Category: Information Systems

CIS 518 Assignment

Assignment 2: Requirements 

In a previous assignment you were tasked to develop a Web-based student registration system. This Web-based system allows students to register for classes, authenticate their credentials, and  select classes for which they are eligible to register. It also registers the students, prints a confirmation receipt, and prepares a registration invoice. You created a project plan proposal to senior management and they liked it, giving you the green light to start with the project. Now, it is time to define what the student registration system should do.

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

1.Select a requirement specification technique that you would use to state the requirements of this software system and explain the reasons for the selection.

2.Specify the requirements for registering a student for a class based on the selected technique. You can make any assumptions that you need to complete the specification as long as you state them clearly in the response.

3.Create the necessary diagrams through the use of graphical tools in Microsoft Word or Visio, or an open source alternative such as Dia that illustrates and complements the specification. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

4.Write a validation and verification plan to validate and verify the requirement.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

Include charts or diagrams created in Visio or Dia. The completed diagrams / charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Describe the different types of requirements that include abstraction and modeling techniques.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in software engineering.

Write clearly and concisely about advanced software engineering topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

CIS 515 Assignment

University Database

A prestigious university has recently implemented a consolidation strategy that will require it to centralize their student records. In order to move forward, the local university will need to develop a data model that will retain student records and perform various data extract transform and load (ETL) processes. Imagine that you have been hired as a database consultant to assist in the development of a data design strategy for the student records.

You met with various university subject matter experts and have determined the following after performing various business analysis processes:

Faculty groups are divided by core competencies that the university offers. For example, there are groups such as the Art Faculty, Computer Technology Faculty, Language Faculty, and Science Faculty. Each faculty member has an assigned Dean and is designated to teach at one particular campus and school. They are able to teach as many courses as required.

Courses are categorized by course code and title. Certain courses have prerequisites and the university has asked for this to be cataloged as well.

There are various schools within each campus. For example, the Los Angeles campus holds the following schools: School of Science, School of Law, and School of Computer Technology. Additionally, each school offers different professional study programs, such as Forensic Computer Science, Marine Biology, Business Management, and Civil Engineering to name a few.

The study path for students requires that they be enrolled in a specific professional study program. The professional study program requires the students to complete a specific set of core courses. The university also requires that an online grade book be available. The online grade book should show grades awarded to students for specific courses and the term they completed the course.

The university identifies each student by his or her name, date of birth, social, and professional study program.

Using these findings, write a 34 page paper in which you:

Analyze the university’s requirements and provide a proposal to organize all the required data elements. The proposal should include the following:

oProvide an Entity Relationship Model (ERM) that will describe the data structure that will store all data elements. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

oDescribe any assumptions or limitations for each relationship. For example, professors are able to teach more than one course or students can only be enrolled in one program.

Create the primary key and foreign keys using a UML Class diagram for each table.

Suggest at least 4 types of business intelligence reports that could help the university in course management, student enrollment, or historical tracking. Support your answer by providing specific business functions that these reports could be used for to assist executives of the university.

As an alternative for development of the database, you are considering outsourcing the functions above. Research the Internet and other media sources for vendors who develop registrar and school management database systems.

oSuggest 3 vendors that developed and are employing efficient registrar and school management database systems and support your reasons to choose from 1 of these 3 vendors.

oCompare and contrast the key aspects that each system offers. Examples of system aspects include but are not limited to cloud based, pricing model, open source, et cetera.

Go to the Strayer Library to locate at least 3 quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Paper must be typed, double-spaced, and use Times New Roman font (12-point), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Include charts or diagrams created in any chart or drawing tool with which you are familiar. The completed diagrams or charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.

CIS 505 Discussion

Please respond to the following:

Explore the difference between Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? 

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each type of connection.

And what applications are possible with each?

Choose one and explain the reason of your selection.

How To Start Earning On Facebook Marketplace Platform?


Have you decided to start working on ? Facebook is without a doubt one of the best platform offering marketplace facility to sell and buy different kind of products to the users. Doing so will get them a good amount of profit and they can enjoy their life without any kind of hassle. 

Educating Public Managers and Policy Analyst(Short research paper)


Each student will write a short research paper for a peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the weeks assigned reading.  This will be a detailed summary of the research paper and what you gained from the research.  Each week, you will find an article/peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assignment.  If you have a difficult time, Google Scholar is a wonderful location to find these types of articles:

Once you find the article, you will simply read it and then write a review of it.  Think of it as an article review where you submit a short overview of the article.

Response 3 2 (DR)

 Need to respond to the attached document like if we are agreeing with that content or not if so why we are agreeing if not why not we are agreeing what all suggestion we can add to this and also need peer reviewed references 

Need 600+ words with no plagiarism and 2 + references.

Given the growth in telecommuting and other mobile work arrangements, how might offices physically change in the coming years? Will offices as we think of them today exist in the next ten years? Why or why not?Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic?

Disc 2


Need the below with in 24 hours.Provide 2 references,500 words

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) long established operations currently used across the globe but not problem free operations. (Fennelly, 2017). The environmental design approach to security recognizes the spaces designated which often related to CPTED solution process. Effective physical security designing process must focus on internal and external use facility space to prevent crime.  CPTEDs objectives falls on designing and implement effective use of space, implement toughening approach on crime prevention. Facility hardening is a standard measure that must fully implemented to deny access to a crime target through physical and artificial barrier techniques such as locks, alarms, fences, and gates to protect the facility, access control and surveillance system to make environments sterile, unsightly, and unfriendly.

1.  Provide comprehensive narrative to confirm advantages and disadvantages of CPTED on residents of urban community.


Fennelly, Lawrence J. (2017). Effective Physical Security: Introduction to

Vulnerability Assessment. (pp. 23-53). Cambridge: MA

Want answer in 3hrs

Question 1)
In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start  from the outside of the diagram. 

Briefly name three (3) components required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes and implementable procedures and structural elements.

Question 2)
In chapter seven (7), we have learned from “The Path to Information Value” that Seventy percent of managers and executives say data are extremely important for creating competitive advantage.

In addition, it is implied by the authors that, The key, of course, is knowing which data matter, who within a company needs them, and finding ways to get that data into users hands.

Looking at the Economist Intelligence Unit report, identify the three (3) phases that led to the yards rebirth.

Should atleast 250 words each question with references.

given the ever-growing number of data breaches in the US, Is this sufficient, or should there be new laws enacted to secure privacy? Should we strive for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing along with the existing rights the right to privacy?

Posts are assessed on a rubric with equal weight given to 3 assessable items: Comprehension, Critical Thinking, and APA/Mechanics

The concept of consumer privacy has evolved from the idea of personal privacy, it is important to note there is no explicit protection for this in the U.S. Constitution.  However, it has been considered to be an essential right in a number of legal decisions, beginning in the 1920s.


Legislation in Europe has enforced high standards of data privacy protection, but data privacy protection in the United States has been primarily the domain of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), whose regulations only require companies to disclose their corporate privacy policies to their customers. The FTC can take legal action against companies that violate customer privacy policies or companies that compromise their customers’ sensitive personal information.


Most of this information was extracted from


The question is this:  given the ever-growing number of data breaches in the US, Is this sufficient, or should there be new laws enacted to secure privacy?  Should we strive for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing along with the existing rights the right to privacy? 

Support your responses with valid research