Category: Reading

Fine Arts Paper Fonte



Choose one visual artist that was BORN after January 1, 1900, from your book and answer the six questions below.


  • INELIGIBLE artists include filmmakers (including animators), performance artists, actors, graphic designers, craft artists, and architects. Artist works should be in visual media such as painting, sculpture, mixed media, installation, drawing
  • Ineligible websites:,,… (or any other “general” art site or any site that is a “sale site”)
  • Artists that work as a team count as a single artist.
  • For each artist: Number, copy, and answer each of the SIX questions and then answer each question individually (rewrite the question and then answer the question).
  • Points will be deducted for missing or incomplete responses.
  • Follow the Question and Answer format.
  • Assignments submitted in the improper format WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY CREDIT.
  • If you have any questions about your selected artist, please email your instructor.


  1. Artist name, year of birth, country of birth and PAGE artist is found in your textbook. (1 pt)
  2. The complete website where you found information about the artist. This website must be an “informational” site that is specific to your artist. (1 pt)
  3. What is his/her primary media? (1 pt)
  4. List TWO locations where the artist’s work is currently displayed or was recently displayed. Be specific. (2 pts)
  5. Write a short paragraph about why this artist interests you. Your response must be at least 60 words for full credit. (2 pts)
  6. On the Internet, locate one piece of the artist’s work that is not found in Introduction to Art. ThenIN YOUR OWN WORDSfully describe its media (form/materials) and content (meaning/story). Include the full website where you found the piece. Your response must be at least 60 words for full credit. (3 pts)


  • Review writing assignment criteria.
  • Follow the Question and Answer format.
  • Contact Kim Grable, your instructor, if you have any questions about the requirements.


  1. Artist name, year of birth, country of birth, the textbook page where the artist is mentioned. (1 pt)
    Example: John Doe, Born 1902, Russia, Page 101
  2. The complete website where you found information about the artist. (1 pt)
  3. What is his/her primary media? (1 pt)
    Example: Oil Paint on wood panel.
  4. List TWO locations where the artist’s work is currently displayed or was recently displayed. (2 pts)
    Example: Museum of Modern Art, NYC and Leo Castelli Gallery, NYC.

PART 2: SHORT ESSAYS 10 pts (5 pts per topic)

Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar and spelling.


  • Select TWO questions/topics from the list below.
  • Write your response in essay format.
  • Your response to each question/topic must be more than 200 words for full credit.
  • Please rewrite the question/topic to which you are responding.


  • Define symbolism and iconography and describe the difference between them.
  • Discuss two different structures built for religious use. Explain how the form is related to purposes and how the form is used by that religious group. Be specific about how it meets particular rituals or other needs of the group.
  • Describe why and how art and artists have been considered to have exceptional power in some cultures.
  • Describe how rulers have used images of themselves to enhance their authority. Cite examples.
  • Explain why images of defeated rulers, dead rulers, or monuments of an occupied culture might be defaced or destroyed.
  • Describe the use of tribal masks for rituals in different cultures.
  • Select two ethically controversial works of art from different periods in history. Explain how each work was received at the time it was made and how changes in societal values have impacted acceptance of the works today.
  • Why is it important that news photographs not be altered?

Need A Response To This Post With References


HIV Clinics in Kentucky: Case Study 7.2

Geographic information systems (GIS) store, analyze, and visualize data for geographic positions on Earths surface (GISGeography, 2016). Because viewing and analyzing data on maps impacts our understanding of data, we can make better decisions using GIS (GISGeography, 2016). GIS also has layering capabilities that facilitate interactivity (Fleming, p. 187, 2015) and the use of multiple layers within the case study helped to determine the location of an HIV clinic within the state of Kentucky. In case 7.2, various maps highlighting different characteristics were used to find a new clinic in Kentucky. There were four maps A, B, C, and D that showed the following, respectively: Kentuckians living with HIV, regardless of whether they have been diagnosed with full blown AIDS as of 2012; revealed the locations of existing HIV clinics as well as medical colleges that could provide residents with specialty care; illustrated major roads linking clients to potential and existing clinic sites; and lastly, showed three potential clinic sites based on clients residences, existing clinics, and transportation networks (Fleming, p. 188, 2015).

Within the case study, there were three questions that addressed the previously mentioned maps. The questions inquired about the criteria used to find a new clinic; other criteria/data not presented that would help to locate a new clinic; and, based on the maps/sites, which would be the best for locating a new clinic (Fleming, p. 189, 2015). Overall, we agree with the answers given because for the first question, the criteria for finding a new clinic should be based on the AIDs prevalence in the population. The primary goal in the HIV clinic is to take care of HIV infected patients to give them the best care possible. The core functions of public health are assessment, policy and development; so it is necessary for every public health agency to collect, analyze, and make available information HIV infected patients in the community regularly and systematically. This assessment should include the statistics on health needs. Altogether, they can address specific activities to improve the community’s health status in the area. A survey will also need to be conducted to enable this organization to identify areas that are highly infected by the HIV virus. From there, they will make a list of areas or communities who need their services the most. By doing this, they would be able to provide service to less deprived and high rate of HIV populated area, thereby helping the people that actually need it most. For the second question, because contracting AIDS is a risk for HIV positive patients, the prevalence of HIV positive residents in each county would be helpful criteria, in order to stop them from contracting AIDS if at all possible (Fleming, p.190, 2015). Lastly, based on the map data, it was found that site A and site B would both be equally beneficial in finding a new clinic (Fleming, p.190, 2015). Outside of the book answer, we believe that site A will be the best example to use for locating the new clinic. The main reason is that the immediate community has a high percentage of people infected by the virus. Location is a key factor for the selection of this site because there is a high HIV prevalence within that area. Lastly, the location has access to highways, making it easy to commute to an HIV clinic. However, regarding the answer within the book, if sites A and B are both hours away from a facility and they both have high prevalence, there will need to be another factor that will help decide. What could those factors be? Transportation, income, and/or privacy. Some people may not have transportation so a survey may be needed for each area to see which area suffers with these issues. Also, privacy is a factor because most people do not want others to know that they have HIV or AIDS.

                Ultimately, within this case study (7.2), the goal was to find the best location to open a new HIV clinic. In many different communities in Kentucky, there are high numbers of individuals with HIV, but not all are able to get to the clinics because they are too far from them. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a system that uses mapping and other tools to see patterns, but also can provide more sophisticated analysis functions such as layering various spatial variables and querying for defined parameters (Fleming, 2015).  A few questions that were asked were, what criteria should be used to locate a new clinic, is there any other criteria or data that werent presented from the four maps, and which potential site was the best (Fleming, p.189, 2015). The criteria that should be used would be the number of individuals that are living in different communities with HIV and if they have a clinic close to them. If they do not, then thats where the potential location should be. Some other factors that need to be looked into would be which areas have individuals that developed AIDS. The best location for the potential clinic, according to the book and also to us, would be between A or B. Map A shows the areas with high HIV levels, but also Map B shows areas that already have existing clinic locations.


GISGeography. (2016, 10 2). What is Geographic Information Systems (GIS)? . Retrieved from GISGeography:

Fleming, S. T. (2015). Managerial Epidemiology: Cases and Concepts (3rd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

SunPower Case

Take a look through this case then work through the attached worksheet for the Simulation. Write about your experiences here. You can follow the template in the worksheet or you can create a synthesis. Come back at least 2 days later and post a followup.


Course: Fundamentals of public safety management

Book: Public Administation in the new century: A concise Intro

By Jeffrey D Greene

Write a seven (7) page paper addressing the three most important lessons learned (the weekly take away lessons) that you have learned in this course. Provide a minimum of seven (7) references using APA 6th edition citations form and style. Use those sources, which may come from the textbook, journal articles, and websites, as in-text citations in your final paper.

The purpose of the Final Essay is for you to compose an essay that demonstrates your ability to synthesize content from the entire course. The individual paper is worth up to 300 points toward the final grade. In-text source citations, as well as your reference list, should both be in alignment with APA 6th edition citation form and style (See  for more information). 


 What seem to be the most significant differences among the historic movements within Christianity: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism? Do you agree that the division between traditionalists/conservatives and modernists/liberals in Christianity is more important than the differences among the historic movements and denominations? Explain. What do you think of the Emergent Church movement? 

Fine Arts Dis 2 Lesson 2


In your own words, describe three of the following processes of sculpture and provide a museum-quality fine art example for each that is not found in our text (i.e. museum-quality examples should not come blogs or other sites where anyone can post artworks. Hint: Look back and virtual museum links provided in the Resources section in the Course Menu’).  You must identify each artwork with artist’s name, title and date.  You can either paste the image in the discussion, or you can provide a URL to the specific artwork. 

  • Carving
  • Casting
  • Modeling
  • Assemblage
  • Installation
  • Earthworks

Each sculpture process summary should be no less than 75 words.

Reading Story And Answer Questions

 Please read the Act I of the play Romeo and Juliet and answer the following questions with COMPLETE SENTENCES 

1. What insulting gesture does Sampson give to the Montague servants? 

2. Why is Romeo so upset at the beginning of the play? 

3. Who first asks to marry Juliet? 

4. What does Tybalt, Juliets cousin want to do as soon as he sees Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio at the Capulet party?

5. Who tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet? 

Discussion 4 AB

 Compare/contrast the major themes and terms of Confucianism and Taoism. Use and define some of the key terms from the Chinese. Are these religions complementary or oppositesExplain. Are there components of your own belief system that may agree with any of these themes? At least 250 words for discussion post (not including quoted text and titles) 

Discussion 2 AB CHOOSE 1


NOTE:  Discussion Board writing should be done with the same craft and care as a Reflection Paper: check for spelling and grammatical clarity. Use multiple paragraphs to structure your thinking. Use specific details and examples from text and traditions to support general statements.

Choose only 1 of the following two discussion assignments:

Q1: Paths to Liberation
Both Hinduism and Buddhism delineate specific paths to liberation. Define and discuss these paths and define the goal (liberation) they lead to in both religions. Use terms as precisely as possible to show that you have read the assignment.

Q2: A Breathing Practice for Stress Reduction and Clarity
Practice the following instructions for Buddhist mindfulness relaxation. This is NOT a religion or a form of worship, but a practical stress reduction technique used by many stress counselors and psychologists, but it is an example of how practices from another culture can be part of our own. Practice this at least twice for ten minutes before writing about it. Do not write about the instructions without practicing them! In your journal:

*Please describe effects both in body and mind and how the breath affects both.

* End by explaining how this practice might or might not be helpful as a regular stress-reduction practice.

1. Find a comfortable sitting position. Do not lie down, but you may sit relaxed in any position as long as your spine is upright.

2. Do not resist noises. if external noises come up. Let them be. It’s not the ambient noises, but our resistance to them, that distracts us!

3. If thoughts come and go, do not try to control them or push them out. Do not attempt to ‘make the mind a blank.’ Just let them pass as they come, without clinging to them or resisting them.

4. Without strain, gently observe your breath. Let the mind gently return to the breath in the present moment every time it wanders off into the past or the future.

5.Observe the breath as it rises and falls. Let breath softly but thoroughly sweep the body. Breathing in, let your attention flow upward, from your belly toward your forehead. Breathing out, let it flow back down toward the belly. Let the breath become slower, gentler, finer. The instruction is not to concentrate-on or control the breath, but to observe it.

6. Inhalation energizes all the cells of the body. Exhalation brings relaxation. As you breathe out, allow the muscles of the chest, the solar plexus, and the belly to relax.

7.If physical sensations arise, Do not resist them, just feel them, and observe them, allowing them to come and go.

8. Letting thoughts go, sink into silence. Feel the power of that inner silence.

Ending the Session: Don’t mind the time or watch the clock. When you feel that about 10-15 minutes have passed, bring your attention to the body as a whole. Honor your body, just as it is. Then slowly open the eyes.

Lesson 1 Reflection

 How do Native American religions connect the human to the divine. In most religons, the divine manifests through forms that are above and beyond the earth, its plants and its animals. But in Native American religions, the divine may be revealed through the earth and its forms. Please discuss this relationship with the divine in native religion. Use specific examples from specific tribes and use details to support your general ideas. Remember, in religious studies, “God is in the details.”

Your essay should be in your own words, and at least 250 words long (not including quoted texts). The better essays are more than 250 words. College level writing should be grammatical, spell-checked, and organized in multiple paragraphs, with a clear introduction and a decisive conclusion to wrap the essay as a whole. Re-read, revise, and rewrite and final draft before submitting your essay.

NOTE: Do not pack an entire essay into a single paragraph. Use multiple paragraphs to structure and organize your thinking.