Colombo.

Date validation should also be entered to prevent previous dates from the present day to be entered and future dates can only be booked from the next day in comparison to todays date upto a maximum of 30 days.

File Handling can only be used for S and L section (Check word document attachment)

Python Project

Find the count of words in ‘Functionality’ column of the attached spreadsheet. Write a python program to find count of words and frequency of words (tf-idf) across the words.
The output file must be in excel format showing:
a. top 100 words  and counts of those words by organization name and owner.
b.  top 100 words and frequency (tf-idf) of those words by organization name and owner.
c. pie chart or bar graph showing count and frequency of words by organization name.

Another output should be GUI window should have
a. visualization top 20 words count by organization. Display those words and word counts as well.
b and display the complete text  of these 20 words in tabular format. Display date and organization name as well.
c  interactive chat box  within GUI window
d chat box first message that should display ‘How can I help you?’.
e. The user will type the word that they want to search. For example ‘organization’.
f. chat box will search the word that exist in functionality column of source excel file.
g. if the word exist in functionality column, the chat box should display the count and frequency by organization and ask ‘do you want to see complete texts in which this word exist’? and should accept yes or no in response.
h. If the user types ‘yes’, the chat box should display complete text by organization name and date
i. the chat box search of the word should not be case sensitive
j the chat box should also suggest similar words that may exist. For example, if the user searches ‘culture’, the search result should also display suggestion to check the counts of ‘organizational culture’.
k. the chat box should allow to search for two words for example ‘organization culture’
l the chat box should allow user to search for organization name. For example, the user can enter ‘A’ (which is organization name in source file), the chat box should display the top 20 words  for this organization by date. and allow to view complete text in which this word exist.

Guidelines for output excel files and GUI:
a. ignore words after ‘comment’ in functionality column of source file.
b. ignore stop words
c. Ignore the words after comment in functionality column.
d.  if the user enters word that does not exist, it should display ‘Sorry, I didn’t get that. Let’s try again.’
e. The chat box can be closed by click on ‘X’
f. whenever source file updates, the GUI window and chat box should display most recent information.
g whenever source file updates, the output excel file should display most recent information.
h. The python program must be in anaconda (spyder 2.7 version)
i Provide a separate word document that shows which third-party packages are installed and steps how to install them

Pickleball Tournament

(60 points) Two SHSU Pickleball teams, one is a faculty team and the other one is a student team, organized their very first tournament. Each player played against an opponent from another school. Write a program that prompts the user to enter pickleball tournament game results. The scores should be saved in two different arrays, named Faculty[] and Student[].
The program should display:

a.    the percentage of games won by Faculty,
b.    the highest total score (Faculty and Student combined) of all the games and the corresponding game number,
c.    the largest deficit of Student and corresponding game number.

In Game Round 1, winning Percentage of Faculty is: 25%
In Game Round 1, the highest scored game was 20 points in the first game.
In Game Round 1, the largest deficit of Students was 6 points in the 2nd game.

(40 points) Based on the tournament scores, store the winners of that round into another array (Based on the above example those players will be Faculty[0], Student[1], Student[2], and Student[3]). Once an array is set up, randomly draw semi-final matches. Once matches are drawn, randomly pick the winner of the semi-final games (assign the Faculty winner player a score of 11) and then randomly assign a value between 0 and 4 to the Student.
Now your extended program should display:

d.    the number of Student players made it to finals,
e.    the percentage of games won by Student (this should include results from Round 1).

Only 1 player from Student made it Finals
Overall, winning Percentage of Student is: 67%

JAVA Assignment

4 tasks given in the Assignment text file.

Change the getValidMoves method to have return type List<Integer> instead of int[].
Change the Board class to implement the Cloneable interface. The clone method must return
a deep copy.
Add a new player action Action.RESET that allows a player to reset the game to the initial
Add a new player action Action.UNDO that allows a player to undo the last action.

Data Modeling (Oracle SQL Developer)

This assignment is part 2 of a project.  Part one is what is uploaded now.  There is a Word document with some revisions that need to be made to the project prior to starting the assignment instructions, so please implement the corrections first.  Otherwise follow the PDF file for instructions as they are to build upon the existing SQL project. 

Statistical Machine Learning project

This is a machine learning assignment.
This assignment also requires us to run the Kaggle in-class competition against my peers. The assessment will be partially based on the final ranking in the privately-held competition, partially based on the absolute performance and partially based on the report.
I am hoping that I can find an expert to help me writing the code and run the competetion also who can write the report.

I also uploaded the detail requirements take a look if you feel interesting.

Lab 6

Performing an Wifi adapter packet injection test to see whether your Wifi adapter is capable of injection can be done easily with Aireplay-ng. Aireplay-ng is great tool to generate traffic for cracking WEP and WPA keys. Another great feature is the Deauthentication option.  Take a look and document how this happens on your own personal router.  Use screenshots and describe the process.

Java Program

Write a Java program to read data on movies from a Comma Separated (CSV) text file. Each line in the file contains data for one movie. The data format is as follows: Title(String -length 20), Genre(String-10), Year(String-4),Runtime(Double)

Read the file and store the movies in a List Collection.

Write a comparator to sort the movies by Year and Title (in that order). Using this comparator, SORT the List and output the Movie data on the Console. Sorting is ascending sort.

Python HW

All of the problems in this assignments should be solved with Dictionaries or Sets. 

Don’t build Dictionaries by hand: automate building your dictionaries. 

You will be asked to use a CSV file from called Missouri_Beer__Wine.csvPreview the document

Use Exceptions to protect your program from missing files, and provide the user a useful error message. 

Start with our (notebook): submit your version of the notebook and a pdf of your notebook after running the Unit Tests.