Category: Computer science and IT assignments

Cisco Packet Tracer Network Setup

Create a network with a starting IP address of All parts must be labeled and and layout must look like attached picture.

Attached also was a demonstration and example of the layout of the network with all parts labeled and IP address ranges displayed.

Functional Programming

The program should include pure functional (i.e. non-I/O) code that performs the following
items of functionality:
i. return a list of the names of all the places
ii. return the average rainfall (as a float) for a place given its name
iii. return all place names and their 7-day rainfall figures as a single string which, when
output using putStr, will display the data formatted neatly into eight columns
iv. return a list of the names of places that were totally dry (i.e. had zero rainfall) a given
number of days ago (1 meaning yesterday, 7 meaning a week ago)
v. update the data given a list of most recent rainfall figures (one value for each place),
removing the oldest rainfall figure for each place
vi. replace a given existing place with a new place (the new place will have a name, a
location and a list of 7 rainfall figures)
vii. given a location return the closest place that was totally dry yesterday (assume the
world is flat use the standard Pythagoras theorem to calculate the distance between

MIPS practice (3 questions on PART ONE ONLY)

For either Q2 or Q3, we’d like both the correct sequence of MIPS instructions as well as a detailed explanation of what’s going on. Think of this as though you are trying to explain this to yourself at the start of the semester, i.e., you are coming up with your own worked examples. You might not have to comment every single line of code, but you should provide enough to explain to someone else.

Java Homework

Complete the following Java problems. Write the solutions at the bottom of each problem, take as much space as you need. If that does not suit you, you can make a different document for the solutions.

If this goes well I may have another order for you to do!


Typing Speed program

Create a C++ program that logs the person’s typing speed from user input and shows it to them.  The program must include all of the following methods:
OOP format
inheritance(derived classes)
file handling classes( open(), read(), write() from #include <fstream> )
user interaction(cout/cin),
arrays and data objects (Linked Lists, Binary Trees(struct Node*).

Make the program as simple as possible (while using the above mentioned methods) and place as many explanatory comments with the code as possible.

I have uploaded an example that uses C for reference, however your code must be original and in C++.

C++ class STL Queue

Design a class, ShoppingBasket.  Each ShoppingBasket contains a count of the number of items in each of three categories, produce, meats, others.  You will populate the counts of items in each category with the rand() function.  Produce with a range of 1 -10, meats with a range of 0 – 3 and other with a range of 1 – 30.

You will then use the Queue or Dequeue templates from the STL to generate a queue of 10 ShoppingBasket.  You then write a routine to “process” the queue.  Each item in the produce category will take 4 seconds to process.  Each item in the meat category will take 3 seconds to process.  Each item in the other category will take one second to process.  I suggest you include a method in ShoppingBasket to report out the total processing seconds for an instance of a ShoppingBasket based on the number of items in each category in that instance.  Your “processing” routine will keep track of the total processing time for the entire queue.  When complete, report out the total time in hours, minutes and seconds.

1 program

Question Set 1 (10 part class modification):
1. Simple Linked List Class
Using an appropriate definition of ListNode, design a simple linked list class with only
two member functions and a default constructor:

void add(double x);
boolean isMember(double x);
Linkedlist ( ) ;

The add function adds a new node containing x to the front (head ) of the list, while the
isMember function tests to see if the list contains a node with the value x. Test your
linked list class by adding various numbers to the list and then testing for membership.

Do not create your own linked list template. Instead, use the List from the STL to perform the actions described in the text requirements.  Use an InventoryItem class as the objects to populate your list.

2. List Copy Constructor
Modify your list class of Programming Challenge 1 to add a copy constructor. Test
your class by making a copy of a list and then testing membership on the copy.

3. List Print
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges to add a
print member function . Test the class by starting with an empty list, adding some
elements, and then printing the resulting list out .

4. Recursive Member Check
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges to use a
recursive method to check for list membership. Test your class.

5. List Member Deletion
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
function to remove an item from the list and by adding a destructor:

void remove(double x);
– Linkedlist() ;
Test the class by adding a sequence of instructions that mixes operations for adding
items, removing items, and printing the list.

6. List Reverse
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
member function for reversing the list:

void reverse();
The member function rearranges the nodes in the list so that their order is reversed.
You should do this without creating or destroying nodes.

7. List Search
Modify the list class of Programming Challenge 1 (or later) to include a member function

int search(double x)
that returns the position of a number x on the list. The first node in the list is at position 0,
the second node is at position 1, and so on. If x is not found on the list, the search should
return -1. Test the new member function using an appropriate driver program.

8. Member Insertion By Position
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
member function for inserting a new item at a specified position:

void insert(double x, int pos);
A position of O means that x will become the first item on the list, a position of 1 means
that x will become the second item on the list, and so on. A position equal to, or greater
than, the length of the list means that the x is placed at the end of the list.

9. Member Removal by Position
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
member function for deleting a node at a specified position:
void remove(int pos);
A value of O for the position means that the first node on the list (the current head ) is
deleted. The function does nothing if the value passed for pos is greater than or equal
to the length of the list.

Possible format of code is uploaded, please include simple explanation through comments.

3 program sets

Question Set 1 (10 part class modification):
1. Simple Linked List Class
Using an appropriate definition of ListNode, design a simple linked list class with only
two member functions and a default constructor:

void add(double x);
boolean isMember(double x);
Linkedlist ( ) ;

The add function adds a new node containing x to the front (head ) of the list, while the
isMember function tests to see if the list contains a node with the value x. Test your
linked list class by adding various numbers to the list and then testing for membership.

Do not create your own linked list template. Instead, use the List from the STL to perform the actions described in the text requirements.  Use an InventoryItem class as the objects to populate your list.

2. List Copy Constructor
Modify your list class of Programming Challenge 1 to add a copy constructor. Test
your class by making a copy of a list and then testing membership on the copy.

3. List Print
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges to add a
print member function . Test the class by starting with an empty list, adding some
elements, and then printing the resulting list out .

4. Recursive Member Check
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges to use a
recursive method to check for list membership. Test your class.

5. List Member Deletion
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
function to remove an item from the list and by adding a destructor:

void remove(double x);
– Linkedlist() ;
Test the class by adding a sequence of instructions that mixes operations for adding
items, removing items, and printing the list.

6. List Reverse
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
member function for reversing the list:

void reverse();
The member function rearranges the nodes in the list so that their order is reversed.
You should do this without creating or destroying nodes.

7. List Search
Modify the list class of Programming Challenge 1 (or later) to include a member function

int search(double x)
that returns the position of a number x on the list. The first node in the list is at position 0,
the second node is at position 1, and so on. If x is not found on the list, the search should
return -1. Test the new member function using an appropriate driver program.

8. Member Insertion By Position
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
member function for inserting a new item at a specified position:

void insert(double x, int pos);
A position of O means that x will become the first item on the list, a position of 1 means
that x will become the second item on the list, and so on. A position equal to, or greater
than, the length of the list means that the x is placed at the end of the list.

9. Member Removal by Position
Modify the list class you created in the previous programming challenges by adding a
member function for deleting a node at a specified position:
void remove(int pos);
A value of O for the position means that the first node on the list (the current head ) is
deleted. The function does nothing if the value passed for pos is greater than or equal
to the length of the list.

Question Set 2:
Modify the uploaded source file to include a Linked List of objects with the class Tips.

Question Set 3:
Picture of the problem is uploaded.

Please include as many explanatory comments as possible.

Ask for any textbook standards if needed.

12.10 Code Refactor 2: Tic Tac Toe

Please note that there was an error with the original code template that was corrected at 7:50 on 4/22/2020. The arrays in the conditional statements for the fw and sp methods are supposed to all be the same.
This code works but there are some problems that need to be corrected. Your task is to complete it to course style and documentation standards CS 200 Style Guide. This project will be human graded with the Grading Rubric below.

During the process of writing code, the programmer is deeply immersed in the problem, the algorithms and code to solve it and has that context when naming methods, variables and writing comments. Looking at someone else’s code, or even your own code 6 months later can be challenging since the names and comments weren’t necessarily written to guide someone new to the problem and code. This assignment’s code works, but some methods have poorly chosen names, formatting, and comments. The objective is to format it, reduce redundant code, improve the naming and commenting to help guide someone like yourself, that is new to the code and problem, through it.

Play the game, add additional print statements to learn about the contents of the variables and use the debugger to systematically step through the code.

Getting Started
Set up a Code Refactor 2 project in Eclipse
Download and make sure it runs in Eclipse.
Note: The provided code works. The goal is to refactor, improving the code while keeping it working.
Add a file header comment.
Turn in the code to zyBooks to make sure all the tests pass.
Style and Format each of the methods
Format the method code to follow course standards.
In Eclipse it may be helpful to select code to format, go to Source menu, and select Format (Alternative: Ctrl + Shift + F).
Verify your program is still working.
Turn into zyBooks to verify your program is still working.
Turning in also saves snapshots of your code to return to at a later time if necessary.
If at any time your program is not working then back up to a point it was working and try again.
Refactor the identifiers (names)
Some methods have been named and commented to help give you more context in understanding the code. You do not need to update these method names or the local variable names in these methods
Refactor the magic numbers declared at the top of the class, and update any uncommented methods with new methods names, parameters, and local variables that are meaningful and follow course standards.
Meaningful names easily guide someone that is not familiar with the code to understand what the method does or what the variable contains. Variables are typically nouns or noun phrases while method names are typically verbs or verb phrases. Avoid abbreviations unless very commonly used.
In Eclipse, select the variable, right-click on the name, select Refactor, then Rename. Type the new name and Enter and the name will be changed everywhere. (Alternative: Alt + Shift + R)
It is acceptable for array indexes to have single-character names such as i, j, k, etc.
Trace the code through the provided examples and any additional examples to figure out what is happening.
Trace by hand, use print statements or use the debugger.
If you add print statements to help you debug, remember to remove them later.
Verify your program is still working.
Turn into zyBooks periodically to verify your program is still working and also provide snapshots of your code to return to at a later time if necessary.
Create a new method to reduce redundant code
There is a complicated set of if/else statements with a very similar structure in three different methods
Review this code to understand what it does
Create a method to perform the same task and replace the repeated code with your method
Add Class and Method Header Comments
Write a JavaDoc comment for the class and every method following the course standards. Method comments should include at least a summary description and @param and @return tags (if there is a return value) with a description. We expect you to use your own words.
Verify your program is still working.
Turn into zyBooks periodically to verify your program is still working and also provide snapshots of your code to return to at a later time if necessary.
Final Submission
Make sure your code follows all the standards in the Grading Rubric and expectations described in CS 200 Style Guide. Turn in your final version to zyBooks. The latest version that compiles and runs prior to the deadline Thursday, April 23th at 11:59 pm (no 10% penalty after 6 pm) will be the version that is human graded.
Grading Rubric
Commenting and Documentation
File and JavaDoc Class Header
JavaDoc Method Headers include a summary description and @param and possibly @return tags with descriptions.
Style and Structure
Appropriate use of spacing, both vertical and horizontal
No lines exceed 100 columns
Consistent placement of parentheses and braces
Helpful identifier naming that follows course conventions (e.g., methods, variables, constants)
Doesn’t use Java features past Chapter 12. Any fields should be constants (static final).
4/18/20 jimw – modifed to not use Java features past Chapter 12.

4/22/20 apk – updated test method to avoid infinite loop when structural changes are made to the code. Fix: The arrays in the conditional statements for the fw and sp methods are supposed to all be the same.

Machine Learning on Neural Networks

I need the entire assignment completed please.

I will provide the instructions as well as a zip file for the starter code, and a zip file for the datasets. I wasn’t able to add the zip file for the datasets, so all the loose files are for the datasets.

Please follow the instructions carefully and fill out the starter code accordingly.

Most questions have two parts – first deriving it, and then filling out the starter code.

There is a kaggle competition component. You do not have to submit to it, but I would appreciate it if you could set up the datasets.