Category: Information Systems

virual private network

One of the ways businesses provide secure access to their network (or a subset of their network) to remote (or mobile) users is to use virtual private networks (VPNs). VPNs allow users to connect securely (over an encrypted link) to a network. For this discussion:

  • Define the term virtual private network
  • Discuss the goal(s) of a VPN
  • Describe different types of VPNs (hardware or software based)
  • Discuss how the use of a VPN may support BYOD (bring your own device)
  • List several commonly available (open source) VPNs
  • Describe best practices for using a VPN

Urgent- need within 3 hours

Text Book : 

James D. McKeen, Heather A. Smith, IT Strategy: Issues and Practices, Third Edition. Pearson, 2015, ISBN-13


Review chapter 5 of the course text.


What are the recommendation for improving business-IT communication?

Do you agree with the list? 

Information Tech & Global Economy

 the practitioners in policy informatics and the demand for analysis and modeling skills. From the readings for this week and your research on the topic, write an assessment on the future of policy informatics. If you were to hire a policy informatics manager for a future opportunity in your organization, what capacities would be the most salient to the role?
Submit a short paper 1200 words or less in a MS Word Document. Your paper must demonstrate proper APA formatting and style. You do not need to include a cover page or abstract, but be sure to include your name, assignment title, and page number in the running header of each page. Your paper should include a minimum of four references from your unit readings and assigned research; the sources should be appropriately cited throughout your paper and in your reference list. Use meaningful section headings to clarify the organization and readability of your paper. Review the rubrics before working on the assignment. 

SLP 3 540


Module 3 – SLP


Recall that for the SLP assignment for this course, we are conducting assessments of database programs and demonstrations available online.

For this module you’ll be checking into a very extensive and useful online tutorial set from Microsoft:

Learning Resources

Video Series: SQL Server 2005 Express Edition for Beginners

Getting Started with SQL Server Express

This video series is designed specifically for SQL Server beginnersindividuals who are interested in learning the basics of how to create, manage, and connect to SQL Server Express databases. Whether youre just a beginner or somewhat familiar with databases, these video lessons will help you get better acquainted with SQL Server 2005 Express.

Getting Started

The series includes almost 9 hours of video-based instruction that walks SQL Server beginners through the steps of learning about SQL Server databases to actually connecting a SQL Server database to a Web application. Select your starting point below based on your skill set.

There are 13 Learning Videos in the set. Obviously, we don’t expect you to get through the entire set, even spread across two modules. However, for this Module you should be able to get through at least the first two parts (4 videos):


Learning Video 1: What is a database?

Designing Tables

Learning Video 2: Understanding Database Tables and Records

Learning Video 3: More about Column Data Types and Other Properties

Learning Video 4: Designing Relational Database Tables

The more of the tutorial you can work through, the better; however, your grade is primarily dependent on how you approach the task and how much learning energy you put into it rather than specific output from the tutorial. If you get through these parts easily and want to push on, fine’ you’ll be getting a leg up on next Module.

Once you have completed your exploration of the tutorial, to finish the project for this module you are to prepare a short report covering the following topics:

  • a comprehensive review of what the tutorial teaches
  • a thorough report on what you learn specifically from the tutorial
         (note: the first two topics should be at least 75% of your write-up)
  • how good a job the tutorial does, who might find the tutorial useful, and any other aspect of the tutorial that you think a reader might find useful.  
  •  Your paper should be three to four pages in length and ,reflect your personal experiences  

Case 3 ITM 540


Groupware is software that was developed to support teams by providing team members with powerful and convenient ways to schedule their interactions, communicate with each other, and record and update group output. Another (less catchy) name for computer supported collaborative work (CSCW) is computer supported teamwork. Much of the early research in this area was focused on understanding the complex relationships between the social aspects of teamwork and the technical features of groupware and looking for ways to improve the quality both of the teamwork and the groupware. In more recent years, economists have begun to examine groupware and CSCW as well in the interest of determining efficient methods of organizing cooperative work and using groupware.

Here are a couple of good introductory articles on the special problems of databases used to support group applications:

Heer, J. Viegas, F. B., and Wattenburg, M. (2009).  Voyagers and voyeurs: Supporting asynchronous collaborative visualization. Communications of the ACM, 52(1), 87-97.

Nistor, C. and Nistor, R. (2006).  Groupware- modern information managerial method, Marketing & Management, 95-100. ISSN 1841 – 2416

But the fact remains that many groupware applications and the data that support them are improvised or otherwise knocked together:

Microsoft (2011). CSCW in Microsoft research group. Enabling cross-lingual conversation in real time:

Case Assignment

Having read about computer-supported work groups, describe the latest software to support the computer-supported work groups. Describe how information is shared across the groups and what databases they use to support this collaborative work. Focus your response on global corporations and how they manage projects where members of the collaborative work group could be separated by many time zones and have to deal with different cultures and different languages.

Your paper should be between three and five pages. Take a definite stand on the issues, and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.

Your paper is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner.

  • Begin this paper by stating your position on this question clearly and concisely
  • Citing appropriate sources, present the reasons why you take this position. Be sure to make the most effective case you can.
  • Then present the best evidence you can, again citing appropriate sources, against your position — that is, establish what      counterarguments can be made to your original position.
  • Finally, review your original position in light of the counterarguments, showing how they are inadequate to rebut your original statement.   By the end of your paper, you should be able to unequivocally re-affirm your original position.

Week 1 Assignment

Week 1 Assignment

1.1 What is the OSI security architecture?

1.2 What is the difference between passive and active security threats?

1.3 List and briefly define categories of passive and active security attacks.

1.4 List and briefly define categories of security services.

1.5 List and briefly define categories of security mechanisms.

1.6 List and briefly define the fundamental security design principles.

1.7 Explain the difference between an attack surface and an attack tree.

Complete your answers on a WORD Document,

Information Systems Infrastructure

 Using the Case study provided in the Learning Resources, write a 2-page paper addressing the questions in the Case. Provide a minimum of one scholarly reference in your paper (cited and referenced in APA format).

-Double space your paper
-The paper must use APA format (6th edition)
-Minimum of 2 pages, excluding any cover page. That is, the 2 pages must be content related. 

 Discussion Points 

1. Some virtual teams at Boeing have discussions focused on military aircraft. Do some Internet research on UC security mechanisms and identify and briefly describe several that Boeing should have in place to ensure the privacy and integrity of such discussions. 

2. To what extent do the UC benefits experienced by Boeing mirror those of other firms that have deployed UC capabilities over converged IP networks? 

3. To date, Boeing has not implemented the full range of capabilities available through UC systems. If you were the CIO at Boeing, what additional UC capabilities would you implement? What benefits would you expect Boeing to derive from deploying these capabilities? 

Sources [MICR10] Microsoft Case Studies. Boeing Expects to Lower Costs and Improve Productivity with Messaging Solution. March 16, 2010. Retrieved online at: =4000006703.

 [MICR11] Microsoft Case Studies. Boeing Promotes Knowledge Sharing for Global Workforce with Communications Solution. April 29, 2011. Retrieved online at: 

[REED08] Reed, B. AT&T snags big Boeing voice/data contract. NetworkWorld. August 12, 2008. Retrieved online at: 

INFOTECH DQ 1 (Week 1)


Week 1 Discussion Forum: Business Strategy Options Menu: Forum

Why is it important for business strategy to drive organizational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if the business strategy was not the driver?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Security Policies

Using the guidelines provided in this week’s chapter (and other resources as needed), create a step-by-step IT security policy for handling user accounts/rights for a student who is leaving prematurely (drops, is expelled, and so on).

You will need to consider specialized student scenarios, such as a student who works as an assistant to a faculty member or as a lab assistant in a computer lab and may have access to resources most students do not.

Write your answer between 150-180 words using a WORD document.

The Impact Of Innovation

Write a 260- to 350-word article that reviews a recent innovation in health care and its impact on existing systems (e.g., first- and second-movers, wearables, printed organs, genetic testing).

Publish the article on your own social media account (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), or post it on a health care message board of your choice.

Include a citation of your article in your assignment.