Category: Information Systems

Unit 5 Java


Program Description:

For this project, you will write a Java program that demonstrates exception handling. Your program will accept from the user ten numbers and place them in an array. The numbers in the array will be added together and the result displayed to the user. The program will compare the values for the first two elements in the array (only) and determine which number is larger and report that information on screen. Then divide the larger number by the smaller number and report the result of that calculation. The program must use exception handling to avoid division by zero errors or out of range errors, then present a friendly error message to the user. The program must then repeat (loop), prompting the user for new data entry. When the user enters 9999, the program must terminate on the next loop cycle, and this must be indicated in the program text (Enter 9999 to exit.)

Project Steps:

  • Create a new project named “ExceptionHandler.” (Custom classes are not needed.)
  • Write code to accept numbers entered by the user.
  • Use error handling to ensure that only numbers are accepted.
  • Write code to add all values in the array together and display the result to the user.
  • Write code to compare the first two values in the array and report the results
  • Write code to divide the larger number by the smaller number from the above comparison
  • Use error handling to ensure that the program doesnt crash if it attempts to divide a number by zero.
  • Prompt the user for another set of ten numbers.
  • If the user entered 9999 during data entry in the last loop cycle, terminate the program.
  • Use exception handling to manage out of range exceptions (only numbers are entered)
  • Use exception handling to manage division by zero exceptions (as noted)
  • Use exception handling to manage by default any errors that dont fall into the above categories.
  • Using Catch blocks, display the cause of any exceptions to the user.
  • Output instructions to the screen so that the user will know how to operate the program and what to expect.
  • Use code comments to annotate your code, indicating what each line of code does as well as how it works.
  • Make sure the program runs correctly before submission. (Your instructor is here to help!)
  • Create an activity diagram that illustrates how your program works. Your diagram must include all the data items in your program.
  • Formal UML is not required but may be used if preferred. (You may use any software for this, but it must be submitted in Microsoft Word.)
  • ZIP your project folder and submit that and your Word document (containing the activity diagram) to the portal for grading.

This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria provided (see attachment).

enterprise content managemant


Within the Discussion Board area, write 400600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

  • How do you think the enterprise content management practices of an organization without formal enterprise content management can be evaluated?
  • What steps should be followed to properly evaluate an organizations enterprise content management practices?
  • Select 1 of the most likely problem areas of an organizations enterprise content management infrastructure, and discuss how the difficulties could be overcome.

Hefty Hardware Case Study

 Read the Hefty Hardware Case Study on pages 76-79 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length with no plagiarism.

Looking for 300 words research paper help ASAP


1.Need 300 Lines(Must) of Compliance plan research paper APA FORMAT MUST on TOPIC –Policies and Procedures in Healthcare Compliance Program. 

2.Need 4 PowerPoint slides on the 300 lines paper prepared to give presentation in front of everyone.

Below are the instructions or format for Paper and 4 Powerpoint slides:-

APA Format with In text Citations and 4 to 6 APA references  must for paper and Powerpoint. References add it in last for both paper and presentation.

Instructions for 4 presentation slides:

For 4 slides point the outline or key points as it is only 4 slides for all 300 lines paper written.

Visual or Graphics must helps easy to understand quickly by professor while grading.

Not Paragraphs it should be in BULLET points only in powerpoint for slides.

In-text citations must for both paper and powerpoint e.g(Author, year)

References must be in alphabetical order for both paper and powerpoint.

2 or 3 references from Peer review Articles Must( Professor strict on Peer review articles).

No Plagiarism.

We are team of 5 members each person has their own sub topic so please don’t concentrate on giving again introduction etc on Health care Compliance program because other student is working on that as it his sub topic no repetition please.

Please directly jump on our sub topic Policies and Procedures in Healthcare Compliance Program this is not to be related to any particular topic in healthcare you can take any topic that is fine only concentrate on Policies and Procedures take easy one like sanity policies and procedures in healthcare explain them because each student has to explain in front of everybody.

Try to finish as soon as possible.  you can deliver this in next 8 hrs from now. Please don’t do in hurry as it is important.



  • Provide a minimum of 20 slides
  • Record a 15 min video of your presentation.
  • Must include a reference page in APA

Attached is the topic

Er 1

 APA format 

1 page (without including references)

Current references and use book as well


Your medical group wants to expand by starting a new venture, owning and operating a pharmacy. In order to increase the chances for success, you have been asked to perform an enterprise risk assessment that includes reputational risk. Give three examples of how starting a new venture might have risk events that could lead to repercussions that would negatively impact the organizations reputation and three examples where it might be enhanced, creating opportunity. Please be descriptive. 



Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.

System architecture is the descriptive representation of the systems component functions and the communication flows between those components. 

My definition immediately raises some important questions.

What are components?

Which functions are relevant?

What is a communication flow?



What happens when we place the authentication system in our demilitarized zone (DMZ)that is, in the layer closest to the Internet? What do we have to do to protect the authentication system? Does this placement facilitate authentication in some way? How about if we move the

authentication system to a tier behind the DMZ, thus, a more trusted zone? What are the implications of doing so for authentication performance? For security?



Write a 1 to 2 page explaining the need for large prime numbers in the cybersecurity field.

  • Use APA format
  • be sure to cite your sources
  • if you rephrase what you find on line be sure to cite the source

Global Markets



Explain and provide examples of the difference between comparative and absolute advantage in global markets.

Identify the six-step approach to achieve a long-term improvement of business ethics

Writing Requirements

34 pages in length, in APA format (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)

Use APA template

Cover page



Main body minimum3 pages


References minimum 3 

APA style page margines, running head, page numbers 

cryptography assignment w2


Write a 1 to 2 page explaining the need for large prime numbers in the cybersecurity field.

  • Use APA format
  • be sure to cite your sources
  • if you rephrase what you find on line be sure to cite the source

Social Media Analytics

Watch video of Ted Talk about Social Media Analytics (Youtube link is provided),

stop the video at 4:27 and try to come up with the answer Dr. Golbeck is asking:

“How come liking a picture of curly fries could be indicative of how smart you are?”

First, try to come up with your predictions and post them here. Also, add overall your reflection on what you learned about Social Media Analytics after watching this video.