Category: Psychology

Psychological Risks of Police Work

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review Chapter 8 from your course text, Psychology and Policing. Think about the various stressors police professionals encounter and consider their impact. Focus on interventions (e.g., services, consultations, assistance) that forensic psychology professionals could use to mitigate these stressors.

Review the article, “Acute Stress and Performance in Police Recruits.” Consider interventions that forensic psychology professionals could provide police professionals early in their careers to reduce psychological risk.

Review the interactive time line depicting the lifespan of Officer Richard Walker, and consider the psychological risks that are present throughout his lifespan. Think about the points in this lifespan when interventions by forensic psychology professionals could make a difference or impact the outcome of Walker’s reaction to psychological risks.

Select two points of time in Officer Walker’s lifespan when psychological risks are present or possible. Consider the interventions that forensic psychology professionals could use that would impact the outcomes of these stressors and produce a result different from what transpired in the lifespan time line.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 a brief description of the two points in Officer Walker’s lifespan when he may be vulnerable to psychological risk. Analyze and explain why you think these points are risks. Then, analyze the interventions that forensic psychology professionals could use to make a difference in the outcome of Walker’s reactions to these stressors and what these differences could be. Support your analysis with references to the Learning Resources.

Learning Resources


  • Course Text: Psychology and Policing
    • Chapter 8, “Stress and Policing”
  • Article: Chopko, B. A., & Schwartz, R. C. (2009). The relation between mindfulness and posttraumatic growth: A study of first responders to trauma-inducing incidents. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31(4), 363376. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Cross, C. L., & Ashley, L. (2004). Police trauma and addiction. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 73(10), 2432. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Hennig-Fast, K., Werner, N. S., Lermer, R., Latscha, K., Meister, F., Reiser, M., … Meindl, T. (2009). After facing traumatic stress: Brain activation, cognition and stress coping in policemen. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 43(14), 11461155. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Regehr, C., LeBlanc, V., Blake Jelley, R., & Barath, I. (2008). Acute stress and performance in police recruits. Stress and Health, 24(4), 295303. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Article: Violanti, J. M. (2004). Predictors of police suicide ideation. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior, 34(3), 277283. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


Giving your input. Each student will be required to participate in the discussion topics.  Consider issue and give well-reasoned responses as your present and respond to the posts of others.

Students are required to make an initial post to EACH of the discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course. (Jan 30) 

You are required to make a minimum of four posts to each discussion topic.

1.  Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course.

2.  Students are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.   

Students must begin by first stating I believe your main (basic)point was.  You may then proceed to discuss your viewpoint and advance or clarify you contribution to the discussion topic.

3.  For a post to be considered significant it must be a minumum of 100 words.

OTHER issue for consideration for your discussion participation

You must be active with a significant post (100 word minimum)  on at least  8  Different days.  

You cannot make all posts for the class on one day. Be a participant and active.

There is an assigned discussion topic for each module.  Comments need to be relevant and reflect a true attempt to address the issues.

You may choose to incorporate your text readings in your discussion.  (you are not required to reference the online text.  you can quote your best friend,  your grandma.  This is a reflective.. but respectful experience)

I will be sending relevant e-mail throughout the semester.   Involvement affects your grade. (hint) Stay active and relevant.

Students may not simply agree ( or repeat) but advance (build upon) or further the discussion

Review the discussion threads thoroughly before entering the discussion. Be a lurker then a discussant.Try to maintain threads by using the “Reply” button rather starting a new topic.

Do not make insulting or inflammatory statements to other members of the discussion group. Be respectful of others’ ideas.Be patient and read the comments of other group members thoroughly before entering your remarks.




What are the lessons learned? 

How do you determine what research to believe?

Your thoughts on the issue?

Your perspective on what is the cause of infidelity.

Do you believe biology has a role in how we address issues of relationship.

Do you believe studies on the brain can address the “basic” issues of human motivation.

KEY TOPICS:  Biology and behavior.

Start a New Thread

Proposing A Counseling Or Psychotherapy Group

Assignment Instructions

Imagine you are working in a community agency and would like to offer a counseling or psychotherapy group. A survey of clients revealed that there is a community need to address the following group topics:

  • Traumatic loss and bereavement.
  • Management of anger and impulse issues.
  • At risk behaviors for youth.
  • Intimate partner violence.
  • Eating disorders.

Select one topic and focus on a specific population impacted. For example, you may identify age, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity that group members may have in common in addition to the focus of the group. As a first step to propose the group to your supervisor, you will analyze the current group literature to provide a rationale for offering either a counseling or psychotherapy group. Please note that a psychoeducational group does not meet the requirements for the assignments in this course.

We will assume that your supervisor is looking for you to carefully study what has already been written about similar groups before you develop any specific plans for the proposed group. Utilize the Unit 3 Assignment Paper Template for this assignment and review the scoring guide.

Locate peer-reviewed articles published within the past seven years from professional journals that present a range of group counseling approaches for your topic. Compare the sources based on the strength of the group leadership approach and specific counseling theories presented. Present a clear analysis of how specific ethical and diversity issues will be relevant to the proposed group citing the relevant ethical standards.

Submission Requirements

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate level scholarship.
  • APA formatting: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of resources: Minimum of six scholarly resources. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.
  • Length of paper: 57 typed, double-spaced pages. Abstract and Table of Contents are not necessary.
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Ethical And Cultural Considerations In Groups

Ethical considerations are important to planning the structure of any group and will be a key component of the group proposal that will come together in our course assignments. The ethical issues that guide group formation and structure apply broadly to all groups in general, but may have more specific application depending upon the topic and population for the group. Use the example below to explore how ethical and cultural issues can be considered in the planning stages of a group.

Imagine you are a supervisor in a county mental health clinic serving a culturally diverse community. A supervisee proposes an outpatient group for children of parents going through divorce.

  • What cultural issues would be critical for the supervisee to consider when recruiting, screening, and planning interventions for the group?
  • What specific ethical standards take on heightened importance for this group?
  • What may happen to the group if your supervisee fails to take the issues you identified into consideration?

Week 1- Assignment

My Research Topic is  “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)“. 

Focus Topic and References

[WLO:3] [CLO: 6]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read of the Newman (2016) textbook, view the instructional tutorials embedded in the How to Locate Scholarly Articles quiz (, , , and ), view the tutorial in the Ashford University Library, and read in the . Part of the preparation work for applying the scientific method is to define the research topic and learn what is already known about it, based on previous research.

Using the topic you selected for the Week 1 discussion, go to the Ashford University Library and find three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles about the topic. Download the full-text PDF of each article and save them on your computer.

In this paper, you will describe your research topic, identify the articles you found, and discuss what you think each article says about your topic. Upload the PDFs of the articles with your assignment in Waypoint.

For this assignment,

  • Describe the chosen research topic.
  • Identify three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles from the Ashford University Library that directly relate to the topic. Read each with the intent of understanding what it reflects about your topic.
  • Evaluate how each article relates to your topic.
  • Properly cite all articles within your paper. (For assistance see the Ashford Writing Centers )
  • Upload the full text PDFs of the articles with your paper.

The Focus Topic and References paper

  • Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the s
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
      For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to .
  • Must use at least three scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles.
    • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Centers
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the  for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your

Influence And Persuasion

  • Review the Week 3 Learning Resources.
  • Think of a time when you were influenced by someone else to make a substantial change in your life (e.g., enroll in your program at Walden; change jobs; move to another city; or address a habit, such as to stop smoking). 
  • Recall the details of the situation, including the person who influenced you. 
  • Analyze the situation and how you moved through it in terms of the components of the ELM featured in the graphic on page 192 of the text, paying particular attention to the route(s) to persuasion that you used (e.g., when the routes overlapped for you, if they did, or whether you used the same route throughout the situation).
  • Consider what informed how you engaged with the person(s) who influenced you and other aspects of the situation. 
  • Also, consider the ethics of the method(s) of influence, using the code of ethics you consider most appropriate to the situation.

By Day 7

Submit a 3- to 5-page paper that addresses the following: 

  • Describe the situation, the change you were influenced to make, who influenced you, and the nature of the influence.
  • Apply the ELM model, and explain the experience for you in terms of the ELM components.
  • Explain the ethics of the influence you experienced and how your relationship with the person(s) who influenced you was impacted. 
  • Explain insights you gained from analyzing this experience using the ELM model that you would apply the next time you want to make a change in your life or are encouraged to make a change by others.



Anyone who conducts research must engage in scientific inquiry. Scientific inquiry requires engagement with an objective process, which can lead from identification of a problem to the final stages where a researcher draws conclusions about his or her topic. Holistically, this process is known as research. Plano Clark and Creswell (2015) defined research as a method to collect and analyze information in order to increase our understanding of a topic or issue Research consists of three steps:

Posing a question

Collecting data to answer the question

Presenting an answer to the question (p. 4).


One of the central tenets of research is the identification of an appropriate research topic based on a problem identified from the current peer-reviewed literature in your field. This can be trickier than it seems. First, you do not want to select a topic that is too broad, or it will lead to irrelevant data. Second, you must consider any time and resource limitations before undertaking a research study. It is important that your topic be something you are passionate about studying that reflects your personal and academic interests. Most importantly, it also should represent an identified gap in the literature for your educational context or the field in general.


When a new study is undertaken, the researcher has many options to consider when selecting the best research approach. Quantitative research allows researchers to gather and analyze numerical data to answer research questions. Qualitative research allows researchers to gather and analyze nonnumeric data such as narratives or interviews. The questions that define the studys purpose, closely guide the researcher toward the optimal design for his or her investigation. Once a decision has been made as to whether a qualitative or quantitative approach (or a blend of both called mixed methods) best aligns with the studys purpose and research questions, the researcher must decide which type of qualitative or quantitative designs to employ.  It is helpful to survey the wide variety of design options available to researchers.




For this assignment, you should complete the following:


Search for five peer-reviewed articles about a specific problem in your field of study that has not been sufficiently resolved.

Craft a paragraph where you summarize the problem identified in the articles and include citations to the five articles you identified to support your writing.  

Then, summarize the three approaches to research outlined in the Creswell text.

Based on the problem you explored in the peer-reviewed articles, state which research approach is the best choice to study the identified problem and justify your choice.


Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3-5 pages. Be sure to use APA formatting with a title and reference page.

Practice Activity 2: Methods and Data Collection



In each of the following examples, identify the sampling method being used. Also state if the design is qualitative or quantitative. There will be both designs included in these problems. For example, it can be a random sample using a pre-test post test design (quantitative). 

1. A researcher is interested in political attitudes of individuals within a particular state. She will use open ended questions and talk to focus groups. The researcher uses the following procedure to obtain a sample: (a) they will divide the united states into four quadrants, then (b) select small random focus groups from each state. What type of research is being conducted and explain the sampling technique?

2. A researcher wants to determine if reading improved after giving a 4 week course using a text book she just developed. They will give a pretest before the 4 week program and then a posttest after the program. They have population of 100 third grade children from a local school district from which a sample of 25 children is to be selected. Each childs name is put on a list, and each child is assigned a number from 1 to 100. Then the numbers 1 to 100 are written on separate pieces of paper and shuffled. Finally, the researcher picks 25 slips of paper and the numbers on the paper determine the 25 participants. What type of research is being conducted and explain the sampling technique?

3. All students from the XXX University Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) and Master of Occupational Therapy (OT) programs were asked to participate in a study analyzing the effects of yoga and humor on stress. A survey on stress was initially given along with taking the blood pressure and heart rate. After running on the treadmill, the same variables were remeasured. What type of research is being conducted and explain the sampling technique?

4. Five Coordinators of Infection Control (CICs) at various hospitals in XXX were asked to participate in an open-ended interview to assess their knowledge and attitudes regarding disinfection methods utilized in hospitals, with special emphasis on ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection techniques. What type of research is being conducted and explain the sampling technique?

8-page research paper on a psychologist

I have attached a list of 190 psychologists. You may choose one ( within 2 hours), and let me know who you would like to write an 8 page paper on. I have also attached the rubric. I expect plagiarism free work and will be doing a plagiarism check once you submit it.