Category: Psychology

The Role Of Scientist-Practitioners

Create a 10-12-slide presentation about the role of scientist-practitioners. Include the following in your presentation:

  1. A title page
  2. A description of the key knowledge, skills, and abilities of an effective scientist-practitioner
  3. A description of how research reports are an essential component for the scientist-practitioner
  4. A description of why data management and presentation are key components of research reports
  5. A reference page
  6. At least three scholarly sources
  7. Detailed speaker notes that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Weekly Journal

Each week you must write a paper of approximately 250 words    reflecting upon the week’s learning experiences at the agency in    which you are completing your practicum.Summarize the task    areas you performed and the number of hours in each, as per the    “Typhon Weekly Hour Log.”Reflect on your    progress in gaining knowledge, skills, attitudes, and identity of    professional practice. Explore any concerns that arose and may    require special supervision or faculty intervention.

Activity Plan

Create an Activity Plan with your site supervisor that identifies the  plan for attaining the knowledge and skills identified in the Learning  Contract.

 Include the following:

1. Resources utilized, including readings, websites, and agency  materials

2. Persons to be consulted 

3.Observations to be  done

4.Timeline for goals to be met

5. Feedback loop:    Plan for revisiting the Activity Plan to determine progress towards meeting learning goals and appropriate revisions

Psy Questions


1. How are you feeling about your skills as a counselor? Is there a particular area of concern?

2. What has been the most helpful in developing counseling skills and knowledge? Be specific.

Must be answered with 150-200 words to each questions and have a cite with each answer.  So should look like







Please be sure to fully address the questions.  These are considered essay questions.  Answer in complete sentences and be careful to attend to the details of each question.   Number and repeat original question before each response.   The information for completing this assessment activity is provided with your course online text and support section.  Please number original question before each response.

Be careful not to simply cut, copy and paste responses from the text.  You will not receive credit for copying content from the text.  You must demonstrate understanding by answering questions in your own words. If you quote or copy you risk not receive credit for the entire response.  

Specifically for emphasis:

You must use the online text to answer your questions.  You cannot search the internet (googling or binging) and attempt to copy in responses.  The questions are specifically designed to be answered by the online text.  Everything you need to answer the questions for the assignment questions and the exam are provided by the course content and online text.

Responses need to be provided in your own words.  You are not to submit responses word for word.  On all questions you must rephrase, summarize or explain in your own words.    If you use another’s work word for word it is consider “plagiarism”.

You also are to demonstrate you understand and are able to explain content.  I fully understand and EXPECT you to use some of the same words to explain concepts. Be careful with being brief. Being too brief will quickly discount your grade.  Simply… brief is not good on essay questions, explain in detail. 

The website automatically checks submitted assignment to see if it has been “borrowed from student submission or content from the internet”. It provides a report of where it was copied, the “url” location and other colleges where the same information has been presented for assignment submission. Please do not attempt to “borrow content”.  “Plagiarism” has severe penalties.   Review the course material and summarize in your own words.  The content as well as the video support are designed to answer you questions

  1. Describe various definitions of stress, including the difference between stimulus-based and response-based stress and good stress and bad stress.  
  2. Define coping and differentiate between problem-focused and emotion-focused coping.  In addition, describe the importance of perceived control in our reactions to stress
  3.  Compare and Discuss the Differences between Jean Piagets Stages of Development and  Erik Ericksons.  Which theory do you believe is more closely associated with your own beliefs.
  4.  Describe Kohlbergs theory of moral development and the stages of reasoning
  5.  Explain how people with psychological disorders have been treated throughout the ages and discuss deinstitutionalization
  6.  Explain the basic process and uses of play and behavior therapy
  7.  Explain and compare biomedical therapies
  8.  Describe the basic features of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and how it is used to classify disorders
  9.  Describe social roles, social norms, and scripts and how they influence behavior
  10. Explain the process and the findings of Zimbardos Stanford prison experiment

Anotated Biography


Heading: Sources. Note: This section will be an annotated bibliography. Annotated bibliographies do not appear in research articles or doctoral dissertations, but they are recommended as a very valuable tool for keeping track of the content of resources as you research and build a literature review.

o Summarize sources that address a specific topic within a psychology specialization in an annotated bibliography that includes: (WHICH ARE BELOW)

o A precise summary of each article, including information useful in supporting the discussion in a research paper, clarifying the unique contribution of each source.

o The APA citation for each article. For example: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. If available, include doi information. If the citation is from the Internet, include the URL it was retrieved from.

Heading: References.

o Include a separate reference page with all the references in alphabetical order. Note: In this section, create a conventional reference page, which is an alphabetical listing of all citations in APA format. See the resource for an example Reference page.

Chang, Y., Chen, S., Lee, S., Chen, P. S., Wang, T., Lee, I. H., Lu, R. (2015). Low-dose add-on memantine treatment may improve cognitive performance and self-reported health conditions in opioid-dependent patients undergoing methadone-maintenance-therapy. Scientific Reports (Nature Publisher Group), 5, 9708. doi:

Pan, S., Jiang, H., Du, J., Chen, H., Li, Z., Ling, W., & Zhao, M. (2015). Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy on opiate use and retention in methadone maintenance treatment in china: A randomised trial. PLoS One, 10(6) doi:

Schuckit, M. A. (2016). Treatment of opioid-use disorders. The New England Journal of Medicine, 375(4), 357-368. doi: 

Mann, B., Kouimtsidis, Reynolds, Drummond, Davis, Tarrier, C., . . . Nicholas. (2008). Cognitive-behavioural therapy in the treatment of addiction: A treatment planner for clinicians. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36(3), 375-376. doi:

W11 Dis

250 Words Discussion post. Based on a case study. Case study and what you have to research from that case study are given in the attached word file. please have a look. No plagiarism please and Must peer-reviewed reference. APA6th edition.

Week 3 – PSy 326/ Discussion

Initial Post is due in 12 hours of 250 words. I also attached two posts  of other students, so you can reply it. NO Plagiarism. I need Turnitin Report. All sources must be cited in proper references.  Plz check it carefully.   

To prepare for this discussion, read the instructor guidance, Chapter 12 by Levitt (2016), and Sections , , Pros and Cons of Observational Research and Types of Observational Research in of the Newman (2016) textbook. View the following videos: and .

Then, determine from the list below your assigned qualitative research design based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-F: Ethnography
  • G-L: Grounded theory
  • M-R: Narrative research
  • S-Z: Phenomenology

Using the research guides list of suggested articles, look for information about your assigned qualitative research design. You may also search the Library databases for articles about the research design. In your initial post:

  • Evaluate the features of the design and what kinds of research topics it is suitable for.
  • Explain the data collection and data analysis methods used in the design.
  • Cite at least one scholarly/peer-reviewed article about the design and one published research study that used the design, for a total of at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles.

Document your sources in , with in-text citations and references listed at the end of the post. For additional guidance see the and resources from the Ashford Writing Center.

Guided Response: Read several classmates posts and respond to one post for each of the other three qualitative designs. Ask any questions you have about how the design works. Compare the design to the one you were assigned. What features are the same or similar? What features are different between the designs? Are you familiar with any studies that used the design? If so, please share the topic of the study. Check your own thread for replies and answer any questions from others about the design you presented.

Week 3 – PSy 326/ Discussion

Initial Post is due in 12 hours of 250 words. I will send you some posts of other students after they will be available, so you can reply it. NO Plagiarism. I need Turnitin Report. All sources must be cited in proper references.  Plz check it carefully.   

To prepare for this discussion, read the instructor guidance, Chapter 12 by Levitt (2016), and Sections , , Pros and Cons of Observational Research and Types of Observational Research in of the Newman (2016) textbook. View the following videos: and .

Then, determine from the list below your assigned qualitative research design based on the first letter of your last name:

  • A-F: Ethnography
  • G-L: Grounded theory
  • M-R: Narrative research
  • S-Z: Phenomenology

Using the research guides list of suggested articles, look for information about your assigned qualitative research design. You may also search the Library databases for articles about the research design. In your initial post:

  • Evaluate the features of the design and what kinds of research topics it is suitable for.
  • Explain the data collection and data analysis methods used in the design.
  • Cite at least one scholarly/peer-reviewed article about the design and one published research study that used the design, for a total of at least two scholarly/peer-reviewed journal articles.

Document your sources in , with in-text citations and references listed at the end of the post. For additional guidance see the and resources from the Ashford Writing Center.

Guided Response: Read several classmates posts and respond to one post for each of the other three qualitative designs. Ask any questions you have about how the design works. Compare the design to the one you were assigned. What features are the same or similar? What features are different between the designs? Are you familiar with any studies that used the design? If so, please share the topic of the study. Check your own thread for replies and answer any questions from others about the design you presented.
