Category: Computer science and IT assignments

React redux typescript

Newsfeed page:

Takes dummy data from predefined list of posts
Renders a random new post every 15 seconds to the top of the page
Once the number of posts on page reaches 10, the bottom-most post is removed as a new post is rendered

Rectangular Peg Solitaire in Python

Cracker Barrel restaurants typically set out a free table game called Peg Triangle Solitaire.

For this assignment, you will implement a similar game that we shall call DigiPeg Solitaire. In DigiPeg Solitaire, the user can specify how many rows [1-9] and how many columns [1-9] the board should have.

In DigiPeg Solitaire, pegs can jump over an adjacent peg into an empty space. The jumping peg, the adjacent peg, and the empty space must be in a straight line as in Peg Triangle Solitaire. The potential direction for a peg to jump is over, under, left, or right.
When a jump is made the adjacent peg (the peg that was jumped over) is removed.
The game is over when no more moves are possible.

When 2 or fewer pegs remain when the game ends, the message You’re a DigiPeg Genius!

When 3 or 4 pegs remain, the message Not too shabby, rookie.

When 5 or 6 pegs remain, the message That’s nothing to write home about.

When 7 or more pegs remain, the message You’re a DigiPeg Igno-Ra-Moose.
10 points. The game_over method is correct. (All or nothing.)

10 points. The final_message method is correct. (3 points off for each incorrect case up to 10 points.)

40 points. The legal_move method returns True correctly. (5 points off for not identifying a legal jump in each of the eight directions.)

20 points. The legal_move method returns False correctly. (10 points off for each type of illegal jump that is identified as a legal one up to 20 points.)

10 points. The make_move method is correct. (All of nothing.)

10 points – The methods you write are properly commented, easy to understand and do not contain unnecessary code. (3 points for each type of improvement up to 10 points.)
Attached is the code you’re required to start from.  Do not change anything that’s underneath the “The four missing methods go here. Do not modify anything else.” comment.

Also attached are sample transcripts that the program needs to be able to match.

Using Strings in C Lang

The user should be prompted for a song and its artist, then another song and its artist.The playlist should be displayed by alphabetical order of the artists(a song by Beyonce would come before a song by Jay Z).Finally, the program should suggest a new song title (which is the two song titles put together). All the Instructions are given for all the required functions.

ENTD220 Week 3 Assignment

Assignment Instructions
# This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment

# You must add comments to your code
# Program name  :
# Student Name  : Chris Sinfuego
# Course              : ENTD220
# Instructor        : My Instructor
# Date                : Any Day
#  Description    : This code will ..   

# Copy Wrong      : This is my work

You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following:-

1) Create a function for each math operation (add, div, mult, sub)
2) The application will run forever, you will ask the user to continue or not.
3) create a function IsinRange() to test a value  between two ranges like this;
    Here is the spec in pseudo code
      IsInRanhe(lr, hr, n)          lr=low range
                                                      hr=high range
      if n between ln and hn
        return true
        return false

Hints 1) For practice please see lab exercises in the lesson section
        2) See Sample output for messages

Sample output

Enter your Lower range  —> 10
Enter your Higher range  —> 20
Enter your First number  —> 15
Enter your Second number —> 17

The Result of 15.0+17.0=32.0
The Result of 15.0-17.0=-2.0
The Result of 15.0*17.0=255.0
The Result of 15.0/17.0=0.882352941176

Continue Looping Y/N Y

Enter your Lower range  —> 20
Enter your Higher range  —> 30
Enter your First number  —> 25
Enter your Second number —> 50

The input values are out side the input ranges
Please check the numbers and try again
Thanks for using our calculator

Submission Instructions:
Make sure that you save your code in a text file in this format;

java program

Base Class
Write an Account class containing an instance variable called balance with an accessor called getBalance and mutators called deposit and withdraw. To allow members of the Account class to be sorted, implement the java.lang.Comparableinterface to compare two accounts using balance.

Derived Classes
Create two subclasses of Account calledSavingsAccount and CheckingAccount. SavingsAccount will add an instance variable called interest to store interest percentage and a mutator method for increasing its balance by applying the interest called compound().
CheckingAccount will keep track of check numbers using an instance variable called nextCheckNumber starting with 1000. It will have a method called orderChecks that increments the current check number instance variable by 1000.
To facilitate displaying account information each of these accounts should override the toString() method from the java.lang.Object class.
All of your classes should include constructors that yield properly initialized accounts. Your driver should test your SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount classes by creating an ArrayList of Account and adding a number of SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount objects with various balances. All methods and constructors should be called at least once and your ArrayList should be passed as an argument to java.util.Collections.sort().

Implementing SHAP and LIME

Opacities in the lungs caused by pneumonia

In spring of 2020, the spread of COVID-19 caused hundreds of thousands of deaths world wide due to the severe pneumonia in combination of immune system reactions to it. Your job is to develop an AI system that detects pneumonia. Doctors are reluctant to accept black box algorithms such as your deep learning based method – as an AI engineer you need to listen to them and try to satisfy their needs, they are your customer after all. They tell you that your automated diagnostic system that processes the imaging they give you, must be explainable.

They give you the COVID X-ray / CT Imaging dataset and:

    First you find this this implementation of the method called Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (i.e. LIME). You also read this article and you get your hands dirty and replicate the results in your colab notebook with GPU enabled kernel(40%).
    A fellow AI engineer, tells you about another method called SHAP that stands for SHapley Additive exPlanations and she mentions that Shapley was a Nobel prize winner so it must be important. You then find out that Google is using it and wrote a readable white paper about it and your excitement grows. Your manager sees you on the corridor and mentions that your work is needed soon. You are keen to impress her and start writing your 2-3 page summary of the SHAP approach as can be applied to explaining deep learning classifiers such as the ResNet network used in (1). (40%)
    After your presentation, your manager is clearly impressed with the depth of the SHAP approach and asks for some results for explaining the COVID-19 diagnoses via it. You notice that the extremely popular SHAP Github repo already has an example with VGG16 network applied to ImageNet. You think it wont be too difficult to plugin the model you trained in (1) and explain it. (20%)


Hash Table Assignment (Java)

All instructions are included in the handout as an HTML file, be sure to read through it as there is an additional step with leaving adequate tests. Please leave comments where needed. Do not use extremely advance concepts if not necessary, the more simple the better. Make sure to test code to ensure everything is to-order for when it gets tested by an autograder.

Benchmark Impact Analysis Part 1: Information Acquisition

Select an industry of your choice and review its compliance requirements. Then, using a fictitious company that is just starting out, identify the essential elements of what is required to attain compliance or successful cybersecurity resilience. Within a report to the CIO, present this information from a legal standpoint making sure to address the following:
1.    Identify any industry specific compliances that must be met (i.e., HIPAA, COPPA, DOD). Determine what overarching guidance they must comply with. Determine what overarching laws they must comply with.
2.    Examine the requisite set of standards, frameworks, policies, and best practices most helpful in the development and implementation of the organizations objectives.
3.    Identify the organization’s critical data infrastructure assets (i.e., network, telecom, utilities, applications, computers and client data categories).
4.    Identify human resources for technical, management and legal operations.
5.    Identify requisite law enforcement entities required for reporting breaches to (i.e., local, state, and federal areas of compliance).

C Project – Game of the Goose

All instructions given in attached pdf, just code in whatever regular IDE you use,

Ignore the due date that says March 1, it’s not accurate

Also ignore the instructions at the bottom for creating the makefile for compiling, I will do that.

Am also attaching pdf of ‘style guide’ you need to follow for what you’re allowed to do and not allowed to do when programming (certain functions etc are not allowed etc)

C# Assignment

Overall Requirements: A. If you are going to use more than one line of code to do something.  It needs to be a method. B. Nothing should show an error when it is clicked unless it is a planned error. Specific Requirements: 1. The Load Key Button will (A,B,&C should be Methods): A. Open the file containing the key (Or tell me that the load cancelled with a popup) B. Read that file into an array (20 characters long). C. Close the File. D. Change the label to tell me that a key has loaded (Or tell me that the read failed with a popup). 2. The Grade Exam Button will (A,B,C,&E should be Methods, A&C should be the SAME methods as in step 1): A. Open the file containing the answer sheet (Or tell me that the load cancelled with a popup). B. Read the file into an array (20 characters long). C. Close the file. D. Compare the answer array to the key array. (See 3) E. Assign a letter grade. (See 4) 3. The method for D in Step 2 will: A. Tell me if both arrays are equal length. B. Tell me every question that is wrong, what the correct answer was, and what the given answer was. C. Give a final grade report with the percentage score. 4. The method for E in 2 will: A. Pop up the letter grade received based on the percentage calculated in #3 above. 5. Exit and Clear as methods. 6.
A. And finally.  I want to be able to click a line on a listbox and have it show me the entirety of the line as a messagebox.