Category: Psychology

Models and Rationales

virst, select the program evaluation model that you will be using (Chyung, 

  1. Next, use Steps 14 in Table 2 of the Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, and Campbell article (2013, p. 93) to identify:
    • Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, & Campbell, 2013, p. 92), and offer your rationale for choosing this model in one paragraph.The evaluand (the hypothetical program to be evaluated).
    • The overall purpose and type of evaluation to be conducted.
    • The stakeholders of the program.
  2. Finally, develop a one-page logic model for the hypothetical program you are evaluating, and upload it with your discussion post. Use the video you viewed earlier in this unit to develop your understanding of logic models. The Program Logic Model (Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, & Campbell, 2013, p. 97) offers an example of a clear but succinct way to present a logic model for a program.irst, select the program evaluation model that you will be using (Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, & Campbell, 2013, p. 92), and offer your rationale for choosing this model in one paragraph.
  3. Next, use Steps 14 in Table 2 of the Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, and Campbell article (2013, p. 93) to identify:
    • The evaluand (the hypothetical program to be evaluated).
    • The overall purpose and type of evaluation to be conducted.
    • The stakeholders of the program.
  4. Finally, develop a one-page logic model for the hypothetical program you are evaluating, and upload it with your discussion post. Use the video you viewed earlier in this unit to develop your understanding of logic models. The Program Logic Model (Chyung, Wisniewski, Inderbitzen, & Campbell, 2013, p. 97) offers an example of a clear but succinct way to present a logic model for a program.

Psychology/2-3 Page Paper


In this paper complete all the required activities and answer the reflection questions. This assignment will help extend your understanding of the unit topics and concepts to applications in everyday life. Please respond to all of the questions in paragraph form with the question numbers labeled. You should incorporate concepts from the readings into your answers and cite the readings as needed. The paper should be 2-3 pages.

Question 1

Watch the clip linked below that retells an account of an experience in a grocery store.

 How is privilege present within this story?

 How does this one personal experience connect to the larger history of oppression in the US?

 How does this clip portray ways to harness privilege to promote social change?

 What do you think about the effectiveness of this strategy?

Question 2

Personal Reflection on Social Class: Answer the following questions about your class identity and reflect on how your identity is located within systems of privilege and oppression. Share to your comfort level and reflect on your experience as one example of understanding the connection between biography and history.

 What is your social class position?

 How have you learned about your class position?

 How do you express your social class (ex: dress, communication, accessories, music, etc)?

 What advantages and/or disadvantages, if any, do you experience based upon your social class?

 Do you know of any stereotypes about your social class? If so, list them.

 How does your class position intersect with other identities?

After reading the article about indigenous women and sexual violence, answer the following questions. How does the article exemplify the importance of historical context in defining and understanding social problems? Identify examples from the reading.

Topic 5 DQ 1

 Explain how morale can positively or negatively impact ones individual potential at that organization and beyond. After reading the GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work, how might employees with the Christian worldview affect organizational culture and morale? 



Discussion Board: Unit 2

44 unread replies.44 replies.

This discussion board is three-part: Brain Development, Attachment, & Toddler Development.

  • Be sure to read any attached articles, handouts, or watch any videos.
  • Be sure to FULLY answer each question with thoughtfulness and depth.
  • You must reply to at least TWO other posts. 
  • Keep your answers organized with the same organization that they are presented with (use headings & numbering)
  • As always, be respectful with your replies. 

Brain Development:


Read the article:

   (Posted below)

  1. What are some of the modern practices that could be potentially harmful? (From the article) Why do you think these practices could be harmful?
  2. What are some of the evolutionary parenting practices that could help babys brain? Why are these practices helpful? What have these practices been linked to? (Use the points from the article to help you answer)


Read the article:

( Posted Below)


3. What is so unique about the human brain? (Use the points from the article to help you answer)

4. What can happen to the human brain that is in a constant state of terror (what can it lead to)? (Use the points from the article to help you answer)

5. How does this affect adulthood? (Use the points from the article to help you answer)


  1. Look back on your lecture notes & chapter readings: 
  2. Is there a critical period for attachment? If so, when is it? How do we know there is or isnt one? (Cite the textbook page number)
  3. What can parents/caregivers do to foster a healthy attachment in infancy?(Cite the textbook page number &/or an internet source)
  4. What can parents/caregivers do to foster a healthy attachment in toddlerhood (Cite the textbook page number &/or an internet source)
  5. What is the magic ratio for healthy attachment? What does this ratio mean? Does this only apply to infants & toddlers? (Cite an internet source)
  6. What is earned attachment? How does this apply to adulthood? (Cite an internet source)
  7. Print the attachment questionnaire & complete it. Either attach the completed questionnaire to your post OR attach it to a Canvas message to me separately (if you do not want your personal answers to be posted)  


Toddler Development:

Read the articles:


  1. What are the four reasons? (Cite the article & page number)
  2. How does brain development play a role in toddler meltdowns (tantrums)? (Cite the article & page number)
  3. What can parents/caregivers do help toddlers with intense emotions? (Cite the article & page number)
  4. Why is emotional learning so important? (Cite the article & page number)
  5. What is emotion bridging?” (Cite the article & page number)
  6. What can emotion bridging do to help families? (Cite the article & page number)


please read chapter 6, chapter 7, and 12 of work in the 21st century an introduction to organizational psychology and respond to the assignment


1. Describe a leader you have experienced, including the context (e.g., industry type, leader title, your role) of the experience.

2. Explain what specific leadership style the leader applied using information from the text.  Be specific by describing leadership characteristics and behavior, as well as outcomes.  Use examples to support your claims.

You must use information from the text and TWO journal research article to support your claims for this initial post. Do NOT recycle articles across posts.

1 DQ. Short 400 word paper and another paper


Respond to the DQ in 175 words:

1. Describe the clinical aspects of generalized anxiety disorders. How are anxiety disorders treated?

Write a 400 word paper discussing one of the following disorder: (Introduction and conclusion is NOT needed) PLEASE cite and reference and have a ref page 

Obsessive compulsive disorder

Discuss the following with regard to your selected disorder:

Causes and symptoms

Biological and social ramifications

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Select a stress disorder, anxiety disorder, conduct disorder, or ADHD from the Film List document.

Use the Research Analysis document to complete this assignment.

Prepare a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that discusses research-based interventions to treat psychopathology.

Review and differentiate the characteristics of the selected disorder as well as discuss the research about intervention strategies for the disorder by completing the following:

Evaluate three peer reviewed research studies using the Research Analysis document.

Conceptualize the disorder using one of the psychological perspectives listed in the text.

Discuss the treatments or interventions that have been shown to be the most effective for your selected disorder. Why are they effective?

Cite at least five peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

socw 6500 wk 10 assignment 1


  1. A description of the principles of social work values and ethics
  2. An explanation of how the principles of social work values and ethics might relate to your agency learning agreement throughout your field education experience
  3.  Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog. 

Intercultural Communication

Please answer the following questions:

What are your thoughts about Racial Profiling?

What about the concept that people from other cultures often see us differently from how we see ourselves?

Punctuation Principle and Uncertainty Principle (include these principles in each answer)

Health Care Policy Discussion Board

Review both resources provided below in addition to the assigned readings for this week.

1- Reflect on 2 key differences between the UK and US Health systems. 

2-What are key opportunities related to advocacy and politics interventions that can be taken by advanced practice nurses to improve our current health system?



The goal of this assignment is to conduct a community mental health needs and resources assessment that also familiarizes you with the overall mental health needs in your community. Having assessed the most pressing local mental health needs, you will focus on one of the major identified issues involving a specific, marginalized population and evaluate what services are offered and by what organizations. 

Your paper must be 10-12 pages (not including title page, abstract, or reference page; however, these are required as well). You must use current APA style (write in third person) and integrate references to at least 10 recent and relevant sources. Ideally, include both June & Black and Scott & Wolfe in a meaningful way. You may use scholarly journal articles, but your most important sources will be (local and state) government reports, census data, hospital records research, news reports, information from CDC and DHHS, and professional organizations. Sources cited must be specific and relevant to your immediate locality. Include the following content, using appropriate headings: 

1. Introduction of your community: Describe its location, populations, demographics, and relevant trends, etc.

2. Local needs assessment: Articulate the overall, big picture of your communitys mental health needs and at-risk populations. Be sure to give clear attribution to your sources.

3. Identification of a specific population or issue: Explain why you chose to focus on this particular group. 

4. Local resources assessment: Identify the specific organizations that work with this specific population/ issue. Include government, for-profit, and nonprofit organizations in your analysis. How are these organizations addressing this specific need in the community? Your goal is to briefly describe what they do, not to evaluate their effectiveness. 

5. Personal reflection: Reflect on how this project has changed your view of your community and/or aided you in better understanding your community. You may use first person in this section.

Edit question’s body