Category: Psychology

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In an essay (500-750 words), citing two to four scholarly sources, answer the following prompts:

  1. Explain why family systems analysis is important in the mental health field.
  2. To assist various family systems, explain why it is essential for mental health workers to identify the various populations in the mental health field.
  3. Explain why it is important for mental health workers to know the needs of contemporary families.

Public Health And Health Care Overview

The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast the different ways two disciplines, public health and health care, address a public health issue. You will use the Public Health and Health Care Table Excel file (linked in Resources) to complete this assignment. Note: Tobacco was used as an example of a public health issue in the template. You must select a different issue.

Obesity As A Public Health Issue

Search for obesity epidemic on YouTube and choose two results to view.

Briefly summarize the two choices you examined.

What were the major points made in each video?

What really got your attention and moved you the most? Why?

What more did you want to know?

Refer to the APA manual or the EasyBib Web site (linked in Resources) for direction on citing video presentations if necessary

Executive Brief Report Of Benjamin “Tony” Atkins

Describe the personality disorder of the individual that you have chosen as a basis for your executive briefing report. Briefly introduce the individual’s background and identify him or her as either psychopathic or sociopathic. Describe his or her personality traits that relate to either psychopathy or sociopathy. Explain what distinguishes the individual as being a psychopath or sociopath instead of the alternative.

Submit assignment as a Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Discussion Board

  • Describe the main differences between Concrete Operations versus Formal Operations (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)
  • Describe the main differences between Metacognition versus Epistemic Cognition (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)

Please feel free to refer to the material found in your textbook, as well as refer to any journals or scholarly articles that will be of assistance in answering the questions. Please be sure to cite the material you have gathered from your textbook or other sources and to use APA Style formatting.

Theories And Theorists


Each of the different fields of study is heavily influenced by theories and theorists that you have been learning about throughout your courses. You have learned about various theories of leadership such as transformational or transactional leadership, and a few of the impactful psychological theorists such as Erikson and Freud. 

For this assignment, select a contemporary challenge in your field (Criminalolgy/Forensic Psychology (current within the last five or so years) and in a 2,800-word (8-page) paper, evaluate the challenge. The evaluation of the issues should include the following:

  • Describe the contemporary challenge. 
  • Apply three theories to evaluate the issue.
  • Critically analyze the application of the theories.
  • Recommend a solution based on the theoretical analysis. 

Utilize a minimum of 10 academic resources.

Causes And Effects

In 2-3 pages, respond to the following:

  1. Identify the four causes and effects you have selected to incorporate into an integrated critical analysis narrative.  
  2. Write an integrated critical analysis narrative that incorporates the four causes and effects you identified.  
  3. Explain your reaction to the results of your critical analysis. Could these causes have been prevented? Which one do you think was most important in leading to the problem?


For this assignment, you will write the psychological report Using the Sample Report as a format guide, construct a psychological report with a referral question, incorporating Franks Psychosocial History and MSE located under additional resources. These are raw materials to incorporate into your report. If you feel some points need elaboration or clarification feel free to do an imaginary interview with Frank and incorporate additional information.   For the Test Results section of your report, review and interpret the WAIS-IV protocol that is located under the additional resources tab.  Conclude your paper with diagnostic impressions and summary/recommendations.

Please refer to the following materials located under additional resources to help you complete this assignment: WAIS-IV Results, WAIS-IV PowerPoint, Psych Report Writing, and Sample Report.  You will need to review and interpret the WAIS-IV protocols for the test result section of your report. Please review the WAIS-IV PowerPoint to gain further information about the WAIS-IV. Psych Report Writing is a helpful guide on how to discuss the results of the WAIS-IV and at the end of this document, you will find a table to convert scores to percentiles and classifications. The Sample Report is a helpful guide on how to format and write this assignment. 

 Incorporate any feedback that you received from other course assignments.  Review and interpret the WRAT-4 protocol that is located under the additional resources tab, and add to your previous report.  In light of this new information, consider if you want to revise or add to your diagnoses, summary, and recommendations.

When discussing the WRAT-4 results, be sure to include a discussion of the WRAT-4 scores in which you would want to present the Standard Scores, percentile ranks, and classifications for each subtest of the WRAT-4 (Word Reading, Sentence Comprehension, Spelling, Math Computation, and Reading Composite). You do not need to present grade levels.  You also want to talk about scores that are out of the normal range and what that might suggest.

Please refer to the following materials located under additional resources to help you complete this assignment: WRAT4 Results, WRAT4 PowerPoint, Psych Report Writing, and Sample Report.  You will need to review and interpret the WRAT4 protocols for the test result section of your report. Please review the WRAT4 PowerPoint to gain further information about the WRAT4. Psych Report Writing is a helpful guide on how to discuss the results of the WRAT4 and at the end of this document, you will find a table to convert scores to percentiles and classifications. The Sample Report is a helpful guide on how to format and write this assignment. 

  Incorporate any feedback that you received from other course assignments.  Review and interpret the MMPI-2 protocol that is located under the additional resources tab, and add this to your previous report.  In light of this new information, consider if you want to revise or add to your diagnoses, summary, and recommendations.   

When discussing the MMPI-2 results, be sure to include a discussion of the validity scales (you can refer to your text for further guidance). Then interpret/discuss the clinical scales that are clinically significant, which are a T-score of 65 or greater. Your text and the PowerPoint of the MMPI-2 (found under the additional resources tab) list interpretive paragraphs of such scores, which you can integrate into your interpretation section of your paper.

Please refer to the following materials located under additional resources to help you complete this assignment: MMPI-2 protocol, MMPI-2  PowerPoint, Psych Report Writing, and Sample Report.  You will need to review and interpret the MMPI-2 protocols for the test result section of your report. Please review the MMPI-2 PowerPoint to gain further information about the MMPI-2. Psych Report Writing is a helpful guide on how to discuss the results of the MMPI-2. The Sample Report is a helpful guide on how to format and write this assignment. 

All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. 

All resources are attached.

Literature Review Draft


  • Literature Review Draft
    In addition to the other helpful links provided in Resources, we recommend you use an organizing tool from the Capella University Library Services and Tools page, such as the Scholarly Research Log, to help you track the theories, methods, and findings of the articles you have read.
    Note: Be sure to post your draft of the literature review in the Unit 4 discussion and incorporate feedback from your instructor and peers before submitting this assignment.
    For this assignment, submit the current draft of your literature review for instructor feedback and grading. Using your literature search question (LSQ), the annotated bibliography, and the abstracted outline to support your review, identify themes that emerge from your analysis of what we know so far about your topic. Use these themes to describe how your research builds on prior knowledge.
    For instance, if your LSQ is What does the literature in psychology tell us about the utility of treating mild depression in adults with a combination of synchronous and asynchronous labyrinth walking and cognitive behavioral therapy? you might discuss literature that covers the themes of exercise and depression, cognitive behavioral therapy and depression, walking meditation and depression, mindfulness and depression, and so on. Do not organize the paper by referencing each article sequentially; your task is to synthesize concepts pertinent to the LSQ from the articles selected for this review.
    Plan to identify articles and research that:
    • Describe chosen area of research and provide rationale for choice.
    • Describe significance of chosen topic:
      • Explain and justify the implications of the new knowledge for stakeholders, including community members and those who serve the population.
    • Summarize sources applicable to the history of chosen topic:
      • Discuss historical context and dominant themes in the evolution of the topic; connect common themes and present counteropinions.
      • Consider theory in light of seminal works by theorists such as Urie Bronfenbrenner, Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, Carol Gilligan, Jean Piaget, Erving Goffman, and Clark Moustakas. 
    • Summarize sources applicable to the theoretical background of the chosen topic:
      • Provide information about theoretical underpinnings such as empirical/behavioral or constructivist and humanistic orientations of the literature reviewed.
      • Consider theory in light of seminal works by theorists such as Urie Bronfenbrenner, Sigmund Freud, B.F. Skinner, Carol Gilligan, Jean Piaget, Erving Goffman, and Clark Moustakas.
    • Summarize sources applicable to best practices for engaging in research:
      • Describe data-collection strategies, research procedures, and approaches for conducting and reporting research.
    • Summarize sources that add significance and relevance to the knowledge base of psychology:
      • Indicate how the chosen sources help investigators identify topics that are well understood and other topics that represent gaps in the knowledge base and the need for further study.
      • Create a scenario that illustrates the need for new research.
    • Articulate guidelines of the profession applicable to ethical conduct in research practice:
      • Demonstrate ethical conduct associated with the protection of research subject vulnerabilities such as the need for data privacy.
    • Identify practices and research guidelines that address respect for individual differences and diversity:
      • Address individual variation and diversity within and across groups. For example, when writing about marriage and family therapy, acknowledge research choices that exclude or include subgroups such as gay and lesbian families or families of particular racial, ethnic, or cultural compositions.
    • Adhere to APA style and formatting guidelines, including concise and well-organized writing:
      • Organize paper to enhance the message and supporting points; writing should reflect the quality and expertise expected for academic work.
      • Organize and summarize sources thematically.
    • Your task is to present current considerations important to investigators and to indicate ramifications for stakeholders who rely on the current knowledge base. Use illustrative examples to explain and highlight key concepts. Good reviewers share evidence-based assessments of the current state of knowledge with their audiences.
      This assignment is one component of the integrated project. You are expected to refine this literature review before submitting the final project.
      Additional Requirements
    • Formatting:
      • Organize your assignment as follows:
        • Title page.
        • Chapter headings (should start on new page).
        • Subheadings.
    • Font: New Times Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.
    • APA: Use APA format and style throughout, including citations.
    • Review the assignment scoring guide to ensure that you meet all criteria.
      Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.
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  • Periodically, information will be posted in this space for the good of the class.

Statement Of Problem, RQ Development, And Significance Of Proposed Study


Statement of Problem, RQ Development, and Significance of Proposed Study

This discussion has three parts. You will be asked to articulate the need for your study, known as the research problem and include a draft of your research question (RQ) as well as the potential significance of the research. As we have discussed, it is the job of the scientific investigator to identify new areas of inquiry and ways to gain new knowledge in these areas. Research questions are used by scientists to frame potential areas of inquiry. 

But before developing a research question, the research problem must be identified and justified. To justify the research question, scientists will consider the implications of the problem for those who have a stake in the results of the investigation. The significance of the findings will be presented to the stakeholders and sponsors of the investigation.

Your task is to consider what you have learned as you reviewed the literature and to identify what must be learned if we are to advance the knowledge base.

Statement of Problem

Summarize the following in one or two short paragraphs:

  • What do we know so far about the area of the literature that you reviewed?
  • What do you think we need to know to advance the knowledge base?
  • How will this new knowledge serve the stakeholders (scientists, care providers, families, patients, institutions) that may in turn be served by implementation of new developments?

Distill your statement of the research problem to one or two sentences that describe what must be learned about the problem.

Refer to the qualitative or quantitative project guide (linked in Resources) for help placing the research problem in the context of your course project. Begin working independently on completion of the template to support your completion of the project.

Research Question (RQ) Development

Identify your research question by differentiating between qualitative and quantitative research questions. Refer to the appropriate qualitative or quantitative project guide (linked in Resources) for tips.

Characteristics of Qualitative Research Questions
  • Qualitative research questions ask for description and interpretation of phenomena through the identification of socially constructed themes and categories.
  • Qualitative questions address concepts associated with thoughts, feelings, and actions that are not necessarily accessible via empirical methods of measurement.
  • Qualitative data take the form of stories, narratives, and observations.
  • Qualitative questions identify the target population and phenomena under consideration.
  • Qualitative questions do not test empirically measured data.
Characteristics of Quantitative Research Questions
  • Quantitative research questions point to empirical methods that will test the hypothesis or hypotheses associated with the question.
  • Quantitative research questions have independent and dependent variables.
  • Quantitative research questions measure relationships or correlations and/or manipulate natural phenomena through experimentation.
  • Quantitative data are presented in numerical categories or quantities.
  • Quantitative research questions do not interpret socially constructed themes, narratives, and observations.

Significance of Proposed Study

Summarize the following in one or two short paragraphs:

  • Why is this proposed research important to your field of study?
  • If it were possible for this study to be conducted, what would it contribute to our understanding?
  • How would this research provide theoretical and/or practical knowledge, and why?

Response Guidelines

Offer substantive comments and detailed constructive feedback to one of your peers. Please respond to a new learner for each discussion.


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