Category: Computer science and IT assignments

Liri bot

# LIRI Bot

### Overview

In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone’s SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

### Before You Begin

1. LIRI will search Spotify for songs, Bands in Town for concerts, and OMDB for movies.

2. Make a new GitHub repository called liri-node-app and clone it to your computer.

3. To retrieve the data that will power this app, you’ll need to send requests using the `axios` package to the Bands in Town, Spotify and OMDB APIs. You’ll find these Node packages crucial for your assignment.

  * [Node-Spotify-API](

  * [Axios](

    * You’ll use Axios to grab data from the [OMDB API]( and the [Bands In Town API](

  * [Moment](

  * [DotEnv](
## Submission Guide

Create and use a standard GitHub repository. As this is a CLI App, it cannot be deployed to GitHub pages or Heroku. This time you’ll need to include screenshots, a GIF, and/or a video showing us that you have the app working with no bugs. You can include these screenshots/GIFs or a link to a video in a `` file.

In order to meet the Employer Competitive standards and be ready to show your application to employers, the `` file should meet the following criteria:

1. Clearly state the problem the app is trying to solve (i.e. what is it doing and why)
2. Give a high-level overview of how the app is organized
3. Give start-to-finish instructions on how to run the app
4. Include screenshots, gifs or videos of the app functioning
5. Contain a link to a deployed version of the app
6. Clearly list the technologies used in the app
7. State your role in the app development

Because screenshots (and well-written READMEs) are extremely important in the context of GitHub, this will be part of the grading in this assignment.

If you haven’t written a markdown file yet, [click here for a rundown](, or just take a look at the raw file of these instructions.

### Commits

Having an active and healthy commit history on GitHub is important for your future job search. It is also extremely important for making sure your work is saved in your repository. If something breaks, committing often ensures you are able to go back to a working version of your code.

* Committing often is a signal to employers that you are actively working on your code and learning.

  * We use the mantra commit early and often.  This means that when you write code that works, add it and commit it!

  * Numerous commits allow you to see how your app is progressing and give you a point to revert to if anything goes wrong.

* Be clear and descriptive in your commit messaging.

  * When writing a commit message, avoid vague messages like “fixed.” Be descriptive so that you and anyone else looking at your repository knows what happened with each commit.

* We would like you to have well over 200 commits by graduation, so commit early and often!

### Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

### Instructions

1. Navigate to the root of your project and run `npm init -y` this will initialize a `package.json` file for your project. The `package.json` file is required for installing third party npm packages and saving their version numbers. If you fail to initialize a `package.json` file, it will be troublesome, and at times almost impossible for anyone else to run your code after cloning your project.

2. Make a `.gitignore` file and add the following lines to it. This will tell git not to track these files, and thus they won’t be committed to Github.


3. Make a JavaScript file named `keys.js`.

* Inside keys.js your file will look like this:

console.log(‘this is loaded’);

exports.spotify = {
  id: process.env.SPOTIFY_ID,
  secret: process.env.SPOTIFY_SECRET

4. Next, create a file named `.env`, add the following to it, replacing the values with your API keys (no quotes) once you have them:

# Spotify API keys



* This file will be used by the `dotenv` package to set what are known as environment variables to the global `process.env` object in node. These are values that are meant to be specific to the computer that node is running on, and since we are gitignoring this file, they won’t be pushed to github keeping our API key information private.

* If someone wanted to clone your app from github and run it themselves, they would need to supply their own `.env` file for it to work.

5. Make a file called `random.txt`.

  * Inside of `random.txt` put the following in with no extra characters or white space:

    * spotify-this-song,”I Want it That Way”

6. Make a JavaScript file named `liri.js`.

7. At the top of the `liri.js` file, add code to read and set any environment variables with the dotenv package:


8. Add the code required to import the `keys.js` file and store it in a variable.

  var keys = require(“./keys.js”);
* You should then be able to access your keys information like so

  var spotify = new Spotify(keys.spotify);

9. Make it so liri.js can take in one of the following commands:

  * `concert-this`

  * `spotify-this-song`

  * `movie-this`

  * `do-what-it-says`

### What Each Command Should Do

1. `node liri.js concert-this <artist/band name here>`

  * This will search the Bands in Town Artist Events API (`”” + artist + “/events?app_id=codingbootcamp”`) for an artist and render the following information about each event to the terminal:

    * Name of the venue

    * Venue location

    * Date of the Event (use moment to format this as “MM/DD/YYYY”)

    * **Important**: There is no need to sign up for a Bands in Town `api_id` key. Use the `codingbootcamp` as your `app_id`. For example, the URL used to search for “Celine Dion” would look like the following:

      * ``

2. `node liri.js spotify-this-song ‘<song name here>’`

  * This will show the following information about the song in your terminal/bash window

    * Artist(s)

    * The song’s name

    * A preview link of the song from Spotify

    * The album that the song is from

  * If no song is provided then your program will default to “The Sign” by Ace of Base.

  * You will utilize the [node-spotify-api]( package in order to retrieve song information from the Spotify API.

  * The Spotify API requires you sign up as a developer to generate the necessary credentials. You can follow these steps in order to generate a **client id** and **client secret**:

  * Step One: Visit <!/>

  * Step Two: Either login to your existing Spotify account or create a new one (a free account is fine) and log in.

  * Step Three: Once logged in, navigate to <!/applications/create> to register a new application to be used with the Spotify API. You can fill in whatever you’d like for these fields. When finished, click the “complete” button.

  * Step Four: On the next screen, scroll down to where you see your client id and client secret. Copy these values down somewhere, you’ll need them to use the Spotify API and the [node-spotify-api package](

3. `node liri.js movie-this ‘<movie name here>’`

  * This will output the following information to your terminal/bash window:

      * Title of the movie.
      * Year the movie came out.
      * IMDB Rating of the movie.
      * Rotten Tomatoes Rating of the movie.
      * Country where the movie was produced.
      * Language of the movie.
      * Plot of the movie.
      * Actors in the movie.

  * If the user doesn’t type a movie in, the program will output data for the movie ‘Mr. Nobody.’

    * If you haven’t watched “Mr. Nobody,” then you should: <>

    * It’s on Netflix!

  * You’ll use the `axios` package to retrieve data from the OMDB API. Like all of the in-class activities, the OMDB API requires an API key. You may use `trilogy`.

4. `node liri.js do-what-it-says`

  * Using the `fs` Node package, LIRI will take the text inside of random.txt and then use it to call one of LIRI’s commands.

    * It should run `spotify-this-song` for “I Want it That Way,” as follows the text in `random.txt`.

    * Edit the text in random.txt to test out the feature for movie-this and concert-this.


* In addition to logging the data to your terminal/bash window, output the data to a .txt file called `log.txt`.

* Make sure you append each command you run to the `log.txt` file.

* Do not overwrite your file each time you run a command.

### Reminder: Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

– – –

### Minimum Requirements

Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Adding a as well as adding this homework to your portfolio are required as well and more information can be found below.

– – –

### Create a

Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way:

* [About READMEs](

* [Mastering Markdown](

– – –

### Add To Your Portfolio

After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an ‘A’ on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio.

– – –

### One More Thing

If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you’re still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs.

**Good Luck!**

Liri bot

# LIRI Bot

### Overview

In this assignment, you will make LIRI. LIRI is like iPhone’s SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a _Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

### Before You Begin

1. LIRI will search Spotify for songs, Bands in Town for concerts, and OMDB for movies.

2. Make a new GitHub repository called liri-node-app and clone it to your computer.

3. To retrieve the data that will power this app, you’ll need to send requests using the `axios` package to the Bands in Town, Spotify and OMDB APIs. You’ll find these Node packages crucial for your assignment.

  * [Node-Spotify-API](

  * [Axios](

    * You’ll use Axios to grab data from the [OMDB API]( and the [Bands In Town API](

  * [Moment](

  * [DotEnv](
## Submission Guide

Create and use a standard GitHub repository. As this is a CLI App, it cannot be deployed to GitHub pages or Heroku. This time you’ll need to include screenshots, a GIF, and/or a video showing us that you have the app working with no bugs. You can include these screenshots/GIFs or a link to a video in a `` file.

In order to meet the Employer Competitive standards and be ready to show your application to employers, the `` file should meet the following criteria:

1. Clearly state the problem the app is trying to solve (i.e. what is it doing and why)
2. Give a high-level overview of how the app is organized
3. Give start-to-finish instructions on how to run the app
4. Include screenshots, gifs or videos of the app functioning
5. Contain a link to a deployed version of the app
6. Clearly list the technologies used in the app
7. State your role in the app development

Because screenshots (and well-written READMEs) are extremely important in the context of GitHub, this will be part of the grading in this assignment.

If you haven’t written a markdown file yet, [click here for a rundown](, or just take a look at the raw file of these instructions.

### Commits

Having an active and healthy commit history on GitHub is important for your future job search. It is also extremely important for making sure your work is saved in your repository. If something breaks, committing often ensures you are able to go back to a working version of your code.

* Committing often is a signal to employers that you are actively working on your code and learning.

  * We use the mantra commit early and often.  This means that when you write code that works, add it and commit it!

  * Numerous commits allow you to see how your app is progressing and give you a point to revert to if anything goes wrong.

* Be clear and descriptive in your commit messaging.

  * When writing a commit message, avoid vague messages like “fixed.” Be descriptive so that you and anyone else looking at your repository knows what happened with each commit.

* We would like you to have well over 200 commits by graduation, so commit early and often!

### Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

### Instructions

1. Navigate to the root of your project and run `npm init -y` this will initialize a `package.json` file for your project. The `package.json` file is required for installing third party npm packages and saving their version numbers. If you fail to initialize a `package.json` file, it will be troublesome, and at times almost impossible for anyone else to run your code after cloning your project.

2. Make a `.gitignore` file and add the following lines to it. This will tell git not to track these files, and thus they won’t be committed to Github.


3. Make a JavaScript file named `keys.js`.

* Inside keys.js your file will look like this:

console.log(‘this is loaded’);

exports.spotify = {
  id: process.env.SPOTIFY_ID,
  secret: process.env.SPOTIFY_SECRET

4. Next, create a file named `.env`, add the following to it, replacing the values with your API keys (no quotes) once you have them:

# Spotify API keys



* This file will be used by the `dotenv` package to set what are known as environment variables to the global `process.env` object in node. These are values that are meant to be specific to the computer that node is running on, and since we are gitignoring this file, they won’t be pushed to github keeping our API key information private.

* If someone wanted to clone your app from github and run it themselves, they would need to supply their own `.env` file for it to work.

5. Make a file called `random.txt`.

  * Inside of `random.txt` put the following in with no extra characters or white space:

    * spotify-this-song,”I Want it That Way”

6. Make a JavaScript file named `liri.js`.

7. At the top of the `liri.js` file, add code to read and set any environment variables with the dotenv package:


8. Add the code required to import the `keys.js` file and store it in a variable.

  var keys = require(“./keys.js”);
* You should then be able to access your keys information like so

  var spotify = new Spotify(keys.spotify);

9. Make it so liri.js can take in one of the following commands:

  * `concert-this`

  * `spotify-this-song`

  * `movie-this`

  * `do-what-it-says`

### What Each Command Should Do

1. `node liri.js concert-this <artist/band name here>`

  * This will search the Bands in Town Artist Events API (`”” + artist + “/events?app_id=codingbootcamp”`) for an artist and render the following information about each event to the terminal:

    * Name of the venue

    * Venue location

    * Date of the Event (use moment to format this as “MM/DD/YYYY”)

    * **Important**: There is no need to sign up for a Bands in Town `api_id` key. Use the `codingbootcamp` as your `app_id`. For example, the URL used to search for “Celine Dion” would look like the following:

      * ``

2. `node liri.js spotify-this-song ‘<song name here>’`

  * This will show the following information about the song in your terminal/bash window

    * Artist(s)

    * The song’s name

    * A preview link of the song from Spotify

    * The album that the song is from

  * If no song is provided then your program will default to “The Sign” by Ace of Base.

  * You will utilize the [node-spotify-api]( package in order to retrieve song information from the Spotify API.

  * The Spotify API requires you sign up as a developer to generate the necessary credentials. You can follow these steps in order to generate a **client id** and **client secret**:

  * Step One: Visit <!/>

  * Step Two: Either login to your existing Spotify account or create a new one (a free account is fine) and log in.

  * Step Three: Once logged in, navigate to <!/applications/create> to register a new application to be used with the Spotify API. You can fill in whatever you’d like for these fields. When finished, click the “complete” button.

  * Step Four: On the next screen, scroll down to where you see your client id and client secret. Copy these values down somewhere, you’ll need them to use the Spotify API and the [node-spotify-api package](

3. `node liri.js movie-this ‘<movie name here>’`

  * This will output the following information to your terminal/bash window:

      * Title of the movie.
      * Year the movie came out.
      * IMDB Rating of the movie.
      * Rotten Tomatoes Rating of the movie.
      * Country where the movie was produced.
      * Language of the movie.
      * Plot of the movie.
      * Actors in the movie.

  * If the user doesn’t type a movie in, the program will output data for the movie ‘Mr. Nobody.’

    * If you haven’t watched “Mr. Nobody,” then you should: <>

    * It’s on Netflix!

  * You’ll use the `axios` package to retrieve data from the OMDB API. Like all of the in-class activities, the OMDB API requires an API key. You may use `trilogy`.

4. `node liri.js do-what-it-says`

  * Using the `fs` Node package, LIRI will take the text inside of random.txt and then use it to call one of LIRI’s commands.

    * It should run `spotify-this-song` for “I Want it That Way,” as follows the text in `random.txt`.

    * Edit the text in random.txt to test out the feature for movie-this and concert-this.


* In addition to logging the data to your terminal/bash window, output the data to a .txt file called `log.txt`.

* Make sure you append each command you run to the `log.txt` file.

* Do not overwrite your file each time you run a command.

### Reminder: Submission on BCS

* Please submit the link to the Github Repository!

– – –

### Minimum Requirements

Attempt to complete homework assignment as described in instructions. If unable to complete certain portions, please pseudocode these portions to describe what remains to be completed. Adding a as well as adding this homework to your portfolio are required as well and more information can be found below.

– – –

### Create a

Add a `` to your repository describing the project. Here are some resources for creating your ``. Here are some resources to help you along the way:

* [About READMEs](

* [Mastering Markdown](

– – –

### Add To Your Portfolio

After completing the homework please add the piece to your portfolio. Make sure to add a link to your updated portfolio in the comments section of your homework so the TAs can easily ensure you completed this step when they are grading the assignment. To receive an ‘A’ on any assignment, you must link to it from your portfolio.

– – –

### One More Thing

If you have any questions about this project or the material we have covered, please post them in the community channels in slack so that your fellow developers can help you! If you’re still having trouble, you can come to office hours for assistance from your instructor and TAs.

**Good Luck!**

Data Modeling (Oracle SQL Developer)

This is a continual project, and this is the third and final portion.  The included files are up to date as of the second part being completed.  It will need some corrections base upon instructor feedback which there is a doc file included with those.  They will need to be corrected first before proceeding with the instructions for the third and final part.  Thank you.


Assessment Description:
Answer all the questions below. You should compile a well-constructed, formal written report of no more than 2,000 words that encompasses industry standard and fundamental digital security best practices. The assignment will specify a different scenario on which to base the context of your answers. Whilst your target audience has some level of IT knowledge, they have employed you as the subject expert. Answers to each question should be provided at a level of technical detail sufficient to that target audience in the given scenario. You should apply the knowledge gained from the lectures, and compliment this with your own research in order to demonstrate an understanding of the subject material, explaining the technology and how it applies to the context of the given scenario, providing suitable examples where appropriate.
Question 1: (40 marks)
You have just started a new role as a security specialist at Ruskin College. The college consists of 5 buildings with over 200 members of staff, 2000 students and more than 1000 terminals across 5 computer labs, library and staff workstations as well as one large datacentre including several servers, routers and switches, and network-attached storages. You are responsible for safeguarding and protecting sensitive personal information and digital corporate assets. Also, you must provide solutions to maintain and promote organization digital security infrastructure and security awareness.
Please answer the following questions:
A. As your first task, you have been asked to perform a quantitative risk assessment for Ruskin
College. Describe the steps you must take to conduct the risk assessment. Use your creativity to elaborate the details on the colleges digital assets and their value.
B. To promote convenience and improve availability, students are allowed to use their personal devices to connect to the college network, eLearning and email system and while instructors  and staff are mandated to access the college network, eLearning and email system only
through highly regulated and secured university computers. This makes total sense since
instructors and staff have higher privileges in the system, a security breach in staff or
instructor machines might have catastrophic consequences and jeopardize system integrity.
That being said, the instructors’ Outlook emails are being routinely hit by Klez, a type of worm that propagates via e-mail. Klez uses Microsoft Outlook to spread. It grabs a contact name from the address book, and it uses that name in the email header and then propagates itself to all the people in the address book. When one of the victims executes the malicious file, the worm attempts to disable the antivirus software and spread itself to other systems. Doing so opens the system to an attack from other viruses.
Describe, how college access security policies contribute to this issue?
Describe, how can you mitigate this issue with minimum effect to students freedom of
Describe the security threats and attacks that college could face with its current access policy?
C. You have been asked to develop a recovery plan for the college infrastructure in case of a
disaster or critical failure. Describe, what options do you have and how these options can
safeguard college assets and infrastructure?
D. To further promote the security, youve been assigned to implement a private CA structure
for your organization. Ruskin College has seven other large branches and facilities throughout
the country and continuity of secure access to college services is extremely important. How
would you go about implementing this CA structure? Explain your solution.
E. Describe how cryptography can support the core security principles (CIA AAA) in Ruskin
Question 2: (20 marks)
You have just started a new job at Eagles hospital as a security consultant. Eagles hospital has hired
over 500 new people during the last year which raises a concern about the security awareness of the
new hospital personnel. As your first task, you have been asked to promote the security awareness
of the hospital personnel by briefing your colleagues on the computer misuse Act and some other
training workshops.
You should produce a briefing report comprising:
Outlines Computer misuse offenses under misuse Act with real-world examples that
surround your organization (Hospital).
Describes how it safeguards digital security in a hospital environment.
Describes the consequences of breaking the Act.
Question 3: (20 marks)
You have switched your job once again and this time you are working as a security specialist in a
software development company. The company has recently signed a new contact with some private
bank to develop a whole new highly secure banking software to handle financial transactions,
customers’ financial records as well as online banking.
Your first task is to make sure all developments in this project are secure and meet software secure
principles and guidelines.
Create a secure coding checklist for the various component of the banking software by
adopting the OWASP secure coding practices.
Using the OWASP Top 10 security concerns, identifies five different attacks that banking
software applications might be vulnerable to.
Quality of Referencing (10 marks)
You are expected to thoroughly and accurately reference your report using the Harvard referencing
style expected by Anglia University. The report should contain a minimum of 10 references, with up
to 10 marks available for the quality of referencing.
Marks will be deducted for:
lack of referencing in the text
divergence from Harvard referencing style

Radixsort linked list

Your application should be able to sort a list of strings from an input file using Radix Sort.
Assume the maximum length of the input string is 15 characters; the input file would contain an unspecified number of strings. The input file should contain one string in each line. Having read the strings successfully, your application should then sort the input strings using the Radix Sort algorithm.
The user should be displayed a menu with the options necessary to run the functionalities of the program (i.e., read the input file, print the strings before sorting, sort the strings, print the sorted strings, and exit).

Open Mp C++

In this assignment you are to develop an efficient large matrix multiplication algorithm in OpenMP. A prime criterion in the assessment of your assignment will be the efficiency of your implementation and the evidence you present to substantiate your claim that your implementations are efficient.

Deadline: 10 am on Sunday 19th April 2020.

The source code for the OpenMP program written in C++.
Report includes:
A description of the design of your program.
Evidence as to the efficiency of your implementation.
In Report we need a complete description of the program written in C++ Language and Evidence of efficiency of the program which measures in a time of execution takes both sequentially and parallelly.
Please find the link to get better understanding of the efficiency although the program mentioned in the link is on C language we need in C++ and we need the same kind of output table mentioned in the link for efficiency. 


Must use Pascal programming language to code the algorithm
Provide a separate PDF file explaining the following:
1.The format of the input data
2 The format of the output data
3 Data structures used for the internal and external data of the algorithm
4 Any other detail/comment that it is specific to language implementation of various
operations, including compiling and execution instructions

Spring Boot Java project(salon booking system) and final report

Problem Description-Spring Boot Java project
Online Booking Webapp for a small Beauty Salon – to develop a web application to manage their client database. This online scheduling software,allows individuals to conveniently and securely book their appointments and reservations to the salons services online .They will typically access the online scheduling system through a Book Now button found on the Web page.
Once a date and time are selected, the system will automatically confirm the booking and
instantly record it within the system, without any staff action needed. The Admin/owner will be able to access an admin page to view upcoming appointments and a client list.

i have attached a similar webapp i have previously done. would like it in a similar format.

Java Quiz university

in 25 april will be quiz i need help. and in may will be final test and 1 project. to this help too. i need expert to help me to solve problems. price is negotiable

This is Exam Info about Quiz 2

1 Coding
Topic: Generics & OOP
Note: This question tests your knowledge on Generics and main OOP principles such as Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstract Classes, and Interfaces.
Similar problems: 19.2, 19.11, 13.9 (with an element of Generics)
Related reading: Chapters 19, 11, 13

1 Coding
Topic: Collections (Lists, Stacks, Queues, Pr.Queues)
Note: This question checks your knowledge on data structures and Comparator interface.
Similar problems: LISTING 20.8 (p.785), 20.21.
Related reading: Chapter 20

1 Find the Error
Topic: Sets and Maps
Note: In this question, you will be given a program with errors. You will need to run the program and fix the errors. This is a coding question, and it tests your ability to work with errors.
Related reading: Chapter 21

1 Fill-in
Topic: Collections
Note: This question is theoretical. You will be given a java program with missing keywords/parts. You will need to find what is missing. You will get partial points for partially correct answers. For example, if you answer 50% correctly, you will get 7.5 points.
Related reading: Chapters 19, 20, 21, 24

C,C++, C#

Solve the algorithm using C, C# and C++ Language

In every program, the following MUST be mentioned
1. The format of the input data
2. The format of the output data
3. Data structures used for the internal and external data of the algorithm
4. Any other detail/comment that is specific to the language implementation.