Category: Information Systems

Business Intelligence-Discussion


A picture is worth a thousand words. While business intelligence tries to make sense of all the data that is collected every day by organizations of all types, communicating the data in a way that people can easily grasp often becomes an issue. In a world where we can produce an astonishing 5.6 zettabytes of data in a year, visualization tools are critical to an organizations success.

Please answer the following question in your initial post:

Why has data visualization become a centerpiece in the business intelligence and analytics business? Is there a difference between data visualization and visual analytics?

Blockchain and HR


Find a peer reviewed article pertaining to Blockchain and HR. Write a critical review of the article that is at least 3 pages long (content). Be sure to provide in-text citations when you paraphrase or directly quote from the article. Also include a reference page with an APA style citation of the article. Follow the writing requirements for this course when preparing the paper. Use the following format for the paper:

1.  Introduction, including the purpose of your paper and a preview of your paper. Be sure to also provide the articles title and author(s) name(s) in the introduction of your paper.

2. Discuss the purpose and problem the article is addressing.

3. Elaborate on the content of the article.

4. Discuss the findings and conclusion(s) drawn by the articles author.

5. Discuss the authors point of view and assumptions. Indicate whether unsubstantiated assumptions were made and whether there is bias that exists in the article.

6. Discuss the significance of the article. Why it is important? On what do you base your assertions?

7. Conclude your paper. Summarize the important aspects of the review.

8. References

Your paper should include 8 centered and bolded headings that correspond to each of the required sections (Introduction, Articles Purpose and Problem, Content, Articles Findings and Conclusions, Point of View and Assumptions, Significance, Conclusion, References).

Writing Requirements for all Written Work:

  • References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
  • Always include a cover page and reference page with ALL submissions (even initial discussion posts)
  • Provide the EXACT web link on the reference page citations for all online sources do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK I check all sources
  • No abbreviations, no contractions write formally
  • Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
  • Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
  • As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
  • Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
  • Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a Power Point is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
  • Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.

Discussion – 2 to 3 paragraph with references

  Your responses are to be at least two paragraphs long and four sentences per paragraph. Update can include information about methodology, new literature discovered, or even questions regarding current progress. Topic selection is Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems can be found at APA citation is the following. Dawson, M. (2018). Cyber Security in Industry 4.0: The Pitfalls of Having Hyperconnected Systems. Journal of Strategic Management Studies, 10(1), 19-28.  Additional research topics may be provided. Final paper submission is to an academic journal. 

week 11


Week 11:

Do a bit of research on penetration testing techniques. Investigate and document the following

Five network penetration testing techniques

Advantages and disadvantages of each

One notable social engineering test

Possible negative implications of penetration tesing

Please write between 200 and 300 words

Week 10:


Week 10:

You are the web master for the Republican Party National Committee. Prepare a risk assessment analysis for your website. Some questions to consider:

Who is likely to attack your site?

When are attacks likely to occur?

What sort of attacks might take place?

How can you best minimize attacks and protect the integrity of your site?

Read and respond to at least two other students Discussions.

Post your initial response by the end of day on Thursday and reply to at least two other students by the end of day on Sunday.

Post between 200 and 300 words. 

week 8


Week 8:

You are the web master of a college website. You share a server with other school departments such as accounting and HR.

Based on this chapter, create at least five rules for staff members who are adding web pages being added to your site. Include a justification and explanation for each rule.

Write your answer using a WORD document. Do your own work and use your own words. Submit here. Note your Safe Assign score. Score must be less than 25 for full credit.

You have three attempts.

week 7


Week 7:

Use the Web to search for methods to prevent XSS attacks.

Write a brief description of more than one method.

Use your own words and supply references.

Read and respond to at least two other students Discussions.

Post your initial response by the end of day on Thursday and reply to at least two other students by the end of day on Sunday.

Post between 200 and 300 words.

week 6


Week 6:

Do a bit of research on JSON and AJAX.

How do they relate to the the Same-Origin policy?

Using WORD, write several short paragraphs on each. A  total of 200-300 words. 

Use your own words and do not copy  the work of another student.

Attach your WORD document here.

week 5


Week 5:

Learn About creating good password security.

An IT Security consultant has made three primary recommendations regarding passwords:

1. Prohibit guessable passwords

o such as common names, real words, numbers only

o require special characters and a mix of caps, lower case and numbers in pws

2. Reauthenticate before changing passwords

user must enter old pw before creating new one

3. Make authenticators unforgeable 

do not allow email or user ID as password

Using WORD, write a brief paper of 200-300 words explaining each of these security recommendations. Add additional criteria as you see necesarry.

Note your Safe Assign score. Continue submitting until your Safe Assign score is less than 25. You have three attempts to complete your assignment.

Attach your WORD doc and then hit SUBMT.

Week 4:


Week 4:

Read the section in this week’s reading assignment on secure passwords.

Then pick and three passwords: one not secure, one acceptable, and one very secure. Then write a brief description of the passwords you have chosen, indicating why they are secure or not secure.t

Read and respond to at least two other students Discussions.

Post your initial response by the end of day on Thursday and reply to at least two other students by the end of day on Sunday.

Post between 200 and 300 word