Category: Reading

Communication Class

name of the book/

PLEASE use the book to answer the questions 


(Foss, Sonja K. and Karen A. Foss: 

Inviting Transformation: Presentational 

Speaking for a Changing World



Communication Class

name of the book/

PLEASE use the book to answer the questions 


(Foss, Sonja K. and Karen A. Foss: 

Inviting Transformation: Presentational 

Speaking for a Changing World




Research Studie Paper


paper should be 1-2 pages (double spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman) and critically evaluate a computational media research article, addressing the questions shown below. You will need to find articles published within the last 3 years from one of the following venues: ACM SIG CHI, ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM CSCW, ACM UIST, or ACM TOCHI (journal).

1) What were the research questions under investigation?

2) How did the researchers approach the research questions? What were their methods?

3) What did the researchers find? How did they interpret the findings?

4) Are you convinced of their results and interpretations? Why or why not? Explain.

Include the link for the article

Midterm Paper

What contribution do you think Facebook will make to news in the next 5 years? Are traditional news publishers losing control? Does Mark Zuckerberg have too much power? Or, is Facebook, Twitter and other platforms the digital ages answer to the printing press or TV transmitter as a means of distribution? (See Chapters on news in your book for references) Will the snackable nature of digital content lead to less news consumption or a greater awareness of what is happening in our world? 



As our course comes to an end, we now can look at some of the parallels and differences between the major world religions.

List some of the parallels between the major world religions. Consider geography, history, period of history, or any other factors that you can think of for this topic in your post.



HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT #1 How we read a contract so that we can understand what is being said ?  It has everything to do with knowing the language of the music business. It is not a foreign language. You are probably familiar with many of the words. HOW the words are USED IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS is very important.

Reflection #7

Write a Discussion post reflecting on your past experiences as they relate to the learning outcomes of this course.

1.  Research the stated Learning Outcomes of this ORGL course. Briefly list/describe the outcomes in your response.

The Learning Outcomes of this course are listed below:

 describe past experiences that involved learning

 analyze past events and their personal feelings about those events

 summarize actions or feelings that are part of their past learning process

 record events in coherent written work

 discuss situations using conceptual frameworks for reflection

2.  Describe experiences (such as work, volunteer, church, social, academic) you have had that resulted in learning these outcomes. Be as specific as possible with your examples. Attempt to tie your experiences directly to the learning outcomes. [If you haven’t had learning that connects to a particular outcome, that’s OK – explain any gaps.]

3.  Discuss the reflective concept in the course which best describes your learning up to this point.

4.  How might you document the learning you achieved in that context? For instance:Training evidence, Certificates? Papers or projects you’ve completed. On-the-job evaluations? Letters from people in a position to evaluate your learning at work or in volunteer activities? Artifacts, items you designed or created? Photographs or scanned items? Mention how you plan to collect the items if you do not have them on hand.

*Good strong paragraph for each question. See rubric attached* 


Remember, that the purpose of this discussion is not to answer my initial or follow-up questions. The purpose is to engage with the assigned readings and integrate them with other ideas and into your daily (or future) practice. Please do use terminology from the assigned readings, cite the textbook with at least an in-text citation (Dipboye, 2016), and bring in current events (provide a URL) to add to the conversation and to support your points. These discussions are the main learning and assessment tool in this course.

Question: Think of the groups you belong to; why are some successful while others struggle to be productive? Can you think of similar famous examples?

**Minium of 250 words and textbook attached**

Assimilation Notes

Part 1: Native Americans Forced Assimilation

Instructions: Watch the video ( to get a history of assimilation in theUS. Then answer the following questions. 

1.What was the purpose for the forced assimilation of Native Americans? 

2.Name two strategies the US used to assimilate Native Americans and explain how each of these strategies worked.

Part 2: Keywords for Asian American Studie Assimilation (pp. 14-17)

Instructions: Answer the following questions. Provide a passage from the reading (i.e., Assimilation) in addition to your response to support your responses.

 1.What are the five different definitions or perspectives on assimilation? As you identify them, note which one you think is most accurate for the contemporary situation of assimilation. 

2.According to Lisa Park, how is assimilation enforced in our society?

3.What are the criticism of assimilation?4.What does Lisa Park say is a unique experience of assimilation for Asian Americans? (p. 17)

Part 3: Assessing assimilation in our societyAnswer the following questions based on your observations, experiences, or insights. 

1.Do immigrants have a duty to learn and adopt the local culture, or should they try to retain their native culture?

2.What does successful assimilation look like? What are some results of it?

3.What does unsuccessful assimilation look like? What are some results of it?

4.How does race fact into the process or act of assimilation?


Pay attention to the following terms as you read the Introduction and chapter 1 of Tatum’s book. 

– Prejudice

– Cultural racism

– Internalized oppression (or internalized racism)

– Systemic racism (or “racism as a system of advantages based on race”)

– Active racism

– Passive racism

– Active anti-racism

Provide a brief definition for each of these terms. Then select three out of the seven terms and discuss they ways in which they relate to Asian American history during the exclusionary period (pre 1952/1965) in about 150 words.

Then write another paragraph of about 150 words applying three terms (the same terms or different terms) to the present situation of Asian Americans (post 1952/1965). If you believe that Asian Americans don’t experience any form of racism presently, then say so and defend your opinion.