Category: Computer science and IT assignments


Morgan Rushing
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4048.2.1 : Introduction to Programming

The graduate applies fundamental programming concepts in a specific programming environment.

4048.2.2 : Variables and Data Types

The graduate prepares code which declares, initializes, and assigns values to variables of appropriate types as part of the application development process.

4048.2.3 : Control Structures

The graduate writes code that implements decision and loop constructs to control the flow of a program.

4048.2.4 : Arrays

The graduate creates arrays in order to solve complex problems.

4048.2.5 : Pointers and Memory

The graduate applies pointers to solve complex problems.

4048.2.6 : Functions

The graduate writes code that creates and manipulates functions and files.

4048.2.7 : Object-Oriented Paradigm

The graduate applies object-oriented programming concepts in order to create a basic application.

Throughout your career in software development, you will develop and maintain new and existing applications. You will be expected to fix issues as well as add new enhancements or migrate existing applications to new platforms or different programming languages. As a software developer, your role will be to create a design of an application based on given business requirements. After the design is completed, you must implement the application based on the design document and provided requirements.

In this assessment, you will create a C++ application based on the scenario below. The skills you demonstrate in your completed application will be useful in responding to technical interview questions for future employment. This application may also be added to your portfolio to show to future employers.

This project will require an integrated development environment (IDE). You must use either Visual Studio or Eclipse for this assessment. Directions for accessing these IDEs can be found in the attached IDE Instructions.

Your submission should include a zip file with all the necessary code files to compile, support, and run your application. The zip file submission must also keep the project file and folder structure intact for the Visual Studio IDE or Eclipse IDE.

You are hired as a contractor to help a university migrate an existing student system to a new platform using C++ language. Since the application already exists, its requirements exist as well, and they are outlined in the next section. You are responsible for implementing the part of the system based on these requirements. A list of data is provided as part of these requirements. This part of the system is responsible for reading and manipulating the provided data.

You must write a program containing two classes (i.e., Student and Roster). The program will maintain a current roster of students within a given course. Student data for the program include student ID, first name, last name, email address, age, an array of the number of days to complete each course, and degree program. This information can be found in the studentData Table below. The program will read a list of five students and use function calls to manipulate data (see part F4 in the requirements below). While parsing the list of data, the program should create student objects. The entire student list will be stored in one array of students called classRosterArray. Specific data-related output will be directed to the console.

studentData Table

Student ID

First Name

Last Name



Days in Course

Degree Program






30, 35, 40







50, 30, 40






20, 40, 33





[email protected]


50, 58, 40



Your first name

Your last name

Your valid email address

Your age

Number of days to complete 3 courses


The data should be input as follows:

const string studentData[] =

{“A1,John,Smith,John1989@gm,20,30,35,40,SECURITY”, “A2,Suzan,Erickson,Erickson_1990@gmailcom,19,50,30,40,NETWORK”, “A3,Jack,Napoli,,19,20,40,33,SOFTWARE”, “A4,Erin,Black,[email protected],22,50,58,40,SECURITY”, “A5,Morgan,Rushing,[email protected],26,51,58,42,SOFTWARE”

You may not include third-party libraries. Your submission should include one zip file with all the necessary code files to compile, support, and run your application. You must also provide evidence of the programs required functionality by taking a screen capture of the console run, saved as an image file.

Note: This assessment requires you to submit pictures, graphics, and/or diagrams. Each file must be an attachment no larger than 30 MB in size. Diagrams must be original and may be hand-drawn or drawn using a graphics program. Do not use CAD programs because attachments will be too large.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

A.  Modify the studentData Table to include your personal information as the last item.

B.  Create a C++ project in your integrated development environment (IDE) with the following files:


  student.h and student.cpp

  roster.h and roster.cpp


Note: There must be a total of six source code files.

C.  Define an enumerated data type DegreeProgram for the degree programs containing the data type values SECURITY, NETWORK, and SOFTWARE.

Note: This information should be included in the degree.h file.

D.  For the Student class, do the following:

1.  Create the class Student  in the files student.h and student.cpp, which includes each of the following variables:

  student ID

  first name

  last name

  email address


  array of number of days to complete each course

  degree program

2.  Create each of the following functions in the Student class:

a.  an accessor (i.e., getter) for each instance variable from part D1

b.  a mutator (i.e., setter) for each instance variable from part D1

c.  All external access and changes to any instance variables of the Student class must be done using accessor and mutator functions.

d.  constructor using all of the input parameters provided in the table

e.  print() to print specific student data

E.  Create a Roster class (roster.cpp) by doing the following:

1.  Create an array of pointers, classRosterArray, to hold the data provided in the studentData Table.

2.  Create a student object for each student in the data table and populate classRosterArray.

a.  Parse each set of data identified in the studentData Table.

b.  Add each student object to classRosterArray.

3.  Define the following functions:

a.  public void add(string studentID, string firstName, string lastName, string emailAddress, int age, int daysInCourse1, int daysInCourse2, int daysInCourse3, DegreeProgram degreeprogram)  that sets the instance variables from part D1 and updates the roster.

b.  public void remove(string studentID)  that removes students from the roster by student ID. If the student ID does not exist, the function prints an error message indicating that the student was not found.

c. public void printAll() that prints a complete tab-separated list of student data in the provided format: A1 [tab] First Name: John [tab] Last Name: Smith [tab] Age: 20 [tab]daysInCourse: {35, 40, 55} Degree Program: Security. The printAll() function should loop through all the students in classRosterArray and call the print() function for each student.

d.  public void printAverageDaysInCourse(string studentID)  that correctly prints a students average number of days in the three courses. The student is identified by the studentID parameter.

e.  public void printInvalidEmails() that verifies student email addresses and displays all invalid email addresses to the user.

Note: A valid email should include an at sign (‘@’) and period (‘.’) and should not include a space (‘ ‘).

f.  public void printByDegreeProgram(DegreeProgram degreeProgram) that prints out student information for a degree program specified by an enumerated type.

F.  Demonstrate the programs required functionality by adding a main() function in main.cpp, which will contain the required function calls to achieve the following results:

1.  Print out to the screen, via your application, the course title, the programming language used, your WGU student ID, and your name.

2.  Create an instance of the Roster class called classRoster.

3.  Add each student to classRoster.

4.  Convert the following pseudo code to complete the rest of the  main() function:



//loop through classRosterArray and for each element:

classRoster.printAverageDaysInCourse(/*current_object’s student id*/);





//expected: the above line should print a message saying such a student with this ID was not found.

5.  Implement the destructor to release the memory that was allocated dynamically in Roster.

G.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

File Restrictions
File name may contain only letters, numbers, spaces, and these symbols: ! – _ . * ‘ ( )
File size limit: 200 MB
File types allowed: doc, docx, rtf, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, odt, pdf, txt, qt, mov, mpg, avi, mp3, wav, mp4, wma, flv, asf, mpeg, wmv, m4v, svg, tif, tiff, jpeg, jpg, gif, png, zip, rar, tar, 7z

Advanced Object-Oriented Programming with C #

Short Assignments 2:

Complete the following:

Create a base class for a banking account. Decide what characteristics are common for checking and saving accounts and include these characteristics in the base class. Define subclasses for checking and savings. In your design, do not allow the banking base account to be instantiated only the checking and saving subclasses. Include a presentation class to test your design.

–    Based on inheritance, polymorphism and abstract classes
–    Save your project as LabTest2_XX_999 where XX stands for the initials of your first and last name and 999 stands for the last 3 digits of your student number.
–    Put some impotent comments/notes.
–    Solution code must be submitted on time otherwise it will not be marked.

Important Note:
# Do not copy from anyone, anywhere or any website.
# If two peoples (or more) provide equivalent solutions and /or assignments are the same (or very much alike) they will all get 0 marks and be reported to the faculty.
# So again, this is your warning, be cautious not to share your application and solutions with others.

Advanced Web Programming

I will provide when you need “ex_starts/ch09_ex2” file:

1.    Start the Chrome browser and run the application in the ex_starts/ch09_ex2 directory. This should display a page that allows you to enter three numbers and provides starting values for the three numbers.

2.    Click on the Submit button. Note that this displays a message that includes the values of the three numbers but doesnt include the values for the rest of the message.
Write the code that processes the data entered by the user

3.    Open the index.php file for this application and review the code. Note that it doesnt process the data. Instead, it just displays the data on the form.

4.    Open the number_tester.php file for this application and review the code. Note that the PHP code that displays the $message variable uses the nl2br() function to convert new line characters to <br> tags.

5.    Add the code that uses the data thats entered into the text box controls to display a message

thats formatted like this:
Number 1: 78
Number 2: -105.33
Number 3: 0.0049

Number 2 ceiling: -105
Number 2 floor: -106
Number 3 rounded: 0.005

Min: -105.33
Max: 78

Random: 86
When formatting this message, use escape sequences to insert new line characters.

6.    Make sure the user enters all three numbers and that these numbers are valid.

7.    Make sure the rounded number is rounded to 3 decimal places.

8.    Make sure the random number is a number between 1 and 100.

9.    Test the application to make sure it works correctly with the default values and also with other values.


Add the code that uses the data thats entered into the text box controls to display a message thats formatted like this:                                                                                                          30 points
Number 1: 78
Number 2: -105.33
Number 3: 0.0049

Number 2 ceiling: -105
Number 2 floor: -106
Number 3 rounded: 0.005

Min: -105.33
Max: 78

Random: 86
When formatting this message, use escape sequences to insert new line characters.

Make sure the user enters all three numbers and that these numbers are valid.     10  points
Make sure the rounded number is rounded to 3 decimal places.    10 points
Make sure the random number is a number between 1 and 100.      10 points

Total    60 points

– Do not copy from anywhere.
– This is your warning, be cautious not to share your application and solutions with others. Otherwise you will all get 0 marks and be reported to the faculty.

Community College Java 1 Class final DUE 6/27!!

Hello I am willing to pay $80 for this assignment. It is a community college online programming 1 final. There are two instructional video demos: the links are
More instructions are within the zip file. They are in the index.html file as well as scattered throughout the actual java file.
It needs to be made on Eclipse IDE and named something like Assignment_5. My name is Aaron Choi, so please list that as the @author. He also requires a breif description/JavaDoc of the work done, which we have to put at the top, before the name. JavaDoc comments are indicated by /** before the comments. I have attached a screenshot with more instructions as well as the zip file containing all the files the professor provided. This is a beginner’s course, so please follow the intermediary/potentially unnecessary instructions he specifies.
Lastly, please make sure that after naming the file, you do not click finish and instead go to next, then under libraries and under classpath add an external jar. That jar will be the attached file, which should be a jar once unzipped. Then, please do NOT make a modules path if prompted so after clicking finish during the creation of the new java project.
Please tell me if you need anything else.

Coding Problem

These links are the two assignments you can do, if they don’t work for what ever reason, please do any other two assignments that are level 8 on the website.
Complete the code and include comments with //’s on how it was done, please and thank you.

Programing Project

Due to the three parts to this assignment, if accepted, I’ll release the first half of payment when part 1 of this assignment is finished.

The project has three parts.  All three classes are to be worked within the starter code provided for you.

The starter code that is mandatory for this has been included in the attachments, thank you for your time.

Part I:

Work in class Circle.

Design a class named Circle with double fields named radius and circumference and area.  Include a no argument constructor that set the radius to 1 and calculates the other two values.  Include a second constructor that accepts a value for the radius.

public Circle()

public Circle(double radius)


The circumference is 2*pi*r.

The area is pi*r^2.

Use Math.PI for this calculation.

Include methods getRadius() and setRadius().  Also include a method getArea() and getCircumference().

The main method to enter data and display the data is provided for you.  You are to finish the Circle class in the file.


Part II:

Work in class CheckArray.

Using a method

has4or5(int [] arr)

that reads in an integer array, return whether or not the array contains a 4 or 5.

If a 4 or 5 is found in the array, return true.  If no 4 or 5 can be found in the array, return false.


Part III:

Work in class ArraySize.

Start with 2 int arrays, a and b, each length 4. Consider the sum of the values in each array. Return the array which has the largest sum. In event of a tie, return a.

Network Homework

This is a networking assignment in c. The professor included the necessary server.c and client.c code. Everything else is just making manipulations to framework. This should be an easy assignment, but I am dealing with a family issue right now related to COVID.

Internetworking With TCP/IP

Hello Robert,
I hope you are staying healthy and safe. I need an assistant with my Professional Training home work assignments. I am going to have a weekly assignment for next two months. Please let me know if you would be willing to post the solutions for my first home work questions attached above and how many tutoring hours you would like to charge me?

1. Imagine that a bicycle messenger is given two (2) USB memory sticks, each of which contains 64 gigabytes of data. Given that the courier can travel at 20 km per hour through traffic, for what range of distance does the courier have a higher data rate than a transmission line whose data rate (excluding overhead) is 150 Mbps? Provide the details that support your answer.

2. Explain the use of the sliding window for both flow control and error control. Show how the same sequence numbers that are used for flow control can also be used for error control. Illustrate your answer using time sequence diagrams.

3. Research the network architecture and technology of cable modems and xDSL service for providing access to the Internet from your home. Describe in detail the technical features of the transmission and multiplexing schemes used by each of these services. Your answer should focus on the coax or twisted pair technology used in these services rather than the use of fiber optics, and your answer should concentrate on the transmission and multiplexing used by these systems. You will find a lot of material available on the web to help you answer this question but please note that your answer should be in your own words, and that your answer should include proper citations.


4. Spend some time researching new technology that is being developed to provide high-speed Internet service to residential customers. Describe a new development in this area. (Make sure to provide the appropriate citations for your answer.) How fast do you expect residential users where you live to be able to access the Internet two years from today?

Note that your answer to this question, and all of the questions on a homework assignment, should be in your own words: it cannot be a definition or a description copied from a resource on the web.

A) What is a virtual circuit? How does it compare to a physical or “real” circuit?

B) Describe, compare and contrast, connection-oriented communication and connectionless communication. Focus your answer on the protocols at layer 3 (IP) and layer 4 (TCP or UDP).

C) It is very common to hear folks say that connection-oriented communications is the same as circuit switching or circuit-switched communication. Does this statement make sense? How are the two concepts and technologies related to each other, and/or how are they different? HINT: Consider the physical characteristics of a network versus the logical view of the network.


Its an exam to do within a time frame about Introduction to C, very basic questions. Ill receive the document at 5:20 and have to submit the answers before 7:35 (thats UTC-4, I live in Montreal)

The questions will be in french but I can translate them before sending them it shouldn’t take me more than 20 min


Its an exam to do within a time frame about Introduction to C, very basic questions. Ill receive the document at 5:20 and have to submit the answers before 7:35 (thats UTC-4, I live in Montreal)

The questions will be in french but I can translate them before sending them it shouldn’t take me more than 20 min