Category: Psychology

Can This Be Done By 9am Tomorrow?Wk76011

Assignment: Action Research Survey

Action research by its very nature is participatory and should allow all interested parties to participate in voicing their opinions, concerns, or ideas. Survey creation is often an attractive method by which to collect information from groups of people (though it is not the only method). Since action research is often less formalized than other types of research, survey creation can be more casual and conversational. The goal is for teams or groups to collect enough information from the surveys that they can then begin the next phases of action research: interpreting and implementing.

In this Assignment, you develop a survey that could be used in an action research project.

To Prepare

Imagine that you are implementing a well-being program for the staff at the human or social services organization at which you currently work or one at which you might work in the future. Consider how you might use an open-ended survey to determine the needs for this program.

The Assignment (12 pages):

  • Briefly describe the human or social services organization (real or hypothetical) for which you are creating your survey.
  • Create a 10-item, open-ended question survey that you could use to determine the needs for a well-being program for the staff.
  • Briefly explain why you selected each question for the survey.
  • Finally, describe the medium you would use to deliver the survey.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Week 2 – PSY/326- Due In 18 Hours


Research Question, Hypothesis, and Approach

[WLOs: 3, 4] [CLOs: 1, 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the feedback on your Week 1 paper, sections 1.2, 1.3, and 2.1 in the Newman (2016) textbook, and view the following videos: tutorial from the Ashford University Library, as well as , and .

In this assignment, you will follow up on the Week 1 assignment by devising a specific research question and hypothesis statement for your topic. For this assignment, use the provided.

Using the , complete the following:

  • Devise a specific research question on an aspect of the topic selected in Week 1.
  • Formulate a testable research hypothesis.
  • Identify the research design category you believe is suitable for investigating your research question.
  • Explain why this research design category is an appropriate choice.

Support your choices and explanation with citations from the textbook and at least one scholarly/peer-reviewed source from the Ashford University Library. You can find suitable journal articles about specific research designs and methods in the research guide.

The Research Question, Hypothesis, and Approach paper

  • Must use the provided Week 2 Assignment Template.
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the resource for additional guidance.
  • Must use at least 1 scholarly/peer-reviewed source in addition to the course text.
    • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document any information used from sources in as outlined in the s

Carefully review the  for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Can This Be Done By 9 Am Tommorrow?Wk66011

Assignment: Create a Logic Model

The process of creating a logic model allows a program planner to carefully think through the resources available, activities implemented, and short-, intermediate-, and long-term outcomes that a program hopes to achieve. For this Assignment, you create your own logic model for a program of your choosing. If you are a current human and social services professional (Behavioral Science), you may choose a program that you currently implement or would like to implement in the future. If you are not yet in the field, you may design a program that professionally interests you.

To Prepare

Examine the resources in this weeks Learning Resources for information that will help you create, develop, and complete your logic model.

The Assignment:

  • Complete your own logic model by following the instructions in the Logic Model Workbook.
  • Be sure to print and fill out the assignment sheets in Appendices A and C of the Logic Model Workbook. *You will need to print these pages in order to complete them, then scan them and submit them to your instructor.

Two Questions Assignment Urgent !!

Now I want you to convey your understanding of a research article: summary of the article (Question 6) and critique of the article (Question 7). You will need to write one paragraph for each question independently. Here are the requirements for your writing: 

a) Write no more than 10 sentences, the max word count is 250.b) In-text citation and direct quotes are not needed.c) You cannot directly copy and paste the sentences/phrases (expect professional phrases) from the original article. You must use your own words (so called paraphrase) to summarize. Each students writing should and must be different even for group members in the same group. Copying and pasting is regarded as plagiarism behavior.d) Font: Times New Roman; Font size: 12; Spacing: Double

6. Write one paragraph to summarize and paraphrase a) the design the authors used for their project, b) identify the independent and dependent variables, c) talk about how the authors carried out their study (the methods), and then d) summarize the results. Make sure to follow above-mentioned requirements.

7. Write one paragraph to address reliability and validity of the study. Specifically, how reliable and valid is the study? Why? Make sure to think of what reliability and validity mean and apply to the study. Merely mentioning it is valid or reliable is not enough you have to give plausible reasons to support your ideas. Make sure to follow above-mentioned requirements.

Psychological Disorder Paper

Select a psychological disorder and a local organization that provides mental health services. Obtain faculty approval of your selected disorder before beginning this assignment.

Research the organization’s website or speak to someone in the organization.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you examine your selected psychological disorder in the context of the chosen organization’s goals. Include the following in your paper:

  • Identify multiple cultures the organization serves.
  • Identify symptoms of your selected disorder and describe how the interpretation of the symptoms varies across cultures.
  • Discuss how the impact of culture affects interpretations of symptoms and recommendations of services for that organization.

Include a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week3 Discussion

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

This week, your individual assignment asks you to analyze symptoms of psychological disorders that may present differently among different cultures. However, there are also certain syndromes that are only present in certain cultures.

Research culture-bound syndromes. What are they? What is an example? How may cultural norms affect the symptoms presented in these syndromes?

20 To 30 Pgs. Interview Project Assignment For Career Development

****See Attachment********

Interview an appropriate practicing counselor that is in concert with  desired area in which to work after graduation ( school counselor or a college counselor).

Focus on the following things:

  • The counselors activities in providing career information, assessment, and career counseling.  
  • Strategies used for advocating for diverse clients with regard to career, educational development, and employment opportunities in the global economy.  
  • Strategies used to facilitate client skill development for career, education, and life-work planning and manage. 
  • Strategies employed to advocate for people with special needs.

The paper must be submitted in Microsoft Word; Times New Roman font; 12 pt. font size; margins 1 on all sides; double-spaced.  The assignment should be written on a graduate level and references used should be cited within the discussion and documented in a reference list using APA styling.

Post your paper, as a single document, to the grade book through  An originality score greater than 25% will result in a severe penalty.

Preparation And Information Sharing


Preparation and Information Sharing

This course has major project assignments due in Week 3 and Week 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and work on those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

The second piece of the course project gives you the opportunity to engage in the first two stages of the negotiation process. The first two stages relate to preparation and information exchange. Additionally, you will be gaining insight into your authentic self in the negotiation process, practicing behaviors for building greater other awareness, and refining your use of negotiation tools.

Preparation and Information Sharing


  • Begin this segment of your final project with a one-paragraph introduction that summarizes the negotiation scenario, purpose, and participants.
  • Provide a one- to two-page evaluation of responses to the seven fundamental questions (SFQs) (detailed earlier in the course material) for your negotiation scenario.
  • Provide a one-page assessment of a price matrix for your role (e.g., buyer) in the negotiation. How did you determine the various pieces of your matrix? If the primary issues of the negotiation are not related to a price, provide a resource matrix of the primary issues. You may include a chart or a table as part of your presentation of a price matrix.
  • Provide a one-page analysis of the zone of possible agreement for the negotiation by projecting a price or resource matrix for the other party in the negotiation and integrating it with the price matrix for your role. How did you determine the other party’s matrix? You may include a chart or a table as part of your presentation of the zone of possible agreement.
  • Evaluate a best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA) for both parties, including a discussion of the processes you used to determine the BATNAs. Also, analyze possible ways to strengthen your BATNA and to weaken the other party’s BATNA. Assess the leverage available in the negotiation. Your discussion of BATNAs should be one to two pages.
  • Finally, analyze the information-sharing process in the negotiation. How was information shared? What was the climate of the information-sharing stage? What were the various interests and the data that emerged from the information exchange, and how might they impact the negotiation process and the potential outcome? What information was not shared, and how does that impact the negotiation process and outcome? The discussion of information sharing should be two to three pages.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your answers in a 6 page APA format paper

Communication Themes In Negotiations


Communication Themes in Negotiations

For this week’s discussion, you will again need to reflect on your negotiation history and identify a negotiation experience that you consider significant. You should be selecting a different negotiation experience for each week’s discussion so that you are exploring many different scenarios and applying your growing understanding of strategic negotiation to those scenarios. For example, if you have been using family-based negotiation events in Week 1 and Week 2, try using a professional (e.g., business or organization) negotiation for this week. You should not be using the same negotiation example each week.

For the first paragraph of your initial post, describe the negotiation event that you are using for this week’s discussion, including the participants, the key issues, and the outcome.

For the second part of your initial post, evaluate any one of the following starter bullet points, using research on course concepts to support your analysis:

  • In the basic communication model, information is sent and received using channels. Apply the basic communication model to your negotiation model.
    • In what ways did each party function as a sender and a receiver?
    • What channels were used?
    • How did the use of nonverbal communication influence the negotiation?
    • What feedback methods were used, and how might have feedback been used to enhance negotiations?
  • 1 page paper

Psychology Discussion Responses

1.  I want to major In psychology to help other people. Specifically, Education, to help the adolcents in high school to help them grow because its a confusing time for them, and dont understand how important education is to grow and become successful. Like in chapter 2, I would love to learn the skill Creative Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills (p42, 2016) It is thinking critically about complex problems. If a student is failing math but passing English, how would I go about fixing the problem. I need to find ways to get my students interested in all subjects in school. Also discussing other interests, they enjoy, sports, music, or a hoppy. Its important to me because I want my students to be successful and move on after school with goals and dreams. I never had that in high school, so I want to be that person that inspires them.

2.  One of the reasons I want to major in psychology is so I can become a more effective problem solver. As life is not always black and white there will always be an abundant amount of problems that may arise. Psychologist have to have the skill of being good problem solvers in order to make alternative strategies that can be used to efficiently resolve the problems at hand. Being able to discover any potential problems and actually finding the solution to overcome the obstacles that can resolve the issues, in fact makes a great psychologist.  Majoring in psychology this has been one of my main goals to be able to posses this ability and skill that to me truly makes for a successful psychologist.  

3.  When I first started college, I had always found the psychology classes interesting but at that time I had a different major.  When my brother passed away the first year I went through a lot of emotions and a lot of soul searching.  For a while I felt intense anger towards my brother, but I realized that my brother had a lot of demons he was fighting along with trying to stay sober.  During that time, I realized I wanted to help people like my brother, help people overcome those demons and help people stay sober and change their lives.  In a way my brother passing away gave me a life I wouldn’t of had if he was still here, and he also gave me the greatest motivation to do this not only for myself but for in memory of him. A skill that I want to develop is mediating.  My life is pretty hectic at times between being a full-time mom, student and working full time.  I know that in the future, especially when I start working with substance abuse patients, I am going to need time to emotionally heal some days.  Mediation is key in clearing your mind and giving your mind a break and time to rest and recover.  I think mediation will be a huge help in my future not only for my career but also just my day to day life. 

4.  Psychology has always been an interest of mine. I am particularly interested in the way that the mind works and how we as people respond to different things in life. One person may not only respond in a very different way than the next person but they will have different thoughts. It is quite the field to be in studying human behaviors and accessing why we as humans certain things. I believe ones behavior has lot to do with how they develop as people as well as the environment they come from.The skill/ability I would like to develop is critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Based on the reading in chapter 2 as a psychology student we always look for the right answer. As a former nursing student, critical thinking was very necessary. Answers are not always going to be so plain and clear. I would like to work better at not only weighing situations as stated in the reading, but also knowing what priority is and what deserves attention right away. Understanding that one has to prioritize all situations but also mastering how to think critically could go a long way.

5.  I chose the major of Psychology because I enjoy helping people. Making a difference in someones life no matter how big or small is the greatest feeling whether you are helping to take some of the work load off or need to calm someone down from being upset.  I have a few career options in mind where Id be able to do this in some way. A skill that I want to develop is being able to lead. I have sometimes had trouble with taking the initiative and Id love to be able to get out of my comfort zone and be more of a leader aside from having an agenda that someone has given me. There are many professions where it is required you to be more of a leader where you need to make your own judgements.