Category: Information Systems



The project presentation should demonstrate knowledge in the chosen area. The presentation should be formatted as follows:

Apply a Design theme

Use APA style correctly throughout the presentation

Use correct grammar and punctuation

Format correctly and consistently

Include a cover slide, introduction slide at the beginning of the presentation, a conclusion slide at the end of the presentation, and a reference slide using APA format at the end of the presentation.

Number all slides beginning with the cover slide as page 1

Utilize 10 references from scholarly sourcesdo NOT use Wikipedia or Patents (one source can be the textbook)

Cite references within the presentation using correct APA format

Include a minimum of 16 slides which will include the cover and reference slides

Include at least one figure or one table in the presentation and format in APA style

Highlight your knowledge of technology by including transition and animation

Note- Topic is  IT security

PH.D Interview


Few more details for below questions to answer correclty about myself

1) Pursuing Master’s information systems security in university of cumberlands

2) Completed Master’s in information technology management from campbellsville university

3) Completed Master’s in Computer Science from Northwestern polytechnic university

4) Completed Undergraduate in computer science & engineering 

Academic Carrier 

1) Bachelor’s in computer Science Technology ( Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad)
















2) Master’s in Computer Science ( Northwestern Polytechnic University,Fremont,CA, USA)

Subjects: Data Modeling and Implementation Techniques, Java and Internet Applications, Advanced Structured Programming and Algorithms, UNIX/Linux Network Programming 

Network Analysis & Testing, Network Security i’undamentals and Computer Science Capstone Course 

3) Master’s in Information Technology Management (Campbellsville University, Louisville,KY,USA)


Project Management,

Information System Infrastructure,Management Information Systems,Information System Security,

Team Management,

Negotiation and Conflict Mgt.

Current & Emerging Technology,

Disaster Recovery Planning,

Cyberlaw, Regulations, & Compliance, ITM Capstone

Presently Pursuing Subjects( University of cumberlands masters in Information Systems Security):

1) Access Control

2) Telecom Network Security

Current Job: Lead Software Engineer (Qlik)

Doctoral candidates should provide an authentic personal statement to each of the five following questions/prompts reflecting on their own personal interest. In the event that any outside resources are used, resources should be cited in APA format. Submissions should be a maximum of 500 words or 125 words per question/prompt. It is best to response to each prompt/question individually for clarity of the reviewer. Writing sample should be submitted in Microsoft Word format and include candidates name.


  1. Tell us about yourself and your personal journey that has led you to University of the Cumberlands.
  2. What are your research interests in the area of information technology? How did you become interested in this area of research?
  3. What is your current job/career and how will this program impact your career growth? 
  4. What unique qualities do you think you have that will help you in being successful in this program?
  5. How can obtaining a doctorate impact your contribution to the practices of information technology? Where do you see yourself after obtaining a doctorate from UC?

Discussion Paper4 – (Course: Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery Planning)

 Course: Business Continuity Planning & Disaster Recovery Planning

Due Date 3 days


Post: Compose and submit well-written paragraphs that contain a minimum of 200 words, which address the following: 


Work  Area Recovery Plan is a vital plan that establishes an adequate  environment for people to work in the event of a disruptive  incident.  Discuss the challenges that organizations without proper Work Area  Recovery Plan may face when disruptive events arise.

What are the benefits of performing Pandemic risk assessment in an organization?

The post should include adequate citations and references that adhere strictly to the APA format.

Reading –  Chapters nine and ten of the following text: Wallace, M., & Webber, L. (2018). The  disaster recovery handbook: a step-by-step plan to ensure business  continuity and protect vital operations, facilities, and assets. New York, NY: AMACOM. ISBN-13: 978-0814438763 

“APA Format”

The recommended standard writing style for the school, and this   course is the American Psychological Association (APA) format. Refer to   the following link for more information on how to use of APA style:  

Other resources include the School Library and the Purdue OWL APA resource, available in the following link: 


Plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the   internet into assignments without properly citing the source of the   material.

Academic Integrity:

At a Christian liberal arts university committed to the pursuit of   truth and understanding, any act of academic dishonesty is especially   distressing and cannot be tolerated. In general, academic dishonesty   involves the abuse and misuse of information or people to gain an   undeserved academic advantage or evaluation. The common forms of   academic dishonesty include:

  • Cheating using deception in the taking of tests or the   preparation of written work, using unauthorized materials, copying   another persons work with or without consent, or assisting another in   such activities.
  • Lying falsifying, fabricating, or forging information in either written, spoken, or video presentations.
  • Plagiarism Using the published writings, data, interpretations, or ideas of another without proper documentation.

Episodes of academic dishonesty are reported to the Vice President   for Academic Affairs. The potential penalty for   academic dishonesty   includes a failing grade on a particular assignment, a failing grade  for  the entire course, or charges   against the student with the   appropriate disciplinary body.


We have covered four of the five states of the process.


Collect Data

Clean Data

Analyze Data

Create a fictional scenario in a work setting. Describe the scenario, the problem you need to solve, and what data you need to collect. Based on the problem and the data you collect, what statistical analysis method is best suited to find the solution? Why?

Reply BCP

reply to these posts between 150-200 words 


The BCP – Business Continuity Plan has a wide range of disaster where 75% of the businesses which are claimed and lost their businesses did not has any disaster recovery plan. If you are running a small business then you know when and where the disaster will happen and you can fall back or stop spending in the business. There are over 25% of the businesses which are closed due to major disaster has never reopened.

These are different Business Continuity Plan’s,
Defining Your Team Clearing: The first thing the employees of the organization want to know who will be in charge at the time if disaster situations. At this time if we are creating a team on the business continuity team would help the company and have the answers for the important questions which may come under disaster and we can counter those questions are we can help the company by falling under disaster node. This team will be in charge of planning and testing throughout the year such that there will be no major disaster and keep the plan up to date.

Meticulous Planning is Essential: If we are planning three steps ahead of any situation any given time will help us to keep ahead and away in a disaster situation rather than trying to figure out the needs that may need at the time of unfolding disaster situation. 

Testing Effectively: As we are in planning mode we need to have the testing plan at work as well and on a regular basis we need to test all the plans. Any of the planned plans is out of date then that plan needs to be replanned or else it may cause confusion at the time of disaster where it actually strikes.

Crisis COmmunications: In crisis communications, the effective means of communications with all the employees during any disaster is very much important. Crating a toolkit that has a wide range of all the important communications channels plans like telecommunications, intranet, emails, etc can be useful at the time of disaster. Having this kind of toolkit handy will be more useful at the time of disaster and it will be in handy too and can be used at the right time.

Employees Safty is Key: There is nothing more important than keeping the employees safe in any disaster situation. Any disaster situation reaching out to the disaster management companies like FEMA is a good way to give yourself and the team with the emergency response training to help to understand and do as instructed.

Accessing Business Resources: Keeping the staff of your company productive at the time of disaster is a very good move for protecting the data. The other way is establishing remote computer networks which will allow you to save the data at the time disaster is a good move. Working with any IT professionals at the time of disaster to keep the mobile network secured and which is also fast while saving your own data.

Continuous IT Operations: The other way is to have backups on offsite which were the data is backed up continuously and it will help a lot at the time of disaster. Many of the companies in the market has avoided losing the data where the market was hit by ransomware, what they did was they have stored their data offsite and had many backup plans and recovery plans.

Risks and Impacts: All the business continuity plans identify the internal and external risks of the organizations. This can also include major events as well such as hurricane, fire or floods, frauds, failures in telecommunications, etc. The plan includes the assessments of the risks levels of all the disasters also estimating the consequences of each individual disaster.

Duties and Priorities: Any clear commands in the disaster are a good way structured duty. Prioritizing peoples are very much critical at the time of disaster which may also include property damages etc. The plan identifies the key employees who must be in the operational stats from the day of their joining in the organization to help the consumers/ organizations etc.


Business Continuity Planning consists of seven key elements as described below.

Establish a Planning Committee: It varies as per the team size, but its more effective adding the veterinarians, managers, and supervisors into the planning meeting.

Conduct a Business Impact Analysis: A business impact analysis (BIA) supports the entire business continuity process. It is a process used to identify, quantify, and qualify the impact of a loss, interruption, or disruption. A BIA identifies mission-critical activities and the time frame within which they must be recovered. Explore all the risks that your practice is exposed to and the possible major disruptions that could occur.

And dont forget about your suppliers. Could you still operate if your top vendors closed due to a disaster? Consider the actions needed for your practice to remain operational. Plan alternatives for your critical supplier dependencies.

Mitigate Risk: After the BIA, the practice should mitigate risks that threaten the health and safety of people, operations, patients, company assets, or the environment by reducing the risk to an acceptable level

Establish Business Continuity Strategies: This establishes the strategies for alternate practices to work at temporarily, mutual aid agreements with animal shelters, practices to take patients, cross trainings.

Develop Your Plan: Record everything in the BIA process and develop a plan for disasters and emergencies. At a minimum, the plan should include goals and objectivies, risk mitigation plans, supplier vendor readiness, plan maintenance etc.

Implement and Train: Performs the training for employees with key roles and assignments in the business continuity, disaster recovery and incident response processes.

Test the Plan: Testing is the common name taken to elaborate the crucial process of exercising strategies and plans, practicing with coworkers, testing the cross systems to demonstrate the business continuity.

Wk 3 – Risk And Threat Assessment Report

Assignment Content

  1.    Your Smallville client has asked Gail Industries to investigate the exposure to external users doing transactions over the internet. As the Gail Industries IT manager, you must prepare the report for the executive leadership. Write as if to the client.

    Review the .

    Analyze risks and threats associated with operating systems, networks, and database systems.

    Write a 4- to 5-page report for the top management, including a 1-page executive summary. Include the following in your BUSINESS report:

    • Risk and threats associated with conducting transactions over the internet
    • Threats related to operating systems, networks, and system software
    • Risk related to different database deployment models in a distributed environment
    • Please note that all assignments are required to have a minimum of 3 references with in-text citations. If you are unsure of what is required, please ask well in advance. Use APA format guidelines.

      Note: You will address risk mitigation and provide recommendations in Week 4.

Submissions Should Be A Maximum Of 500 Words Or 125 Words Per Question/Prompt

Tell us about yourself and your personal journey that has led you to University of the Cumberlands.

What are your research interests in the area of information technology? How did you become interested in this area of research?

What is your current job/career and how will this program impact your career growth? 

What unique qualities do you think you have that will help you in being successful in this program?

How can obtaining a doctorate impact your contribution to the practices of information technology? Where do you see yourself after obtaining a doctorate from UC?

Wk 2 – Audit Objectives And Techniques

Assignment Content

  1.    Your Smallville client has asked you to gather details to meet IT audit requirements to determine whether IT services meet the organizations objectives. Prepare a report for your Smallville client on IT audit objectives, risk assessment, and what help you may need from them to complete this task. Write or present as if to the client.

    Review the .

    Write a 3- to 4-page report or create a 12- to 16-slide media-rich presentation with speaker notes in which you:

    • Describe the reasons it is important to conduct periodic reviews of information systems to determine whether they continue to meet the organizations objectives.
    • Discuss the importance of the organizations policies and practices as they relate to information systems and IT infrastructure.
    • Identify strategic and operational objectives for planning for the audit.
    • Evaluate different risk assessments techniques and monitoring tools to consider during an audit process.
    • Note: You are preparing for a systems audit, not a financial audit. Frame your analysis around the systems, not the accounting or finance aspects directly.

      Please note that all assignments are required to have a minimum of 3 references with in-text citations. If you are unsure of what is required, please ask well in advance. Use APA guidelines.

IT Management Executive Brief


Assignment Content

  1.    Imagine you are an IT manager at a small retail organization that has a new owner. The new owner is from another industry and has expressed a lack of understanding of some of the controls and processes important to IT management and governance. You must help the new owner with understanding these important concepts.  

    Write a 2- to 4-page executive brief that details the following:

    • How the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act has affected IT governance, including the major provisions of the act and how this might affect IT, and how IT might assist in compliance
    • How IT policies, standards and procedures can be used to determine if the enterprise is in compliance and support the IT strategy
    • How Quality Management Systems (QMS) are important in assuring quality processes are in place
    • How IT management and monitoring of controls can be used to asses IT performance
    • Format your document according to APA guidelines.

Database Modeling And Normalization


Imagine that you work for a consulting firm that offers information technology and database services. Part of its core services is to optimize and offer streamlined solutions for efficiency. In this scenario, your firm has been awarded a contract to implement a new personnel system for a government agency. This government agency has requested an optimized data repository for its system which will enable the management staff to perform essential human resources (HR) duties along with the capability to produce ad hoc reporting features for various departments. They look forward to holding data that will allow them to perform HR core functions such as hiring, promotions, policy enforcement, benefits management, and training.

Using this scenario, write a 34 page paper in which you:

  • Determine the steps in the development of an effective Entity Relationship Model (ERM) Diagram and determine the possible iterative steps/factors that one must consider in this process with consideration of the HR core functions and responsibilities of the client.
  • Analyze the risks that can occur if any of the developmental or iterative steps of creating an ERM Diagram are not performed.
  • Select and rank at least 5 entities that would be required for the development of the data repositories.
  • Specify the components that would be required to hold time-variant data for policy enforcement and training management.
  • Diagram a possible 1:M solution that will hold salary history data, job history, and training history for each employee through the use of graphical tools. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
  • Plan each step of the normalization process to ensure the 3NF level of normalization using the selected 5 entities of the personnel database solution. Document each step of the process and justify your assumptions in the process.
  • Diagram at least 5 possible entities that will be required to sustain a personnel solution. The diagram should include the following:
    • Dependency diagrams.
    • Multivalued dependencies.
    • Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Paper should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (12-point), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Include charts or diagrams created in a drawing tool with which you are familiar. The completed diagrams or charts must be imported into the Word document before the paper is submitted.