Category: Psychology

For All Solve Worker

 Critique the two article that is uploaded below

Try to incorporate at least 3 additional scholarly resources (one of which being the textbook) to further support your critique and analysis of the topic!

Also, please keep in mind that by simply listing a reference or stating that the topic connects to the material does not show an application of research to the textbook. I am looking for you to be specific when connecting the material – give direct examples.


Educational Psychology

Woolfolk, A


14th Edition

Life Span 4


  1. What is myelination? What is the role of myelin in physical development?
  2. What are centration and conservation according to Piaget? How are centration and conservation related?
  3. Tisha is talking to her grandmother on the phone when she sees a beautiful cardinal light on the tree branch just outside the window. She says, Look, Grammy, look at the bird! What would Piaget call this error?
    • Rowen has two teddy bears. He talks to them and they talk to each other. They all eat lunch together and have fine conversations. What would Piaget call this behavior?
    • Three-year-old Johnny is crying. His mother gave both he and his one-year-old brother a cookie, but she broke his baby brothers cookie into two pieces which Johnny believes gave him more. What would Piaget call this error?
  4. According to Vygotsky, how should you teach a young child to ride a two-wheeled bicycle?

Life Span 3

Respond to the following.  Make sure that you use complete sentences, college-level grammar and that you have completely thought about your response.

  1. Marcy is a very busy toddler. She watches and helps feed the puppy. Little Scientist that she is, one day she decides to see what would happen if she pours the food on the puppys head. Instead of placing the puppy in his bed she gently places him in a bathroom drawer. Which substage of sensorimotor development is Marcy exhibiting?
  2. When do babies first begin to imitate?  Is imitation learned through observation or is it biologically preprogrammed?
  3. Define telegraphic speech and give an original example.
  4. What is child-directed speech? List and define the three forms of child-directed speech.

PSY 871274

Section Introduction:

Quantitative research uses the scientific method to evaluate theories or problems by testing specific hypotheses involving the relationship among or the differences between variables.  The variables are measured using numerical data, allowing statistical procedures to be used for a mathematical analysis.  Many different quantitative designs exist within a basic or applied context to accurately address the purpose of the research and related research questions.

Non-Experimental (Non-Causal) Correlational Designs
A correlational design is one of the most often encountered non-experimental (non-causal) quantitative designs.  Within correlational designs, an actual experimental condition is non-existent; rather, relationships between variables are explored without a determination of causality.  These types of studies are meant to help researchers examine how two or more variables vary in conjunction with each other.  Correlational studies can help describe complex relationships among a myriad of variables and are often employed when attempting to determine how a change in one or more variables will co-vary with one or more other variables.  Within all correlational studies, causation cannot be assumed, regardless of how strong the correlational evidence. 

Quasi-Experimental (Non-Randomized) Designs
Quasi-experimental designs are one of the more commonly used quantitative designs, particularly within educational research, as true randomization is unavailable in schools.  Students are enrolled and staff are chosen to be employed in schools, thus eliminating the ability of the researcher to truly randomly choose participants.  Well-designed quasi-experimental designs can often demonstrate clear causal relationships between variables with the limited possibility of error, but lack the randomization required of a true experimental design eliciting even less potential for error.   

Experimental (Randomized) Designs
Randomization, or the random selection and assignment of participants based solely on chance, is the foundational element of experimental designs, reducing alternative explanations for the effects the researcher is measuring.  Random selection involves the procedure used to identify participants to be members of a sample, while random assignment involves the procedure used to assign identified participants to the various groups within a study.

Variety of Experimental Designs
A large number of experimental designs exist to address various research topics and corresponding hypotheses.  Three experimental designs commonly used in psychological research are: 1) pretest-posttest control group design, 2) time-series design (repeated measure), and 3) factorial design.  

An annotated bibliography is a way to organize the literature that you have located for a research study. The annotation begins with an APA style-formatted reference of the source, followed by a block paragraph summarizing the findings. For this assignment, you should locate five quantitative research studies related to the problem you identified in activity 1 and create an annotated bibliography. Include the following information in your annotation for each source:

  1. Begin with an APA style-formatted reference of the source followed by a block paragraph that summarizes the following:
  2. Identify the research question(s) and the hypotheses
  3. Identify the quantitative research design and the statistical analysis used
  4. Identify the instrument(s) used in the study
  5. Describe the population and note the specific number of participants 
  6. Summarize the findings of the research study

Submit paper of your discussion using points of emphasis above. 3-5 pages. Be sure to use APA formatting with a title and reference page.

Upon this being done, I will have additional assignments to follow that build on this assignment.


A review of research design, modes of inquiry, techniques of analysis, the social and ethical context of research, and the uses of research is undertaken. The focus of study is on the delineation of a problem in the field of psychology and a plan for conducting research that will lead to its resolution. Emphasis is on developing the background of the problem, statement of the problem, purpose, and significance of the study in respect to the proposed problem. More details will follow.

Pysch Discussion #4

Broadly speaking, motivation theories are based upon content or process. Choose two characters from The Office who are motivated by content and two who are motivated by process and discuss their motivation processes.

The purpose is to engage with the assigned readings and integrate them with other ideas and into your daily (or future) practice. Please do use terminology from the assigned readings, cite the textbook with at least an in-text citation (Dipboye, 2016), and bring in current events (provide a URL) to add to the conversation and to support your points. These discussions are the main learning and assessment tool in this course. **250 words and textbook is attached**

Sexuality And Socialization Essay

Please write at LEAST three paragraphs for each question.

  1.  When friends of new parents ask, What is the babys sex? they could be asking two things: (a) Does the baby have the biological genitalia of a male or female, and/or (b) Will your baby follow the social role of a male or female? Describe the major differences between the terms sex and gender. When YOU ask this question, what are you really asking?
  2. Discuss some of the ways that puberty can adversely affect mental health and social functioning (with peers and parents). Explore this further with regard to individuals who experience atypical sexual development.
  3. In what ways has American culture impacted your understanding and expression of your own sexuality? Given some introspection, do you see any of this as potentially problematic and/or productive? Explain.

Discussion 2: Evaluating Test Outcomes


Evaluating Test Outcomes

Test use in an organization can have both positive and negative outcomes. A test can help an organization to make better hiring, promotion, and placement decisions, but testing can also lead to negative consequences, including incorrect selection, overemphasis of tested characteristics, and an undesirable level of employee uniformity.

Many of the unintended consequences of testing occur because tests are less than perfect instruments. Test use can produce both false positives and false negatives. For instance, test results might lead to selection of an unqualified applicant or rejection of someone who would perform well at a job.

Tests also can have biases, with at least part of the score attributable to factors that have little to do with the prediction of job performance. Some people may be good at figuring out the right answers on a test, but their skill at test taking may not translate into superior job performance. Cultural differences, language differences, and disabilities may negatively affect test scores without representing actual job-related deficits.

Even if it were possible to find a test that selects individuals perfectly, overuse of a test for personnel selection could lead to homogeneity in the workforce and reduce the diversity and balance that potentially generates creativity and enhances the organizational culture.

Finally, there is a possibility for tests to take on a life of their own, with favorable test performance becoming a more important goal than work performance. This overemphasis on testing can lead to cheating, faking, and a focus on factors measured by tests to the exclusion of other more relevant job goals.

Taking these considerations into account, think about how you would evaluate the outcomes of test use in organizations.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a description of how you would evaluate the intended and unintended outcomes of test use in an organization. Explain what you would expect to find.

Research Methods In Developmental Psychology


Developmental psychologists employ many types of research methods in order to study development and changes in individuals over time. In this assignment, you will explore one of these research methods in-depth and create a short presentation on your chosen research method. 

Select one of the following research methods to explore:

  • Experiment
  • Correlation
  • Case Study
  • Observation
  • Interviews / Qualitative

Create a short PowerPoint presentation (approximately 6-8 slides) in which you:

  1. describe your chosen research method
  2. explain under what circumstances this research method would be used in the field of psychology
  3. identify at least one benefit of using this method, as well as at least one drawback of using this method
  4. describe a topic in developmental psychology that you would be interested in studying and how you would use your chosen research method to study that topic. Be specific! Describe who your population would be, how you would collect your data, how you would analyze your data, any independent/dependent variables, etc. Demonstrate your understanding of this research method.

You must cite a minimum of one outside source within your presentation. Include APA-formatted in-text citations within your slides, and also include a slide at the end with a list of references in .

Keep in mind that I’m not looking for you to copy and paste information from the reading/websites and stick it into your slides. You can use a direct quote if you feel you need to, but it must have quotation marks around it to indicate that it is a direct quote. Everything else will need to be in your own words (paraphrase), followed by an in-text citation to indicate where the information came from. I want to see your writing, not what you’ve copied and pasted from other writers. 

At least 80% of your assignment needs to be in your own words.

Note: You will need to create a PowerPoint presentation for this class. If you haven’t taken advantage of this opportunity to get MS Office for free you should do so now. 

Psychiatric Diagnosis

Psychiatric Diagnosis

For this assignment, students will investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study from the Gorenstein and Comer (2015) textbook Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, chosen in the Week One Initial Call discussion. This paper will include an in-depth overview of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, treatment options for the diagnosis, and a sound rationale that explains why this diagnosis was made. Note that the diagnosis may include more than one psychiatric disorder.

The paper must present a thorough overview of each disorder within the diagnosis. Assume the audience has no prior knowledge of the disorder(s) within the diagnosis, and provide relevant and easy to understand explanations of each for the readers. When writing the paper, it is critical to convey all the necessary information in a straightforward manner using non-technical language. (Reference the resource provided by the Ashford Writing Center for assistance.) Support the analysis with at least five peer-reviewed sources published within the last ten years in addition to the course text.

The Psychiatric Diagnosis topical paper must include the following:

  • Explain psychological concepts in the patients presentation using professional terminology. Identify symptoms and behaviors exhibited by the patient in the chosen case study.
  • Match the identified symptoms to potential disorders in a diagnostic manual.
  • Propose a diagnosis based on the patients symptoms and the criteria listed for the disorder(s) in the diagnostic manual.
  • Analyze and explain how the patient meets criteria for the disorder(s) according to the patients symptoms and the criteria outlined in the diagnostic manual.
  • Justify the use of the chosen diagnostic manual (i.e., Why was this manual chosen over others?).
  • Summarize general views of the diagnosis from multiple theoretical orientations and historical perspectives. Include a discussion on comorbidity if the diagnosis includes more than one disorder.
  • Evaluate symptoms within the context of an appropriate theoretical orientation for this diagnosis.
  • Use at least two peer-reviewed articles to assess the validity of this diagnosis, and describe who is most likely to have the diagnosis with regard to age, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Provide a brief evaluation of the scientific merit of these peer-reviewed sources in the validity assessment.
  • Summarize the risk factors (i.e., biological, psychological, and/or social) for the diagnosis. If one of the categories is not relevant, address this within the summary.
  • Compare evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment options for the diagnosis.
  • Evaluate well-established treatments for the diagnosis, and describe the likelihood of success or possible outcomes for each treatment.
  • Create an annotated bibliography of five peer-reviewed references published within the last ten years to inform the diagnosis and treatment recommendations. In the annotated bibliography, write a two- to three-sentence evaluation of the scientific merit of each of these references. For additional assistance with this portion of the assignment, access the Ashford Writing Centers .

Attention Students: The Masters of Arts in Psychology program is utilizing the Pathbrite portfolio tool as a repository for student scholarly work in the form of signature assignments completed within the program. After receiving feedback for this Psychiatric Diagnosis topical paper, please implement any changes recommended by the instructor, go to Pathbrite and upload the revised Psychiatric Diagnosis topical paper to the portfolio. (Use the Pathbrite Quick-Start Guide to create an account if you do not already have one.) The upload of signature assignments will take place after completing each course. Be certain to upload revised signature assignments throughout the program as the portfolio and its contents will be used in other courses and may be used by individual students as a professional resource tool. See the website for information and further instructions on using this portfolio tool.

The Psychiatric Diagnosis

  • Must be 8 to 15 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the .
  • Must include a separate title page with the following: 
    • Title of paper
    • Students name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructors name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least five peer-reviewed sources published within the last 10 years in addition to the course text.
  • Must include a separate annotated bibliography page.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.