Category: Information Systems

Response 5-1 (DR)


Incident Reporting

Incidents occur in everyone’s life that affects the normal way of living. Incidents in business organizations cause many problems. They also lead to disruption in business operations. Some of the incidences that occur in the workplace are system crash, hardware crash, data loss, cyber-attacks, employee mistakes, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and others that affect business operations and its productivity.  Incidents may occur anytime and cause huge effects. Business organizations have a team called an incident management team that is responsible to deal with such incidences and prevent losses to the organization. They continuously monitor the systems and network, hardware equipment and ensure the security of data. Some organizations take the help of third party incident handlers and agree with them.  The incident management team has all access to confidential data of the organization. They research the organization; they find the risk and vulnerabilities to the organization by communicating with all the users, staff, suppliers, dealers and other members of the organization to identify every related risk. They document every risk and vulnerabilities according to priority and they prepare an incident response plan.

The incident response plan will help the team to resolve the issues before the risks create problems. They raise tickets when they find any threat to the organization’s data.  These risks and solutions applied to solve the issue are documented along with the results so that it can be reviewed later in the future.  End users can be anyone who uses the services of an organization or who uses data of the organization. End-users of an organization are employees, customers, suppliers, dealers, vendors, and other business partners. 

They play a very important role during the incident response plan creation because they are the person who faces problems. They should report the issues they face to the incident management team either through email communication or by raising any ticket online.


ManageEngine. (2018, July 18). ITIL incident management workflows, best practices, roles, and KPIs – A definitive guide. Retrieved from

Web Design


In this assignment, you will continue to build on the skills of providing Web page content and structure with HTML and Web page style and layout using CSS. Design and develop an intermediate-level Web page consisting of valid HTML content that includes semantic elements, images, and tables. Follow these steps:

Use Visual Studio to create a New Web Site. Select the ASP.NET Empty Web Site template to create the Web site. Use the File System Web location to create the Web site at the selected location and give the Web site an appropriate name.

Create a static Web page that includes the basic structure of a valid HTML (not XHTML) document and a CSS file.

Make sure to include

  • the language attribute of the html element and
  • the character set attribute of the metadata element.

Name the Web page Unit3.html
Link to the Unit3.css file used to style and layout the Web page.

  • Assign Unit 3 IP to the title.
  • Structure the Web page using the HTML semantic elements 
    • header
    • section
    • footer

Within the structure of the Web page add other HTML elements including at least:

  • one level-one heading for the page in the header
  • navigation in the header that includes a 
    • one level-two heading for a table of contents in the header
    • list of at least three placeholders that
    • navigate to the paragraphs in the section
    • implement accessibility guidelines
  • one level-three heading for the section
  • three paragraphs in the section
  • beginning of each paragraph is an anchor or ID
  • additional text to lengthen the document
  • three paragraphs in the section, one after each content paragraph, these will contain a link that navigates back to the table of contents
  • one figure element in the section to display 
    • Image that implements accessibility guidelines
    • Copy the image file to the Web site folder.
    • Submit the image file along with the document.
    • figure caption
  • figure element in the section to display 
    • figure caption
    • table with
    • table header
    • table body
    • at least three table rows
    • at least three table data
    • table footer that spans three columns
  • Use of any inline elements should follow current standards
  • No style should be applied
  • Validate the HTML in the Web page.

Develop an external CSS to provide style, presentation, and layout to the HTML document.

  • Select Website > Add New Item from the menu and select Style Sheet from Add New Item dialog box. Name the style sheet Unit3.css.
  • Link the CSS file to the HTML document.

Add style rules to Unit3.css to accomplish the following:

  • In the following order, use the Calibri font, Arial font, or any available sans-serif font for the text.
  • Set the font size for the body to 85% of the browsers default font size.
  • Set the width of the window to display the document to 950.
  • Center the text in the header.
  • Set the font size for the level-one heading in the header to two and one-half times the browsers default font size.
  • Set the font size for the level-two heading in the header and the level-one heading in the section to one and three-quarter times the browsers default font size.
  • Set the text to undecorated and one and one-quarter times the browsers default font size when the user hovers over or focuses on the links in the table of contents.
  • Set the width of figures to 300.
  • Display figures on the right with the paragraph text flowing to the left of the figures.
  • Set the margin for figures to the equivalent of one capital M on all sides.
  • Set the padding for figures to the equivalent of one capital M on all sides.
  • Display a one pixel black border to the left of figures.
  • Bold the text of figure captions.
  • Set the size of the font of figure captions to one and one-quarter times the browsers default font size.
  • Center the text of figure captions.
  • Clear the float of the figures in the paragraphs that return the user to the table of contents.
  • Center the text of the paragraphs that return the user to the table of contents.
  • Display the footer in the center of the page.
  • Display a one pixel black border around the table, all table data and table headers.
  • Center the text in the table footer.
  • Bold the text in the table footer.

Validate the CSS style rules.


This exercise involves you working with a dataset of your choosing. Visit the website, browse through the options and find a dataset of interest, then follow the simple instructions to download it. With acquisition completed, work through the remaining key steps of examining, transforming and exploring your data to develop a robust familiarisation with its potential offering:

Examination: Thoroughly examine the physical properties (type, size, condition) of your dataset, noting down useful observations or descriptions where relevant.

Transformation: What could you do/would you need to do to clean or modify the existing data to create new values to work with? What other data could you imagine would be valuable to consolidate the existing data?

Exploration: Using a tool of your choice (such as Excel, Tableau, R) to visually explore the dataset in order to deepen your appreciation of the physical properties and their discoverable qualities (insights) to help you cement your understanding of their respective value. If you dont have scope or time to use a tool, use your imagination to consider what angles of analysis you might explore if you had the opportunity? What piques your interest about this subject?

(You can, of course, repeat this exercise on any subject and any dataset of your choice, not just those on Kaggle.)

Need A Good Reliable Worker And Writer. Who Knows How To Write Good Essays And Free Of Plagiarism?


Do not just answer the questions. This is a graduate course and you should be able to explain the logic behind your answer and point to a credible source to support your position. You are expected to spend at least 3 to 4 hours studying the questions, finding and studying good sources, and understanding the nature of the answers and at least an additional 3 to 4 hours answering these questions and polishing your writing so the answers are compelling. Invest your time wisely, giving more time to the complex answers in order to ensure that you demonstrate that you truly understand the answer. Typical assignment submissions should be roughly 3,000 word in length. Shorter compelling answers are fine. Answers with needless filler will be marked down. Must be done in APA format.


Essay Questions. 

1. Discuss in detail why an organization must analyze the need for applications and justify it in terms of cost and benefits.

2. Discuss in detail how economists measure productivity. Also discuss concepts behind labor productivity, the productivity paradox and explanations of the apparent productivity paradox.   

3. Discuss in detail traditional financial methods used to evaluate investment decisions including present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period including scenarios when one over the other would be more appropriate. 

4. Select an IT-going green initiative and describe in detail how you would build the business case to justify such an investment. List some metrics for the justification. 

Discussionss And Replies Needed

After reading the attached Lecture Notes, come up with your own example that illustrates the difference between data and information, and how the data in your example can be transformed into information.

Please Note:
ou are required to post a well-researched discussion. So you are required to give at least one reference. However, you are required to provide a reference which relevant to the subject matter that is “data vs. Information.”  References that do not relate to the subject will not be considered as fulfilling the requirement.

You are also supposed to give actual examples of the data and how it is converted into information. For example 1, 2, 4 are data but they could be hours to complete certain experiments or number of lanes in certain highways,

I will be expecting two documents, one for the initial post and one for the replies. See attached for the replies needed

Due on Feb 7th.

Store Values In An Array



Write a program and flowchart. The program should store the ages of  six of your friends in an array. Store each of the six ages using the  assignment operator. Print the ages on-screen using a “for” loop.

Here is what the output looks like.

Discussion Board 13

Pick one of the tests described in the text and how it would be important for your line of work. 

Standalone Testing

Walk-Through Testing

Integrated System Testing

Table-Top Exercises

Simulation Exercises

PH.D Interview Questions

Few more details for below questions to answer correclty about myself

1) Pursuing Master’s information systems security in university of cumberlands


2) Completed Master’s in information technology management from campbellsville university

3) Completed Master’s in Computer Science from Northwestern polytechnic university

4) Completed Undergraduate in computer science & engineering 


Academic Carrier 

1) Bachelor’s in computer Science Technology ( Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad)
















2) Master’s in Computer Science ( Northwestern Polytechnic University,Fremont,CA, USA)

Subjects: Data Modeling and Implementation Techniques, Java and Internet Applications, Advanced Structured Programming and Algorithms, UNIX/Linux Network Programming 

Network Analysis & Testing, Network Security i’undamentals and Computer Science Capstone Course 

3) Master’s in Information Technology Management (Campbellsville University, Louisville,KY,USA)


Project Management,

Information System Infrastructure,Management Information Systems,Information System Security,

Team Management,

Negotiation and Conflict Mgt.

Current & Emerging Technology,

Disaster Recovery Planning,

Cyberlaw, Regulations, & Compliance, ITM Capstone

Presently Pursuing Subjects( University of cumberlands masters in Information Systems Security):

1) Access Control

2) Telecom Network Security

Current Job: Lead Software Engineer (Qlik)

Doctoral candidates should provide an authentic personal statement to each of the five following questions/prompts reflecting on their own personal interest. In the event that any outside resources are used, resources should be cited in APA format. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt. It is best to response to each prompt/question individually for clarity of the reviewer. Writing sample should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and include candidates name.


  1. Tell us about yourself and your personal journey that has led you to University of the Cumberlands.
  2. What are your research interests in the area of information technology? How did you become interested in this area of research?
  3. What is your current job/career and how will this program impact your career growth? 
  4. What unique qualities do you think you have that will help you in being successful in this program?
  5. How can obtaining a doctorate impact your contribution to the practices of information technology? Where do you see yourself after obtaining a doctorate from UC?

Discussion Board

What are the issues and root causes that necessitates the enactment and/or establishment of Federal, state and local government laws, and the establishment of regulations and policies for access control? Cite such laws, regulations and policies in your particular state.

Discussion Question requirement: Note that the requirement is to post your initial response no later than Thursday and you must post one additional during the week (Sunday). I recommend your initial posting to be between 200-to-300 words. The replies to fellow students and to the professor should range between 100-to-150 words. All initial posts must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and scholarly reference.

Subject – Infotech In A Global Economy – PHD

Chapter 7, A Comparative Analysis of Tools and Technologies for Policy Making

Chapter 7 presents a comparative analysis of various tools useful in policy making. Select two tools described in chapter 7 from different categories, and explain how these tools could be used to develop policy for optimizing bus and local train schedules to minimize energy use and passenger wait times in a SmartCity environment.  

APA-compliant references and corresponding in-text citations & check Plagiarism.
Note : need 2 pages answer, reference can’t be counted /included in it.