Category: Psychology

Psychology Research paper

Using Annotated bibliography, 3 pages in length; describe current trends within Topic area; Demonstrate how topic relates to psychology. MUST contain strong thesis statement supported by research from at least 3 different sources. Must include in-text citations and reference page. APA format. TURNITIN REPORT! Absolutely NO PLAGIARISM! 

psychology (child development)

The journal writing is based on the readings of the chapter , reading chapters for this week are (chapter 5 and 6 book is attached). You can pick a topic from chapter 5 or 6 and expand your thoughts based on questions asked below. On your papers include the typed questions before your response.  Answers must be typed and double-spaced with 1 margins on all four sides and 12 pt font. Make sure to use in text citation.  Answer all the questions below. 

  1. Identify one important concept, research finding, theory, or idea in the current module and briefly describe it.
  2. Describe why you think this is an important concept.
  3. What possible research could be added to your concept?
  4. Describe how this relates to your life.

week three assignment leadership


Assignment Description:  In a document NO MORE THAN THREE PAGES LONG (not counting cover page and reference list), students must describe a real-world problem that addresses the weekly topic, and discuss a solution based on evidence.

Weekly Topic: Leadership

Scenario: Students need to create a work-related problem based on current or past experience.

Goal: Students will learn to use evidence-based methods to effectively Find (hire or identify) and/or Develop Senior Leaders in a real-world scenario.

Action Plan: An action plan should address the problem using a clearly defined approach that is supported with evidence from the text and peer-reviewed research.

* This document is brief, but must be written with high quality.  No quotes or paraphrasing, but consistently use evidence to support your claims.  This will help you improve your writing style and prepare you for your dissertation.


Scholarly evidence must be used to support the action plan including 1) the text, and 2) a minimum of two peer-reviewed research articles.

Roles of the Forensic Psychology Professional in Crisis Situations

The assignment (12 pages):

  • Briefly describe three forensic psychology professional roles that impact the outcomes of police crisis situations.
  • Analyze each role and then explain how each role impacts outcomes of police crisis situations. Focus on the contributions that the forensic psychology professionals make in each role that influence specific outcomes of a crisis situation. Be specific.
  • Support your responses with references to the Learning Resources and the research literature.

Workshop Evaluation

When developing an evaluation of your stress management workshop, identify your intention for the workshops overall outcome. Then consider the outcome of your workshop using the following measures:

  • How might you define or determine whether the workshop was successful? 
  • Consider asking what has changed. Has the program made a difference? 
  • Are behavioral changes going to occur? What behavior shifts have already occurred? 
  • How are the participants lives changed? 
  • Do they feel confident with the tools they were given? 
  • Can participants envision a previous stressful experience where the application of these tools would have benefited them? 
  • How well was the information relayed? Was the environment comfortable? 
  • Are there wider ripples of social effect due to the resulting policy changes or institutional practice?

For the assignment, you continue to build on your Final Project. Review the Evaluation of the Guided Imagery Workshop handout provided. Also, conduct an Internet search for additional examples of reputable workshop evaluations. Then, consider the various evaluation methods and select an evaluation method appropriate for your stress management workshop. 

The Assignment (23 pages)

  • Using APA essay format, describe the type of evaluation method you might use to examine the effectiveness of your stress management workshop and justify your selection.
  • Develop your evaluation form and include it as an appendix to the above justification.
  • Include a list of references in APA format.


  • Book Chapter: Spaulding, D.T. (2008). . In Program evaluation in practice: Core concepts and examples for discussion and analysis (pp. 335). San Francisco, CA: JosseyBass.
    Program Evaluation in Practice: Core Concepts and Examples for Discussion and Analysis, 1st Edition by Spaulding, D.T. Copyright 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. – Books. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. – Books via the Copyright Clearance Center.
  • Article: American Cancer Society. (2008). Humor therapy. Retrieved from
  • Article: Benham, G. (2010). Sleep: An important factor in stress-health models. Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress, 26(3), 204214.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Bonnet, M. H., & Arand, D. L. (2011). How much sleep do adults need? Retrieved from
  • Article: Capaldi, V. F., II, Guerrero, M. L., & Kilgore W. D. (2011). Sleep disruptions among returning combat veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Military Medicine, 176(8), 879888.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: DEon, M., Sadownik, L., Harrison, A., & Nation, J. (2008). Using self-assessment to detect workshop success: Do they work? American Journal of Evaluation, 29(1), 9298.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Sage Premier 2012 database.
  • Article: Frick, L. R., Rapanelli, M., Bussmann, U. A., Klecha, A. J., Barreiro Arcos, M. L., Genaro, A. M., & Cremaschi, G. A. (2009). Involvement of thyroid hormones in the alterations of T-cell immunity and tumor progression induced by chronic stress. Biological Psychiatry, 65(11), 935942.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ScienceDirect Health Sciences Subject Collection database.
  • Article: Martin, R. A. (2002). Is laughter the best medicine? Humor, laughter, and physical health. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11(6), 216220.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database. 
  • Article: National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. (2010). What is sleep apnea? Retrieved from
  • Article: National Institute on Aging. (2011). A good nights sleep. Retrieved from
  • Article: National Sleep Foundation. (2011). Healthy sleep tips. Retrieved from
  • Article: National Sleep Foundation. (2011). Trauma and sleep. Retrieved from
  • Article: Rowe, A., & Regehr, C. (2010). Whatever gets you through today: An examination of cynical humor among emergency service professionals. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 15(5), 448464.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Steinert, Y., Boillat, M., Meterissian, S., Liben, S., & McLeod, P. J. (2008). Developing successful workshops: A workshop for educators. Medical Teacher, 30(3), 328330.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Stokenberga, I. (2008). Humorous personality: Relationship to stress and well-being. Baltic Journal of Psychology, 9(1/2), 7084.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Vandekerckhove, M., & Cluydts, R. 2010). The emotional brain and sleep: An intimate relationship. Sleep Medicine Reviews, 14(4), 219226.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ScienceDirect Health Sciences Subject Collection database.

Week 1

My Research Topic is  “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)“. 

Focus Topic and References

[WLO:3] [CLO: 6]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read of the Newman (2016) textbook, view the instructional tutorials embedded in the How to Locate Scholarly Articles quiz (, , , and ), view the tutorial in the Ashford University Library, and read in the . Part of the preparation work for applying the scientific method is to define the research topic and learn what is already known about it, based on previous research.

Using the topic you selected for the Week 1 discussion, go to the Ashford University Library and find three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic. Download the full-text PDF of each article and save them on your computer.

In this paper, you will describe your research topic, identify the articles you found, and discuss what you think each article says about your topic. Upload the PDFs of the articles with your assignment in Waypoint.

For this assignment,

  • Describe the chosen research topic.
  • Identify three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles from the Ashford University Library that directly relate to the topic. Read each with the intent of understanding what it reflects about your topic.
  • Evaluate how each article relates to your topic.
  • Properly cite all articles within your paper. (For assistance see the Ashford Writing Centers )
  • Upload the full text PDFs of the articles with your paper.

The Focus Topic and References paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the s
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
      For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to .
  • Must use at least three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles.
    • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the  for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Adult Development Analysis


Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word personal analysis that includes the following:

  • Describe the cognitive and socioemotional changes you experienced during adulthood.
  • Describe any personal challenges you faced in adulthood, and explain how they affected your family.
  • Explain how these challenges influenced your different life roles.
  • Describe the effect that balancing life roles has had on your adult development.
  • Describe what you have learned from these experiences.
  • Identify specific experiences that will assist you when counseling adults and explain why.                       

Format your analysis consistent with APA guidelines.

Discussion question

 Provide an example of a father role on television. How is that father depicted in the show? Explain if this depiction is different than historical depictions of fathers from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. How has feminist theory impacted the depiction of the role of the father in a family system? How have patriarchal/gender expectations affected the role of fathers?  



First, I want you to copy one paragraph from your Paper I: Study One Literature Review and paste it into your discussion forum for this chapter (I prefer you do the opening paragraph, but you can actually copy any paragraph except the final paragraph). Whichever paragraph you copy, it MUST have one citation in it (Ill tell you why in the next paragraph). Then I want you to give feedback to two other students about their paragraph. It can be positive feedback, but it would be more helpful to give them some hints about ways it can be improved. If there are APA formatting errors, please let them know.

Second, I want you to provide a reference for the article you cited in your copied paragraph.  I want each group member to create two references for the same paper you cited in your copied paragraph. ONE of these references should have correct APA formatting and the other should have incorrect APA formatting (for example, it can have an incorrect & somewhere; it can have first names of authors included; it might have italics for words that should not be italicized, etc.) Label one as A and the other as B, and post both in your group discussion after your copied paragraph. When giving feedback to your two group members, tell them which reference you think is correct and which one you think is incorrect and why you think the second one is incorrect.

5 page paper (Pro Dan)

I need someone to write a 5 page paper. First compile a list of everything (behaviors, traits, adjectives, images, etc.) you have ever seen, heard, or have been told about older adults age 65 and older.

Review your list, and indicate a P on any items that was the result of information acquired based on your personal experiences.
Review your list, and indicate with an O on any items that was the result of information acquired based other people in your life (i.e., family, friends, co-workers, etc.)
Review your list, and indicate with an M on any items that was the result of information acquired by the media (i.e., television, books, movies, magazines, advertisements, etc.
Review your list, and indicate other sources where you may have derived your items.
Finally, describe what you learned or became aware of about older adults after doing this exercise.

Then summarize three peer-reviewed articles below.


Converso, D., Sottimano, I., Guidetti, G., Loera, B., Cortini, M., & Viotti, S. (2018). Aging and Work Ability: The Moderating Role of Job and Personal Resources. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 2262. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02262.

Lckenhoff, C. E., De Fruyt, F., Terracciano, A., McCrae, R. R., De Bolle, M., Costa, P. T., Jr, Yik, M. (2009). Perceptions of aging across 26 cultures and their culture-level associates. Psychology and aging, 24(4), 941954. doi:10.1037/a0016901.

 Zacher, Hannes. (2015). Successful Aging at Work. Work, Aging and Retirement. 1. 4-25. 10.1093/workar/wau006.