Category: Information Systems

Password Management


In today’s world, the need for secure access to our digital lives is more important than ever before. We access our computers at home, computers at school, computers at work, our smartphones & tablets, our social media, we buy products online, we do online banking, we access various government assets online, we pass money to each other online, and conduct many other activities in our lives on systems that require secure access. In doing so, we each likely maintain dozens of passwords.

So… how do you keep track of all you passwords? Do you have a little secret book of all your passwords hidden somewhere? Do you have a special formula or system in your head? do you use a Password Manager app such as LastPass or DashLane?

Do any of you use 2-factor authentication at work? at home? Do any of you access VPN’s at work with a 2-factor authentication system like RSA’s SECURID? Do you have to recycle your system passwords at work every 60 days? 90 days?

In your own words, describe how you manage all of your daily passwords and whether you think all of today’s password activity is a good idea or is just too overwhelming.

Minimum 200 words first posting. Replies should be substantive, not just “I agree”.

Essay Question Operational Excellence


How do you define operational excellence? What factors are involved in achieving operational excellence? Who (within an organization) is responsible for operational excellence and why is this important? 

Need 350 to 400 words

No plagiarism

References required

APA formatting compulsory

Essay From Operational Excellence

How do you define operational excellence? What factors are involved in achieving operational excellence? Who (within an organization) is responsible for operational excellence and why is this important? 

Need 350 to 400 words

No plagiarism

References required

APA formatting compulsory

Fund Of Data Systems

Amazon Databases (Aurora, RDS, Redshift, etc):

If a vendor, who are the competitors to the platform? If a database technology class, who is the clear leader and why?

o   Provide a page response at most!

Provide a short history of each key database platform you’ve described

o   A minimum of 1-2 paragraphs PER DATABASE PLATFORM is expected.

What industries are these database vendors tools or database technology platforms used in? Is the market increasing or decreasing for technology?

o   I expect a 1/2 -1-page industry synopsis here. 

What are the key features for each of these database platforms? What are differentiators compared to other database platforms in its like-kind class?

o   I expect 1-2 pages for EACH DATABASE PLATFORM. 

You MUST use APA citations throughout this paper. 


Rootkit Replies

Reply to this between 150-200 words 


 Rootkit is defined as malicious software that can allow an unauthorised user to gain access to a computer. This application or software can allow hackers to gain remote access to the computer and will remain undetected in the computer. When hackers make use of some tips and tricks to steal passwords of a user or when they trick users with a malicious link that downloads this malicious application into the user system, they install a backdoor in the background. This entire process may not be noticed by the user and this can give them full-time access to the computer as long as it is powered on.


         Rootkits are usually designed by hackers to provide them administrator privileges. When there are vulnerabilities in a computer or in the applications installed on the computer, hackers try to exploit them and install these rootkits without the knowledge of users. When there are rootkits installed on a computer, one can observe some kind of strange behaviour on the computer. By making use of windows task manager we can notice higher cpu or system resources usage and we can even go through the memory dump analysis which shows heavy data usage. If such kind of unwanted behaviour is observed, the best method to remove such rootkits is to format and rebuild the entire system. To prevent such risks from occurring, it is advised to install the original operating system and update it from time to time. The applications installed on the computer have to be downloaded from trusted sites only and they must also be updated regularly. Susan Bradley (2019) states that, If you are impacted by a rootkit, the best way to recover is to fully reinstall the operating system and install or reinstall the firmware. Reset passwords to accounts as needed 


Computer viruses and other malware are real threats. And rootkits might be the most dangerous, both in the damage they can cause and the difficulty you might have in finding and removing them. Rootkits are a type of malware that are designed so that they can remain hidden on your computer. But while you might not notice them, they are active. Rootkits give cybercriminals the ability to remotely control your computer.

Rootkits can contain a number of tools, ranging from programs that allow hackers to steal your passwords to modules that make it easy for them to steal your credit card or online banking information. Rootkits can also give hackers the ability to subvert or disable security software and track the keys you tap on your keyword, making it easy for criminals to steal your personal information. Because rootkits can hijack or subvert security software, they are especially hard to detect, making it likely that this type of malware could live on your computer for a long time causing significant damage. Sometimes the only way to completely eliminate a well-hidden rootkit is to erase your computers operating system and rebuild from scratch. How do rootkits get on your computer? You might open an email and download a file that looks safe but is actually a virus. You might also accidentally download a rootkit through an infected mobile app. Here is a look at the different types of rootkits and how you can help protect against them are Hardware or firmware rootkit, Bootloader rootkit, Memory rootkit, Application rootkit.

Because rootkits are so dangerous, and so difficult to detect, its important to exercise caution when surfing the internet or downloading programs. There is no way to magically protect yourself from all rootkits. Fortunately, you can increase your odds of avoiding these attacks by following the same common-sense strategies you take to avoid all computer viruses, including these.

Analysis of Requirements

1. Posting at least one structured question: provide a paragraph with the context introducing the concept(s), followed by a question that either be interesting, controversial, or both (make your question attractive for others to reply to your question and initiate a conversation) ——————————————————————————————————————

Module 3, assumes that in the planning phase we were able to define a basic scope of a project that supports the strategic objectives of the organization and now we are researching requirements through techniques such as interviews, surveys. or join application development. The requirements identified need to be summarized and shared with stakeholders to ensure that we understand the requirements.

Thus, chapter 6 introduces students to several methods that systems analysts use to determine requirements for a proposed system. This chapter categorizes the requirements gathering techniques as traditional, modern, or radical. The traditional requirements gathering techniques are interviews, questionnaires, Nominal Group Technique, and documents analysis. The modern requirements determination techniques include Joint Application Design (JAD), group support systems, prototyping, and CASE tools. Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is a radical method for determining system requirements.

Next, chapter 7 covers several modeling techniques for representing business processes, and specifically, data flow diagramming (DFD) techniques are introduced. Basic DFD symbols, definitions, and rules are explained (Gane and Sarson symbol set is used in the book). Four different types of DFDs are explained: current physical, current logical, new logical and new physical. Finally, an overview of the process modeling for an Internet-based electronic commerce application is presented.

Based on the previously discussed context, you will post at least one question and respond or comment to at least one question or comment posted by other participants in the discussion board. Your question(s) or comment(s) should go beyond the conceptual domain but also describe or explore how this knowledge can be applied to your current or future professional activities or endeavors.

I expect your posts to be original in all aspects. Consequently, you should not use questions from your textbook for your posting. Further, use secondary references that provide additional information or support a better understanding of chapters covered in the module.

2 Page Short Essay

The Lake Nixon Club near Little Rock, Arkansas, had a racial restriction on the use of its 232-acre amusement area, which included areas for swimming, boating, sunbathing, picnicking, miniature golf, and snack bars. Discuss how an interstate commerce connection might be found so that the federal civil rights act could be used to invalidate the restriction

Select A Major Organization That Was Located In The Hurricane Katrina Disaster Area.

 Topic: Select a major organization that was located in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area.  Research their experiences and prepare a report detailing the unexpected challenges the organization encountered in returning their operations to normal. Give suggestions on what might be added to the organizations contingency plan to mitigate those unexpected challenges.

Assignment should follow all APA rules and include a min. of (1) unique citation/reference per page.

Page count – 3 to 5 pages.


Read the end-of-chapter application case “Coors Improves Beer Flavors with Neural Networks” at the end of Chapter 6 in our textbook, and respond to the following questions.

  1. Why is beer flavor important to Coors’ profitability?
  2. What is the objective of the neural network used at Coors?
  3. Why were the results of Coors’ neural network initially poor, and what was done to improve the results?
  4. What benefits might Coors derive if this project is successful?
  5. What modifications would you make to improve the results of beer flavor prediction?

Notes: Need 500 words. PFA textbook

Discussion – 200 words

 Topic: The approach the LEGO Group used to implement ERM, and chapter 9 presented a discussion and case study on implementing ERM in a higher education environment. Please explain how ERM adoption and implementation in the higher education (HE) environment differs from the for-profit environment. Cite specific examples from this weeks readings and outside sources.