Category: Information Systems

Organization Leadership & Decision Making

 Please write responses to the questions in the document.

Textbook is attached :


James D. McKeen, Heather A. Smith, IT Strategy: Issues and Practices, Third Edition. Pearson, 2015, ISBN-13


Team Management Lesson4

Communication and Team Decision Making

Part 1: Sharpening the Team Mind: Communication and Collective Intelligence

A.    What are some of the possible biases and points of error that may arise in team communication systems? In addition to those cited in the opening of Chapter 6, what are some other examples of how team communication problems can lead to disaster?

B.      Revisit communication failure examples in Exhibit 6-1. Identify the possible causes of communication or decision-making failure in each example, and, drawing on the information presented in the chapter, discuss  measures that might have prevented problems from arising within each teams communication system.

Part 2: Team Decision-Making: Pitfalls and Solutions

A.    What are the key symptoms of groupthink? What problems and shortcomings can arise in the decision-making process as a result of groupthink? 

B.    Do you think that individuals or groups are better decision-makers? Justify your choice. In what situations would individuals be more effective decision-makers than groups, and in what situations would groups be better than individuals?

D8_Need 2+ Pages With 3 References Cited In APA Format – NO PLAGIARISM- Attach Plagiarism Report

ERM at Malaysias Media Company Astro: Quickly Implementing ERM and Using It to Assess the Risk-Adjusted Performance of a Portfolio of Acquired Foreign Companies.  

1. Identify some reasons why risk management practices might not take off and/or be embedded effectively in an investee company.
2. Who should participate in the ERM process to ensure successful implementation of this ongoing program? 
3. What should the CEOs role be for the successful implementation and ongoing performance of an ERM process?  

Topic: Development And Impacts Of National And International Policy And Public Policy On IT In Your Current Work

Subject Information Technology in a Global Economy (PHD)

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. 

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. 

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment, you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

Topic: development and impacts of national and international policy and public policy on IT in your current work 

Utilizing Quantitative Statistics In Health Care


You are the manager in charge of leading the new data-driven quality improvement initiative in preparation for a Joint Commission (TJC) accreditation visit for AKT Hospital. In preparation for this visit, you will create a 3-4 page newsletter for your staff discussing the purpose of health care statistics. The newsletter will be a creative approach to presenting staff with the new data-driven quality improvement initiative in preparation for the TJC accreditation visit.

The newsletter should include the following:

  • A summary of at least 2 real-world articles related to quality improvement initiatives in health care in the United States.
  • A discussion on TJC and why organizations seek accreditation in general.
  • An example of the types of data that will be considered as part of a data-driven quality improvement initiative for health care entities (specifically hospitals).
  • The role that descriptive and inferential statistics play in the data analysis process for improving quality of care. Use real-world examples.


  • Use a newsletter template to complete this assignment.
  • Ensure that article summaries and discussions for each section are a minimum of 250 words.
  • Use proper APA citations and reference guidelines.
  • Include any references for each news article at the end of the article.
  • The newsletter should be creative, colorful, and include pictures.



The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses: 

Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.) 

Hospital/Medical Services 


Social Media Company 

Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.) 

Manufacturer (Automobile, Computer, Consumer Electronics, etc.) 


Project Abstract, Goals and Approach (Words limit: 800-1000)

Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.

Provide a brief overview of the business

Provide the goals and approach to the project


Architectural diagrams and annotations (Words limit: 1000-2000)

Milestone 2 will include all materials from Milestone 1 and 

Architectural diagrams and annotations

Can Anyone Help With This?


Select five vulnerabilities and align associated risks to a risk management framework, such as NIST SP 800-37. Include the following:

  • Consider the potential vulnerabilities or threats facing the organization. 
  • Describe of the risk each vulnerability or threat would have on the organization in terms of its people, network, data, or reputation. 
  • Explain each risk’s impact on the organization. 
  • Provide a defined mitigation for each vulnerability, such as an incident response plan, disaster recovery plan, or business continuity plan. Give a defined reason why a vulnerability or threat would not be mitigated, such as the use of a different risk control strategy, if appropriate.

Discussion Form


This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book.

Items to include in the initial thread: 

  • Interesting Assignments – What were some of the more interesting assignments to you? 
  • Interesting Readings – What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why? Interesting Readings
  • Perspective – How has this course changed your perspective? 
  • Course Feedback – What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others? 

Cybersecurity Intrustion Detection – Deep Learning

Please refer to the attached reference doc and the textbook and write a paper about cybersecurity intrusion detection:


– approximately 700 words

– APA format 

– minimum of the 3 references (the paper and the textbook included)

– attach the plagiarism report as well with the answer 

Due Thursday – 2/27/20

Risk Management Plan Final Submission Combine All Your Milestones Into One Document For Grading. Missing A Single Milestone Will Result In Grade Loss. Missing Many Will Result In Zero. Please Don’t Provide A Summary Report. It Is NOT Acceptable.

Risk Management Plan Final Submission

Combine all your milestones into one document for grading. Missing a single milestone will result in grade loss. Missing many will result in zero. Please don’t provide a summary report. It is NOT acceptable.


SafeAssign is enabled to detect plagiarism, a high percentage report will result in zero and will be reported.  No question asked. No other attempt is allowed.

DON’T UPLOAD any file above 10MB. You will be marked zero.

What is high score? According to Blackboard, scores over 40 percent is considered as a very high probability exists that text in these papers was copied from other sources. These papers include quoted or paraphrased text in excess, and need to be reviewed for plagiarism.