Category: Social Science – Sociology

Wendy Lewis 1

You are a professional counselor specializing in the treatment of children.  You have decided to implement an 8-week parenting program for divorcees.  How would you teach parenting skills from the perspective of either (choose) Ericksons theory or Piagets theory with the participants regarding each age level of needs: preschool, school-age, and adolescent. Some of the participants hope to begin family sessions with you once the program has ended. How will you evaluate the impact of the divorce on children in each age level: preschool, school-age, and adolescent? Just need 135 words (ASAP)!

Policy Presentation


eek 6 – Presentation

Policy Presentation

Congratulations, you are an entrepreneur! Welcome to the reality of running your own start-up. Applying all that you have learned in the past seven weeks, design organizational policies for your new company to sustainably support and leverage the talent of your employees within a competitive global market. Assume that you have 15-20 minutes to prepare your presentation for the Board of Directors.

As you develop the policies, be sure to include scholarly work to support the integration of the following:

  1. sociological theories of work
  2. the experiences and effects of policies on disenfranchised groups
  3. the use of social networks
  4. the effectiveness of previous/existing policies
  5. the effect of technology and globalization

As you apply the sociological theories to entrepreneurship, consider the demographics of entrepreneurs. Be sure to address the rates of disenfranchised groups. Are their advantages or disadvantages to those who hold a minority status? What about women who are not minorities, yet often face challenges in the workplace? Leverage the resources that you posted in last week’s annotated bibliography.

Feel free to be creative in how you choose to deliver the presentation. It could be a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation using slide notes to include the script that accompanies the slides; compose a full script; develop notes for index cards; and other options as approved by your instructor



Required Text

Click url to play videos

TEDx Talks. (2012, December). Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Women entrepreneurs, example not exception [Video file] Retrieved from:

Xiao, L., & Fan, M. (2014). Does social network always promote entrepreneurial intentions? An empirical study in China. Neural Computing & Applications, 24(1), 21-26. doi:10.1007/s00521-013-1492-x

Recommended References

Kim, P. H., & Aldrich, H. E. (2007). Small worlds, infinite possibilities? How social networks affect entrepreneurial team formation and search. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 1(12), 147-165. Retrieved from

Sociological Influences Essay


In an essay (500-750 words), citing two to four scholarly sources, answer the following prompts:

Select a diverse family system.

  1. Explain the impact of feminism, patriarchy/gender roles, and social class on the family system you selected.
  2. Explain the impact of the market on the family system: labor, wealth, consumers, etc.
  3. Explain the impact of the state on the family system: laws, regulations, policies, education, etc.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Sociology assignment

Perceptions of Deviance, Crime, Victims, and Justice

The media informs many viewers of deviance and crime, victims of crime, and justice in society. Consider and describe the following:

  • Where do you get your information about:
    • Deviant behavior
    • Crime
    • Victims of crime
    • Justice for victims
  • Describe your perception of
    • Deviant behavior
      • What behavior is deviant according to your values?
    • Crime
      • What do you believe is the root or cause of crime?
      • What types of crimes do you believe happen most?
      • Who do you believe commits crime?
    • Victims of crime
      • Who do you believe is likely to be a victim?
      • Have you ever been fearful of a crime occurring to you or your family?
      • What do you believe about victims that you hear about?
    • Justice for victims
      • How do you see justice handled in our society?
      • What form of punishment do you see as being effective or ineffective?

Write a 500 or more word paper that addresses the above questions

Assignment 4

In at least 1,000 words (excluding title page, abstract (optional) and reference page), research retirement in the United States. In your paper discuss the retirement age of 65. Where did this age come from? Does this age still work? Are more people working past the age of 65? Is retirement as stress free as it is portrayed in the media or is it dependent on other factors such as financial security, capacity, etc.? 


Remember to avoid the use of first person. Paper must be in IWG formatting and have at least three references. You must use SHARC (ProQuest, PubMed, Google Scholar) for your research. Cite and reference both sources of information.  

To access ProQuest through SHARC:

           username: 0W3THVQJGM
           password: welcome


In at least 600 words, discuss the following questions: What is Medicare and how does one qualify? What other insurances or plans do you need for a Long-Term Care plan?

Please submit as an IWG-formatted Microsoft Word attachment. Paper must have at least two references.

Please use ProQuest or other SHARC databases for your reseach

To access ProQuest through SHARC:

           username: 0W3THVQJGM
           password: welcome

homework 2

In at least 600 words, explore the older worker in the organization in which you work or an organization with which you are familiar. As a result of their age, were they/are they treated differently? Are they given different tasks or more time to complete them? Or were they treated equally?

Remember to attach as an IWG-formatted Microsoft Word document. Paper must have at least two references.