Category: Psychology

Draft Chapter 4: Expected Results


Draft Chapter 4: Expected Results

For this discussion, post your draft of Chapter 4: Expected Results.

  • At the top of your post, include your research question. 
    • If your research question is quantitative, include your hypothesis or hypotheses.
  • For qualitative studies, describe themes that might emerge from the distillation of concepts offered by narratives or observations of human experience.
    • Draw on the research conducted in your Unit 4 literature review.
  • For quantitative studies, describe the potential interpretation of your hypothesis or hypotheses. 
    • Draw on the research from your Unit 4 literature review.
  • When posting, please copy and paste the draft to the message box in addition to attaching an MS Word document.
  • For both quantitative and qualitative studies, address possible interpretations of data and outcomes that were unlikely or unexpected. After all, in research we are investigating possibilities and do not know what we will find!

Note: In some cases, it is appropriate to refer to personal experience and knowledge as a source for anticipated and potential findings. It is important to take care when using subjective experience to describe potential findings; these expectations must be written with close attention to what has been documented in the literature. That said, it is permissible to note when your experience contrasts with the documented knowledge or motivates curiosity about possible scientific and alternative outcomes.

Draft Description Of Procedure, Data Collection, And Data Analysis


Draft Description of Procedure, Data Collection, and Data Analysis


For this post, describe how you will collect data, the instruments used to collect the data, and how the collected data will be prepared for interpretation and analysis. Complete the following:

  • Write your research question at the top of the post.
  • Use the research question to identify the procedure:
    • Introduce your procedure section of the methodology by providing a rationale for the chosen data-collection strategy.
    • Be sure that your data-collection strategy aligns with your research question, recruitment strategy, and choice of participants.
    • Describe how data will be collected.
    • Describe who will be collecting data.
    • Describe where data collection will take place.
    • Describe how long data collection will take.
      • Will it take place one time or over a series of meetings?
      • Will the time spent collecting data be the same or different for all participants?
      • Will there be different time frames for various participant groups or are all participants engaged in the same data-collection procedures?
  • If testing an intervention, describe the planning and the nature of the intervention.
    • Describe where, how long, and who is engaged in the intervention.
  • If you are interviewing participants, describe how you will record the interviews and how you will transform recordings into transcripts or actual data.
  • If you are observing instances of specific behaviors, describe how they will be recorded and who will record them.
  • Include examples of your data-collection instrument.
    • Instruments can be surveys, recording sheets, checklists, surveys, records, questionnaires, interview guides, or lists of open-ended interview questions.
    • Explain how your instrument aligns with your research question.
  • Upload your discussion post as a Word document set in 12-point Times New Roman, with all sources cited in current APA style and format. In addition, please copy and paste the document content into the message box for your post submission.

Note: As you prepare this post, be sure to recognize the limitations of your study. Try to anticipate the questions a reader will have and identify problems to be researched next to extend your findings into new areas.

Qualitative Analysis

For qualitative studies, use thematic analysis. This strategy, which relies on coding, allows you to sort through the words, observations, phrases, and concepts of transcribed narrative data. The goal is to identify the categories of meaning and the themes that emerge across transcripts, documents, and data forms, and that support specific interpretations of meaning offered by participants. Use examples to describe how you will interpret narrative data.

It is helpful to address aspects of trustworthiness, dependability, transferability, credibility, authenticity, confirmability, rigor, triangulation, member checking, and other considerations associated with scientific merit in qualitative research as appropriate to the research question.

Quantitative Analysis

For quantitative studies, identify variables and discrete units of measure that can be compared statistically to represent, describe, and explain observations of natural phenomena. You will describe how numerical values are obtained, interpreted, and understood. Typically, you will explain which statistic applies to the identified variables; it is important to supply your rationale for choosing that statistical measure.

It is helpful to address reliabilitythe degree of consistency and accuracyand validity, or whether the measure tests what it is intended to test. It is also helpful to address generalizability and strategies associated with scientific merit in quantitative research. Use charts, diagrams, and other examples as needed.

When you submit your post, include all of Chapter 3, from the introductory paragraphs to the analysis section. Be sure to revise your introductory paragraphs for this chapter by including a short overview of the procedure and the analysis sections of Chapter 3. Revise the entire chapter based on feedback from your instructor and peers. 

Draft: Introduction To The Methods Section And Description Of Target Population


Draft: Introduction to the Methods Section and Description of Target Population

The goal of methodology in a research proposal is to outline the design strategies used to identify participants or subjects in the study, how you propose to collect data, and how you plan to analyze data.

For this discussion, draft your introduction to the methods section and in the second and third paragraphs, provide a draft of your targeted population (and include your proposed sample).



The purpose of the introduction to the methods section is to provide an overview of your design strategy and explain how your design strategies will help you answer the proposed research question.

Research Question

In your introductory paragraphs to the draft of Chapter 3: Methodology of your integrative project, you will write out your research question. If your research question is quantitative, you will also write out your hypothesis or hypotheses. In addition, you will explain how the research question is part of a logical progression, having emerged from the research problem or the identified gap in the literature as you reviewed the literature for your Unit 4 assignment.

Write your research question at the top of the post. You may upload your draft as an MS Word attachment, but be sure to copy and paste the text into the message box as well.


In this section of the methodology, you will describe the study participants, how they provide data, how they will be recruited into the study, and any ethical considerations important to the planning of the proposed investigation.

Target Population

Describe the following in your draft for the targeted population:

  • Identifying characteristics and number of individuals, dyads, groups, or units in the study.
  • Your inclusion and exclusion criteria.
  • Your recruitment strategy.
  • Your sampling strategy.
  • Ethical considerations pertinent to the protection of subject or participant vulnerabilities.

When writing about the target population, imagine that you are trying to convince a panel of experts to fund your proposed research. Have you thought about contingencies regarding the nature of the population? Do you have criteria that will support your effort to get clean data that is free of unnecessary variables or distractions? For instance, if you are collecting data from single mothers, will it help or hinder your study to include single mothers with a history of major depression? Making this kind of decision characterizes the planning of inclusion and exclusion strategies.

Quantitative and qualitative studies have different sampling designs: randomized sampling strategies are typically quantitative; purposive strategies are typically qualitative. Be sure that you know which strategies suit your research question.
Recruitment refers to how participants are invited into the study. Explain your plans in a way that other researchers could follow; if the study is quantitative, others should be able to replicate your study like a recipe. If the study is qualitative, the goal is to provide a trail of evidence that another researcher could follow. The trail is presented as a resource that takes subsequent researchers through the steps that led to interpretations of findings.

Ethical considerations are built on the principle that a researcher must do no harm. Privacy needs of participants, including secure data storage, must be addressed. Depending on the type of research planned, contingencies must be considered. Employees’ jobs must not be jeopardized; pseudonyms are recommended and other support strategies may be needed.

Community Psychology Reflection Video

Assignment 3: HarlemThe Harlem Childrens Zone is an example of a Community Intervention Program, which specifically uses a block association 

Watch the video below and reflect upon what components of Community Intervention Programming were incorporated (said another way, what made this program successful). 

 More specifically, address the following points:

  1. Describe the Harlem Childrens Initiative 
  2. Describe which Community Intervention Components (from Ch. 5) were incorporated into the Harlem Childrens Initiative, and thus made it successful 
  3. Explain how these program components would affect community members (i.e., childrens) stress, coping, social support and resilience (from Ch. 3) 

Heres the link to the video:

Im also attaching the book! The answers should be at least a one paragraph for each question.

Thank you!

Book Review

 I need a book review on the following 2 books. 

Duane Brown (2016). Career information, career counseling, and career development. (11th ed.).  Pearson, Boston.  

Figler, H., & Bolles, R. N. (2007). The Career Counselors Handbook. (2nd ed.) Berkley: Ten Speed Press.  

Please see attached instructions

Psychology Module 4 # 1


Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course.

You are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.   

You must begin by first stating I believe your main (basic)point was.  You may then proceed to discuss your viewpoint and advance or clarify you contribution to the discussion topic.

 In viewing this news clip, my opinion is that these doctors, and the foster centers are both trying to make or save the most money. These foster children are prescribed these medications due to the fact that they are simply cheaper than sending them to an actual psychiatrist in order to find out the root causes of their problems and get them on the right medication if they even need said medication. These doctors the children go to see the children and foster system as an easy way to make money from the state by prescribing them high level psychiatric drugs which are completely unnecessary resulting in permanent damage to the children physically and mentally. I believe this practice is completely unethical and it is a mirror image of the current opioid crisis that is occurring today where people become addicted to these damaging drugs and the doctors allow or even instigate the addiction in order to make money. 

Psychology Module 3 # 4


Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course.

2.  Students are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.   

Students must begin by first stating I believe your main (basic)point was.  You may then proceed to discuss your viewpoint and advance or clarify you contribution to the discussion topic.

Children are not born knowing discrimination. This is learned. Given the time you know why it was even a huge deal, but now days people should not be teaching their children this behaviors. I will say that study was defiantly an eye opener for the kids. They actually learned a lesson and could tell you what they learned in the video. It was very interesting knowing how quick it took them to turn on their own classmates. She stated you only had more privileges for 15 minutes before you started to be mean to the person you were friends with and that is what caught my eye. People now days are still the same way, and it is pretty sad. I wish this was taught in school now. This was an amazing video. You can tell she really cares about this matter and you need more people that care to teach like this everyday. 

Psychology Module 3 # 3


Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course.

You are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.   

You must begin by first stating I believe your main (basic)point was.  You may then proceed to discuss your viewpoint and advance or clarify you contribution to the discussion topic

I learned so much from this. I never have seen a study such as this, especially one with such immediate effects on its controlled groups. Afterwards I started wondering about todays effects on minorities, specifically hispanics in America In the past four years. I’ve learned that the way society can harm youth by implementing these discriminations at such a young age, as well as how moldable  as individuals we are. Each time this study was tested out, The inferior groups self-esteem dropped. Along with this, so did their test scores. Each superior group had individuals who were effected by the study, in which they were participating and agreeing with Mrs. Elliot on how the other group is inferior. Especially in the study with the Third graders. As one of the third graders grew up to then state “I was best friends with someone one day, the next they were my enemy.” One individual stated in the Iowa study, “I didn’t speak up for the other group, because then I would’ve been attacked.” This just shows how morals disappear through fear. Unfortunately in our society there are still individuals who pick sides based on fear of being attacked. This fuels the problem even further as individuals as humans are more likely to pick the winning sides. I learned that some people wake up feeling discriminated against daily. In today’s society I feel that hispanics will feel this way. The irony in this today is that part of Trump’s wall separating Mexico and America had fallen due to strong winds. My social media is blowing up with controversial statements of the topic. After watching this video, I cannot see how one could agree with this division of The American and The Mexican borders. Especially after witnessing the effects through this study.

As a young white southern female I have too felt discrimination. In my experience I have felt it through my gender. As a woman can be seen as incompetent compared to males. Ive been condescended while working at IKEA by a caucasian male. He started a week or so after me, and while closing the store one night alone with him he stated, “I don’t know how you got this job.” He didn’t specify why and my faint heart didn’t want to know. Our only difference was through gender, age, and that I was full-time and he part-time. He eventually was promoted despite his many offenses towards many other female employees. After dealing with his other condescending remarks I eventually spoke up about it, along with many other issues to an anonymous line IKEA calls Ispeak. Soon after my whole phone report was played aloud in a meeting. I didn’t know about this until many months later. After I eventually quit He even spoke to one of my friends “I hope it wasn’t because of me.” Unfortunately, around the time frame of this meeting, I was trying to get promoted. Through many attempts I was told I didn’t receive positions due to lack of knowledge. In reaction to that, I then paid and took classes just to learn the program, AutoCAD. Before quitting, I was even asked if I could do a presentation on AutoCAD to teach my coworkers the program. Although I was the lowest paid in my department. If I only knew then what I know now.


Psychology Module 3 #2


Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course.

You are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.   

You must begin by first stating I believe your main (basic)point was.  You may then proceed to discuss your viewpoint and advance or clarify you contribution to the discussion topic.


To be honest, I cried throughout the entire video. I am a black woman and I have been discriminated many times throughout my life. I have been called the N-word and told to go back to Africa, beaten for having a darker hue than my Caucasian classmates and many other things that I will refrain from mentioning here. As a child growing up, I was crippled by the fear of being a female with brown skin. I always told myself that I have two strikes against me…i am not white and im a female. I remember praying to God to make me into a white man. A white man? Yes a white man because then I could be powerful, get any job I wanted, become rich and didn’t have to face discrimination (that was a conceived thought in my head at that time) . I would wake up angry when I looked in the mirror and still saw the brown reflection in the mirror staring back at me. But, as I grew older, I accepted the fact that God made me like this for a reason. I accepted the fact that I am beautiful just the way I am. I refuse to let those ignorant people prevent me from enjoying my life and seeing the beauty in my diversity. 

However, I must commend Ms. Jane, the teacher, for conducting that experiment with her third graders and then taking it to that workshop with the adults. She was very brave for doing so and I wish that instructors and work administrators would do this experiment in their environment. 

As I watched the initial experiment amongst the third grade students, I realized that discrimination is a learned behavior. People are not born to be racist. People are taught to be racist. 

It was shocking to find out that when the teacher made the brown-eyed people the superior group over the blue-eyed group on the second day of the experiment, the blue-eyed group did worse on their class assignment than the day before when they had the upper hand and treated better. That confirms that if a person is told that they are stupid or no good or treated inferior by an authoritative person whom they respect, it can do a lot of damage to their self esteem. Words have a lot of power. This is why guardians, teachers, and parents have to be careful of the words that they speak to their children. If you call your child stupid, your child will begin to believe that they are and act out. However, if a child is praised and told that they are intelligent, the child has a higher chance of believing that they are. The concept applies to adults, as well. 

I still don’t understand the concept of why certain groups of people have to make themselves superior than other groups. When a person decides to hate another person based on their looks, accents, hair texture, facial features, skin color, educational status, it shows that the person has some low self esteem issues and they lack love.

I believe that the world is a better place because of the diversity of cultures and people. I like to use the analogy of a beautiful flower garden to describe the various ethnic groups and culture in the world. A garden with just red roses is beautiful, but imagine the magnificent beauty if the garden had yellow daffodils, white daisies, red roses, pink carnations, blue hydrangeas, etc. That garden would be exquisite! 

Diversity is beautiful. Discrimination is ugly. 

Psychology Module 2 #2


Make an initial post (100 word minimum)  to EACH of the four discussion topics within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course.

You are required to make at least three reflective posts (100 word minimum) to the comments of other students.   

You must begin by first stating I believe your main (basic)point was.  You may then proceed to discuss your viewpoint and advance or clarify you contribution to the discussion topic


Children being so young (in third grade), they are able to recognize racism and can tell how people are treated differently. This experiment is an interesting way to show kids it does not matter how people look; everyone should be treated equal. The issue of racism is still occurring till this day. 

When the experiment started taking place you could also immediately see the effect it had on the kids. It soon turned the blue-eyed kids into nasty and discriminating by the end of day. You could see the pain in the brown-eyed kids face and how lowered their self-esteem. She soon tried the reverse where brown-eyed children were better, and they were instantly more motivated and self-confident. The blue-eyed kids were soon discouraged and were not performing in school as well.

It is an important lesson to show people (including children) how much discrimination can cause a person to not perform as well and how it lowers ones self-esteem. The lesson to learn from this experiment that no one enjoys being looked down upon, and we should treat each other with respect, putting aside their looks and focusing on how they behave.