Category: Information Systems

CIS 515 Discussion Post Responses

CIS 515 discussion post responses.

There are two discussions here that need to be responded to thoroughly. Responses must be on APA format 150+words 1-2 legitimate verifiable sources per response.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

Many legacy systems require normalization. Identify at least two factors that should be considered in order to produce an optimal normalized set of tables when performing normalization. Include in your discussion a detailed example on how each factor would eliminate data redundancy.

Optimal database design recognizes proper organization of table structures and relationships. Suggest at least two methods that can be used to improve the design of a database system.

JM post states the following:

Factors to Consider for an Optimal Normalization

Normalization refers to the process of organizing data on a database to reduce redundancy when designing a database. One of the factors to consider during normalization is naming conventions. The names used should describe the type of information contained in the database for easy data identification. Abbreviations and obscure acronyms should be avoided for names because they can easily obfuscate the meaning and can as well be challenging to remember. The naming system used across the entire database should be consistent and memorable.

It should as well provide information on users, filenames, and other related objects. Another factor to consider is the nature of the database. Tables should incur divided to ensure that data are well isolated to allow additions, deletion, and modifications without interfering with the entire database. Each field should have different information, which should be independent of the information on other grounds. It will reduce redundancy by eliminating the possibility of data duplication (Dennis et al. 12).

Method of improving the design of the database system

A properly designed database system enhance easy access to recent and accurate information. The method process of strengthening the design of database design includes normalization and storing binary data externally. Standardization ensures that data engage appropriately organized within the database. Normalization can incur achieved by using primary keys to ensure that each raw within the database system is unique. Using external data storage is also another method of improving database system design. It enhances the performance of the data and ensures easy access to the data. Refining primary keys as required for data granularity is also another method of improving database system design. The entity of using the granularity of low keys, atomic value ensures that the database is more detailed and specific (Coronel, 2016).

Coronel, Carlos, and Steven Morris. Database systems: design, implementation, & management.

Cengage Learning, 2016.

Dennis, Alan, Barbara Haley Wixom, and Roberta M. Roth. Systems analysis and design. John

Wiley & sons, 2018

LP post states the following:


Many legacy systems require normalization. Identify at least two factors that should be considered in order to produce an optimal normalized set of tables when performing normalization. Include in your discussion a detailed example of how each factor would eliminate data redundancy.


Normalization is a way to clean up the data by efficiently organizing. The guidelines have defined several levels of normalization, First Normal Form Fifth Normal Form (1NF-5NF).  1NF is the lowest level and 5NF is the highest and is rarely seen. The most common forms seen in most organizations are 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF (Access Programmers, n.d.). The purpose of these levels is to eliminate redundant data. Keeping only related data stored in the same table ensures that data dependencies make sense. Both of these are important since they reduce the amount of space a database consumes and ensures that data is logically stored (Access Programmers, n.d.).

First Normal Form (1NF) are two fundamental rules for the organization of a database.

Remove duplicate columns from the same table.

For each group of related data, create separate tables and identify each row by using a unique column or set of columns, or better yet, a primary key.

Second Normal Form (2NF), in addition to 1NF, is removing duplicate data.

Eliminate subsets of data that apply to multiple rows of a table and place them in separate tables (Access Programmers, n.d.).

Create relationships between these entities and their predecessors by using foreign keys (Access Programmers, n.d.).

Third Normal Form (3NF) in addition to 1NF and 2NF

columns that are not reliant on the primary key shold be removed (Access Programmers, n.d.).


Optimal database design recognizes proper organization of table structures and relationships. Suggest at least two methods that can be used to improve the design of a database system.


The use of small values improves performance by using the smallest values for data that application requirements will permit (UNL Staff, 2020). One example would be to store binary large object data (BLOB) externally. And only referencing the external data will improve performance and simplify access to it.

The use of views helps hide complexity, provide aggregate data, and restricts access to rows and columns (UNL Staff, 2020).

The use of Stored Procedures provides additional security through isolation of data and prevents SQL injection through assignment to variables. Stored procedures for data access are in agreement with the layered approach to data access and provides additional performance benefits due to the precompilation of code (UNL Staff, 2020).


Access Programmers. (n.d.). Normalizing the Table Design. Retrieved February 3, 2020, from Access Programmers:

UNL Staff. (2020). Database Design. Retrieved from University of Nebraska-Lincoln:


During week four you studied process costing and saw how this cost accounting system varied from job order costing that you learned about in week three. For your week four discussion board post I would like you do identify a publicly traded manufacturing company. BY publicly traded it means they have stock traded on an exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange. I would then like you to research a product they manufacture. Based on what you have found would they use process costing or job order costing. Why did you select the method they did. Please be sure to integrate terms and concepts you learned about in week three and four as you describe the cost accounting system they might use.

The attached PPTs are just for your information to know what week 3 and 4 covered. Do not use them as a reference nor cite them in the answer. Only use external references. Use APA format. 

Write A Paper


This assignment asks you to write an explanation and then give examples of Key Performance Indicators.

  • Identify what a qualitative indicator would be. Identify what a quantitative indicator would be. Differentiate them and give two examples for each (4 examples total).
  • What is a leading indicator? What is a lagging indicator? What would make an indicator a leading indicator instead of a lagging indicator? Give two examples of each (4 examples total).
  • Explain the difference between input, process, and output indicators. How an one identify whether an indicator is input, process, or output? Give two examples of each (6 examples total).

RR Communications

 Read the RR Communications Case Study on pages 156-159 in the textbook. Answer Discussion Questions 1-3 at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format 

1. List the advantages of a single customer service center for RR Communications.

 2. Devise an implementation strategy that would guarantee the support of the 

 divisional presidents for the shared customer service center. 

3. Is it possible to achieve an enterprise vision with a decentralized IT function?

Dis -3 Week 5 Info

Given the growth in telecommuting and other mobile work arrangements, how might offices physically change in the coming years? Will offices as we think of them today exist in the next ten years? Why or why not?

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

InfoTech In Global Economy

 Chapter 5 discusses decision making using system modeling. The author briefly mentions an open source software tool, EMA Workbench, that can perform EMA and ESDMA modeling. Find EMA Workbench online and go to their main website (not the GitHub download site). To prepare for the discussion board task do the following:

1) Under documentation, go to the Tutorials page.

2) Read through the Simple Model (in your chosen environment), and the Mexican Flu example. 

3) Decide how you could use this software to create a model to help in developing a policy for a Smart City. 

As indicated above, explain how you could use the EMA Workbench software to develop a model to help create a policy for a Smart City. Explain what policy you are trying to create (i.e. traffic light placement, surveillance camera coverage, taxi licenses issued, etc.), and what key features you would use in your model. Then, explain how EMA Workbench would help you. NOTE: keep your models and features simple. You don’t really need more than 2 or 3 features to make your point here. 

Business Intelligence


See Chapter 9.  Briefly describe what these analysis are and offer 2 benefits examples of each:

                     what- if analysis, sensitivity analysis, and goal- seeking analysis

If the manager said, How many servers will be needed to reduce the waiting time of customers to less than 5 minutes?” What is the best analysis to use?   and Why?


See chapter 10. Briefly describe the major characteristic of Simulation and list at least 5 advantages of using simulation. (Expound on this topic).


Go to  and examine the capabilities of Evolver. Write a 2-3 para, summary about your findings. 

p.s. And Yes, Evolver is available by itself or as part of the Decision Tools Suite, Palisades complete risk and decision analysis toolkit. Free to explore the software.

Business Intelligence


Research an area of Business Intelligence and Analytics of interest or is relevant in your industry. Areas can include topics identified in the textbook, such as:

  • Business Intelligence and Analytics
  • Foundations and Technologies for Decision Making
  • Business Reporting, Visual Analytics, and Business Performance Management
  • Web Analytics, Web Mining, and Social Analytics
  • Model-Based Decision Making
  • Automated Decision Systems and Expert Systems
  • Knowledge Management and Collaborative Systems
  • Big Data and Future Directions for Business
  • Business Analytics: Emerging Trends and Future Impacts

MILESTONE 2: Introduction, Sub-Topics, 5 Supporting References

This week you will continue to develop on Milestone 1 research paper, by adding Introduction, Sub-Topics, and 5 Supporting References.


The introduction establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research topic by summarizing an understanding and background about the topic. State the purpose of the work in the form of the research problem.


Identify several sub-topics. For example: if the topic is Web Analytics, Web Mining, or Social Analytics, a few of the sub-topics might be Search Engines, Web Crawler, or Document Indexing. Discuss how your organization utilizes Web Analytics to help improve organizational communication and productivity.


Submit a total of (8) references this week.

Format and Page Count:

APA Formatting

Submit 6 to 8 Word Document Pages (Not including title page)

Info Tech In Global Economy

Chapter Eight (8) According to Ligtvoet, van de Kaa, Fens, van Beers, Herder, and van den Hoven, (in press), full and comprehensive overview of all relevant components of a system increasingly continue to become difficult.  The authors assert that, the natural response to complex problems is to delve into details.  The suggestion is that an opposite move towards a more abstract approach will gain fruition. The authors have also used the development of smart meters in the Netherlands to illustrate this concept.  A more explicit focus on the values that play a role for different stakeholders avoids fruitless detours in the development of technologies.  These authors continue to argue that, policy-makers would do better by not only addressing functional requirements, but also taking individual and social values into consideration.

Q1: According to research by Ligtvoet et al. (in press), Chapter 8, there are five (5) most important value systems identified and are associated with, and play a major role in the development of smart meters.  Please name them, and briefly state their functions? what are those five (5) most important value systems identified and their functions? 

Chapter Nine (9) Stakeholder engagement in policy development: Observations and lessons from the international experience: Provides a starting point for a better understanding about how different approaches, tools, and technologies can support effective stakeholder participation in policy development processes.  In addition, we have seen how participatory policy-making involves stakeholders from various stages of the policy process and can focus on both the substance of the policy problem or on improving the tools and processes of policy development.  The chapter examined five (5) international cases of stakeholder engagement in policy development to explore two questions: (a) what types of engagement tools and processes are useful for different stakeholders and contexts? (b) what factors support the effective use of particular tools and technologies for constructive outcomes?  The cases address e-government strategic planning in a developing country, energy policy in a transitional economy, development of new technology and policy innovations in global trade, exploration of tools for policy-relevant evidence in early childhood decision-making, and the development of indicators for evaluating policy options in urban planning (pg 177; para3 abstract extract).

Q2: Chapter Nine (9) fig 9.1; illustrates Stakeholder Engagement in policy development.  From this illustration please identify and name the six (6) critical stages of the policy process, and provide a brief narrative of what happens at each stage? what are the six (6) most critical stages of the policy process?

Annotated Bibilography


Please find 5 research articles related to the topics discussed in Chapter 5. 

Topics could include:

  1. System dynamics
  2. Multi-actor systems modeling
  3. Complex adaptive systems modeling

or any other topic contained in the chapter.

After reading and finding the 5 research articles, create an annotated bibliography. The deliverable will be one MS Word file that you will submit here. Please make sure that there are at least 150 words per article, this does not include references or copies of the abstract or introduction, this must be what you come up with.