Category: Psychology


 Discuss five of the most influential variables in language acquisition and development. Discuss in detail if parents should use baby talk with their children or should they use adult speech. Discuss the affects that baby talk may have on children, discuss if parent should correct their child’s language, why or why not. You may find it necessary to research some scholarly articles and not give opinion. 


Compare the team member’s Part 3 that were submitted in Week 5 as part of each student’s Course Project. List a summary of the data collected, the training needs identified, recommendations and justification for each organization.Each organization should have its own section in the team paper and a final section should be a comparison and assessment of these organizations. The team should express an opinion of which surveys will generate the best ROI and how each can be improved. This week’s paper should be at least between 2 and 4 pages per student on the team in length (not counting title page, References and any images or charts).

CategoryPointsDescriptionTitle Page/Table of Contents


Title of your applied research paper, course number and title, professor, and date.Analysis15Apply concepts from Table 2.5 in the textbook to each of the organizations each team member has for their own Course Project. Answer these questions and use each question as a separate header in the team’s report.Comparison and Assessment10This final section should be a comparison and assessment of these organizationsReferences 3All references must be cited in two placeswithin the body of your paper and on a separate reference list. Choose references judiciously and cite them accurately. Cite all sources using APA format.Total Point Value30A quality presentation will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


You are a Senior Trainer at your company. Your boss, the Training Manager has tasked you with the following.

Design and facilitate a one-day (eight-hour long) classroom experience in which you need to help develop a group of engineers and software programmers to become project managers.

After training, they will have to manage some significant projects. Discuss the instructional characteristics and activities you will use to ensure that the engineers and software programmers acquire at least a fundamental understanding of project management.

Due to this situation it will be important that learning is transferred to the actual work that engineers will have to implement.  With that job application expectation there is also an expectation that the ROI will visible to management.   They want to know that the training is paying for itself…at least….with the transfer of learned skills to the job application.

How will you build a training budget to meet the requirements of designing a training session what might include gaming, simulations, and other training technology….it all costs?

How will you know if the engineers actually apply the learning?  What is the measure?

What are the components that make up a training budget?

What type of formula might you apply to determine the ROI?

Provide your initial response in an audio format or a video format. Use Kaltura or Canvas Media….Then, your remaining two responses may be text-based. Remember, your remaining responses must be on different days in order to earn full credit.

Adapted from: Noe, R.A. (2020). Employee Training & Development. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from


Even though technology has shifted HRM to strategic partner, has this change resulted in HRM losing sight of its role towards employee resource and support? While companies are seeing the value in moving to a technological based business, how might HRM technology impact the “human” side of “human resource”?

The Effect Single Parenthood Has On African Americans Males Joining Gangs

I need a 1 to 2 page APA introduction for my research paper on The effect single parenthood has on African American males joining gangs.

Including the problem Are african Americans more susceptible to gangs than other races. And how it connects to my topic

Also, Include how the problem can help improve research and studies today 

Use at least 2 references

Assignment 4

Boundaries and Dual Relationships

In this Assignment, you will apply the information you have learned regarding boundaries and dual relationships to the analysis of a real life scenario.

Assignment Scenario

Ms. Cheney was a case manager at an outpatient clinic that provided a variety of services. One of her clients was Ms. Rosalind, who was receiving services because of a recent divorce. Ms. Cheney had also experienced a divorce in her past and thought she had effectively dealt with that experience, but found herself identifying with many comments made by Ms. Rosalind.

Through their work together, the two women realized they shared many common interests. They often found themselves talking about these shared interests in their time together and eventually began meeting for coffee after their sessions. Ms. Rosalind soon suggested they begin spending additional time together socially and Ms. Cheney agreed. Before long, they became fast friends, spending a significant amount of social time together on evenings and weekends, visiting clubs, going to movies or visiting local restaurants.

After several months, the two had a falling out about a gentleman both women favored. Ms. Rosalind filed a complaint with the Regulatory agency in her state about the relationship.

Assignment Directions

Please be sure to address all of the following in your Assignment:

  • Introduce the case study and analyze the implications of the events in the scenario.
  • Investigate the harmful effects of such a relationship on all parties involved: Ms. Rosalind, the helping relationship, and for Ms. Cheney.
  • Discuss both the social and emotional impacts of such a relationship as well as their effects on the treatment relationship. Use specific examples.
  • Discuss the likely outcome of Ms. Rosalinds complaint if it was filed in your state.
  • Discuss strategies to minimize the likelihood of such a relationship arising in your practice.

Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be a 34 page expository essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

  • Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and section number, and date
  • Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs
    • Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and reflect knowledge of professional ethics and personal values in the human service profession.
  • Reference page: Sources in APA format
    • Include a minimum of two scholarly or academic sources to support your responses and conclusions
  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, and left aligned
  • Use standard 1″ margins on all sides
  • Use APA Formatting and Citation style

Final Project Guidelines: Test Report

For your Final Project, you complete a psychological assessment project consisting of two parts. First, you design an original testing instrument related to organizational psychology. Then, instead of gathering data on your own test, you are provided with a set of test data to analyze. You compile the description of your test and the results of your analysis of the provided  dataset into a 5 pages APA Results Section report.

Your project report (your APA Results Section) must include:

  • Your construct, test specifications, and test items (all attached info) 
  • Your statistical analysis on dataset provided, including analysis of factor  analysis, classical statistics, and reliability and validity measures

Your Final Project will be graded on a 20-point scale and is worth 30% of your final grade.

The Final Project is due by Day 7 of Week 11. Although the Final Project is not due until  Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and  have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions, Application Assignments, and Knowledge Assessments are building blocks for your Final Project.

The Final Project will be evaluated according to all four indicators in the Application Assignment and Final Paper Writing Rubric (attached)located in the Course Information area. Be sure that the Final Project is written using APA format.

Information on scholarly writing may be found in the APA Publications Manual and at the Walden Writing Center website. Also see the “Academic Integrity” and “Guidelines and Policies” are

Assignment: Building Competencies For Future Leadership Trends 3 Pages

Lifelong learning is an important endeavor in any field and has been linked to a number of positive health outcomes. For this final Assignment, you will have an opportunity to expand your learning again by considering how you would develop personal competencies related to two leadership trends discussed this week.

To Prepare:

  • Reflect on the Discussion from this week about trends in leadership. Select two leadership trends of relevance to your career path.
  • Review your Learning Development Plan from Week 4. Consider your strengths and limitations in relation to both trends.
  • Using what you have learned about leader development and coaching, think about how you will further develop your strengths and address your limitations. 

Psychology Child Development Reading Log

The journal writing is based on the readings of the chapter , reading chapters for this week are (chapter 9 and 10 book is attached). You can pick a topic from chapter 9 or 10 and expand your thoughts based on questions asked below. On your papers include the typed questions before your response.  Answers must be typed and double-spaced with 1 margins on all four sides and 12 pt font. Make sure to use in text citation.  Answer all the questions below. 

  1. Identify one important concept, research finding, theory, or idea in the current module and briefly describe it.
  2. Describe why you think this is an important concept.
  3. What possible research could be added to your concept?
  4. Describe how this relates to your life.

Assignment #5

Respond to the following questions in complete paragraphs:

1.Identify the major components of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) definition and classification system for people with intellectual an d developmental disabilities.

2. Identify the characteristics of individuals with intellectual disabilities.

3. Identify five skills areas that should be addressed in programs for elementary children and for adolescents with intellectual disabilities.

4. Identify four ways in which speech, language, and communication are interrelated.

5. Identify three factors that are thought to cause language disorders and stuttering.

6. Describe how treatment approaches fro language disorders generally differ for children and for adults.

7. Describe the variability and severity of characteristics within the autism spectrum

8. Identify the primary impairments present in children with autism spectrum disorders.

9. Identify the factors related to the biological theoretical view regarding the causes of autism spectrum disorders

10. Identify the major approaches to the treatment of autism spectrum disorder.

Important vocabulary

1.biomedical factors




5.language delay

6. language disorder





11.receptive language disorders

12. expressive language disorders


14. cluttering

15.delayed speech


17. savant syndrome

18. Asperger’s syndrome

19. ASD

20. Pervasive developmental disorders

Please use APA style and citations along with references , each item should have at leash 3 sentences in the form of a small paragraph.