Category: Psychology

Can this be done by tomorrow 12pm?

A clients social history can be a valuable tool when working with clients and setting goals. Completing a social history form or documenting it in another way, can serve as a broader view of where the client was when he or she came in and current issues. To create a social history document, it should be a collaborative process with the client, in order to make recommendations for actions to resolve the issue. For this Assignment, you will create a brief social history and in Week 9 a service plan on a colleague that was assigned to you last week. For this assignment you work in pairs using the scenario in the resources about a Syrian teen, George, from the interactive community.

To Prepare

Schedule a call or Skype session with your colleague. Then, use the outline in Chapter 16 of your Summers textbook. Take turns over the phone or Skype with your colleague playing the human and social services worker and the interviewee, George. Click on George in the Community Center of the Interactive Learning Community, you will see his background at the bottom. The rest of the Interactive Learning Community where he lives is there so you can draw upon the community background while role playing. When participating as George, you can make up the information to fill the gaps, when being interviewed. The most important takeaways are that you are practicing taking a social history and organizing it appropriately. You should be referring to Chapter 16 of your Summers textbook for advice on completing a social history appropriately. (George Tiblis is 16 years old. He is a refugee from Syria. His parents and sister were killed in a bombing attack of his village in northern Syria 2 years ago. He came to America as part of a Christian mission rescue. He lived with a foster family for a year and attended high school, but had difficulty fitting into the routine and lifestyle. He recently decided to leave his foster family and has been hitchhiking around the country, staying in shelters or sleeping in public buildings when he can)….

For this Assignment

Complete a Social History of George from the interview that you conducted. Use the headers outlined in Chapter 16 of your Summers textbook (pg. 298 Figure 16.1).


can this be done 7 hours?

Assignment: Conducting Time-Series Research

Traditional experimental research dictates that there must be one or more experimental groups (groups receiving a treatment or intervention) and a control group (which does not receive the intervention). Participants are assigned randomly to the experimental and control groups. Although experimental designs may be preferable to other designs, even in action research, they are not always feasible for practitioners for many reasons. There may be ethical issues regarding withholding an intervention from a client group; or time, financial, or logistical constraints may make it impossible to include random assignment into groups.

In such cases, the use of time-series research can provide a meaningful alternative to true experimental research. Time-series designs are quasi-experimental, meaning that they still seek to evaluate the impact of a treatment or intervention on a target group (or individual) but do not include random assignment to treatment and control groups. Researchers still have control over admittance criteria to the treatment group (e.g., mothers under the age of 21). Times series then allows researchers to take measurements of treatment effectiveness at various intervals over time. Taken together, these data points provide information about the intervention under consideration.

In this Assignment, you apply time-series research techniques to a case study.

To Prepare

Imagine that you are a human and social services professional working with a child, Kaya, who is having some behavioral problems at her elementary school. As a scholar practitioner, you approach your work with her from an empirical standpoint and want to measure the effectiveness of your recommended services. To date, you have provided information about resources to the family and coordinated services for the child and family.

As such, you pose the following research question: “What impact do the services the child is currently receiving have on reducing off-task behavior, physical aggression, and verbal aggression for the identified child?”

For the purposes of this research, the target behaviors are as follows:

  1. Off-task: failure to maintain eye contact with task at hand for more than 3 consecutive seconds
  2. Physical Aggression: hitting/pushing/kicking peers/teachers, throwing objects
  3. Verbal Aggression: threatening, yelling

Consider the following observation report:

During the first observation period, which was conducted on Monday (in math class) between 11:20 and 11:30, 10-minute, 10-second, partial interval recording was used to assess the frequency of off-task behaviors, physical aggression, and verbal aggression. Kaya was observed to be off-task during 12% of the intervals observed, engaged in physical aggression 0% of the intervals observed, and engaged in verbal aggression 2% of the intervals observed.

During the second observation (during recess), which was conducted on Wednesday from 9:00 to 9:30, Kaya was observed to be off-task during 15% of the intervals observed, engaged in physical aggression 20% of the intervals observed, and engaged in verbal aggression 3% of the intervals observed.

Kaya was also observed on Friday from 10:30 to 10:40 during a group activity. Kaya was observed to be off-task during 20% of the intervals observed, was observed to engage in physical aggression 7% of the intervals observed, and was observed to engage in verbal aggression 10% of the intervals observed.


Physical Aggression

Verbal Aggression










The Assignment (12 pages)

Based on the data, you determine that you must design a behavioral intervention for Kaya and determine if it is successful. As you begin the process of investigating your research question:

  • Briefly describe a time-series design that you would use to investigate the impact of your intervention, and explain how you would collect and record the additional data. Be specific.
  • Select a method for graphically representing the provided data. Use the method to create a graph. (You can use Microsoft Excel or Word).
  • Analyze the data and provide a narrative description of your analysis.

Intro To Criminology

Please answer the following questions:

Do you believe the term criminal justice system is an oxymoron? Why or why not?

Identify a mala prohibita law(s) that exists in Florida which you believe should be decriminalized? Why?

classmate answered:

75-100 Discussion Question

Planning and Organizing

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers.

This week you have learned about the planning and organizing management functions and the importance they have in decision making. To demonstrate how planning, organizing, and decision making are applied in the workplace, this weeks discussion will involve researching an article using one of the following sources:

Research Paper


1. Choose 1 topic/idea that you would like to study/research in Psychology.

2. Conduct a literature review or search related to that 1 topic/idea you’ve chosen. Be sure to cite your journal articles or other resources you’ve chosen in the References section of your paper.

3. Identify 1 theory you have about your topic/idea, and develop the research hypothesis for your idea/study.

4. Identify all of the ethical standards you will uphold in your research study.

5. Describe the measures you would potentially utilize to attempt to achieve reliability and validity in your study.

Your paper should contain the following 6 total pages: 1 title page, 1 abstract page, 1 references page, and 3 pages for the body of the paper (which should include the 5 points/instructions mentioned above). The entire paper should be written in APA style or formatting.

Discussion Post – Week 2

 The reading this week covers prenatal development, pregnancy, and birth.  Discuss the differences between genetic counseling and fetal programming research.  What are the fundamental similarities between these two things? 

Each initial discussion response must be 250 words, not including restatements of questions, and each must contain two (2) formalized APA references with citations.  

300 W1 Discussion

Respond to 2 different students with one or more of the following:

  1. A link that brings in new information or helps the student youre responding to
  2. A substantial question (not, what do you think?)
  3. A  politely worded critique that shows either a flaw in your classmates logic, misunderstanding of the data, or a failure to fully answer the questions
  4. A politely worded reply to any of the above. 

roots of violence

The vast majority of men are not perpetrators of violence. Think about what it means to be male in your culture, and discuss which arguments by Kaufman or Sanday from this weeks readings and the assigned video may help us better understand roots of violence.

psychology quesstions


1. What activities did you participate in this week in your practicum site? Describe them. Did you enjoy them? What did you like the best? Worst? What will you change next week? Share your experience with your classmates.

2. Good documentation skills make life easier for clinicians. What challenges have you faced in writing progress notes, treatment plans, and conducting intake assessments?

3. What do you see as the value of a good clinical intake assessment? Do you read assessments, conducted by others, prior to meeting with a new client? Why or why not?

Each question must be answer with 150-200 words. Should have questions than answer and than the next one should be questions and answer on each one. 

Discussion Board

  • Identify how a Nativist, an Empiricist, and an Interactionist describe the development of cognition 
  • (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)
  • Describe the main differences between Piagets Theory of Development and Kohlbergs Theory of Development (minimum 1-2 paragraphs)

Please feel free to refer to the material found in your textbook, as well as refer to any journals or scholarly articles that will be of assistance in answering the questions. Please be sure to cite the material you have gathered from your textbook or other sources and to use APA Style formatting