Category: Information Systems


**** Need it by 01/11/2020 5 PM EST****


In-text Citations



QUESTION 1: (300 or more words with 2 JOURNAL ARTICLE REFERENCES)

Explain what is meant by an IDS and an IPS.  How are they different?  How are they connected to a network?  List a few examples of IDS/IPS tools that are currently on the market.

QUESTION 2: (300 or more words with 2 JOURNAL ARTICLE REFERENCES)

Explain the difference between an access control list (ACL) that is used in routers to block traffic and firewalls.  What similarities do they share?  

QUESTION 3: (300 or more words with 2 JOURNAL ARTICLE REFERENCES) 

Explain the different security measures that each version of SNMP uses.  What is the difference between SNMPv1, v2c and v3?

CIS 524 Discussion 1 & 2


Week 2 Discussion 1

“Interface Design Guidelines” Please respond to the following:


Imagine you are leading a team of designers for a new software product. During the kickoff meeting, the team starts to discuss design guidelines. About half of the team complains that guidelines can be too specific, incomplete, hard to apply, and sometimes wrong. The other half feels that building on experience from design leaders contributes to steady improvements. Take a stance on this debate and support your position. Then discuss how you would solve this conflict to get your meeting back on track.

Of the eight principles of design, called Golden Rules (strive for consistency, cater to universal usability, offer informative feedback, design dialogues to yield closure, prevent errors, permit easy reversal of actions, support internal locus of control, and reduce short-term memory load) choose the one that is most important and create an argument supporting your choice. Use specific examples to support your argument.


Week 2 Discussion 2

“HCI Theories” Please respond to the following:


Imagine you are the manager of a medium-sized IT department. While walking through the hall one day, you overhear a senior-level software developer telling a newly hired developer to focus on improving his coding skills rather than learning about theories related to human-computer interaction. Take a position on whether you agree or disagree with the senior software developer. Support your decision.

From the e-Activity, discuss the idea that all applications have to be visually consistent. Argue whether you agree or disagree with the idea and why. 

CIS 518 Discussion 1 & 2


Week 2 Discussion 1

“Software Development, a Manufacturing or Creative Process?” Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, take a position on the idea that software development is either a creation process or a manufacturing process. Describe the characteristics of each process to support your position.

From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the software development process models in terms of requirement gathering, system design, system construction, and deployment.


Week 2 Discussion 2

“Buying vs Building Software” Please respond to the following:

Identify the factors, other than price, an organization must consider when evaluating whether to build or buy a software package to track inventory. Of the factors you have identified, determine the most critical to consider and justify why they carry more significance than others.  

Software vendors often have scaled levels of support, depending on the purchased software package. Discuss some of the more important support features that would be required for a system that is going to be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by over 500,000 users per day.

CIS 505 Discussion


Please respond to the following:

Share your thoughts on mainframes and distributed data processing. How do data transmission errors affect your perception of each? In other words, does the possibility of error influence your decision regarding which would be better? What other factors would affect a companys choice?

Its Important To Realize That Risk Management Isnt Intended To Be Risk Elimination. Discuss.


Its important to realize that risk management isnt intended to be risk elimination. Discuss.

Discussion rubric

Synthesis of Concepts – Initial Post —50 Points


Clear Citations using APA format–10 points

 Writing Standards –10 points

Info Gover WK1

**** Need it by 01/10/2020 7 PM EST****


In-text Citations


Question 1: Importance of Information Governance  (400 word essay with 2 references & Intext citations — APA format)

Question 2: Big Data and how Information Governance helps bigdata  (400 word essay with 2 references & Intext citations — APA format)

Final Project


I am on tight shedule

can you please do below things with in 10 hours

please let me know ASAP

Final Project Topic: What are desktop virtualization, storage virtualization, memory virtualization, network virtualization? What are the security issues and benefits for each

12 slide ppt.

500 word summary

5 source annotated bibliography/Reference List

Module 8 Assingnment

Module 8 Assignment

On April 18, 2016, The United States Supreme Court denied a petition for certiorari (refused to review the lower courts ruling) in the case of Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., 804 F. 3d 202 – Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 2015.

That case let stand the ruling of the Court of Appeals which can be found at the following website:

  last accessed July 9, 2016.

  last accessed July 9, 2016.

Please write a 500-word summary of fair use as this court decision says it.

CMGT/431- Incident Response Paper

 Assignment Content

  1. Cyber security tools are available to organizations requiring integration of its problem management, configuration management, and incident management processes. 

    The CEO and CIO need you and your team to create an IRP and change management plan. These plans will help the organization choose the appropriate cyber security tool.

    Part I: Incident Response Plan
    Incident response is a disciplined methodology for managing the aftermath of a security breach, cyberattack, or some other security incident. An IRP provides an organization procedures that effectively limit the impact on the data, system, and business and reduces recovery time and overall cost. 

    Create a 1- to 2-page IRP Microsoft Word for an organization of your choice. In your plan, ensure you:

    • Discuss roles and responsibilities.
    • Discuss the critical activities for each of the 5 phases in the incident response process.
    • List at least 3 cyber security tools that work together to monitor the organizations network for malicious and abnormal activity.
    • Part II: Change Management Plan
      Change management plans define the process for identifying, approving, implementing, and evaluating necessary changes due to new requirements, risks, patches, maintenance, and errors in the organizations networked environment.

      Create a 1- to 2-page Change Management Plan in Microsoft Word for your chosen organization. In your plan, ensure you discuss:

    • Roles and responsibilities
    • The use of swim lanes and callouts
    • Who should be involved in developing, testing, and planning
    • Who reviews and signs off on the change management requests
    • Briefly describe how a change management plan reduces the organizations risk from known threats.

      Part III: Cyber Security Tool Comparison
      Create a 1- to 2-page table that compares two of the industry standard tools that integrate incident management and change management. 

      Recommend the best tool for the organization to the CEO and CIO. Explain how it maintains compliance with the organizations regulatory requirements.

      Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

CMGT/431 Discussion – Incident Response Plan

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

An incident response plan (IRP) is a set of procedures to help an organization detect, respond to, and recover from security incidents.

List the roles and responsibilities that are included in an IRP.

Discuss how an organization of your choosing may respond to at least one cyberattack. The organization should have a response in accordance with the IRP.