Category: Science

Astronomy Question


Note that each question is broken down into several sub-questions. I’ve included these sub-questions to give you more guidance on what a complete answer to the question should include. Your answers should cover all of the sub-questions.

1. Describe the major components of the solar system.

  • What are planets and how do they compare to each other in size?
  • How are the planets in the solar system arranged and how far is it to the farthest planets?
  • What are moons and where do we find them? How do they compare in size to the planets?
  • What and where is the asteroid belt? The Kuiper belt? The Oort cloud?
  • What is the Sun? How does it compare in size to the other objects in the solar system?

2. What are stars and galaxies and how are they related?

  • What are stars made of?
  • What does the term light year mean?
  • How far are the nearest stars in light years?
  • How do the sizes of different types of stars compare with each other and with the Sun?
  • What is the Milky Way galaxy made of?
  • Where in the Milky Way galaxy is our solar system?
  • How many stars are in our galaxy and how big is our galaxy?
  • What is the group of galaxies that includes our Milky Way and how many galaxies are in it?
  • How old is the universe and how do we tell?

3. What are some big numbers you see used (outside of science classes)? How would you write these in exponential notation (use ^ to indicate exponents).

  • What is the largest population you know? Give the value in exponential notation.
  • What is the largest distance you use (outside of science classes)? Give the value in exponential notation.
  • What is the largest amount of money you hear described? Give the value in exponential notation.
  • What are other large numbers you come across? Give the values in exponential notation.

(you don’t have to write too much,just need follow the question and answer.Maybe 3 question half page to one page should be great)



Part 2: Use the Reports to analyze your dietary intake.

 For this assignment you will use a combination of food AND nutrient analysis reports: From MyDietAnalysis you will need to access the following reports which can be accessed  by selecting the Reports tab on the top of the page. 

For the purpose of this assignment you will need to access the following types of reports:

  • Actual Intake VS Recommended Intake
  • Meal Assessment Report
  • Calorie Distribution
  • “The Plate” 
  • All Nutrients Spreadsheet,
  • Single Nutrient Report

All of these reports can be found in the All Daily Reports.

 Write a comprehensive assessment of your nutrient intake in narrative (story) form: no bullets please! Please do not copy and paste any sections of the report into your paper. This section should take up at least 1, single spaced page. In your report address the following topics:

  • (15) Actual VS Recommended for MACRONUTRIENTS (carbohydrates, fiber, fat, protein) and calories: Compare your intake levels to the Recommended Intake ” (DRIs) using the percent values (%), NOT your intake in grams. The % of Actual to Recommended Intake is much more valuable than the grams.
    • Refer to the Actual VS Recommended Intake report. You need to report on the percent of intake compared to recommended for: calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat, saturated fat, fiber. You must include examples of the foods that contributed most of these nutrients to your intake. 
    • Determine food sources of each…Refer to the Nutrient Spreadsheet and/or Single Nutrient Report ( For the Spreadsheet – Find the nutrient in the column headings at the top of the bar and scroll down to see which foods include the highest levels for each day.) Do not report on each day…determine which foods provided the most over the 3 day period – include a few of the foods with the greatest number of grams. State at least the top 3 for each macronutrient.
    • Calories: If you choose weight loss, then address how much lower your caloric recommendation is for your Profile (height, weight etc). The program will calculate a 1 pound weight loss as 500 kcal less than your recommended number of calories. If you choose a 2 pound weight loss the program calculates 1000 kcal less than your recommended number of calories. You need to address your caloric  intake compared to the calories recommended: would you expect to gain, lose of stay the same weight over time at the current level of calories? Explain why. 
  •  (15) Actual VS Recommended for MICRONUTRIENTS:
    • Discuss any nutrient that was significantly greater or less than the recommendation according to the DRIs (25 % more or less). 
    • YOU MUST ADDRESS the following nutrients regardless: Vit. A, Vit. C, Vit. D, Vit. E,  B-12, folate, iron, calcium, sodium and potassium.
    • Determine food sources of each…Refer to the Nutrient Spreadsheet and/or Single Nutrient Report .  Even if levels are low, find at least 1 or 2 food sources. If levels are low, explain what foods would increase them (refer to your text or other sources for best food sources of nutrients.) If they are high, discuss whether and/or how you need to modify intake. 
  • (5) Refer to the Sources of Calories and Fat Calories report to get the percent (%) of calories from fat, carbohydrate and protein and the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range for each macronutrient.
    • Compare your  macronutrient distribution with the AMDR for Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat.  
    • Explain how well your intake falls into these categories. Be careful not to confuse the AMDR with the Actual VS Recommended percent measures or the DV  % measures from above 
  • (5) Refer to the My Plate comparison. Comment on your percent comparisons for each food group. Based on your nutrient assessment above, how does this food based assessment compare? (For example, if your Vit. D and calcium levels are low, is your dairy intake to low?) 
  • (5) Refer to the Meal Summary Assessment : Discuss any patterns you see in nutrient or food intake.
    • What meal gives you the most calories/least calories? How about the most nutrient density?
    • Explain any other patterns that you noticed from your own notes about your food intake, i.e. did you eat more/less on the weekend day?
    • Did you tend to eat more regular meals on the weekdays…etc. Analyze why these patterns may exist. This part will depend on how well you took notes about your eating habits. It will include an explanation about your style of eating (why you make your food choices…convenience, cost, cultural, taste preference, nutritional, etc….)  

Part 3 : What will you do with this information?

  • (5) What health risks are associated with your nutrient and food intake assessment? You should know this from reading the past 8 chapters in your text book. Refer back to your assessment and explain how current nutrient levels may impact your health if continued on a regular basis. Use your textbook and outline the types of health issues you might face if you dont make changes.
    • Examples: You have low potassium and high sodium? Go back and read about the health risks associated with low potassium/high sodium (hint – high blood pressure is very possible). What about high saturated fat levels; low fiber; low levels of Vit. E??? Address at least the major 2 or 3 that are high or low and address health risks. 
  • (10)Based on the above analysis of your food and nutrient intake AND based on what you have learned about nutrition and health, specifically address the changes you would make to improve your nutrient and food intake. This section should also directly relate back to the assessment you made above.

  Explain how your dietary changes will affect caloric intake (especially if you chose weight loss) what physical activity you will add to your daily routine, and how those 2 changes together will impact weight.

 Finally address how this assignment has helped you: Did you gain some practical information that will be useful to you? What has been most eye-opening for you?

Include examplesinclude examplesinclude examples~! What foods you ate; what you will eat or will avoid to better meet your needsBE SPECIFIC and realistic. Students miss points only because they do not include real food examples…You need to say more than I will eat more fruits and vegetables”…state what kind and which nutrients they will provide. Address how these changes could impact your health.

Anthropology Zoo Assignment(BIOANTHROPOLOGY)



4 Read the material below about primate patterns of locomotion.

4 Review the Assigned Reading on Primates and Primate Behavior. 

4 Review the Prelab Reading Material from the Osteology and Locomotion Lab..  

4 Read the material below about primate locomotor patterns.

4 Visit to familiarize yourself with Woodland Park Zoo (or locate a web site for the zoo in your area), the animals that are present, maps and directions, etc. You may find this information very useful in identifying the taxonomic classifications of various animals, investigating background about particular animals, and planning your time effectively. You may use the web-site to identify the primates at the zoo and select one representative of each of the assigned six locomotor patterns. Remember that you are also encouraged to view the primates outside of the zoo enclosures.

Personal Journa Entries

 12 total entries (2 per week) 

Typed OR handwritten 

Single OR double spaced

  Discuss how your week went 

Talk about your progress, challenges, success

  How you are feeling 




Part A:  How would you describe MyPlate to someone who may be unfamiliar with this tool?

Name two of the healthy eating messages on

Why do you feel those messages are important?

Part B:  Choose one of your classmates responses to this assignment and write a short reflective response in the Discussions Area.  Please observe the rules of netiquette when answering responses

More Ideas On How To Create A Powerful Application Essay

If one of your cherished dreams is to enter a college right now, you need to be ready for numerous challenges on your way to success.

These challenges may be of different forms oral and written, and one of the most serious ones is writing an application essay. As any application essay may have a considerable effect on a students progress and career, it is very important to spend more time and efforts for completion this type of work.

What can you write in an application essay?

Your main purposes while writing an application essay is to reflect on the ideas on how you plan to arrive at your personal and professional goals, what goals have been already achieved and how, and why this application essay has to be noticed by the others.

Do not try to amaze the reader by means of standard introduction like My name is, I am the best candidate among the others because, or Hope, you will appreciate my attempts. Such application essays are already predisposed to failure. Think about interesting citations to start your application essay with, introduce your powerful qualities, or raise a burning theme.

What should you never do with your application essay?

Keep in mind that it is always very easy to fail or spoil an application essay, this is why it is better to be careful with each point, idea, or even thought.

  1. NEVER make your application essay a deadline assignment – you should have enough time to think over each though and edit each sentence!
  2. NEVER believe that lies will help you achieve recognition you have many good qualities, just search for them thoroughly!
  3. NEVER be sure about your perfect writing skills you should have some time to re-read your application essay and make certain corrections to improve everything!

Make use of hints from and present the best application essay ever!

Commercial Horticulturalist



Informational interviews are a crucial and often overlooked aspect of networking. They are the best ways to find out about a type of occupation and make a contact. Informational interviews are person-to-person conversations that help you gain information, insight, and advice from people who are in the functional areas, industries, and companies that hold your interest.

You will conduct an informational interview to gain greater insight into the job or career you are investigating. Select an individual who has experience in the job that you aspire to have.

First, identify the industry and career or job you want to learn more about. Do some background research and identify the organizations you would like to know about and the people who can give you the information you need.

Your interview should be conducted with someone who is actually doing the work you are interested in finding out more about and has sufficient experience working in your field of career interest.

You can use people you already know to give you the contact details of these workers, such as friends, relatives, colleagues, and professors. You can call the Human Resources department of relevant organizations and ask for contact details of people in the position you are investigating. You can also get names of suitable workers from career offices, employment agencies and professional organizations and directories.

Setting up the Interview

To set up the interview, contact the relevant individual and request an opportunity to talk with them for about 20-30 minutes. Tell them straight away that you want to learn more about the industry, job, and company and that you have prepared a list of questions to ask them.

You need to reassure them that you are not asking them for a job but you are only seeking advice. This way they will be more comfortable with meeting you. It is important to arrange the information interview at the person’s work site so you can get a feeling for the organization.

Preparing for the Interview

The key to a successful interview is preparation. Use your background research to understand the basics of the industry, company and specific position. Prepare a list of the questions you want answers to. Use the sample questions to help you plan good, information-seeking questions to ask.

Questions to Ask at the Informational Interview

List about ten to fifteen questions to ask about the following areas of employment in this career field:

  • the education, experience, skills and abilities needed for the career you are looking at;
  • a typical day on the job;
  • the rewards and challenges of this type of employment.

Use these examples of good informational interview questions to help you prepare for your information interview.

  1. How did you get started in this line of work?
  2. How did you get into this particular job?
  3. Why did you apply for this particular position?
  4. What qualifications and experience did you need?
  5. What skills and abilities are necessary for performing this work?
  6. What are the main responsibilities in this job?
  7. What are the things you like most about the job?
  8. What do you dislike about the job?
  9. What have you found to be the biggest challenges in your work?
  10. What have you found to be the most significant rewards in this work?
  11. What are the necessary requirements for an entry-level position in this industry?
  12. What are the career path options in this industry/organization?
  13. What opportunities have you had in this job?
  14. Where do you think this industry/career is going in the next couple of years?
  15. Which companies do you consider to be the leaders in this field?
  16. What advice would you give to someone looking for a similar job in this industry?
  17. Is there anything else I should know about this work?

Tips for the Informational Interview

  • Use the informational interview to get insight into the job you are looking for and the type of company you want to work for.
  • Stick to the time limit you initially stated.
  • Stick to information gathering, the purpose is not to ask about available jobs.
  • Although this is not a job interview, you should dress professional and be punctual, polite and prepared.
  • Immediately after the interview follow up with a thank you note.
    • Something along these lines can be used:
      • Thank you for talking with me yesterday and taking the time to answer all my questions. I found it very helpful and I now have a much clearer understanding of this field of work. I know you have a busy schedule and I appreciate the time you spent with me.

Your Name

Class Deliverables

Following the interview, submit a 2-3 page report outlining your findings and some of the interviewee’s more notable comments. What did you learn most from the informational interview?

In the written interview report, be sure to show in the heading or the first paragraph the full name and title of the person you interviewed, the name, address, and telephone number of the company, and the date of the interview.

Diet Analysis Power Point Project


This learning activity and the grade you will receive are completely dependent on the effort you put into the project in the form of a PowerPoint. Students will record 3 days of dietary intake, using a tracker analysis tool, and  provide an analysis with goals to demonstrate lessons learned.  

Students are expected to put some personal insight into the final presentation and submit a complete, written project consistent college-level work. This includes proper citation of references, proper grammar, correct spelling, and APA format style.Projects submitted after the publish due date and time will not be accepted, per the Course Syllabus.


My DAP is an opportunity to learn more about your own eating patterns and identify gaps in food groups, which can impact your nutritional health.This project requires you to use the information in the course, public access tools for measuring dietary intake, and other reliable sources of health information to create a personal assessment.

Dear Students,

You will be able to compare your intake to what the current recommendations are.

I am not expecting exact calculations on calories, and grams of all Macro and Micro nutrients.                                                          Please find the template of a food record, which you can fill in, under the ‘Diet Analysis Instructions’ 

You need to Follow the directions given for the DAP. 

The DAP is to be submitted in the format of a Power Point (minimum 10- maximun 20 slides), there is no additional paper due on this topic.

Dr. Espinoza


On the Food Intake Record form you will record everything you eat for 3 days.

You have to generate a meal plan checklist using the Choose My Plate tool,  and analyze your meal plan.

You will then, write a summary and analysis of your diet intake.

  • You are expected to put some personal insight into the final presentation and submit a complete project consistent college-level work. This includes proper citation of references, proper grammar, correct spelling, and APA format style.
  • Need to identify the areas of strength and of weakness.
  • Compare each section with what you ate, and use this information to write your analysis.
  • Discuss reasons your intake either exceeds, meets or is below your target.
  • If there are unique reasons for large gaps or overages, you should explain that.
  • Make suggestions where changes could be made in order to meet your target amounts.
  • You will also need to address what you should do to improve your intake to make a more complete and nutritionally balanced diet.
  • Name at least one nutrient from each food group that you could be at risk if you do not meet (or if you exceed) the recommended amounts. 

Projects submitted after the publish due date and time will not be accepted, per the Course Syllabus.

Submission Folder 

This learning activity and the grade you will receive are completely dependent on the effort you put into the project in the form of a PowerPoint (minimum 10 -maximum 20 slides)

For your Diet Analysis PowerPoint assignment  you need to follow the directions given and use MyPlate Plan-

Hopefully, you will find this exercise insightful to your eating habits. Most importantly, evaluate your responses to some questions and you need to write a summary and analysis of your diet intake.

Discussion I: Highlight: Metabolic Syndrome


As the incidence of Obesity and Heart Disease continue to contribute to the top 10 reasons for Deaths in the US today, we have seen a rise in Metabolic Syndrome.  

1. INITIAL POST: After reading the textbook Chapter on Lipids , Unit 4 Course Content AND the handout on Metabolic Syndrome, in 500 words (plus or minus 50) share your thoughts and experiences regarding the following points. USE ESSAY format. 

How the information I’ve learned assist me in taking care of my own health. (Include details from your readings to support your conclusions)

How I can apply the information I have learned when working with patients in a health care setting. (Include details from your readings to support your conclusions)2.



1. The terms germ and microbe are often used interchangeably. What comes to mind when you hear the word germ?

2. Define the term microbiome. List some examples of microbes that comprise the human microbiome. Additionally, list and discuss the two categories discussed in class and the recorded lecture videos into which the human microbiota is divided.

3. Explain, using Video 2s Heidi Helicobacters story as an example, how microbes can be both beneficial and harmful. Provide at least one more example of a benefit obtained from a microbe and an example of harm that can be caused by a microbe.

4. What are some factors that can lead to disruption of a healthy microbiome? How can we avoid such factors?

5. Based upon your viewing of the fecal microbiota transplant (FMT) video, describe what this treatment modality is and why it is utilized? If a patient should have the need for receiving FMT, who should be the donor(s) and why?