Category: Information Systems

for writing king

 1.Write an algorithm for resolving a battle among the classic Pokemon types.

       The user should select a type of either fire, water or grass. The computer should randomly select one of those three types as well.

      To determine if the user or computer wins, or if it is a draw: fire is stronger than grass, grass is stronger than water, and water is stronger than fire. Whomever chose the stronger type is the winner. If both chose the same type it is a draw.

       SeePreview the document for an example of what an algorithm should look like. Your algorithm should be at a similar level of detail.

       See ( )for an example of the interactions and determining a winner (the example has pictures, your algorithm needs only to consider text based inputs and messages)

       If you submit python code instead on an algorithm you will not receive points for this question.

2.Write a program that ask the user for a string as input. It should duplicate of all the characters in the string and print it back out to the user. For example: AbC123 would be printed out as AAbbCC112233

3.Write a program that takes two lists and displays the items that occur in both lists. For example: [“a”, “b”, “c”] [“c”, “a”, “d”] would display a and c

Research Paper: Business Process Redesign


If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be approximately 4-6 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Discussion 1: Ethical Leadership

Leaders are exposed to many different sources of ethics education and training. For instance, MBA and other academic programs often have a specific course or learning outcome devoted to ethical practice, organizations often require ethics training for all employees, especially leaders, and there are numerous ethical guidelines that exist that can help leaders avoid ethical violations. However, some leaders continue to commit ethical violations, which raises questions about the root causes of such behavior. As observed with Enrons corporate leadership, known for one of the largest corporate bankruptcies in American history due to deceptive financial practices, the repercussions for unethical leadership may be irreparable

Week 3 Discussion -HUM1001 History of Art through the Middle Age

Question 1. The Evolution of Greek Sculpture

As we learned this week, sculptors in Ancient Greece strove to achieve perfection in the works of art they created. Carefully examine the following sculptures and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:

Peplos Kore, from the Acropolis, Athens, c. 530 BCE
Warrior, found in the sea off Riace, Italy, c. 460-450 BCE
Hagesandros, Polydoros, and Athanadoros of Rhodes, Laocon and His Sons, 2nd-1st c BCE

Then, in a minimum of 2 well-developed paragraphs, answer the following questions:

  • What specific visual similarities do you observe in these three sculptures?
  • What specific differences do you see? Consider the representation of the figure, facial expression or suggested emotion, additional objects portrayed, and the role of the viewer for each sculpture.
  • How is each sculpture representative of the period in Ancient Greece (e.g., Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic) in which it was created?

Be sure to explain your ideas clearly and support them by discussing specific details about each sculpture.

Question 2. Religious Symbolism

This week, we studied cultures that recognized a pantheon of gods and goddesses, such as Ancient Greece and Rome, and also explored the early artistic objects of the Jewish and Christian faiths.

Carefully examine the following sculptures and read about each one in your textbook, course and video lectures, and through reliable internet resources:

Dionysiac mystery frieze, Second Style wall paintings in room 5 of the Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii, Italy, ca. 6050 BCE
Samuel anoints David, detail of the main interior wall of the synagogue, Dura-Europos, Syria, ca. 245256
The Transfiguration of Christ, Church of Sant Apollinare in Classe, 533-549 CE

Then, in a minimum of 3 well-developed paragraphs, address the following questions:

  1. What is the subject matter shown in each work?
  2. What is the belief system or faith represented in each work?
  3. What religious symbols do you observe in each work?
  4. How would the setting of each work have influenced how the contemporary viewer interpreted or understood its meaning?

Be sure to provide citations for any outside sources you reference in this part of your response.

Respond to both questions as thoroughly as possible, making sure to use information from this weeks readings, lectures, and additional resources. All responses should be in complete sentence form, using proper spelling and grammar.

As soon as possible, review and comment on the work of two of your peers. In your comments, consider areas you would suggest for expansion or clarification.

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.


python code informactice 3 question

 1.Write an algorithm for resolving a battle among the classic Pokemon types.

       The user should select a type of either fire, water or grass. The computer should randomly select one of those three types as well.

      To determine if the user or computer wins, or if it is a draw: fire is stronger than grass, grass is stronger than water, and water is stronger than fire. Whomever chose the stronger type is the winner. If both chose the same type it is a draw.

       SeePreview the document for an example of what an algorithm should look like. Your algorithm should be at a similar level of detail.

       See ( ) for an example of the interactions and determining a winner (the example has pictures, your algorithm needs only to consider text based inputs and messages)

       If you submit python code instead on an algorithm you will not receive points for this question.

2.Write a program that ask the user for a string as input. It should duplicate of all the characters in the string and print it back out to the user. For example: AbC123 would be printed out as AAbbCC112233

3.Write a program that takes two lists and displays the items that occur in both lists. For example: [“a”, “b”, “c”] [“c”, “a”, “d”] would display a and c

Discussion and assignment


 In your own words, explain what the following terms mean to you as they apply to information security and safe computing: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Why are these factors so important to businesses? 



  • 2.1 What are the essential ingredients of a symmetric cipher?
  • 2.2 What are the two basic functions used in encryption algorithms?
  • 2.3 How many keys are required for two people to communicate via a symmetric cipher?
  • 2.4 What is the difference between a block cipher and a stream cipher?
  • 2.5 What are the two general approaches to attacking a cipher?
  • 2.6 Why do some block cipher modes of operation only use encryption while others use both encryption and decryption?
  • 2.7 What is triple encryption?
  • 2.8 Why is the middle portion of 3DES a decryption rather than an encryption?

Affinity diagram


For this week, you will be working through the steps of an affinity diagram.  Choose one of the following problem statements:

  1. Power outages cause downtime
  2. Malicious code causes systems to crash and production loss
  3. Hardware failure causes data loss on the database server

Once you pick a statement, generate ideas and brainstorm based on this article: 

Emerging threats and Risk Processing

In today’s world, both government and the private sector are struggling to provide a secure, efficient, timely, and separate means of delivering essential services internationally. As a result, these critical national infrastructure systems remain at risk from potential attacks via the Internet.

It is the policy of the United States to prevent or minimize disruptions to the critical national information infrastructure in order to protect the public, the economy, government services, and the national security of the United States.The Federal Government is continually increasing capabilities to address cyber risk associated with critical networks and information systems.

Please explain how you would reduce potential vulnerabilities, protect against intrusion attempts, and better anticipate future threats.

Data Collection Techniques, subject Analyzing & Visualizing Data


Background: As noted by Kirk (2016), working with data is one of the four stages of the visualization workflow.  According to Kirk (2016), A dataset is a collection of data values upon which a visualization is based. In this course, we will be using datasets that have already been collected for us. Data can be collected by various collection techniques.

Reference: Kirk, Andy. Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications.

Assignment: Summarize 3 data collection techniques (Interviews, Surveys, Observations, Focus Groups, etc.). Compare and contrast the 3 data collection techniques you selected. Lastly, what collection techniques do you prefer and why?

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Students name, Universitys name, Course name, Course number, Professors name, and Date.

Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

Discussion 3 and problem set 3

 Need 2 answers 

In this week’s discussion, prepare a synopsis of the material discussed in the chapter readings.   PFA for assignment


Problem set 3 (Please add citation to the assignment also )

Please, address each of the questions below, in 100-150 words (per question). Include any relevant examples and links to your sources.  

1. 1.  Why are ratios useful? What three groups use ratio analysis and for what reasons?

2. 2.  What are some qualitative factors analysts should consider when evaluating a companys likely future financial performance?

3. 3.  What are some potential problems and limitations of financial ratio analysis?