Category: Psychology

Unit 5 Discussion


Your post should be at least 350 words in length.  Be  sure to review the risk management practices from the Readings and use  the Internet and Library to research legal and regulatory issues common  to the human services profession.

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify and discuss, in detail, the legal and regulatory issues common to the human services profession
  • Discuss how risk management strategies might alleviate or avoid the risk of these issues.
  • Develop a plan for how you might implement these risk management strategies in your own practice.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies.

Unit 4 Discussion


Your post should be at least 350 words in length It  is not difficult to imagine that intimate relationships with clients  can have a detrimental impact both on the helping relationship and on  the client. In this Discussion, you will take the opportunity to analyze  the impact of such relationships and their effects on all parties  involved, including the human services practitioner. Use the Readings,  Internet, and Library to research the potential emotional,  psychological, and social impacts on the client in an intimate  relationship with a human service professional.

Please respond to the following:

  • Create  a scenario, analyze it, and then discuss the likely and potential  impacts of intimate relationships on the client and the human service  professional.
  • Research  similar scenarios in the state in which you live and discuss how such a  situation might be handled if it occurred in your state.
  • Discuss risk management practices you may use to avoid such relationships in your own practice.

Post 2


Discussion Prompt 1

Infant Intelligence

Developmental researchers have taken an  interest in measuring infant intelligence and exploring whether it is an  effective predictor of academic intelligence later in life. What is  your position on the matter?  Do you believe that one’s intelligence as a baby will yield the same  level of intelligence later in life? Use your knowledge about the  factors that can influence infant brain development and your understanding  of nature and nurture influences to support your answer. Support your  reasoning with information from the text, other course materials, and  these supplemental articles:

Discussion Prompt 2

Infant Emotional Stress

There is some debate regarding how often and how a parent should  respond and soothe an infant who is emotionally distressed. Some claim  that soothing an infant every time it cries may lead to developmental  issues where others claim that it does not. Based on your own opinion  and the research of developmental theorists, do you feel that repeatedly  soothing an infant is beneficial or detrimental to development? Why or  why not? What issues do developmental theorists claim may arise on  either side of the debate? How might attachment theory fit into this  debate? Support your reasoning with information from the text and other  course materials.

each prompt should be more than 150 words

Initial Psych


The Research Paper Topic Proposal

This week, you will submit your research topic proposal to your instructor for approval.

Begin by exploring topics in  developmental psychology. Reference your textbook, the weekly  introductions in your course, and reputable journal articles to explore topic ideas. Be sure to choose a topic that you are highly interested in. From that topic, you will pose a question for your research. 

For example, you may find interest  in the life span of adolescence. From there, you may want to explore  issues related to adolescent suicide. From this topic you could pose a  number of questions to research, such as: 

  1. Are adolescents from single-parent homes at higher risk of suicide than those from two-parent homes?
  2. Does lack of play in childhood lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?
  3. Does “helicopter parenting” lead to anxiety and depression in adolescence?

How to Develop a Research Question

Your research question should enable  you draw some unique conclusions so that you are not simply reporting  on research that has already been concluded. You may have to do some  preliminary research within your topic to determine a suitable question.  Here are some examples.

This example is too broad and will likely lead to a confusing and disorganized paper. It lacks parameters.

Why do adolescents commit suicide?

This example is too narrow. It can be answered rather simply with some basic data.

How many adolescent suicides occurred last year?

A good research question specifies the parameters of the research, yet leaves room for analysis and the writers unique input.  

What are some of the unique social factors that led to an increase in suicide rates among 13- to 18-year-old females in 2015? 

(In your paper, you would define two  to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the  appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences  happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own  conclusions from the research you find.)

Once you have your research  question, phrase it as a statement so that it can become your thesis  statement. The thesis statement is what drives the direction of your  paper. 

The Research Paper Topic Proposal Assignment

Include the following in your topic proposal:

  • Your research question
  • Your thesis statement
  • A narrative describing your topic and why you chose it (its significance)

Refer to the Writing Resources link under the Student Resources tab for help with writing thesis statements and research questions, and consult your West Coast University librarians for database search support as needed.

Your topic proposal should be 12 pages in length. Use current APA Style and cite and reference all sources.

See rubric for specific grading criteria.

300 W4 Discussion

For this discussion, section find TWO (2) peer-reviewed academic journal articles that directly relate to your research topic for this class. Then, briefly…

1.  Describe the articles and discuss the types of survey questions they asked

2.  In greater detail address the measures that the authors used.

  • Be sure to include a description of any scales or indexes (Chapter 5).
    • If they use scales or indexes, are they similar to those from our textbook? If so, how?
    • What are their levels of measurement?
  • Using the standards from the textbook, is there anything wrong with the questions? If so, describe how you would fix the questions and justify your argument using the book. (Chapter 6)

Fundamentals Of Psychology

Unit 9 Will You Help Me?

Based upon this weeks readings, explain the foot-in-the-door phenomenon. Also describe the effect of role playing on attitudes in terms of cognitive dissonance theory.

Your discussion post should be at least 300 words and include minimally (2) citations. One citation will include the assigned readings. The second citation will need to be from a peer-reviewed academic source. Websites will not count as a second source.

Fundamentals Of Psychology

Unit 9 Was it Genuine?

Reflect upon the last intentional act of kindness that you endured by either a friend, family member, peer or stranger. Describe your reaction to the act of kindness. Then describe how altruism played a role in the act.

Your discussion post should be at least 300 words and include minimally (2) citations. One citation will include the assigned readings. The second citation will need to be from a peer-reviewed academic source. Websites will not count as a second source.

Week Four Assignment Scnerario


Assignment Description:  In a document ONLY THREE PAGES LONG (not counting cover page and reference list), students must provide a description of a real-world problem that addresses the topic of Motivation, including a diagnosis of possible motivational causes of a problem and how the theory has been shown by research to be a potential solution.

Weekly Topic: Motivation.

Scenario: Students need to create a work-related problem based on current or past experience.

Goal: Students will learn to use evidence-based methods to effectively address Motivation in a real-world scenario.

Action Plan: An action plan should address the problem using a clearly defined approach that is supported with evidence from the text and peer-reviewed research.

Scholarly evidence must be used to support the action plan including 1) the text, and 2) a minimum of two peer-reviewed research articles.


Code Of Ethic

Work should be saved in one of the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or PDF.  Remember your work should be original (as the Plagiarism Detection software will produce an Originality Score which should be 30% or under).  Keep direct quotes to an absolute minimum (paraphrase and include proper citations is a better approach).  

Your paper should address the following information:

  • What is a Code of Ethics (and why is it important)?
  • What is the difference between a code of ethics, a mission statement, and policy and procedures? 
  • Review an organization’s code of ethics. Students prefer to choose an organization which they are currently or have previously been employed.  There are 3 papers required in this course based on your specific company.  You would be adding to your workload by choosing one you needed to do additional research on.  I am not looking for business research papers on these topics.  All topics need to be focused on ethics and have original content.
  • Start the section on your organization by explaining who it is and what it does (structure, business, your relationship, etc.)
  • Does this organization have a formal code of ethics?
  • If not, are elements of a code included in other documents (employee handbook, policy and procedures, etc.)?
  • Review various aspects of the code (strengths and weaknesses).
  • Compare this code (formal or informal) to at least 1 code from the above list.  What is included?  What is missing?
  • Compare your organization’s code to others in the industry (i.e., a competitor).  What are the similiarities?  Differences?
  • How would you strengthen the code?  Codes need to be constantly reviewed and revised.  You need at least 2 suggestions for improvement.

You may select a code from those listed in the ADDITIONAL RESOURCES section, but more research is needed beyond these links.  

Evaluate the code based on information you have read in Module 2. (Be sure to discuss specifics of the code as you make your case) 

Is it a strong code?  Did you know it existed before this assignment?  How is the code different from Policy and Procedures?  or is it the same?

Start your paper by explaining what the purpose of a Code of Ethics should be.  Include references and proper citations per APA style format.


Write a paper (500-750 words) in which you discuss how you will apply concepts from the five assigned pre-residency presentations to your dissertation research. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A statement of how the information in the pre-residency presentations support and/or refute the direction of your intended research.
  2. A statement of the how the information in the pre-residency presentations guides the revision of your initial research plan.